Someone called out reddit thots for what they are and r/starterpack white knights are not happy.

1  2018-11-21 by Baconlightning


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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if this isn't already in the quotes DB, please add.

/r/starterpacks is an unironically great subreddit. It's like masspinging people on Reddit without actually pinging them.

The starterpack isn't even that good but damn! The drama in the comments is fucking amazing!

Once you're done with that thread, you can head over to circlebroke2 for that next level outrage

Hot 🔥 and controversial 🌶 take: the "omega bf" and "free ticket to hell" part does sound incelish

The OP of the starter pack makes video game memes so the incel theory is probably true

They're all incels. This is actually a civil war.

There's nothing better than watching the two groups of people most lacking in experience with women talk about how women are.

How funny would it be if the most popular cosplayers were tgirls?

Not sure about funny but I'm sure it'd be really hot

Dude bussy lmao


This is exactly what it would look like.

🤢 ok maybe it won't be hot then

the dude with the giant fucking melon head lmfao

The coneheads are real and among us.

She has a penis!?? 😍

extremely yes

Thats C9 Sneaky, also known as a League Virgin who gets paid to cosplay women. Whata man

I can tell this is supposed to be a hot trap but he still doesn't pass. Look at that fucking nose.


I mean, it would make it hotter imo, not really funny at all.

the other day I was informed that I was an incel because I believe women get shorter prison sentences than men for the same crime.

This was a 'disgusting' topic and I was an incel for thinking that

I linked this, didn't matter

Incels don’t use the term “omega”, that’s a RP concept.

Also if you are an insta thot, you are literally going to hell in all valid religions.

Good thing religion is horseshit then.

wew so enlightened redditsar /r/atheism amirite!!

Atheism is too weak for the level of hatred I have for religion. And that's not me being edgy, either.

Poor babby, sorry the priest molested you

I'm not. It's what he deserves for cosplaying as a tight lil boi 😍

it's amazing to see how many religioncels are there in r/drama

Religion is like IRL c o p e lol

Atheism is like an IRL fedora

everyone knows the only centrist view of religion is staunch uncompromising agnosticism

Not when you're talking about the concept of hell you fucking fedora

valid religions

That's an oxymoron

Also if you are an insta thot, you are literally going to hell in all valid religions.

Mesopotiamia religion is the only correct one, change my mind.


You can't change fact, sweaty 😘

I prefer to die from a life full of sex with rando than "live" one with neither.

Religion is gay and you are going to hell for it.

religion is gay and you are going to here for it.

Hope you like the changes!

Best take, good job little buddy.

Of course that sardine faggot ed comes in to white knight lol.

Conspicuously absent in the Chapo and Liptard hate threads.

calling me a SRDine/chapfag

t. newfag

Yeah "free ticket to hell" just smacks of crazy. Who gets that tilted about hoes being hoes?

It is actually really dangerous. Especially with the rise of incel driven killings and the extreme effectiveness of those groups in recruiting.

God I miss the ping. I want to see how someone thinks posting starterpack memes is two steps from femlynchings.

OP: "I dislike thots, here's why:"


Guy doesn't even post weird shit or anything. If you're going to spam 20 different subs with the same lame fucking picture, yeah people are going to get tired of that shit.

They don't like it when women are in control of their own sexuality - a sexy character is fine because they have no autonomy, but an actual woman who is proud of her body in any way, that's just terrifying to them.

Why do they constantly come up with stupid shit like this and why do all the other morons there upvote this? Fuck, I feel like I could pick 90 percent of the comments there and say the same thing about it.

Yeah it really is this whole drawn out line of reasoning that has no accurate relationship with reality whatsoever.

They don't like it when women are in control of their own sexuality - a sexy character is fine because they have no autonomy, but an actual woman who is proud of her body in any way, that's just terrifying to them.

Bingo. You wanna watch a fuckboy shit himself, agree with him when he complements you. (Or I guess me since I’m a woman)

Complimenting women in 2018

bet it's a trans "woman" anyway

Retsrds all of them

CB2 is the_Donald level of delusional.

Like when TD said Trump would win the presidency...

Like when TD said mommy lied.

Which one is mommy?

The old lady who hates everyone. The one who doesn’t care that her husband is a fucking serial rapist.

She didn't?

There were only 2 real candidates on vote night, so 50% chance to be right.

So the election was a coin flip?

Why do they constantly come up with stupid shit like this and why do all the other morons there upvote this?

"something that sounds kind of deep and psychoanalytical" + "agrees with me"

Letting the government what people are allowed to say through hate speech laws is dangerous? Lol you're just fear mongering, they'll only use it to arrest Nazis.

