Pyewdeepee collabs with Ben Sharpie in a recent video. Another youtuber says he no like Benny Boy on twitter and his spergscribers split into pro-Ben and anti-Ben camps

1  2018-11-05 by Momruepari


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Ben Shapiro did a meme show for a guy who literally calls his fanbase the "9 yr old army"

Shapiro IS the meme. It makes kids laugh. Just let the children have fun.

Ben shapiro has lots of fun with children

You would know

Yeah, he caught me at the park playing in the sand 10 years ago, called me a libtard and then shoved his finger up my anus and told me its okey because his wife is a doctor

At least you had fun

Fuck I wish I were you

Keep going dude, I'm almost there

I wear human skin literally but also ironically

Mmmmh. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Letting kids laugh is transphobic

i'm more concerned when those children at 35 year old men who vote

"9 yr old army"

Holy fuck that is seriously a different level of cringe

You must not be aware of post-post-ironic Pewdiepie.

This is why I support T-Series

Something juicy is going to come from this, mark my words.

"You thought felix was a racist asshole, now watch him make an illiterate mentally challenged jewish boy do videos for him."

Nazi confirmed.

Ben would have been /our guy/, both MDEgenerates and Chapochuds hate him. It's just that he is too cringy.

Nobody is /our guy/

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His meme review segment was so cringy my liberal-conservative scale in my head got pushed to the far left side and now I'm a full on sjw twat. Thanks, shapiro, you fucking cunt.


redcoat spotted!

I'm russian lmao


Learning english through watching british minecraft letsplays did this to me

Hey it's better than paying $500 for Rosetta Stone or whatever they have in Russia

Chris Chan /our guy/

Her name is Christine

Not anymore he's back to Chris.

what a life he's having


Meme Review

Gas zoomers.

My friend told me he watches it and I made fun of him for it.

Okay, this is epic.

Oh look, a kiddie youtuber virtue-signalling to leech some viewers off another youtuber's controversy. And it's working, lmao. I bet he diddles kids as well, just look at that face. Yuck.


Why the fuck do people bring up trans rather than him being a climate change denier? oh we are possibly dooming ourselves by giving these fuckwits a platform but more importantly: TRANNIES.

Cos you can't virtue signal carbon dioxide out the atmosphere, I guess.

Does he deny climate change or humans impact foe climate chAnge?

both, though he doesn't call climate change a compeletr hoax like older and dumber radio hosts he repeats a lot of stuff over and over that's totallx untrue and there are few videos debunking his positions (potholer54 DESTROYS him with LOGIC and FACTS)

He's retarded either way.

Wow thats anti semitic loser.

I'm aggressively anti-manlet

Lol you must be a like 5โ€™10 fag. Whats it like to be below average? Of ur white that is

I'm 6'0" 12% bf 280lbs bench fite me irl


I bench 135 but i bet i could beat you in a race faggit.

T. Runner

Because trannies are the kings of the identity politics, where literally the most toxic people get to the top and dictate everything.

Identity politics has had a stranglehold on the left for at least 10 years now, this is just how it's going to be from now on.

Climate change denial, antivax, doesnt drink whiskey, I sleep.
Wont call a transwoman her, REAL SHIT.

Ever since Quentin stopped being a fat nerd, all his content has been shit


Its more that its a hit or miss nowadays. Most of his fallen titans or stuff he does with his friends (i.e. the ghost hunter parody or his new thinnening review) are still good, but most of his solo, video essay-esque stuff is meh at best, incredibly boring at worst.

I remember when he tried to dabble into politics like 1-2 years ago and it was a shitshow, I'm pretty sure he deleted those.

Apparently one of his videos was supposed to parody MauLer (a guy who did a 5 hour review of TLJ). Quentin hated him so much he did a satirical review shitting on Citizen Kane. The thing is no one knew what the hell he was doing but he released the video close to April Fools so everyone thought it was a joke.

Isnt mauler that one weirdo with the furry avatar who made a nearly 2 hour response to IHE's 15 minute TLJ review?

No that is Rags. MauLer is the weirdo that made a stream with Rags that lasted 12 hours responding to the 2 hour response to Rags' 1 hour response to IHE's 10 minute video.

Holy shit lmfao. How deep does this rabbit hole go

Holy Mary Mother of God do people still bitch about that fucking movie? It's literally been a fucking year.

Yep. It is the ground zero of many youtuber's video essay career.

video essays are the big gay

I've seen one or two of his videos. He absolutely is a fat nerd but he tries so goddamn hard to come off as a normal guy that its kinda funny to me

I love his reviews of the live action fairly odd parents stuff. But everything in 2018 has been hit or miss

I just think that when we ignore huge flaws in public figures to make connections, we're selling out to a cult of hatred. It's not worth it.

translation: oh my god why is his opinion different from mine?

Low energy OP, Quentin seemed to be acting pretty civil and the tweet itself didnโ€™t even get that much attention

tweet has 100+ replies and that's still not good enough?

I mean most of the other tweet responses are pretty civil too and not causing large subthreads. The only one there I could have seen cause actual drama was Internet Historian and he made the decision to stay silent on the matter.

Quentin Reviews is the quintessential "well I can't find anything else new to watch" YouTuber.

implying anyone takes Ben โ€œ5โ€™9 no welfare linesโ€ seriously


he 5'3"
