"Who do you think you are?" - Gallowboob, notorious paid content stealer is defended by /r/whitepeoplegifs mod "awkwardtheturtle" who bans and flips over a comment calling Gallowboob out

1  2018-11-06 by jaffycake

I tagged Gallowboob a while back and I downvote his stuff because as a content creator myself, it sucks that he browses people's social media profiles and steals their videos and content so they he can build up his account on Reddit. That sucks, but what most annoys me is that he is paid to do it and seems to still get a free pass while other content creators, with original content are told not to self-post.

The image explains the rest. awkwardtheturtle freaks out in Gallowboob's defense and somehow we end up in a situation where this moderation of millions of users believes that I am just interested in internet points which is very considerably hypocritical when he/she is defending Gallowboob, the one person on Reddit who is absolutely interested in internet points.



At least gallowboob would recognize a copypasta if he saw it.

Remember that Gallowboob is the only content "creator" that the admins would defend. And he does it for free.

GB makes the admins a lot of money by walking the line of copyright violations. They should have banned him for sending unsolicited nudes to kids though.

Sexual harassment is okay if spez thinks it helps increase the user count.

Is that the guy that did certain things and is pretty much the reason why can't ping anymore?

He's the reason we can't ping and "harass" people.

But he gets to harass people with pics of his rancid mayo dick? What a world

Idk if you're the original person I replied to since the comment was removed, but that in itself should tell you how much pull he has to be able to get subs to tighten up "OR ELSE".

Reddit has become so toxic, its promoting these degenerates. You have a dood that sends graphic photos to underage people getting white knighted for, while the righteous subreddit calling out this karma whore is punished.

Don't say that or we'll have to go private again.

He doesn't do it for free. He gets money by shilling for products and sites inbetween his shitposts.

Ah, so that's how it works. But Reddit is still somewhat democratic, he obviously then must have bot accounts or something. If not, I don't get how his shills would be any more likely to receive upvotes than some random dudes shills. Im genuinely curious here so please do tell if you know!

it's easy to get an army of upvoters from some country on several different accounts

He has thousands of followers on his profile

10,000 in february

Likely a lot more now

They are his fanclub who upvote everything he posts and it is a legit way for power users to cheat reddit rankings. The admin are protecting him because he provides an example to advertisers that the way to in on reddit is to invest in a profile page. Its basically digg in terms of the influence power users and advertisers have.

I've been trying to get people to follow my user profile to counter Gallowboob. So please click the follow button on my profile page

Yeah nobody is gonna waste their time following you around to follow an other idiot around.

I also hand out gold and karma to my followers and provide free product samples for reviewers. For Halloween, we had a big party. If you are going to follow one person on reddit or just want to see what the follow button does, I'm suggesting it could be a lot worse than if you choose me. Following me also really pisses of gallowboob as it devalues both his market share and earnings. On that basis, I don't think it is out of the question that people will click my follow button.

Oh go fuck yourself. At least Gallow is not so selfindulgent as you.

When you say that, you arent just saying that to me but the r/u_agentpao community. 2,551 Followers

I am not sure what he does or doesn't do but I simply do not view any post he does. Makes it easy.

Honestly you have to admire the guy for pulling something like this off. He gets paid to sit on his ass and shitpost all day. I don't know how you manage to set that up. He's an asshole, but he's a smart asshole.

He gets paid to shitpost?

What the hell does he have on them?


They unironically all sit around and have their little e-clique. Sad fatty Phedre of SRD thinks he's her e-BF. Sodiepop hangs out in those mod clique places with them, which is why they had to come in and de-mod me when GB got upset. You should see the leaks I've seen.

He doesn't do it for free, he's said himself that he gets paid for doing this. He's a social media marketer.

Way more faggy than saying you are a entrupenur or a life coach.

Agreed but I think they're two different things. Companies hire social media people to make their company look good on social media, or promote their product, two things that someone like Gallowboob would excel at. Fuck Gallowboob though

Do not denounce tho who shall not be named!!!






Those accounts are run by the same person.

going against the cabal

This is what peak bravery looks like. I wouldn't proceed any further because admins will suspend you on behalf of GB.

GB makes the admins a lot of money by walking the line of copyright violations. They should have banned him for sending unsolicited nudes to kids though.

It's funny because both times I've been suspended its been because of that Greek cunt

Greeks shouldn’t be considered humans

As our brave and just admins have decreed, don't call a certain comebody a ****.

on behalf of GB.