Starterpacks about reddit thots? Now that's dangerous.

Minimizing the impact of anti-feminism is what's gotten us to the quasi-nationalist state of affairs in which the world is increasingly finding itself. Insisting on the inferiority of women is the gateway drug to insisting on the inferiority of anyone who isn't a white property owning male. More and more people are starting to get this, but anti-feminism still remains a popular mainstream political stance across the whole spectrum (although I give a hard side-eye to anyone who identifies as "left" and hates feminism).


Not even that, starterpack memes are literally creating a genocide against the proud, woke, womyn of colour.

Feminism wants what these fuckheads claim to care about.

Is that why they mock men whenever they bring up male circumcision on Reddit? "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ?? MUH PENIS"

I've just spent the afternoon reading about masculinity for my masters application


Minimizing the impact of anti-feminism is what's gotten us to the quasi-nationalist state of affairs in which the world is increasingly finding itself. Insisting on the inferiority of women is the gateway drug to insisting on the inferiority of anyone who isn't a white property owning male. More and more people are starting to get this, but anti-feminism still remains a popular mainstream political stance across the whole spectrum (although I give a hard side-eye to anyone who identifies as "left" and hates feminism).

They are reaffirming what each other say in the form of argument.

Reddit in a nutshell

They don't like it when women are in control of their own sexuality - a sexy character is fine because they have no autonomy, but an actual woman who is proud of her body in any way, that's just terrifying to them.

Where the hell do they get this shit? It's literally

If you hate something, it's because you're afraid of it

but also

If you hate something, it's because you want to fuck it

That logic explains so many of my erections.

Thats like r/politics and r/genderfluid coopted their own subreddit, and bitch and moan about the 'mysoginistic' reddit.

I think the funny part is you can always find butthurt people complaining that r/starterpacks is stereotyping whatever group. Like do they expect the OPs to make starterpacks that don't stereotype whatever group they're designed for?

It's like a reverse horoscope. Also explains why it's mostly women who get mad at starterpacks.

Also explains why it's mostly women white knights who get mad at starterpacks.

Self-correction is, supposedly, one of the hallmarks of true sciences. Failure to self-correct in the face of overwhelming data is, to me, a threat to the scientific integrity of our field.  Perhaps, therefore, most of us can agree that, with respect to the longstanding claim that “stereotypes are inaccurate,” a little scientific self-correction is long overdue.

yup. Good quote.

Isn't that the exact point of starterpacks? They're all just generalized stereotypes. It's just supposed to be a stupid joke, people who take them seriously and get offended just lack a sense of humor.

All starterpacks are garbage, that's what makes it great. It's got the highest drama-to-effort ratio of all subreddits. We could learn a thing or two from /r/starterpacks.

What was the reason behind banning pinging again??

Helps that the people who browse that sub are all insane lolcows. Every single thread on there is hilarious. Here they are jerking themselves raw over how sophisticated they are compared to /r/books:

someone's triggered and I bet you never even read Coleridge

3/14 not bad.

We get the thot to name themselves.

Man, I should get back to using that sub

I love the occasional starterpack that fits yourself so much it actually hurts a little

it always delivers lately that's what i'm thankful for this thanksgiving.

Also who's more delusional, Beta orbiters of a girl will never ever fuck them or incels?

/r/smuggies is also really good for that too

what a sad existence


I don’t need you. There are a whole lot of other streamers that deserve my time and support. As they say there are plenty of other fish in the sea. Fish without husbands too... you liar skank. I will no longer be dedicating 1/3 of my day to moderating your chat. Let the wildebeests roam... and if you need me, I’ll be in STPeach’s chat from now on. You may not know this but I actually do watch her streams after yours are over. And I’ve been a 6 month subscriber as well... I donated her $30 the other day and said her outfit looked cute - she said I’m a sweetheart. Things are looking up for me (and down for you). This is where I bid farewell to you, have fun being a liar bitchface.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

This is America.

I only see people complaining about white knights in the topc omments.

If it has more text than images, it's probably made by someone who's unironically mad

alt right buzzwords


Is it possible to learn these buzzwords?

Not from a dramatard.

this is exactly where you can learn them though?

That's some delicious drama. There's even some brewing here, amazing. r/starterpacks is my new best friend.

What's the original of this quote?

“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

It's some old ass quote from Goebbels I think.

Thanks, bro.

Giebbels with the flexible pasta

Flexible pasta best pasta

Some guy who hated Jews. It was a stupid point when he said it, because of course people get angrier at you insinuating that it's evil to simply be who you are than those who just call you names.

