magatards get mad that not even r/Conservative is buying their bullshit this time

1  2018-11-10 by ineedmorealts


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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No drama, just ordinal boring brigading.

No drama

then make some u normie

Нет друг я не оправдываюсь, просто ты ёбаное мудло, я мать твою ебал, сестру твою ебал, кирпичами им голову разбивал, блять, с балкона сбрасывал, переворачивал, опять ебал, потом твоего отца в жопу ебал, потом заставлял твоего отца ебать в жопу твою сестру сука, и тебя, пидораса блять, заставлял это всё смотреть, а потом говно жрать общее, то что понасрали все твои ебучие родные, блять, нахуй иди.

There we go! I'm sure speaking Stalin will trigger someone

What he wrote is actually pretty funny

That's a lot of fucks. Does it 'flow' in Russian?

that's a lot of fricks. does it 'flow' in russian?



You can never have too many fucks. If you’re good enough at Russian swearing, you can literally tell a short anecdote just using variations of the word “fuck”.

Fucking fucker fucked me out of my fucking fuck. Fuck.

It’s more extensive than that. I’m not a native Russian speaker, so I’m not very good at elaborate swearing, but I found this example. This is a dialogue between two people using only words based around the word “hui”, which means “dick”:

  • Хуяссе! Охуели?! Нахуя дохуя хуйни нахуярили?! Розхуяривайте нахуй!
  • Нихуя, хули! Захуярено нехуёво, нахуя расхуяривать?! Отхуевали!

And translation:

“What the heck? Are you crazy? Why did you load so much? Unload it now!”

“No way, why would we do that? It’s been loaded nicely, what’s the point unloading it? Let’s go!”

I thought conservative would be like t_d with realstic normal functioning adults. But nope, its the same with extra boomer cringe

/r/conservative is worse than the Donald. I used to hang out there and it's amazing how unhinged those people are, I'd actually say the donald is more moderate than they are.

Kind of weird, from their header it looks like they're trying to promote normal center right figures from the past, rather than the trendy new right nationalists.

The whole conservative spectrum is weird. It's been moving more and more and more to the right for a while now.

the establishment figures are way less extreme than the base is.

You are trying to think long and hard about a forum that don't years being modded by high school kids.

Do you know who chabanais is? For reference you at your craziest is him at regular settings.

Lol, nice

at least t_d doesn't pretend that they are some sort of intelectuals and they don't a have pretentious sidebar

Yeah but their sidebar bypasses pretentious and goes straight to cringe

Did you think any political subreddit on this entire site is going to be even 30 or 40% normal, well-adjusted people talking calmly about the future of their preferred ideology? Not gonna happen fam.

The OP of that thread is literally a teenager.

Chabanais, the head mod, is still to young to be alcohol legally. He's been modding the sub since he was 14, which should explain a lot.

/r/Conservative is modded by chabanais.

That's like NukeThePope modding /r/atheism, the chances of the sub not falling into retardation are 0.

i just love that they have Kavanaugh in their sidebar, it just tells you everything you know about contemporary conservatism

instead of having Gorsuch in there, the actual originalist law school nerd, a guy who comes closer to their supposed view of constitution than anyone else, they put Kavanaugh in there, a chad who was busy chasing Stacys thoughout his early adult years and some of views on the constitution are not very much in line with originalist thinking to say the least

all to trigger the fuckin' libs

Conservatives only care about originalism if it fits their world view. I have a Boomer Catholic family friend who has more or less denounced the new pope because literally the leader of the religion he bases his whole life around doesn't fit his Boomer worldview either.

Not saying Democrats are any better, but Facebook sharing boomers are literally the dumbest people in the country. Low IQ. Sad!

Catholics are pretty Democrat though. Social conservative from religion doesn't guarantee political affiliation. See black people for the best example of this.

Depends which region and demographics. There's a lot of Catholics. I'd say it is a pretty even mix, but the devout ones are definitely conservative.

The only reason black people don't support Republicans is because Republicans have a history of hating black people.

I think a lot of that is many Catholics are also Hispanic, and even white Catholics are really all that Republican-leaning.

Some absolutely are. Staunch Catholic Republicans are the main forces behind policies like not being required to cover birth control on health insurance plans.

Like is Kavanaugh more textualist than origanalist?

Kavanaugh is chadlite at best

I have only seen one video of the incident. Does anyone have a side by side so I can see how it was doctored?

@2:30 if you don't want to listen to british man

So there's a pause for literally 3 frames right as the action starts? Now can someone tell me why this is a big deal?

They cut out 3 frames of his hand gesticulating before touching her, so it looks like his hand is moving faster, i.e. he's deliberately swinging at her arm.

It actually isn't doctored. It's probably been downloaded and compressed a few times, that's all.

Do the centipedos not realise that this definition of assault will backfire on them?

It's irrelevant. T_D makes our ability to stoke drama look pretty bad sometimes tbh. Anything that makes the left look chaotic and out of control is good publicity.

They will turn anything into a fiasco if it remotely makes them feel like they are continuously more "in the know" than people who don't solely use T_D for news.

What's fucking amazing is that the entire god damn news industry is twisting themselves into knots about a video "fake" that neither exists nor fucking matters.

Even the Twitter-jpged "edited" version has literally nothing interesting happening. Except maybe the awkward look on the aide's face.

Fucking god.

It's honestly worrying. It's showing that both sides now are beginning to take on the worst aspects of the other.

Sounds drama-inducing

It's actually kinda hilarious seeing them go against heavily upvoted posts that are all "didn't we mock dems for this shit? Isn't the whole point that we're better than this."

They don't get that the conservative base has actual moral convictions (which flip immediately as soon as things get personal), and think playing rhetorical games online is how shut in losers spend their time (aka how they view democrats.)

Once the boomers figure this shit out it's gonna be just like that kid with all the meme signs getting thrown out of a protest.

No drama, just being brigaded as usual. This thread is more retarded than the one linked.