I am Patricia Marcoccia. I'm here to talk about my documentary "SHUT HIM DOWN: The Rise of Jordan Peterson" Ask Me Anything! • r/IAmA

1  2018-11-05 by maetrix


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Fresh Drama from a Canadian perspective; watch how fast the comment section gets modded

She’s a lobster herself apparently.

You mean her serotonin levels are affected by how she perceives herself in the local hierarchy of her surroundings, and vice versa?

It's already a firestorm of juicy questions, and it's only 10 minutes old.

So many fans of Jordan Peterson lmao. That dude is a whack job.

Why is he a whack job? I can only say if his info on psychology is correct ot not as that is my area of expertise. But in that area he is one of the most knowledgeable YouTubers. In other areas he may be weak.

Because they think he's a right wing guy. It's easier to write people off when you think they're crazy.

Yep, it's either this or "he's the dumb guy's smart guy" which just means, I think I don't like what he says, so here's a way to disparage him.

He advocates personal responsibility, and that makes the tanie NEETs of reddit sperg the fuck out.

His take into philosophy is weak

Not the dumbest guy but he doesnt deserve all the hype

How can you be weak in philosophy? You either understand it or you don't. You can't be so bad that you mislead people.

You can't be so bad that you mislead people as there is no truth in this field.

Fucking lol. The absolute state of burger education. Can't wait to see your comment about how Marx was completely wrong or something... despite there being "no truth in the field" he wrote in.

Marx is political science too and not just philosophy. Of course he is wrong in saying stuff like: worker conditions are getting worse every year. That is conclusively wrong and he should have known it. But you can't be wrong in for example staying that: I think poor people need to kill rich people. That's an opinion and not a fact. You are evil but not wrong if you say it.

Determining the value of "wrong" is a philosophical, not scientific question... you cant divine an objective measure of wrong from looking at the universe.

Legit how fucking dumb are you?

"I feel that orange is the best color"

How will you prove this wrong or correct?

just go read the wikipedia page for epistemology or philosophy of science, jesus christ my frontal lobe just went numb from the second hand fentanyl you must be shooting up to respond with such a retarded question.

Answer my question before you embarrass again: how do you know worker conditions aren't/weren't getting worse? Please operationalize the word "worse" in a scienitifically objective and completely uncontroversial manner.

I don't need to define it. Marx did.

Marx defined it using philosophy. Exploitation and alienation are inherently ethical and controversial concepts. To accept them as measurements of anything, you would need to accept their truth, and thus the truth of his philosophy.

But thats the exact same thing as evaluating colors right lmao

He was talking about things such as wages and unemployment. Things you can easily measure.

Yeah you're right, Marx just talked about wages and unemployment... he said nothing about the relationship between productive classes and the extraction of surplus value. It was because wages are low that capitalism will collapse...

Since I know this conversation isn't going to go anywhere: Why do you talk about things as though you understand anything about them? Like, where does this predisposition to make yourself look like an idiot come from?

It was because wages are low that capitalism will collapse...

Yes, correct. Low wages and lack of jobs.

"The absolute state of most people who hasnt had the opportunity and privilege to study philosophy or other matters mostly dedicated to the extremely well off"

Burguer education is bad but everyone here does the same mistake

The introduction to any legitimate philosophy book would dispell such a flagrantly retarded dismissal of the entire study.

Its willful stemlord ignorance and can be repaired with a 6 minute read of the wikipedia page on epistimology.

The introduction to any legitimate philosophy book

The introduction of any legitimate book about a subject that is not only not studied in any high schools but taught to be useless all around the world



Wow compelling argument there, bud.

fuck off back to whatever shithole subreddit you rapefugee'd from.


ah /r/conservative.

He actually is kind of important in psychology and has like 10k cites. Like not a legendary figure or anything but definitely respectable.

God i am literally giddy right now with anticipation of the shit show to come



This is a good one, didn't nobody tell her this was a lobster lair? Or is she purposely looking for controversy?

She’s a lobster herself my dude. Read it again.

Wtf does lobster mean in this context? Please help I am retard.

Thank you daddy

Oops, I'm retarded.

We understand.

Impressive lack of subtlety. Just flat out naming it "SHUT HIM DOWN" in all caps.

JP himself seems boring as fuck when he's not talking about his apple cider vinegar poisoning, but I gotta respect his ability to make people freak out.