I knew the Empire of Great Britain was behind this, just as they are behind everything.

The eternal anglo strikes again

The Protestant cries out in pain as he strikes you.

6x whats going on there big guy? 6 deleted accounts??

They just demod you apprently.

You only get the dreaded temporary suspension if you send nude pics of yourself to users you don't like to harass them. Or if you engage in vote manipulation to bump your reposts to the top. But don't worry, in either case you'll be back to modding the whole site in a couple days!

Didn't he send his peepee to someone on Reddit?

That's some 10/10 mod sperg out holy shit haha.

It's a pasta.

Awww that makes this way less fun damn it.

what are you talking about?

The part circled in red is a pre-existing copypasta about responses that just bring up HailCorporate, IIRC.

Thanks for helpp

Is this the mod that sent pictures of his dick to little children? Just curious.

i thought we weren't supposed to talk about that retard because the admins will ban us for it

IIRC we aren't allowed to say certain things about him.

Am I allowed to say shittymorph is 100x more amusing?

Both pale in comparison to your average lolcow, though

Apparently not, Mr. [deleted]

Suspicious timing for an account deletion.

The fuck. How are you deleted??

Please don't say the R word when referring to gallowboob, I have a family member who is severely autistic and capable of doing more than just CTRL C + CTRL V

We can't call him a pervert but that's it

RIP /u/coupin, your sacrifice will be remembered forever

We can't call him a pedo I guess, but we never did. The admin crackdown on us was for talking about the time that he sexually harassed users, which they admit to but they say he's a good guy anyway.

And they weren't going to ban the sub over it. Sodiepop just came in and demodded me and said other mods weren't allowed to re-add me. Then sodiepop threatened to demod the rest of the mods if our attitudes towards Gallowboob didn't improve.

I'm already unmodded, so I don't give a fuck. GB admittedly sexually harassed users and Sodiepoo and the rest of Reddit Corporate think sexual harassment must be cherished and protected from evil #MeToo advocates like me.

he really is contributing to the ruination of this site. I think everyone should just come clean and make a list of the people you cant criticize.

I mean, the admins have actually been upfront about it to their credit.

Send nudes to users you don't like to harass them = Approved by Reddit Corporate, you can mod the whole site

Criticize the sending of nudes to harass users = Against Reddit Corporate Policy, you can't be mod on some small backwater sub

I thought him being ok'ed by admin was a joke because it was so upfront.

Absolutely no joke at all. I'd tell you to ping sodiepop here to ask for confirmation but you can't.

You can do it on any other sub though, including the ones that constantly call for political violence and murder!

As a casual Reddit user, I keep running into the same names. Not just in posts like this, but in reddit in general. And they are always rememberable from their insufferable attitudes.

Pay attention to all the comments you see and you can often find many of the same people. Also get ready to run into u/furrypornaccount they are everywhere

ManiaforBeatles is poster for 50% of r/worldnews posts, and also posts articles to about 5 other subs.

Holy shit you are right. How does he get so many upvotes?

Throw shit against a wall. After a while something will stick.

They're called power mods and they make Reddit their life because they have no social skills or actual friends. We like to laugh at them and sometimes mod them here so we can abuse them.

What a bunch of power losers.

Remember me!

That was a better song than Let It Go.

The mods comment is a pasta

Still spot on. lol

Have you run into me?

I have not had the pleasure.

Cryptocurrency - GB - follow the money.

Based Q has spoken

I'm glad you asked - look up what he's doing - internet marketing for a cryptocurrency scam.

Come back to r/mememods - I won't slam your buddy anymore - save for weekends

Why is the screenshot so blurry?

Can you not drag it to make it bigger?

You can, that just stretches the picture.

Imgur just straight up only gives you the thumbnail if you're on mobile.

Unless you use a normal mobile client

A mobile browser is arguably the most normal mobile client there is.

Can you.not post your password so we can see it for ourselves?

Nobody make accusations we aren't allowed to make by the admins.

Guys, pedo isn't ok but calling people Nazi left and right is. Just a hint.

Quiet Nazi

It's fucking retarded how Reddit admins are so protective of a small cabal of users.

$$$$ allows you to justify anything

Without their army of volunteer mods this place would turn into shit shittier real fast.

The costs of staffing content moderators would probably bankrupt reddit, and no moderation would drive away all advertising.

