The people obsessively screenshotting and analyzing groups like incels or Nice Guys/neckbeards are just as creepy and weird as the people they are following • r/unpopularopinion

1  2018-11-10 by Marchessa


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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true post, no drama

i wait before sleep 😌😌😌

ty 4 bringing this 2 my attention bud 🙏🙏

glad i only napped 😇😇

When will these mongs realize that posting anywhere on reddit at all immediately and permanently classifies you as creepy and weird.

Honestly, using the internet is pretty cringey. I'd never tell my friends I'm online. When they ask how I know something I say I looked it up in an encyclopedia like a normal person.

This but unironically

its truly over for wikipediacels

Surely wikipedophiles would have been better?


That's implied in the incel part

Knowing things and learning things is for nerds.

The virgin scholar vs the chad meathead

using an encyclopedia

not travelling by horse drawn carriage to ye olde book repository

you absolute degenerate

Hear ye hear ye, I cometh with news from the learned ones in the abbey. Thy scriptures and knowledge have finally answered thy old questions if thy bussy be the work of thy devil or one of the lord.

I have never met anyone in real life that admitted to using reddit that wasn't:

a) a normie who only browses r/funny or /r/aww

b) extremely mentally ill


Ignore the fact that I don't leave the house

Am extremely mentally ill, can confirm.


anyone who browses r/funny or r/aww is extremely mentally ill so b) is redundant

think there are two types of retard on reddit, them and us.

You mean us and them

oh you're one of those are you? you people disgust me!

One of the reason why I hate Reddit's ability to upload videos and pictures is that I refuse to share reddit threads with my friends. That just goes too far.

where can I get access to such a power tape

TFW got caught browsing reddit at work and my excuse was "I'm on a subreddit for a niche game" and not "I'm on a subreddit which follows MDE, a really edgy comedy group, which has now dissolved into /pol/. I do this because I find racist memes funny"

Fuck off dude, I'm epic and a gentlesir.

frick off dude, i'm epic and a gentlesir.


A thousand thankyous, m'lord

There's that one guy called Brazilian something on r/IncelTears that spends literally all day looking for sad retards to make fun of. I guarantee if you go there right now there will be 9 posts by the guy, it's like a fetish to him.

that spends literally all day looking for sad retards to make fun of.

to be fair that's pretty close to what we do here

At lesst we don't have an obseeesive hateboner for incels tbh

true dat

Yeah, at least it's not a hateboner

A healthy balanced drama diet for the radical centrist.

I'm here because I find amusement in how petty people can be. Subs like inceltears are about signaling you're superior to people who are self-admitted losers, which is just four-dimensional pathetic.


I dont post threads, just come here to have a laugh

He spends more time on incel boards looking for screenshots than actual incels. I really want to see what he looks like IRL.

This guy is just sad. Has he been revealed to be a rapist yet?

this drama is just getting started lol, the full IT brigade has shown up to talk about all the wonderful m'ladies in their lives lmaooo

Out of the hot current 50 posts, 20 of them are by that BrazillianS user. What a sad and pathetic existence.

I clicked on one randomly and the highest upvoted comment was from another power mod who posts constantly. Jfc

A fetish, I say.

There is a distinct difference between being proud that you do have sex and proud that you're not someone who doesn't.

I'm not gonna defend him but at the end of the day I'd take the roll of the dice to be that guy than the person with the most top posts in the incel subs


I hope he’s actually Brazilian. Can you imagine a fat ass guy roasting in a tin shack in the favela complaining about American incels from a 90’s computer with a tube monitor and stuff?

Alright this dude got some real issues...

That link to the 32 year old virgin is gold though.

He hasn't completed vaginal or anal sex, but has he started?

His victim woke up early

new snappy quote

Um excuse you, I think you mean “technical virgin”

Yea, people that post threads from other subs to their own sub to make fun of idiots are total lose- hey wait a minute.