And of course it's a foid making the documentary.

This is still early, but tons of people are posting in that thread not realizing the documentary isnt advocating for him to be shut down, but documenting people attempting to shut him down. Also, its a very neutral and objective documentary showing both sides of the debate. Although, i think the issue is the misleading title to the documentary and the fact you cant watch it right now in America. But i give it about an hour or two before tankie defense force (AKA r/cth) swoops in to shit all over the whole thing and it gets locked down. Bonus points if an r/askhistorian or r/philosophy mod gets top comment right before the lock.

Exactly, her youtube snippets and her article on why she made the film say the same thing you are saying. JP fans are already making themselves look retarded, I wonder when CTH and 'the sub which shall not be named' will join. I am getting my popcorn ready and buying some dramacoin because I know I will be rich.

What sub that shall not be named?

Probably KiA


I understand yours is the correct answer, but I still gotta upvote spacedicks. Sorry.

lmao, the real gold is in the sub-sub-sub-sub comments





I'm weirdly surprised that that subreddit is actually about Sardinia

clop clop

Yeah as much as the CTH guys complain about Peterson brigaders they are capable of brigading 10 times as hard.

I think it is a good bet that latestagecapitalism and chapo users will have most of the top comments by threads end and the lobsters get drowned out.

Well of course they will. One giant faggot cluster.

Lol why is that a bonus?

Everytime a jordan thread pops up outside of TD/KiA/CA ish subs, it ALWAYS gets locked and a r/askhistorian or r/philosophy mod always ends up the top stickied comment basically saying "jordan is stupid and everyone who disagrees is racist" or something similar. Im just testing out my ability to see the future.

Askhistorian mods being like that is new to me

And it is always the same philosophy mods regulars sperging about peterson, is not many either is just tme same usual suspects

all askhistorian mods are devote communists so a figure who speaks freely about the horrors of communism sparks ire from them in ways i dont have the time to write about.

Youre delusional lmfao

all askhistorian mods are devote communists

The absolute state of lobsters, lmao.

Where is this coming from? All I know about the sub is they fucking delete everything unless it is sourced a million times and several thousands of words long.

It is hard to get any answers on that sub because of their standards.

They used to be looser in the past, but they also used to have a ton of shit there in the past. Now a lot of really interesting questions get asked there, that are simply too complex or difficult to source appropriately according to academic standards.

I fucking hate browsing there. I see topics I would love to read about and I see a ton of comments for thread. I click to read and then find every single answer deleted. The whole sub is blue balls.

Imagine modding a history sub and being a communist.

Devout communists lol

You're just mad because they're honest about America's history in latin America

devout communists

They don't allow comments questioning the Holocaust, and that's about as communist as they get.

askhistorian mods are shit and dont actually care about history or sources

The only information avalable it the wider public is the title.

'Befuddled mess' is how I'd describe that AMA. Bodes well for that documentary if they can't structure a 300 word post.

Why would you advertise your documentary when its only available in mooseland on a site dominated by burgers and when they ask questions you tell them to watch it which they cant..

Why wouldn't you advertise? Get people thinking about it early, stir up controversy and drive up sales. She took a note from Memerson.

implying JP fans would jump to a radical conclusion based on little evidence

come on dude what are the odds of that

Can't watch the video due to a lack of maple syrup in my blood.

You're not missing much; tried to watch it last night but it was more partisan than Michael Moore and had to walkway

I watched the CBC coverage of the US election, and it made MSNBC look like a Fox opinion piece.

really? I thought it was pretty damn objective. It shows both sides, but obviously there is a slight lean to JBP's side.

Imagine thinking you can take Dr. Mr. Jordan Memerson


Fuck you op

Awww did you forget how the address bar works?

np links are a bannable offense in this sub

What should I do for pennance then? Read 5 threads on 2x? Upvote r/LateStageCapitalism?


Gah, I feel dirty already...

Post Bussy

You can serve your sentence

Stop posting np links probably.

I am a bit out of the rock on this, when did this become bannable and why?

maybe a year? idk

lol I can't believe they really banned OP. it's more of a joke. unless someone keeps linking np

But whats the point?

to discourage np links, obviously :)

aaaa I get that but why np links are bad? Cause you cant participate and /r/drama love to?

