Ben Garrison dips into that sweet sweet fentanyl a bit too hard and produces his masterpiece. Truly, this man is a pioneer both in the fields of surrealism and opium-induced hallucinations.

1  2018-11-15 by WarBoyPrimo


If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. This Post -,,

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There are not enough captions. Who is the person in the comic strip? What does the shoe mean? What is the spotlight for? Why is she wearing an orange pantsuit?

I’m just saying. This is clearly FAKE GARRISON CARTOON NEWS.

I think he is entering in a new creative direction. Think Picasso's "Blue Period" or John Wayne Gacy's "Child Murder" phase.

So we’ve gone from meth to heroin?

Please, he was clearly an opioid man prior.

So what now, bath salts?


Let's take bets on how it'll be called in the future. I call "Brain Damage" phase is the name that'll stick.

very well said

i hope someday Ben starts experimenting with hallucinogens so we can all see his true talent

Are we sure he's not already on them?

"Mason, would you like a popper?"

John Wayne Gacy's "Child Murder" phase.

How that’s how the mod with the spinning smiley Cyrus flair chose their name.


So that's what that conic section is supposed to be!

Imagine being OP and getting triggered by a boomer cartoon printed on a newspaper in Iowa somewhere like its 1977

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

This is why I never read the sidebar.

Definitely this and not your debilitating illiteracy

Based and literatepilled.

I can't make heads or tails of this comment.

IQ of a small snickers bar price then lel (89cents)

I'm just here to look at the pretty letters.

Just post bussy.

Imagine unironically taking things out of proportion

🚨👮🚨 halt, immigrant


I'm shocked the fent hasn't gotten you yet. You the last of your fam?

Its Ben, he is peak drama and hilarity. The dude sees Hillary and labels everywhere.


Imagine being this butthurt LMAO

Imagine unironically accusing someone of being 'triggered' for exhibiting dumb shit on a dumb shit exhibitionist forum.

Continuing to give Hilldawg attention to own the libs

Tbf, this comic is pretty accurate. That's exactly how a ton of ppl across the political spectrum see her.

If you’re an r/drama poster and you’re not a Hillary fan you need to get out right now. Hillary is a drama goldmine who triggers as many people as humanly possible.

Hillary is a drama goldmine who triggers as many people as humanly possible.

Come here little nigga, let me tell you a story about a woman who made soap for gay men to wash their butt holes only for it to itch afterwards, a woman who shoots chickens in her closet and laughs, a woman who says faggot and nigger bitch all in one breath, a woman who gets suspended from twitter at least two times... my little nigga, let me tell you the story of Azaela: Requiem of a Nightmare.

Dun dun. Dun dun, dun dun.

Dun dun Dun Dun dun dun dun, Dun dun Dun Dun dun dun dun.

Fuck I forgot about this. Iggy was in the news today with Bhad dumb Bhitch or whatver.

You right.

Azealia Banks and Iggy Azalea are two different people you fucking mongo

I am actually proud of how little I know on this subject

I'm going to need a source on that.

I seriously did not know that. Are both crazy retards?

Perceiving Hillary as a desperate, entitled attention whore is totally compatible with appreciating her personal contribution to drama.

Bitch better not try to run again. We don't need 4 more years of President Tantrum. Even if they managed to peach daddy, the party of peace will run someone even more insane because that's what appeals to these morons.

We don't need 4 more years of President Tantrum.

fuck that yes we do.

Dramacoin has been rising exponentially

Daddy needs to go before China start getting ideas about the petro-yuan.

Dramacoin is illegal in China.

This is a good fucking point.

We've only been saying it since day one.

but china taking over means the mayocide happens faster

if the mayocide happens but we can't laugh about it, it might as well not happen

maybe you cant but i sure can

Naw hilldawg drama is stale. We need a new lunatic to run for the dems to keep dramacoin fresh.

More drama decreases the value of dramacoin. It's basic inflation. With the rate we're going, we'll be lucky if we're noat pre-WWII Germany with 4 more years of the Boomer agenda.

Visit /r/the_donald once in a while and you'll find that they still talk about Hillary even when she's not in the news.

This is clearly Donald Trump.

Rent free lol, she's living in their heads RENT FREE!!

My man Ben with his feet fetish and shiet

I kind of want Hillary to run and win just to see Ben's ultimate masterpiece before he necks himself.

It would be like if obama entered office at the level of boomer rage he left it at, would be amazing.

Why do Boomers hate Clinton? She's one of their own! Is it because she can still get around without a scooter?

She can? Because getting thrown in the back of a van like a side of beef because she couldn't stand up kind of contradicts this.

It's nice that the titles of youtube videos spare you from having to think up an original comment of your own.

It's nice that you've never heard that phrase used to describe this exact event at all in the last 2 years. Way to stay in your bubble bud.

Ah yes, I forgot that I should never interject my own jokes when interpreting events but merely repeat the descriptions of other people. Jokes are funniest when repeated. The funniest jokes are ones you’ve heard before. I like joke I know.

It wasn't a joke, it was a reminder that she cannot "still get around without a scooter" which is what I replied to. Nice hot take on originality in jokes though.

