NPR publishes fluff piece about respecting those who disagree with you. Twitter comments go REEEEEEE

1  2018-11-09 by HungerArtistatlunch


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,,

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Don't worry, you ARE shit next to me!

lmao woke Twitter. Who are these underemployed retards anyway

I still haven’t figured out the purpose of Twitter.


Destroying rational discourse.

And having fatal overdose levels of smug

No that's SRD

Also Twitter

Tbh Twitter hot takes are so fucking retarded that I refuse to take them seriously (and therefore can't see them as being smug)

Twitter is perfect for people who just want to throw slogans and buzzwords around for those who do not have an actual argument thanks to twitters count limit.


Go to Starbucks and look for the barista with the colorful hair and plenty of piercings.

Acting like the magatards aren’t the ones pushing this propaganda and supporting it in the comments??

Why not both?

The mistake you make isn't thinking that they're morons, but in thinking you're not.


trump supporters not only want dems to be angry and crazy, theyre relying on it

they dont want civility, they want to be able to invoke the communist control act and put you all in guantanamo

I think this is a lie. It takes like 5 seconds to send off an agry tweet.

Shhhh bby is ok

Don't shh me, bitch.

Ssssshhhhhhhhhh bby

There's no ROI in seriousposting on r/drama

I just overheard a crew at Starbucks talking about how they are walking away from the democratic party! #walkaway

I was just in a hipster coffee shop and overheard some young democrats discussing the thick and mouthwatering curves of President Trump's body.

San Francisco homosexuals are into some freaky shit.

I get that this stuff is all banter, but I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. Th-thanks.

The same biology grads working in a coffee shop who post those 5000 words Trump fact checks on Reddit which are so so cringe it's literally painful.

What's that chick's name? Poppinkream? Fucking pathetic

Agendapost alert!

'Treat other people like Human beings?...But I can't do that, I'm a cunt'.

If you think coming together with sjws and conspiracy theorist magatards is desirable you're a fucking retard.

Division and disunity is the foundation of all drama.

If you are in this sub you should desire more drama or eat a ban for being anti drama.

There, I said it.

Redpilled and BASED af


Mayocide when?

Mayocide today. Mayocide tomorrow. Mayocide forever!

Better Living Through Forced Miscegenation

Pink-pilled. Wanting the destruction of the world so we can post in /r/drama.

So full stop, how are magatards conspiracy theorists when SJWs actively believe that Trump is owned by Russia?

MAGAtards are still conspiracy theorists because they actively regurgitate infowars garbage.


OK. Now replace "Israel" with "the patriarchy," and you have the SJW/critical theory crowd. They're both groups of conspiracy theory nuts.

They're both angry at white people just the wrong kinds of white people.


Magatards: MagaBomber is a false flags, school shootings are a false flag, birtherism, info wars to magatards is basically a normal news org, deep state hysteria, pizza gate, q anon, secret Muslim caravans, secret Mexican caravans, cultural Marxists making our kids trans.

Btw lmao at the mdefugee playing dumb


never posted in MDE

wew lad

How tho?

Because I don't hate jews?

So just a maga hat without the tiki torch?

What's with your comment saying you hate black people and love Trump?

Imagine being so cucked that you think everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi

He didn't say nazi you fucking snowflake. Imagine believing everyone is calling you a nazi when 99.99% are just pointing out that you're retarded..

You know what the tiki torch part is referring to, right? Or is this some retarded 'white supremacists technically aren't nazis' shtick?

How retarded do you have to be to not know whatvtiki torches refer to?

Actually, dont answer. I'm not sure I want to know who they let vote these days.

You literally cannot read.




Please tell me they provide crayons when they vote; everybody needs a snack before making tough decisions

Back to Chapo

Imagine not hating Jews.

What kind of massive, fucking, huge moron thinks MS-13 is a conspiracy theory holy fucking shit.

Not that the gang doesn't exist, just that cucks like you conflate all illegal immigration with the gang.

