r/politics cant figure out why barely anyone is showing up to LARP. must be Reddit/Facebook/Twitter 's conservative bias

1  2018-11-09 by dratamard2


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Hanging out on a drama subreddit may be a retard's pastime, but at least we aren't taking pride in being unironically politically active in the real world.

Amen brother

And this is why I said I cringed when I saw the Rapid Response Copypasta the other day, cus I knew it was just a bunch of idiots sharing a meme not knowing they'd actually have to do something about it other than share it on Reddit...

At the very least it wast as autistic as proudboy car massacre 2012

KONY 2012

We'll get him this year, trust me!

The US and Uganda stopped looking for him because eh ir is Africa I guess

True, but his child soldier army is like 1/20th the size it once was.

So it's an infant solider army?

[rubs one out in public]

Proud Boys didn't go to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

actually knowing who went

It was a purity test in disguise, MDEFUGEES OUT OUT OUT!

oh no it's retarded

actually knowing who shows up at rightoid larp central

you betrayed yourself

ugh I'm gonna get headache from your retardation

There was a post in Montreal sub this morning that got deleted, this has the facebook post and the deleted one. Like 10 peoples allegedly showed up lol, sadly I can't find any pictures.



Why are Canadians protesting Trump not leaving a office empty when someone quits.

Why the fuck do leafs care about us so much

They have no other thing to base their nationality on.

Ausfailian SJWs do it too. Local issues dont earn you enough "activist" cred. We even had a statue phase after yours last year. It was pathetic.

I love how they are lynching him for saying “purebred Canadian”.

That one is way better

Listen man, I copied that post AND put a semi-transparent French flag over it and made it my profile pic on one of my telegram chats. I really dont know what else you want me to do.

They did something. They brigraded and spammed all over reddit.

All that sweet karma, scince they had upvote campaigns

What pasta? Link?

Literally Kony 2018

What the hell do you mean outside?!


Maybe organize it on a weekend and not the middle of the workweek? Who the fuck am I kidding these people don't work.

Or do it when something actually happens. The rapid response thing was supposed to be in response to Mueller actually getting fired or fucked with. I get that Sessions being fired opens the door to getting rid of Mueller and is probably the reason for this, but nobody really cares enough about it to protest. They blew their load early, knowing how much it actually takes to get people out they should have waited for Whitaker to actually do something.


That is one of the funniest subs I've ever seen. The top link on there is just so pathetic it's hilarious. I can't believe how many posts there are.

Same number of subscribers as /r/drama. Coincidence?

Their parents who drive them work, though

What was the event those Antifa idiots were caught screaming "it's a Saturday" when ripped into for not having jobs, but it was actually a Friday and they legitimately didn't even know what day it was because they don't have jobs?

r/politics can't figure out why nobody wants to protest Jeff Sessions' firing.

Politics just loves the kkk that much

i bet if you go through old /r/politics threads they were probably calling for him to resign or be fired ever since Trump took office

You don’t even have to find old threads. It’s right there in the comments of any thread with news of his firing.



Why would anyone think that a fringe left Leddit movement would actually gain traction

No one is gonna protest Beauretards firing on a Thursday or at all really

Why would anyone think that a fringe left Leddit movement would actually gain traction

That's what happens when they lock themselves in a room and sniff each other's farts all day. They've been locked in there for two years.

I was watching closely, It wasnt trending for the first hour, not until it had over 90,000 tweets. It should have been trending much earlier, compared to other topics with just a few thousand.

I hope someone kills me If I ever start autistically tracking how a topic trends on twitter because I think there's a conspiracy to suppress it

These retards have yet to realize twitter isn't reality.

Who do they think is suppressing it? Is Twitter secretly backing Trump? Does Russia hold some kind of sway over them? These losers are gradually becoming just as delusional as qucks

I'm sure you can find some Saudi or Russian that has a decent amount of shares in the site and build a conspiracy that twittard is corrupted.

That actually was a really big thing on TD a couple years ago, like the guy with the plurality of Twitter shares is a Saudi prince or something like that.

That guy was probably the most outspoken Saudi critic of trump. He got bumblefucked and essentially held hostage for his money sometime after the election.