I mean you’re a walking meme and we’re allowing you to be here...for now.

Thinking for yourself is for cuck NPCs

And my axe!

It's nice that you argue "it's actually OLD and unoriginal, not just unoriginal" when faced with someone calling your joke unoriginal. Way to use your brain bud.

You don't know this exact joke used to describe this exact YouTube clip like everyone I interact with does. You must live in a bubble.

Literally your thought process.

I like the part where she's still alive today even though you medical geniuses diagnosed her with terminal everything all the way back in 2016.

she's still alive and reportedly relatively-healthy-for-an-old-person today


Old women slips on stairs. I'd say it's been known to happen.

At least she can walk more than the 400 yards Trump seems to be able to manage.

400 yards


What? That's fuckin pathetic lol.

Donald Trump is approximately 6'3", and like 265 lb+. Those cartoons Zyklon Ben draw's aren't accurate, Trump is fucking fat.

I take that back, having just seen DJT from the side in that fox interview, he isn’t 265 lb+, he’s probably more like 285 lb+ lol.

And holy shit, that is one bad fitting suit he’s wearing.

Genuinely thought that van was a hearse at first glance.

Because they were alive when she came up. What's amazing to me is how so many zoomers are ignorant about her past. As an example SNL basically used to dedicate Weekend Update to ripping on her.

I love the pointed examples of criminality you have here, just as many as the entire right came up with after 26 years, lol.

What are you even talking about?

Tell us about her past.

Your bait is stale, try harder.

But you said "SHILLERY BAD!!!1" and I just wanted to know why.. I mean you said "zoomers are ignorant" of it, so tell us what "it" is exactly, what were the nefarious deeds committed?

but ackshully...

You are very bad at this.

She's also a former Goldwater girl. This is a perennial punchline, it writes itself and never gets old.

OG Supporter of one of the founding minds of modern American conservatism, Hildawg is a fucking riddle wrapped in a mystery.

She also voted to build a wall.

Don't forget was against gay marraige

nobody has ever changed their political leanings from college to adulthood

how somebody can evolve in political thought is a fucking enigma... retard

Evolving is a weird term to use for what was practically a 180° flip.

There wasn't anything evolved my guy, she dumped one set of ideology for another.

You can google Evolve+Obama to see his flipflop into flipflop being called evolving for gay marriage too

You can google Evolve+Obama to see his flipflop into flipflop being called evolving for gay marriage too

Nope I'm good. Politicians without nuance or the ability to change their understanding have a short shelf-life.

You're ignoring the important part, she was a fucking 'Goldwater Girl'. Campaigning on the repeal of civil rights and ending desegregation. Sure, she's "evolved" past that thankfully, but what a starting point.

The only way you can compare Obama and Hilary in this way would be if Obama could go back in time and interned under fmr Sen. Strom Thurmond (fucking lol) or George Wallace (laffo).

Or and here me out.

You are retarded because you said

Evolving is a weird term to use for what was practically a 180° flip.

and I said

Wow you know people called Obama's 2 180 Flips on Gay Marriage Evolving

And you sperged out about goldwater for some reason

Nah, you made a comparison that was ignorant.

Idk what your boner is on Obama and gay marriage my guy, there's been greater shifts than some weird single issue that occupied last decades election cycles.

Say what you want about Obama, that's apples to oranges and I don't give a fuck.

there's been greater shifts than some weird single issue that occupied last decades election cycles.

Dude I was literally only saying that's a time people have called it evolving

You're a fucking retard wow.

i mean you had literal stalinists turn into the pioneers of neoconservatism. there's weirder shit out there

>Lead negotiator in NAFTA

>Doesn't even bother campaigning in the rust belt

>Why'd we lose? Jhonny lee miller and crash overide hacked the election with their rollerblades and zoomer clothes

IDK a lot of old boomer feminists love her.



Orange woman bad!


LOCK HER UP! Where are the emails????

She bleached them in a lot of acid! That's not cheap!







Meh i was making a joke about bleach being a base and acid isnt. PH nerdy joke xxxddd

I was doing the same, obviously. Because that jumped out at me from these Trump's claims, me being a high-IQ person with very good jeans!

god i love that nuclear pasta from trump

Still no server!!!!!! Even though we have the entire image on another server. Christ. They believe we physically need the server.

Uh oh. Expect suicide from two shots to the back of the head from glow in the darks now.

That's a tough one man to be sure. I'd circlejerk around you if I had not experienced such an experience myself. A room mate next to my room lost it and double tapped a glock .45 gap right next to me after a break from the middle east. I woke up to it and immediately threw up. Thats all i have to say...

FUck man if srs post thats fucked up

My post is generallu the “Clinton assassination” meme or whatever.

This was years and years ago but it crosses my mind daily and the sacrifice they make for something they possibly cant reason with. Its sad.

the iraq wars were fucking retarded.

sorry mang. have a good one. best wishes and stay PURE and BLESSED bro/girl

Very sad to hear about their tragic suicide, followed by your tragic suicide the next day. I hope I don't shoot myself in the back of the head too.