Of course you're retarded enough to need this spelled out.

> ms16

yet I'm the retard lmao

Only a vanguard of the braincels weaponizes conscious typos and thinks they scored a sick burn


It's illegal to buy a fully automatic select-fire LA gang member. You can get an MS-15 and convert him though, or add a bump stock.

someone wanting to stick it to trump supporters and thats sheltered enough not to have to deal with mexicans

Do they have Mexicans in Australia?

He is weirdly in tune with what happens in America. Meanwhile I have no idea what the fuck happens in Australia and will never care about it.

i also enjoy taking pride in ignorance

probably who knows lol

ms 13 is clearly a thing though

These are all false flags to make Republicans look retarded

Lol like they need help.

Woo boy someone's deepthroating the narrative cock, balls and all.


Literally a T_D poster

Yes and? Am I supposed to feel shame? Grow up.

Off the reserve

Am I supposed to feel shame?

Literally yes

Actually no

There‘s shame in being born stupid, but I know stupid people can’t tell that they’re stupid, so I’ll cut you some slack

Answer hazy, try again later

Lolol for real, I was surprised someone was asking about the MAGAs. Like, they're crazy af, no explanation needed really. But whatever is good for the drama of course ;)

You dont know what an mdefugee is lmao

Please explain?

Nice try.




You'd have to be a retard to deny that magatards aren't the kings of conspiracy theories. They turn literally everything into some kind of conspiracy. It's how they explain everything they don't like, and even some of the stuff they do like (muh 4d chess and qanon).

As opposed to literally believing the president is a puppet of Russia for over a year with zero evidence, right?

That's one thing compared the countless things that magatards have embraced. Our own President is a proponent of birtherism, millions of illegal votes for democrats, recently has gotten into George Soros fear-mongering, and has appeared on Info Wars praising Alex Jones.

Sorry your friends are retards

Don't forget that Trump thinks that global warming is a Chinese conspiracy to fuck with the US lol

That's because he can't say (((what))) kind of conspiracy it actually is.

LA county has a 144% voter registration rate, but I'm sure all those extra registrants vote Republican.

I'm sure DHS is totally going to prove that 4 million illegals voted for Hillary or whatever now that Trump disbanded his voter fraud commission.

Who cares California is blue either way.

or you could do 3 minutes worth of research to back up your claim instead of spewing bullshit that you hear on infowars and breitbart. Seriously, do this and you'll be smarter than the president.

To be fair, Alex Jones blew the lid off FEMA death camps well before Trump weaponized them against the children migrants.

Did you see the article trying to feel out support for accusing him of being a Russian agent since 1987?

Lol Manafort sitting in prison right now and there's no evidence..

He’s not a puppet, but he continually acts against the interests of the United States in favor of those of Russia, which I find confusing.

Says you though

Actions speak louder than words.

Again, says you. He acts against US interests in terms of what you define to be US interests, except you have zero understanding of the US in terms of running a country.

Are you retarded? Honestly😬

Oh sorry, I didn't want to demean your 16 years of experience in this world. I'm sure it's super relevant and qualifies you to judge on how well a country is going.

But my Fee fees! 😂🤫😭😭

Like selling weapons to Ukraine? Something Obama was afraid to do.

what is pizzagate? Who is Q?

Just because the leftists want to grind up healing crystals and snort them off the back of their new-age yoga chiropractor while preaching about the dangers of non-organic vaccines and the Russians doesn't means magatards don't also have a shitload of conspiracy-minded retards.

Don't excomminicate me!

Coming together is for cinemax movies at 1am

I respect that!

Mental illness is a requirement to post here.

I'm going to have to disagree with you, for the drama.

And I respectfully accept your disagreement, while simultaneously loathing you, for the drama.

Moderately brave post.

If you are in this sub you should desire more drama or eat a ban for being anti drama.

This but unironically.