Nah the mods are the worst part. Bot spam is already blocked my automod, regular mods do nothing except delete content they disagree with

Power mods make such a shitstorm when shit doesn't go their way. Its fucking stupid they act like they have some important position which they have graciously taken the burden of for the sake of good will. YOU'RE A FUCKING INTERNET MODERATOR, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK, JUST QUIT IF YOU"RE SO UPSET.

What the fuck ever you disgusting communist leftist

what accusations we're allowed to make tho?

Pm'd you the answer.

We aren't allowed to say.


This is some horse shit.

See this out of the loop post for a summary of what happened.

Note that the summary was written by Phedre, so take it with a bucket of salt.

So "he who shall not be named" is a whiny piece of shit and got the admins to bend over their asses to cave in to his demands because he's Reddit's main karma whore and makes the website money with it.

Interesting. Pathetic, but still interesting.

He's probably working for a firm conde nast pays to post stuff on reddit, which is why he's not banned for being a sex offender.

^ Can't say that bro

Ok fixed it for you

Made me laugh but ur probs still gonna get modded.

I know lots of perfectly fine young men who do pretend sex ALL THE TIME.

how about I just bounce ideas off the wall until I get it right, then you ban me?

We are allowed talk about his sexual misconducted on reddit. Like when he sent unwanted picture that are sexual in nature to harass some of his critics.

You aren't in /r/drama ever since we got cucked.

Welcome to /r/subredditdrama

He sent pictures of sexual nature to someone who then went on to claim they were underage.

Wish he would send some to me

He sent pictures of sexual nature to someone who then went on to claim they were underage.

gallowboob, or awkwardtheturtle?

I can't tell you who did it or I'll be banned. All I can tell is it was not awkwardtheturtle.

can confirm this

You cant call him a pedo because hes not one. What he did was abuse and sexual harassment but it had nothing to do with a kid. Apparently reddit thinks it's ok to sexually harass grown men. /u/spez, is this true? Do the reddit offices foster an environment of toxic masculinity or is it just something that is aloud on your website if you get enough good boy points?

We can tell the truth about how he sexually harassed users by sending nudes to people he didn't like.

However, painting that as a negative will get you unmodded. Sodiepop and Reddit Corporate believe that sexual harassment from people like Gallowboob is an important part of Reddit culture, and anyone saying otherwise has to go.

And yet /r/drama has people that pretend this sub isn't cucked.



Why are you always so angry, Ed :(


correcting proper nomenclature

Sorry sweaty but everything's ok! 😊😘


I'm actually out of the loop on this.

Admins will ban the sub for certain discussions about the behavior or certain people that involve certain widely-known behaviors that certain people have taken part in.

There's an OOTL post written by some wannabe faghag upthread about it. Biased as fuck and probably leaves half the story out but I actually can't tell you the whole story without getting us nuked by the admins because they're really intent on bending over and taking it up the butthole.

I literally just found out about what happened. Now I have even more reason to hate him.

I'm going to do some Googling to find out more details. Thanks.

So, have I opened a can of worms on this subreddit now and done something that could be bad for it?

It's cool, the mods are actually super on-top of mentions that cannot be named, as evidenced by my hint-hint already getting moderated within like five minutes.

I'm sure they'll take down the thread if it gets to be too much. As it is, this is great drama.

Well it is definitely eye opening. I made the post just because I thought it would be fun, but there are definitely a group of hurt individuals racing to GB's defense. It is really polarizing how many people hate GB and how many people...or his friends, there are defending him to the end.

Yep! Back in the glory days it was really fun because c e r t a i n p e o p l e are extremely thin-skinned and would get SUPER melodramatic about mild bantz. Now the drama is all about how admins went full cucklord about this person to the point of threatening to ban entire subs for discussing their behavior.

We lost a p. good mod because he stickied a comment about it and that was like the first thing the admins lost it about. They nuked it and removed him from the mod team and said they weren't allowed to re-add him, and then the entire sub almost got banned because, being us, we immediately started spamming threads about The Issue Not To Be Discussed. The mods had to nuke like a million threads and take the sub private for a little bit to keep us alive.

It's annoying but also p. funny tbh.

Wow, justice in real life, that is a rare thing. Well done.

This tbh; /r/drama isn't SRD, we don't lock posts because we can't moderate them.


I can't even remember the last time I saw a locked post in drama

Edit out the removeddit mention. I know, it's retarded, but the admins are biased towards a cabal of users we aren't allowed to be edgy towards.



The python package management system.

Naw just me being retarded with memes and shit. Means literally nothing, like p. much everything posted here.

