Make Equestria Great Again 🤪🤪😩😩

1  2018-11-04 by Tobans


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You are far more sentient than I. I commend you, Snappy.

Libtard bot


It lives

There's no way this bot isn't context sensitive.

holy shit

Anyone else think Taylor Swift's ass is p flat?

Ye she p thicc tbh fam

It's really not fair that it's a crime to knock his fucking teeth out.

This is a no-violence sub

Non violently practice non consensual dentistry?

The republican tent is big enough to accommodate racist brony fags.

It's not racist if you're 56%

Have we given bronies a pass because there's too much other autism averting our gaze?

The trouble is, most of these autists are the same: weebs, alt-history gaymers, bronies, they're all bred from the same mayo stock.

Whats wrong with alternative history? Do you mean like Turtledove books?

Dude it was a joke. I post in r/Kaiserreich every once in a while.

wow u got defensive real quick

Do you have a problem with alternative history?

Dude it was a joke. I post in /r/paradoxplaza every once in a while.

wow u got defensive real quick

Do you have a problem with paradox games?

No, it was just a joke, I play them all the time.

Gamers raus

Don't even fucking get me started. The business model built on spewing out DLCs whether they improve the game or not, the heavy-handed Swedish ethnocentrism without a hint of self-awareness, the UI that's as easy to use as castrating yourself with a can opener while blindfolded, or just the fact that their games are horribly unbalanced and broken...

Sorry, I guess that was turning into a run-on sentence so I better quit.


Lol what a loser

Glory Be to the Kaiser

Dude it was a joke. I write fan continuations of Harry Turtledove books every once in a while.

Lol what a loser


Does that mean they will hopefully die out within 1 generation because of the lack of breeding.?


Afraid not. It breeds like a virus in the delicate minds of these fedoras. They spread it on origami bulletin boards to other vulnerable autists.

Because most of drama are closeted bronies and trans pegasisters. They dont like a mirror held up to them


Brony drama is so like, 2012.

furries are the new bronies

the fuck? furries are the old bronies. Are you 12?

"Furries have reclaimed the top drama spot from bronies" is what I assumed he meant, if he remembers the internet before 2010 at all.

Furries are proto-ponyfags, ponyfaggotry is just a subset of furfaggotry.

Nah furries hate bronies

you can be an outcast subset, just look at the brony -> fluffy shitstorm

Who do fluffyfags look down on tho

primo autismo, they are rock bottom

Mfw i realize the right has its own set of spastic degenerates

You are just figuring this out?

You're probably one of them if you're just now noticing.

no u


Huh? They're 90% spastic degenerates. Economic anxiety, pizzagate, 2A... it's autism all the way down.

Is autism really a real condition if it's prevalent in 45% of the population? #TismGate

I said it once and I'll say it again: Real men don't watch My Little Pony. That goes for this cousin-fucking inbred hick.

Never seen a episode and from the fan base, one I've met at school. They're neckbeards without a good passion. At least IT/CS neckbeards can fix yo PC after you threw that bitch at a wall. Pony neckbeards can only fuck ponies.

The problem is that it’s a genuinely good show, but with such a bizarre media to follow the fanbase surrounding it is ridiculed for being a bunch of fucking weirdos, only radicalizing them to become even more of fucking weirdos. It’s a never ending loop of becoming more of a fucking weirdo

The problem is that it’s a genuinely good show


Cry more virgin lmao

Using reactions you got from an /a/ thread is kinda proof you’re a total virgin with no social life so I’ve already kinda won here haha

TIL using normie-tier memes are for virgins and losers. k.

You’re one regardless

I've watched it with my 7 year old and it is surprisingly good. It's not Steven Universe tier, but still a good show to watch with your kids

with your kids and not with a fucking waifu pillow

What if your waifu pillow is a kid tho ?

FBI open up

This is the land of the freeeeeeeee !

The lolice has no power here !

Yes officer, that one right there.

watching literal children’s cartoons and convincing yourself that you’re not retarded


He specified he watched it with his legally owned 7 yr old.

He never said shit about legality

laws are slavery which is illegal, the free market is the only just law.

Yasssss! Another SovCit in the wild!


Who is totally not tied up in his basement.

Found the Rick and Morty fan.


To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to enjoy the subtle nuances of Equines of Small Stature.

Real men don't watch My Little Pony

That’s a hot take there, friend.

It's true though.

You’re both as far from manly as possible with views like that kek

This ain't it chief

Nah this is it cadet

Oh really? What is unmanly about picking on nerds and total fags on the internet? Huh?

I wasn’t picking on you though

Children arent manly, and youre acting like a child, probably because you are one.

"Ur immature" -some guy that watches a show made for little girls.

You can make a better comeback than that right? Come on mr chad lay it on me! Dont get so caught up you forget to do your homework tho

Dont get so caught up picking on incels that you forget to do your homework tho

But picking on incels is a great internet past time.

Please let then watch. It can legitimately be used against any of these fools if they run for something.

“Do you want a brony governing your kid’s future?!”

We can agree fuck no.

Melt all ponies into glue.

He looks like he has two extra chromosomes

Eh, he looks fine. I'd keep him as a side piece.

La Creatura

this but unironically

El atrocidad.

El Goblino

El Luz Extinguido

You could probably fry an egg after rubbing the pan on this guy's face.

You know, the whole beating up republican the antifa have might not be such a bad idea, now that I think.

Never was


Imagine this dude calling someone an NPC hahahaha

You know he does behind the safety of his Razer RGB Pro Gaming keyboard

He looks like Mark Wahlbergs autistic son

Why hasn't the USA implemented the requirement for degrees for eligible voters?

IMO voting should require a special license only attainable at one or two centers in the states largest metropolitan areas easily accessible by bus and subway but totally cut off to access by car.

Nice username

This is just de facto discrimination against mayos!

'cause education is for god-hatin' librul fags


Stuffed toys count!

Wtf I hate daddy now

The Chad we need but don't deserve

FAKE NEWS. This is a photo from the casting call of Deliverance (2019).

unsubs from T_D for good

If you ever unironically subbed to t_d you're too far gone already.

I'm just a simple man. Farming the drama however I can.

If there ever was an Equestria, these bronies would ruin it quickly. I know I'm supposed to be for love and tolerance, but these people are the exact opposite.

God left this one in the oven for a few extra hours

Seems like both the cause and solution.

Don't blame this one on Allah.

Should put him back in

How does someone make an awkward A Okay hand sign? It's like he read about communicating with people in a book and this is his first time putting it into practise.

you just described autism

MLP freaks please remove yourselves from the gene pool.

/mlpol/ was a mistake.

I watch My Little Pony with my daughter and I can tell you Pinkie Pie is the wrong pony for a Trump rally.

Applejack tho

Maybe, I mean she really hated those fruit bats.

Make Autism Great Again.

Younger version of this

Im so angry because I have that sameish shirt but I wear it ironically.

Good times make weak men.