They targeted gamers.

1  2018-11-04 by ImJustaBagofHammers


This is why we need mayocide.


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God damn.


Holy shit this is so true and I am so hyped from it I feel like I need to follow you under some sort of banner. I will never buy BFV because the developer insulted their hard-core pre-order followers. I have not played Diablo but I stand by the fans and condemn the devs. I know what it's like to have franchises fucked over and to be spat in the face as a customer. We didn't give a fuck in the early days when being a nerd was to be laughed at. Now it's cool and the bandwagon is full the suits think they can piss on their loyal customers. I'm glad of the backlash and fully support other gamers who will not stand for this bullshit.

Not sure if copypasta or serious ๐Ÿ˜•


YIKES at least 23 years of incel rage building - can we report this b4 its too late? ๐Ÿค•๐Ÿค•๐Ÿค•

"who cares if it isn't historically accurate"

oh, jeez I don't know, maybe all those men that died at the frontlines, perhaps? Doubtful the men who died in the front lines of any war care about the historical accuracy in video games

"Well, I was most upset over dying horribly from mustard gas but then I heard some childrens toy had broads in it and that really tangled my knickers!"

us gamers

Every once in a while I see something retarded on rightoid reddit that floors me not just because the position expressed is retarded, but because of how hard they walk into the meme.

As much as I hate saying this that 4chan greentext is somewhat accurate.

Gamers need to be on a list. Itโ€™s terrifying to think that my neighbor could be a gamer and Iโ€™d never even know until itโ€™s too late