Sudo cp -fun rip-pip /home/bussy/blasted

Admins are so powerful they convinced the mods to even remove their own words.

we’re not private anymore?

what made us go private.

Sperg mods?

The other time we went private.

Can I write his username down and frown at it?

Cum on it instead and post pics

This but unironically

Honestly, we were better off private. I'm not going to do these things but it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

u/spez ur mom's a hoe

Nobody wants a repeat of what made us go private.

[x] Doubt

If you go private pls invite me

We went private to avoid the flood of refugees from closed-down subs, though.

The other time we went private.


Oh so r/drama is just a castrated version of /subredditcancer? Good to know. See ya.

Is it true /u/Gallowboob sends nudey pics to kids?

Oh no no no no

Here we go again

Gallowboob is the only person banned from /r/familyman

Really? Subbed.

First of all u/Gallowboob did nothing wrong! He can do no wrong! You all know he is a saint, my friends!


I thought there was a secret message tbh.


I was only 9 years old I loved Gallowboob so much, I collected all his reddit reposts and memes I pray to Gallowboob every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given "Gallowboob is love" I say; "Gallowboob is life" My dad hears me and calls me a faggot I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Gallowboob I called him a cunt He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep I'm crying now, and my face hurts I lay in bed and it's really cold Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me It's Gallowboob I am so happy He whispers into my ear "This is my subreddit." He grabs me with his powerful powermod hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees I'm ready I spread my ass-cheeks for Gallowboob He penetrates my butt-hole It hurts so much but I do it for Gallowboob I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water I push against his force I want to please Gallowboob He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love My dad walks in Gallowboob looks him straight in the eyes and says "I’m reporting this to the admins." Gallowboob leaves through my window Gallowboob is love. Gallowboob is life.

I was only 9 years old

I loved Gallowboob so much, I collected all his reddit reposts and memes

I pray to Gallowboob every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given

"Gallowboob is love" I say; "Gallowboob is life"

My dad hears me and calls me a faggot

I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Gallowboob

I called him a cunt

He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep

I'm crying now, and my face hurts

I lay in bed and it's really cold

Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me

It's Gallowboob

I am so happy

He whispers into my ear "This is my subreddit."

He grabs me with his powerful powermod hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees

I'm ready

I spread my ass-cheeks for Gallowboob

He penetrates my butt-hole

It hurts so much but I do it for Gallowboob

I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water

I push against his force

I want to please Gallowboob

He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love

My dad walks in

Gallowboob looks him straight in the eyes and says "I’m reporting this to the admins."

Gallowboob leaves through my window

Gallowboob is love. Gallowboob is life.

Huh Why haven’t I seen this copypasta on him before? Well.

I think it's a repurposed Shrek copypasta.

Yes, Yes it is.

Also Jimmy Neutron.

Gotta blast!

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It’s a true story

Gallowboob fucked me in the ass and hasn't returned my phone calls for weeks :*(.

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He is not a pedophile. It is wrong how people keep calling him one.



Why does imgur suck on mobile.

Lol, Galloob unironically saying he doesn't care about internet points

Those that say they dont care care the most

I'm torn, this is an SRC post, but it's about gallowbitch and his goofy friend. awkwardtheturtle has always reminded me of Gaston's sidekick LeFou from beauty and the best. He's a power mods, which makes him the big gay, but he's just desperate for attention from all the other power mods.


Is awkwardtheturtle a woman?

I kind of assumed so given the username

Lol, why?

It’s a weird name with a cute animal in it

Nak, Awkward writes like a creepy incel dude.

There are no girls on the internet.

write gboob instead or ill have to remove.

Fine, but just know this makes you a little bitch for eternity.

what did it say before? his full name?

No dox, I think it was a reference to a forbidden accusation but I'm not sure.

I dunno why everyone still gets shocked and appalled over the fact that the guy who brings more views and clicks to Reddit than three-quarters of its userbase put together gets special treatment from Reddit's core.

Reddit won't lose money by annoying you. They might if they annoy you-know-who. It ain't a hard decision for them to make.

They might if they annoy you-know-who.

I know exactly who you mean.

Which is why we should actively bomb Palestine to appease (((them)))

it sucks that he browses people's social media profiles and steals their videos and content so they he can build up his account on Reddit.

doesn't he give the content creator more exposure than they would have had otherwise?

He does not credit the source.

Ah great point

How does someone even become moderator of 2550 subreddits? This guy must obviously get paid by someone for working full-time on reddit.