I've seen people claim unironically that Twitter and Reddit management are fascist sympathizers because they don't kick off every right-winger.

People get paid to track that and keep up with it, you know. It's part of marketing and can pay good money.

And those people aren't NEETs on Politics who are freaking the fuck out 24/7 two years running.

Have you meet advertising people anon? Have you? Cause i have, and let me tell you a conservative crowd they are not.

What if I told you you can be liberal and even hate Trump which is a very normal position for a person to have and still not be caught dead freaking out in Politics?

What if i told you bussy lmao.

If your job is tracking marketing trends or whatever social media idiocy, it's probably easy to sperg about politics on the side, it's all in the same place.

Ok, I will give you that. This doesn't change that most of Reddit commenters aren't exactly highly paid productive fully employed people. It just isn't the demographic. You see so many people in political subs who talk like they just got done their first election.

Oh yeah, nearly all of them are irrelevant retards with too much time on their hand

People get paid thousands to suck dick but if you're swalling cum for free outside a truck stop, I'm gonna judge ya.

Lol. As bad as conspiratards.


The other day I saw my friend post a status saying "white people are the worst, who the fuck shoots up schools or religious sites because they feel bad or are racist? Next time put the piece to your dome and cut to the chase."

He's white, the post had a positive response from a good 20+ people of every racial background. Within 5 hours it was taken down as promoting hate speech and yet today I saw a post promoting literal white supremacy and the Klan, mentioning subjugating minorities.

Facebook has an agenda.

This is your mind on Reddit-brand liberalism.

This is your mind on liberalism.


So beautiful to see.

Self-hatred is as important to the mayocide as miscegenation.

Jesus Christ some people have zero fucking self awareness....

Without the Sorosbucks they got nothing and no one cares. Gotta pay the organizers to heard the sheep for their chanting.

At first it was all "Sessions must go, he's horrible."

Now it's all "How could you fire Sessions."


And I thought that Ed_ButteredToast was the worst username.

Feel good tbh, yesterday was pretty cringe

/r/politics spamming every sub, going as far as making fake threads in /ootoftheloop/ innocently asking "why protests are a big deal" by /r/politics users so other /r/politics users could answer by dropping their 80000 words copypasta and get gilded 20 times and upvoted 200000 times in a massive homoerotic display

All this shit for the firing of jeff session, after 2 years of shitting on him everyday

/r/outoftheloop is so bad these days. it's just "what's this controversy involving my political enemy that's been blasting 24/7 on the mainstream press all about? 😏😉"

went to take a look and the post with 14k upvotes was literally started by a guy pretending to have no idea who Mueller was or anything about the protests

What's the deal with the protests for Thursday Nov, 8?

Followed by a wall of text that would give Beijing penis envy. Fuckin hell its not even subtle.

the OP posted a link about the protests in /r/politics beforehand too

This is a Russian talking point.

They better be worried, the new AG is a gamer.

Imagine showing up to a political protest

I showed up with my maga hat and studied the hambeast.

Epic, you pwned the libtards 😎 (pwn is gamer lingo for doing someone over, FYI)

When did the conspiracy party flip?

Kavanaugh gave em their own pizzagate. Beergate

It must be nice to not have to work

from the r/gifs thread.

nationwide protests

though this is the first picture I've seen

think about that for a moment. Just think. You (probably) won't explode.

What did daddy do to bussy blast them this time?

If you're in Athens protesting Trump, good job, you're a fucking retard

Maybe nobody wants to protest on a weekday?

The last 2 years have unironically given me a lot of faith in the American political system. With daddy at the helm manipulating the levers of power like a 12 year old and the left sperging out every single day over a center-right President, somehow the court systems still work, law enforcement investigations go on, McDonald's is hiring in rural Montana at over 12 bucks an hour, etc.

If we can have the most fentanyl-abusing MAGA hatters and the 24 year old brocialists collectively and publicly losing their minds at all times and this state of affairs is the worst that results, maybe the Founders actually did good in creating a robust system.

All of the slacktivist energy has been spent on bullying nerds.

The last time they actually managed to drag themselves off their couches and stand around hoping someone else would do something, nothing came of it.

Plus, they don't even have a snappy name like "Occupy" this time around.