That phrase is for when someone is being sarcastic and you agree with their sarcastic point.

But talking about coming together creates drama too

Speech 100

Sidebar material right here

Speaking of the sidebar, why haven’t we replaced the sidebar image with the one someone suggested in my pony drama thread?

Doing that is PRIVILEGE

Why should you treat someone who threatens your very way of life with respect? Applies to both sides

Thing is, very few of the opposition for either extreme actually threatens anything except an echo chamber

Liberals who want to elect politicians who’ll put into motion programs that’ll raise taxes to astronomical levels aren’t a threat to the way of life of ordinary people who don’t want their tax dollars being wasted on stupid shit

It mah right to take billy joe n joey bill outa dat der lieberal elumantry schewl an rayse dem as gawd intended! As fentanyl addicted illiterate rape pigs!!

I'm from New England, I don't sound anything like this.

But I do

when the libs wanna raise your taxes so you can't afford another pair of Uggs


t. Doesn’t live on their own and doesn’t pay taxes

Imagine thinking 2% increase in income tax for giving people healthcare is threatening your way of life

giving people healthcare

well, more like giving people health insurance

Well, I mean charging them for health insurance and charging them if they don't get health insurance

well our exchanges failed and the republicans repealed the tax. I mean we removed pre-existing conditions which everyone wanted but we needed the tax to pass that.

How do you plan to "give people healthcare" then?

Serious answers only. Like having matt damon steal it from rich spacers or making everyone terminators with the directive to hate fox news.

My n-word how have you not heard of single payer

only replying in meme conditions

my bitch ass drama boi

dude bussy lmao

Snappy quote right here.

I am a kween I don't have to listen to viewpoints I don't like.

I’m starting to think over half the Internet is programmed AI. I don’t see these people in the real world.

I’m starting to think over half the Internet is programmed AI. I don’t see these people in the real world.

Maybe not AI but distorting Twitter is fucking easy.

God, I hope so.



No it is just that everyone can give their hot takes online.

How often in real life do political discussions ever come up at work or in line at starbucks? Almost never.

Plus the politically obsessed people can go online and easily find like minded people to screech about stuff with and also find willing combatants to argue with anytime of the day they want.

Their hot takes are shit though, not even any creativity. They aren't even claiming that they can only come to a common groubd because conservatives are too evil to actually care what other people think and liberals are angels who see the good in everyone.

The hottest takes start of as pure trash and then come around to being woke

Politics discussions happen all the time. They're isn't very muted and respectful because they're private conversations between friends. People aren't trying to score sick burns to impress their Twitter friends and they talking to someone they know.

The internet just breaks peoples brains. Anonymity + Audience just straight up breaks the human brain.

One of my coworkers is a super religious right wing trumptard who likes to just barely cross the line in bringing up politics at work more than he should. I don't really care because we're Canadian and he's a super nice guy who's good to work with.

This are every day people. I don't sperg out irl and go around saying "DUDE BUSSY LMAO".

Then genocide is the only answer

Well, maybe you should.

Dude bussy, lmao

My old roommate has started calling people NPCs to their face whenever we hang out.

It's kind of embarrassing.

Based and redpilled tbqhf

What a fag lol

based and woke Protagonist.

people just read headlines and then their brain tells them its their own opinion, and they think that opinion is interesting enough to share

Go to a college sociology class. You'll find them there.

Good. The sooner we admit it's time for another civil war where no prisoners are taken, and one side EXTERMINATES the other, the better.

Watching people agree is such a terrible thing. We NEED to start the shooting ASAP.

The radical centrist solution is for both sides to be wiped out

That sounds like a... 'last solution' of some kind. Tell me more about this.

taking a comment seriously in r/drama? lol

I sure as fuck hope not.

Conservatives I can handle, they’re wrong about most everything, but great discussion can be had with conservatives.

“Just to let you know before we debate, my opinions are established fact and your opinions are incorrect and on the wrong side of history.”