How does someone even become moderator of 2561 subreddits?

By sleeping with 2561 top mods.

Those don't seem to fit together that well.

That won't stop him from increasing the size his modlist. What is he trying to compensate, idk.

It's the Hank hill butt

AtT has an Hank Hill butt too??? Is it a requirement for powermods?

He has this idea that by modding subs he can make reddit a better place. So he gets put on those mod teams for the racist subs and then turns them into non-racist/meme/joke subs.

He's a crusader, but for reddit subs. He's also a pathetic loser.

I'm not too fond of people seeking power because they're convinced of their own moral superiority, but that explanation at least puts him far above trolls, advertisers, reposters and karma whores on the Reddit totem pole.

Oh he's also a troll and a karmawhore. I've had many fights with him over his crap.

That's funny because when he was made mod here all he did was ban people and police his image

One time I did that and they replaced me with a fat tranny

yeah and they suspended me

All of those are insurgent subs created to block certain groups from otherwise popular/potentially popular names.

Gallow is not a big fish, though he probably does somehow make money and is annoying. Awkardtheturtle needs to be doxed, not out of malicious intent but because someone with so much influence should be a public figure and should be able to take responsibility for his (often inane) actions).

this but unironically

Admins should auto ban anyone who mods more than 3 subs would really improve the site.

Oddly enough, this post I made a while ago doesn't show up on r/Alt_Right when you search up their best posts of all time. Technically it should be second.


I can only see [removed]

This is what I see.


Seems still there to me too

That's weird. Maybe you have to be subbed to see it?

I’m not subbed there

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r/Alt_Right, /r/Fuckthealtright

Gallowboob confirmed to be the most radical of centrists.

Gallowboob stays winning.

Why does awkwardtheturtle hate Apple is my real question.

so how does GB make money anyway? he doesn’t seem to post ads or anything, but he’s clearly got a lot of nerds in his pocket.

is he blackmailing people or something?

The best ads are the ones that don't seem like ads.

yeah but like what

Dunno, I blocked him a while back. (One Weird Trick to make your front page more substantial)

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a PAC or two on the list though.

Xer's mom awards good boy points based on how many internet points xer got that day. Pretty crummy conversion ratio at 10:1, but it's even worse because xer must trade like a 1,000 or more GBP to get one tendie. If that utter boob doesn't get 10,000 likes and subscribes a day, it doesn't eat.

Your submission here is illegal. You targeted the wrong guy. Kiss goodbye to your reddit account.

admins, just know that we had nothing to do with this. Your golden boy is secure and safe from r/drama.

Why bother to even say it? Sodiepop has already traced OP's IP. He's done for.

Damn, you are the pasta and got baited by a powermod. Consider not posting anymore.

Mods shouldn't be using copypasta when discussing bans

Mods really do whatever the fuck they want. This is not a battle you will ever win.

The only way to win is to not play (which you did).

You feel bad about it because you got baited like the dumbass you are. Go cry about your cyberbullying somewhere else lol. This isn't r/subredditcancer

Telling me I'm crying just makes me wonder why you're so hurt by this.


Peak newfag faggotry, smh

Go away! Shoo!

Why do you think I understand what you're saying. I'm genuinely autistic and I'm also genuinely worried for you right now. At least use words if you're going to cry over something that I said. Right now you sound like you're spluttering over your keyboard.

if you're going to cry

you're hurt

you're spluttering

This is what "no u" is. You're the one crying in your post and yet you project.

I'm just here making fun of your dumb ass for actually complaining about being baited with pasta in modmail lol.

You're the one crying in your post

I'm not bothered in the slightest, I just like drama.

out Out OUT! now! Get out of the house, Meg!

If you didn't realize.....You're Meg.


i just like drama

links to a screenshot of himself being baited with pasta in modmail

nice drama


Ed how do you manage to look worse than a literal autist?





Look who's projecting, Lolololol

I was about to comment that I started posting in drama back in 2013 or some shit like that when it had 6k subscribers and Velvet llama was actually funny

But then I realized how insanely sad that is ☹

Has it really been 2 years since 4chan released you on us Ed?

I'm genuinely autistic

You'll fit right in here.

I'm genuinely autistic

What a shocking revelation!

And even I am having trouble understanding the dribbling coming from this guy!

don't get all dramatic over it

Wrong, getting dramatic about everything is required in this sub


Have you ever met that man? Whenever you question him on anything he resorts to memes and acronym replies because he thinks he's above everyone else. Be lucky you got a pasta and not a "lol"

As we say in my neck of the the woods, β€œthe geezer is a dry fucking lunch.”