I forgot, tbh

probably something like this fake experiment ("fake" as in: it never happened. but a lot of popsci and self-help books pretend it did)

Ahh I see. Thank you trilateral1 san

NP is retarded and has never been a rule by admins. We also sabotage people that do it on this sub. Try reading Drama in NP for yourself to see.

It also doesn't stop people at all.

I dont even know how to link using np. Guess my autism is not as high as I expected

Replace www with np

I never really got the point of np, they don't actually even disable upvoting/downvoting or commenting. It's so weird. If those functions were disabled it might serve a slight purpose.

They don't disable it because it is a CSS hack. It was never an actual function of the site. Powermods across the site pushed this nonsense for no good reason and admins have never endorsed it nor is it a rule.

They do ban people but usually it's a short term ban

dont worry, its just a short term ban.

Good luck trying to act that sarcastic when you come back.

I love the irony of lobstercels blindly downvoting this because they just assume it's critical of daddy Kermit.
Very juicy, good find OP.

I really wish Peterson was slightly less fucking retarded, it's fun watching "the left" freak out about him. Unfortunately since he's made clear that he's just a cranky mega religious Boomer, no one cares anymore. Sad really.

LOL I hated Peterson at first and assumed he was some reactionary new right figure without really knowing much about him, just because of the kinds of people that tended to be attracted to him. It was an erroneous assumption. Some of the stuff he says is crazy, some of its sensible, he can be quite centrist, he's pretty weird all said and I hardly hate him.

A bunch of Peterson fans knee-jerk reacting and assuming something is insulting their dear leader is hilarious.

Holy shit that AMA is garbage. Almost every single one of her responses can be summed up as "go watch my film".

Thats because everyone assumes the worst from the title alone.

That's how AMAs have worked for years. Anyone remember "let's focus on the movie people"?

Unfortunately a lot of people think of an AMA like an interview. Like an interview is a favor celebrities do to the media in order to let them plug something they're working on usually. The interviewers are trained to just let it slide, even pitch them a few softballs about their work in order to scratch their back a bit.

An AMA is not really like that, if you just walk into a crowd of random people and expect to "waste" as little time as possible with non-plugging activity you're quickly going to piss them off because it makes it quite clear how much of a whore you are. They're not expecting it, again, because they're trained at question asking from fellow whores in the media who also assume that shameless self-promotion is the name of the game.

What’s the point of an AMA where you just say “lol watch my film” to every question?

Iama in a nutshell

Kinda funny that people think AmA has been anything but blatant advertising for celebrities for a while now.

thats the exchange retard. Advertising for answers. You think celebrities should sanctimoniously gift their word to the fat trogs which stalk them on reddit?

Remember when reddit wasnt really for astroturfing business things? Owait that died in like 2012.

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

Rampart remembers.

I remember the days when AMA's were devoid of famous people. Like you'd have people going on an saying "IAMA electrical engineer, ask me anything". Generally people of certain professions, or done something weird or notable. Some times you'd just have some college kid doing one, seriously. "IAMA" is kind of a neologism honestly in this age, "I am a Obama?" It's more of the age of "I am X".

Also ask reddit turned into a formulaic cesspool around then too.

Basically askreddit question. Single line response. Then a swarm of stories of that single line comment.

T. Autistic programmer that noticed patterns

That comment thread is embarrassing. I doubt even my fellow monkeys would be that stupid.


This is definitely a real person

Day of the pot is apon us.

How Professor Kermit has created so much controversy over so little baffles me. Anyone who has strong opinions on him one way or the other is a fucking loser.

He's like half grandpa-tier life advice cloaked in metaphysics and half Jungian psychobabble, the fact that he became a prominent talking head is beyond me.

The title captures the tension between hate speech and free speech.

The absolute state of mayo women

Wash your penis, Patricia.

Wait what? OP was banned from /r/drama or from that sub?

it was a conflicting experience for me while making this film because I wasn't inclined to join one tribe over the other

She's one of us! Mod her immediately.

LOL no one in that thread actually watched the documentary.

Many people couldn't.

This sub is my dragon to slay

Saw the documentary and quite enjoyed it! So much new content. I don't understand why so many people misunderstood the trailer... It seemed obvious to me that it was just an ominous tone, and I doubt JP would have worked so closely with someone making a slanderous work anyway.
I have tons of questions for Jordan Peterson... I guess my only question for you is, are you planning on releasing more material on him?