Yeah but we don't pretend to be normies

We also don't obsessively focus on one group to the point it just looks weird. I'm not gonna lose sleep if some moron says something retarded, I just laugh at him and move on.

the difference is we know we're retarded

"The great thing about /r/drama isn't being retarded, it's showing everyone online that I am."

The difference is we're enlightened centrists who hate both sides

And ourselves. Fuck centrists, they ruined centrism.

Yeah! Fuck those centrists!

yeah! frick those centrists!


Hey! But we are a different kind of retards..

Not wrong /r/IncelTears is sad place

Incels are virgin losers who lost their hope of finding a girlfriend

People who constantly make fun of them are virgin losers who haven't lost their hope yet, and think they're better than incels because of it

Your argument is flawed because you’re making fun of both parties so it just makes you the same as them if not worse.

They're onto us boys.

it's incels all the way down, boyo

Who is the real nice guy? The Nice Guy or the guys screenshotting and trying to roast the Nice Guy?

The whole incel thing really pissed me off. Once it went mainstream and people saw it, rather that actually recognize that these mostly young men were in need of mental health help, they chose to bash them and brand them women hating scum. One of them fucking nailed his penis to a plank of wood and the rest sort of goaded him on, remarking that their penis's were also "worthless lumps of flesh, like me". They clearly needed serious help, but I guess they didn't fit the clean image of mental health awareness, better to use them as evidence of "rape culture!" etc. SO now when I see some cunt go on about mental health awareness and help, I just consider them a fucking cunt who only wants to help someone they can parade around and and say "look at how virtuous I am, aren't I great" rather than actually help even when it can appear those in need are hostile.


Look at that fucking rant, I don't know why the whole shit triggered me so much, I am a fag.

This but unironically. No one gives a shit about mental health. All anyone wants to do is lock them in the loony bin and forget about it.

Everyone gripes about how mental health is ignored, but honestly there's a lot of stuff like this that can't actually be fixed yet anyways. I mean, what the fuck is a psychologist gonna do for a guy who's nailing his dick to a board? Pills and therapy can't fix everything.

Therapy may not be able to fix everything, but it sure as shit can get him better coping mechanisms than nailing his dick to a brick or whatever

A board. Come on, guy, the post above you says it. Get on your "things incels nail their dicks do" A-game.

Get on your "things incels nail their dicks do" A-game.

"We surveyed 100 Americans and their top answer was..."

lmao imagine if after months of therapy they couldn't come up with anything better and gave him a hammer and some nails

I’ve kinda wondered that too lol. People talk about us needing to fund mental health programs more which is true but I kinda wonder at what point they’ll realize that it might not be one of those problems that you can just throw money at to solve

People sorta romanticize therapy I think. You’re the Worst had a great plot line about a character who has PTSD and got “help” which mostly amounted to him getting shut up pills that kept him spaced out perpetually.

More PTSD dogs! idk if they work better than pills but they are cute therefore better

There's also the american sniper Chris Kyle's method of PTSD therapy. Haven't really read about it recently but I think it worked out great.

Well that's kind of the part of the problem. People see therapy as a magic "fix all" type of thing when in all actuality it's a process. It's a tough problem to solve, but no one wants to really acknowledge that there is an issue 'cause that's uncomfortable. More money helps to lend itself to research which lends itself to better methods and better people.

There does tend to be a overmedication problem as well.

Basically mental health is super fucking strained and it's not an easy fix.

It is time for us to introduce suicide booths are something similar. All the super mentally ill finally get peace, money isn't wasted treating them, the rest of society doesn't have to deal with so many mentally ill. Just think of positive to society with the incels and the IT folks going away. It is a win-win.

This but unironically

All anyone wants to do is lock them in the loony bin and forget about it.

Good. The worst thing Reagan ever did was close the asylums.

asylums were shit and pretty fucking awful. problem is they never really got replaced with anything better so a lot of people that should be in something like one are living on the street wandering aimlessly until they die of an overdose or something.