You should speak to their manager.

Lol that's awesome.

But that's the fun part

r/atethepasta πŸπŸ˜‹πŸ‘Œ

sheesh, how do you interact with ATT and come off as the cringy autist

I have a game with friends where we try to get the most downvotes

Yeah, ok OP

I guess this subreddit is going private again.

I tagged Gallowboob a while back and I downvote his stuff

imagine being this petty

Imagine stealing content for personal gain and never crediting the source.

i'm like batman

t. turbo autist

From the author of such a fine piece of writing as:


You're fucking worthless and even you know it.

Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop Poop, poop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-diddy-scoop Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

Yo mamas so fat elon musk asked her to help bore some tunnels.

You are more like the morbidly obese guy dressing as Batman harassing people for 5$ for a picture

I've never been so popular before lol, thanks.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Show me your hog

U/GooberBoob why am I not surprised



It happens so often, like it's part of the law of physics

Like imagine unironically taking Reddit as seriously as the gboob powermod cabal seems to.

I got Gallow once, he stole a viral image (that I stole first), and reposted it. Except, he never bothered to upload it to a different host, and when I followed the URL, I simply changed the image to Goatse.

He didn't get banned (hah!) but the thread was removed, now he doesn't upload anything he didn't securely host himself anymore.

Haha that's amazing!

May I see it?

You want to see goatse??

The post he stole

I've seen goatse the recommended amount of times

Have you really?

tbh it was years ago and I don't have that image anymore, the account was suspended.


i actually feel bad for powermods. this faggot is going to be on his deathbed and remember he spent his whole life being a sperg and spending thousands of hours exacting petty revenge on people who made him butthurt on a now-dead news aggregator where you can't even be banned for real

Gallowboob sends pi[REMOVED]

Holy shit, awkwardturtle is the same cock fag that banned me in shittyrobots for pointing out that GB sent unsolicited nudes. That fuckin autist accused me of being jealous and making shit up, GB is probably the single biggest tumor on this godforsaken site.

Can someone explain to me how he gets payed to steal content? Like im seriously curious. The only person/group/corporation that could benefit even a bit is Reddit? So if Reddit is not the one paying him, how can he be making money?

Gallowboob is a piece of shit, but on the other hand I don't care about your internet arguments, dude.

Still curious how much money he actually makes tbh.

I have an ongoing bet it's pretty low.


It's a copypasta

The more I learn about awkwardtheretard the more I actually feel sorry for him.

I got banned by Gallowcunt for calling him a cunt. BTW, he's a massive cunt.

Day 1 of SRC being down and we've already got an SRCfugee getting 400 karma on a post. I'll bet most of the people who upvoted this post didn't even realize the mod posted pasta.

Never have I been so ashamed of this subreddit. 😞

What is SRC? I'm not informed on the kids lingo.

/r/subredditcancer/, which hosts posts about why folks were banned often by loser powermods of yore

Going Bald Pedal File

Lmao, fuck awkwardtheturtle the shill.

90% of things posted on default subs are stolen content. I don't understand why you're upset

This site is such a shit show lol. I'm just here to find new music and discuss F1 on weekends now. Too much drama, circlejerks, and discussing politics here is wild. Feels like YouTube but I'm not even a content creator.

Gallowcels are the worst.

GallowBoob bad.

all mods from whitepeepogifs need to go the way of the mayo.

The amount of obsession people have over Gallowboob is so pathetic. Getting worked up about someone who reposts content that's not their own is the epitome of having nothing better to do.

awkwardtheturtle is such a massive faggot, plus he's legit 15.

I heard Voldemort is a pedo who sent dick pics to kids over Reddit. I think it happened in book 6

Threadly Reminder: Admins acknowledge that he sexually harassed Reddit users, and his was briefly suspended for it. However, if you bring attention to this fact they remove you from your sub's mod list and threaten to ban the sub if you are added back.

They don't remove the actively racist mods throughout the site

The don't remove the mods of the celebrated rape how-to guide TheRedPill

They don't remove the guy who literally sexually harassed users and was suspended again more recently for vote manipulation.

But the guy that says sexual harassment is wrong? Sodiepop don't play that shit.

Gallowboob is a guy that can send unsolicited nudes to people on reddit and only be banned for a weekend by the admins, who, you know, would ban you forever for doing that shit.

I can't see shit in that screenshot, am I the only one?