But orange man also bad?


Orange Woman Fan Sad!

Hilary derangement syndrome strikes again

Imagine if Hillary and Trump got married. What a power couple!

You're being downvoted because we're all picturing them having sex, and now no-nut november is a reality.


Not a single caption what the fuck

Where is the original

At the start of election season he was selling his original drawings for like $400 each.

Wish I had picked one up...

Im honestly kinda shocked at how this shoe meme has continued to exist, but only inside the mind of Mr. Garrison, because by this point literally every other person on the planet, even the most diehard TD types, have forgotten about it.

Yeah, can I get an explanation of the shoe?

I think it was when she fainted after doing a campaign speech and the secret service had to bring her into a van while they tried blocking all the reporters views of the incident, she iirc left one of her shoes where she was standing?

Cinderella confirmed,she's a Disney shill.

Cinderella confirmed,she's a Disney shill.

It's 2018. Disney already runs the government, they're all Disney shills.

Partially right. The fainting happened during the 9/11 ceremony in New York, not a campaign rally.

Mostly right, but for a key detail; The fainting happened during the 9/11 ceremony in New York, not a campaign rally.

And claimed it was pneumonia, then later that day was filmed exiting a building and "randomly" hugging some little girl. Bitch, I thought you were sick? Why are you hugging ransom kids.

The best part was all the mainstream media taking heads telling people it was sexist to talk about her health just days before lol

do you legally have to comment like a rabid boomer or is this just for fun?

Orange fan mad!

Man, you Redcaps are obsessed with an old lady

It's both pathetic and hilarious to watch

Bro pneumonia isn’t contagious.

Bro pneumonia isn’t contagious.

Pneumonia describes the symptom (inflammation), caused by bacteria and viruses. You know, contagions.

You have to go back

The insinuation of sexism was because red caps were insinuating that a female presidential candidate's health should be a legitimate concern, when Trump isn't questioned over simlar things.

Having in-jokes with only yourself is cool tbh

i fixed it idk if its funny tho

v funny 👏

Can you upload it in higher resolution?

Pretty sure it's same thing

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There's two small things holding this back from being an absolute masterpiece. One, the swear bubble is unlabeled. Two, there's no watermark. /u/momruepari can probably help you with this one.

i labeled the text bubble b4 but it looked awkward with the other text right next to it so i scrapped it in post

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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This is why you're the Autist-in-residence

Needs more jpg

You just become more and more likable after every comment

Needs more jpeg.

Needs more jpeg.

There you go!

I am a bot

Can someone tweet this at Ben please?

I exhaled more air through my nose, i hope that helps.


What happend between panel 6 and 7? Dosen't say she was falling, just tripped? You can regain balance after tripping you know!

This masterful political satire has be totally lost, need more labels.

Lmao @ the "Plop"

"PLOP!!" - plop

<3 <3< <3

We didn't need to know about your foot fetish thanks

Fentanyl dindu nuffin, garrison is just a mayo without a sense of humor change my mind

Ben is what happens when you have to pay your douchey retarded son's college tuition while paying for two heroin habits.

Was there a shoe in the news recently?

recently? No, it's referring to that time Hillary fainted (?) while campaigning and she left her shoe while she was transported to a van.

Oh, I don't remember the shoe part, but ok

Neither do I, other than thinking it was a reference to her fainting. Ill have to watch the footage again.

There's no sense of motion in the comic... This gag really only works in animation

What the hell. There are no labels, obvious symbolism or connections to George Soros. It is like he tried to make a real comic.

He's evolving. Soon he will approach basic competency.

Hot foot.

This is his most normal comic ever.

Where's the muscle bound version of Trump?

Behind Ben, grabbing him by the bussy.

i came

Meh. This is pretty standard. I like it when he includes an entire manifesto as part of his comics.

Ben Garrison doesn't think he only channels stupidity and hatred... He isn't a person he's just a portal to this realm of idiocy and bigotry

Bad design, the horizontal panels make it difficult to tell the spotlight is moving.

remember when pol used to edits this guys comics lol.

Back when he wasn't shilling for /pol/ himself.

I, too, take political cartoonists way too seriously.

Is this comic referencing anything recent? Is there any meaning to the light? Why is she wearing orange already? Does this mean anything? Or is this just taking a shit on Hillary?

The best way to punish Mommy for being an attention whore is to keep talking about her for years and years after she's relevant.


Our put her jail for corruption

Out out out 👉🏿 👉🏿 👉🏿

Seems like she's trying to stay relevant with all this hullabaloo about running for president again.

Have you guys heard about this Vince Foster guy?

She recently implied that she wants to run in 2020 and she never shuts the fuck up with her dumb bullshit, this cartoon is like a drop of piss in the sewer that is Clinton coverage.

Her aide did, not her. Lmao.

Ex aide who she hates.

I’m not even remotely sure of what his point is in making this. This is truly horrid.

This is too lucid. Fake?

They keep bringing up how she lost her shoe, but lost their shit when we laughed at Trump for having toilet paper on his shoe

literally rent free

Ben ❤️

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Can we address her sixth finger in the second-to-last panel?