Summed up the 2016 debates pretty well

I mean ... they are.

I get that boxhead krauts like yourself think your model of the world works but other countries aren’t as stubborn as to murdering half their continents to prove a point.

There are plenty of centrist takes you can make here.

Libshits are wrong about: GMO’s being dangerous, transgenders competing against the sex they identify as in athletics, pushing trans identities on kids and giving them hormone blockers, driving the minimum wage up to a point that destroys smaller businesses but is elastic for larger companies, reducing police budgets while simultaneously demanding accountability features like body cams, shitting on nuclear energy, letting in tens of thousands of immigrants without thorough vetting, calling reduction in income taxes theft from the poor when even the poorest income earners get tax cuts, letting college kangaroo courts make decisions in lieu of law enforcement, believe all women even if the accusation is clearly false, thinking UBI is feasible and that automation will destroy jobs rather than disrupt them, and complaining about corporate power but then sucking corporate cock when said corporations shit on conservatives.

Conservashits are wrong about: tax cuts fixing everything and don’t reduce federal budget, Jesus will come to your bed and rape you if you don’t repent, believing in freedom of religion except when it comes to Muslims, thinking every immigrant coming in from the south is a cartel invader, ignoring renewable energy sources and sticking with coal, denying that the climate is changing, whining about being censored on private platforms, thinking free trade between countries is a globalist scheme, hoarding gold because fiat is worthless paper, increasing defense budget to the point where shit like humvees just sit around never being used, thinking minimum wage is commie shit, crying about weed, the gays are evil and want to indoctrinate your children, electing an orange retard to own the libs epic style.

There is no objectively correct group, imagine not being a moderate/centrist and voting straight ticket because you think one party is always right.

Verpiss dich du Hurensohn und saug mein Hahn

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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increasing defense budget to the point where shit like humvees just sit around never being used

Talking about what the army wastes and you go for humvees?'ve got no idea how bad it is. Just yesteday we blew up 30 sim grenades, shot 80 grenades from grenade launchers, and burned 10 smoke grenades...because we'd have to guard it over the weekend until we turned it in if there was any left. That was easily $20k down the drain because we didn't want to guard it on a four day weekend.

I could go on for days because there's a ton more.

I read an article a while back about a bunch of vehicles sitting around since the budget was so cushy.

Wish I had a huge budget to waste by blowing shit up like that tbh

We have a bunch of vehicles sitting around too, but that's mainly because they're fucking broken as fuck and we can't fix them.

Canadian troop take I got was "the US soldiers get paid shit but their kit is amazing, our kit is shit but our pay is much better, during peace time I would rather have the pay then the better kit."

so they can do that but make soldiers weld metal plates to the sides of their humvees for armor in iraq lol


2003 isn't 2018 man

i was just assuming they hadnt improved the situation because, well its the american military

ive always been told they like to spend hundreds on a random bolt but refuse to give dudes proper equipment

It's definitely not that bad. Almost nobody has an M16 in an infantry unit, everyone has lasers, everyone has night vision (and some have thermals), and most units have ACOGs for their rifles.

ah seems alright then

might just be bullshit what ive been told or just bitter individual soldiers

They're definitely bitter.

Source: Am bitter too

How are M4s compared to M16s?

They're about the same except for the adjustable stock and better (imo) rail system. It looks and feels out of place on an M16 but not on an M4. The M4 is also like six inches shorter which is really nice.

I wish I could have either, but I don't have 50-100K to throw away for a transferable AR or M16.

A HMMWV can be a huge waste of money even when it's actively being used, though. Price of a Porsche, gas mileage and handling of a steamroller, comfort of a prison cell.

This right here is Minnesota centrism and I 😍 love it. Its a model that works great for MN and could easily be replicated across the country.

I actually liked your take.