God I wish

Institutionalization needs to be a thing again

Same as the loopy feminist types. It's pretty much the exact same thought process mirrored. These people need to be either put on meds or pulled out of their shell and shown what real life is like. They're not evil they're just crazy at worst misguided at best

I'm a clinical mental health counselor and you're spot on with the whole incel issue. It seems that anyone and everyone wants to kick them while they're down. All they want to do is further isolate people who already feel isolated and unwanted.

Eh they need help but many lash out when you provide it. I think a big part of it is that we've had two generations in the US that grew up in milquetoast suburbia and they are coming to the realization that it's not only a isolating system and a general myth but they also do not have the social set to determine the sweet spot of what they want, what's attainable, and the risk/reward required to even give it a good go.

Bro what about the dude nailing his dick to a board?

bro what about the dude nailing his male reproductive organ to a board?


Bad bot

lol you're a hyper faggot

as an incel I can tell you we don't need "help", we are absolutely and irredeemably doomed and normies have trouble accepting that you can be alone and unloved, bitter and crazy due to no fault of your own. so they obsess about incels and project over and over their own stereotypical idea of what an incel is like in a fashion that makes said incel just an asshole who would have a good life if he simply tried. all that to soothe their own ego.

this sub does the same thing. in one thread this sub will laugh at Manlets and dicklets, his pathetic if is to be short or have a small dick and how objectively unattractive and inferior you are with either of those qualities. then the same people who said this will get angry at incels because they nonetheless want to blame their personality and choices on their inceldom, despite admitting that some features simply make you extremely unattractive due to no fault of your own.

being an incel makes you realize normies are absolutely insane and live in a fantasy world they construct and try to protect

this nigga writing in html

I broke the matrix

basically, if you're ugly and manlet, you're supposed to learn, and once you learn, you're so annoying and pathetic, dangerous and disgusting for having accepted you have no future and nothing to lose that people wish to gulag you.

if you're ugly and a manlet work on yourself, acquire some money and move somewhere you have power, like the phillipines. it's not that complicated.

What unironically triggers me is when they say “lol if you want sex so much just hire a prostitute, nerd,” like no you idiot thats not what they actually want, its what they think they want. Like this is what a beta orbiter’s conception of the issue is

Somehow women don't have any social power despite being able to make up lies and make everyone hate groups of men who are outcasts. Even making tv series mention them in an unfavorable light.

Your sympathy towards fellow man is admirable. You are true altruist.

The reason I said fuck it and quit lurking was how cruel and self concerned they were. “I’m a 30 plus yo virgin but I’d never do that!” [cue backpats] “I’m depressed but I’d never do this!” [cue back pats]. They’re all concerned about themselves (self care bullshit) and their mental health, but not for anyone else, unless you do it in the bullshit self serving way they want you to.

How come they get to mean ping? :(

They're not as good at it as we were

Look at this piece of shit commenting on people who comment about other people's comments. How pathetic...

Reddit and hating mental health issues. Name a better combo

Sorry, I know you're slightly stupid and I don't discriminate against those with mental illnesses, but we're laughing at incels AND those who talk about them all day.

One of us.

Chad has never shot up a school.

False, Columbine. Check mate

I don’t think many of these people are getting laid in general.

Pinging is allowed in unpopularopinions.

How did that weirdo know there were power users that post in r/inceltears non stop tho?! Isn’t that just as weird and creepy to know?! It’s like a flat retarded earth held up with gay ass turtles all the way down.

Wait, aren't you the same lolcow who was REEEEing about dicks a week ago or so?

I dunno, is it creepy and weird to slow down to gawk at car accidents?

If you're driving around and checking the news looking for car accidents specifically to drive over and gawk at them, then yes.

I don't make fun of your hobbies.

Making fun of hobbies is my hobby fam

tldr; SRS is worse than reddit?

I mean obviously

If you actually think sad lonely pathetic virgins like me are creepy and weird, you need to fucking grow a pair.

What exactly am I going to do? Jack of to my gay sock fetish videos in your direction or something?

Any meta subreddit focusing on one group turns into the most rancid shithole. Happened with r/tumblrinaction and r/gamingcirclejerk.

hey there marchessa, how are the giant pizza nipples ?