I agree with you on most points, however:

driving the minimum wage up to a point that destroys smaller businesses but is elastic for larger companies

Minimum wage needs to go up. When people are working 3 jobs to make rent with roommates something is wrong.

calling reduction in income taxes theft from the poor when even the poorest income earners get tax cuts

The "tax cuts" amount to ~$2/week increase in take home at twice minimum wage while reducing government spending on social services like food stamps that help the poor. It is good for the rich and bad for the poor.

thinking UBI is feasible and that automation will destroy jobs rather than disrupt them

Automation is raising the skill floor for employment so people are less and less likely to make a livable wage with High School or GED education. I don't think UBI is feasible or necessary right now, but eventually I think it will have to be.

[Conservatives] whining about being censored on private platforms

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. are basically the public squares of the digital age and, personally, I think they should be able to say whatever they want on these platforms and be protected by the first amendment. Similar to some products no longer being a trademarkable name due to how popular they are.

That degree finally paying off

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Not disagreeing on the minimum wage, it’s just too often that a minimum wage proposal is brought up to a level that is higher than what may be reasonable and would be utterly horrible for areas with lower costs of living. $15-20 an hour is suitable for more metropolitan areas, but that kind of mandate across a state or the country only harms poorer areas.

we have like 19 an hour here and it mainly affects services that employ people for min wage like fast food

other shit is high priced obviously but for different reasons

When you're working three jobs and can't afford your own apartment it's time to move out of downtown tbqhf

In all fairness, being a small government conservative is about reducing the federal budget. The point is for less reliance on federal government and more independence for state and local governments. The problem comes when they cut taxes and then don't cut a similar amount of government spending.

Free trade is good until it isn't when certain countries violate all of their trade agreements.

Minimum wage isn't commie shit but it's a bad idea. You yourself noted the bad effects of increasing minimum wage (rising unemployment, reduced hours/benefits, etc.)

I think Republican/conservative thought around gays/weed/climate change is shifting, especially with the New Right.


Wow, that was pretty comprehensive.

Here, let me try, but with more meta:

Libtards: believes political disagreement occurs because some people are moral and empathetic while others are evil and selfish; thinks with emotions.

Conservatards: believes political disagreements happen because some people value facts, strength and stability


Here's how your mental process is supposed to work. "I like my opinions and believe I'm right but I believe this guy is wrong. But why is he wrong? It's not simply because I know I'm right because that's not a solid argument. So I guess I'll hear him out a bit so I can try and at least understand why he thinks differently than I do and can at least argue with others like him better." If you come at it like that sometimes you'll find that maybe your positions weren't as strong as you liked or you'll strengthen the opinions you already hold. Either way you grow. These asshats don't understand any of that.

Thank you for your wisdom, GreasyPeter

You arent going to enjoy social media

I respect anyone who disagrees with me, as long as their disagreement isn't based on hero worship of 45 and his white nationalist platform of racism and isolationism.


For the most part.

There are people in this sub that would unironically say and believe this, yes.

Pls dont serious post jn drama

The reason America’s history of racism & sexism is so insidious is precisely that perpetrators are also people who love their kids & have hobbies. We can’t excuse their ignorant or malicious attitudes because of broad commonality. The most evil men in history loved their mothers.

Another quote for the snapster?


most evil men in history loved their mothers

Mindhunter told me otherwise 😡

Ed Kemper just loved his mom in a different way

Ed Kemper

What an absolute unit

Ed Gein loved his mama so much he wanted to be her.

It's pretty good. I hadn't realized it before, but the folks who disagree with me politically really are wrong.

Not just factually wrong, or ignorant, or misled to draw conclusions that don't follow: ethically wrong, morally wrong, wicked--evil--trash and refuse wearing the outward appearance of a real human being, like me and those who agree with me.

as opposed to politics posters who all hate their parents, are childless and were raised by single mothers

“I’ll respect people when they respect me.” Is what both sides tell themselves.

Meh. People are losing their minds (again).

I said something similiar in "political humor" and people lost their shit.

Should we do this when a sports team wins? Only wear their jerseys and gear? I appreciate your idea of banding together as one, but when it comes to values and beliefs I do not think that would be a wise course of action. We can not come together as some hive mind and say "ok we all support what this person believes and values."

My God I miss pinging

Am I wrong in thinking this is just a form of religious belief?

I wish you were.

But with republicans getting elected out of pure spite, anyone left-of-far-right has no choice but to rally behind someone else.

My brain melted reading this.

I know, people are being Republicans just to get back at the poor victimized college students of reddit.

mind = blown

I hate idiots.

Wow... Non-American here. I feel like I finally found the little corner of Reddit where people still have some fucking sense, still.

I live how the top retort against you is some retard who has a picture of some ineffectual redneck's pick up truck.

What a bot infested shithole.

That post is actually okay for PH, although that isn't saying much


This ain't it chief

Not as good as others, but still relevant enough tbh

What are you going to do if trump loses in 2020?

Hopefully create/maintain The_Reason_Trump_Lost

It'd be the radical centrist thing to do.

Tbh it would be hilarious if he did that.

That's honestly a good idea.

What? You mean treat others with respect?! No way!

The same happened on a /r/BlackPeopleTwitter thread recently that was later locked down. The photo had the same message but all top comments were attacking the message because "conservatives are too extreme and my anecdote proves it".

Lol I saw that shit too.


Okay. I still don't know what these individuals even believe in or want, aside from what can be presumed from their political stances/ideologies. Shit, call me insane but maybe people aren't actually the political spectrum they've placed themselves in.

I get that the focus here is on the comments that follow, but I have no idea whatsoever if there was anything to glean or learn from the article itself, lol.

It's a feel good piece for boomers who want to believe we are still in the 70s

You should always call those that disagree with you a faggot. Even if the argument is abouy gay marriage and you are on the pro marriage side.


Homophobic person: im against gay marriage.

You: what are you a faggot?

You always call people you disagree with faggots.

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: You cannot.

Faggot logic right here ^

Don't call me that, what the fuck.

What are you? A faggot?

Words hurt. I regret my earlier comments.

I think I misinterpreted this. I thought you were gonna call me a faggot and it be like the South Park “I’m not your buddy, guy” “I’m not your guy, friend” “I’m not your friend, buddy” thing. My apologies. I’m old and new to Reddit

Someone needs to go back to Canada.

What are you a faggot?


Goddamn I am terrible at this game.

me too thanks


Baryeshua agrees. "Instead of reacting with kindness or compassion, people are quick to react with, I guess, hate."

Which one of you is this?

Compromise is a core tenant of radical centrism. I say 10 lashes to those unwilling to share the land with those they don't agree with.

They found common ground in how they parent their kids to understand the value of hard work.

What a surprise, NPCs can understand NPCs. Poor kids.

It's almost like most of us actually have the same values, except some clowns are doing their best to whip us into a frenzy 🤔

Ugh what the fuck am I supposed to do. Rightoids are retards - but these people are pathetic and embarrassing. How am I expected to call myself liberal when these fragile paltroon's exist?

I think we should have The Purge for reals except we should ban weapon restrictions. If you can afford it, you can use it. Hopefully someone can nuke the US.

If we had the Purge for reals all that would happen is that tons of people would die from drug overdoses. Could be a good thing tbh.

why do people always just put on a dumb mask and start murderin in the purge movies, theyre so uncreative

why not just steal a bunch of stuff or do some fraud on the internet or whatever, something easy thats not going to get you chopped with an axe

Does no one really just want to have sex on the public street?

It's about time this sub found something on NPR to complain about.


let's just do this civil war thing again and get it over with already.

What a bunch of cunts

Can't we have sensible gun regulations? That's all I'm saying.

one a social liberal, the other a conservative

spiderman pointing at spiderman.jpg

Oh my god, someone posted a gif of Robert Downey Jr. rolling his eyes!