But it's very strong point when made about things which are not intrinsic to your being.

But it is evil for some people to be simply who they are you gay nerd.


You missed one.


thots do get made at roastie though. i think narcissist, parasite, etc. would work better

Oooo, that's juicy.

Man these thots with 50k followers and modelling contracts must be happy about the valiant gentlesirs defending them on posts they will never see




When even someone like JewDank had whiteknights following her around you know somethings wrong

It's funny, you see the same behaviour with women only towards fictional men. If a fictional man is attractive, no matter what the character is actually like or does, he will have fangirls defending and worshipping him.

I'd venture fantastic men, men who could star in a woman's fantasy. Think about pop music idolizing since Elvis.

To be fair, they also froth over the actors who play the fictional characters.

braincels checking in

It's accurate.

What's an incel, but a man who talks about women the way feminists constantly talk about men?

yeah feminists constantly demand sex from men, you're right

LOL the fact you think this is a 'gotcha' just shows how hilariously naive you are.

Is this something feminists are known to do? Am I missing something?

for some reason jewdank and whitney wisconsin are the same person in my mind

Jewdank shoved things up her butt tho

does 50k followers even get you a contract?

pretty sure thats just "free clothes and a few meals at nice restaraunts" level

"modelling contracts"

yes, also don't forget the ass and breast implants. I don't see the appeal but whatever, some men have no taste.

The only one I see on rising and new consistently enough to recognize is the nigri one and she's insufferable to say the least.

What's worse, being an incel or a cuck?

Incels don't have sex but they don't have to drink the semen of a stronger smarter man out of a woman's vagina either.

Yeah sorry about the taste there

Damn straight you should apologize. Gussy? Really?

I eat a lot of fruit so you should be ok

You can't miss sex if you've never had it 🤔

Reversing the damage of being an Incel is a challenge, but it's not impossible. Reversing the damage of being a Cuck? That's like losing a limb. You can replace it but the phantom pain will always haunt the cuck.

Essentially, Incels start on the bottom and have to muster up the balls to start crawling upwards. Most never start the climb, those that do stop being incels eventually and become mostly normal dudes.

Cucks on the other hand, started off fairly normal ; then have had their balls crushed into nothing and fall off the hill and tumble into a pit of absolute despair that they mask with those shitty, inhuman open mouth smiles.

tl;dr : It's a submission thing. One group starts at the bottom of the barrel, the other group has to willingly give up and move to the bottom of the barrel.

Every so often you hear of guys escaping the incel trap; but most attempts to escape the cuck trap end in tragedy. And "successful" escapes always end up with someone dead. So yeah, being a cuck is infinitely worse.

I would like to hear this at a poetry slam

What's worse, being an incel or a cuck?

Incels are far right and cucks are far left

so, neither.

this picture is amazing. where is it from?

Being a cuck is peak beta. It's not standing up for your rights as half of a relationship

Don't cucks like being cucks though, it's their thing?

Ths complete lack of self-reflection is amazing with these thots. I follow some of these for the noble purpose of fapping furiously to nice butts and tits (but not giving a single cent to them ofc), and it occasionally dawns me just what do they expect of their followers lmao, you post your big fat ass in skimpy outfits, are you really not capable seeing that some people might have more reaction than saying wow ur bjutiful, fuck. And theres toooons of them.

why not just fap to porn smh

but this is porn

It’s poem for people in denial

It really is great Pornography for all to Enjoy. Post bussy.

But muh incels!

Thanks for vsummarizing the comments man. If only I found this earlier, I wouldn't have to read that thread.

That's because these thots are in the costume business, not costume play.

That's because these thots are strippers in the costume business, not costume play.


Yeah, but are they in the Guild? What level are they? Who are they arching?


You have literally no clue what kind of effort it takes to be “hot”. Money, time and actual pain and sweat goes into looking good, not to mention the skills needed for hair/make up/nails/modeling/editing/marketing. It’s not just genetics, and even if it was, computers and cameras and internet are upfront costs. They’re running a business. Just because it isn’t geared towards your interests doesn’t make it lesser somehow.

The struggle is real.

That person really thinks it’s difficult. Fuckin a

Shut up incel 😤

Don’t you get that what you call “thots” work harder than Cambodian rice farmers or Rhodesian diamond miners SMH 😡😡😡

Holy shit someone needs to tell him he needs to stop hordeing all the pussy for himself.

facts: Only flat Asian girls should be allowed to cosplay

Yellow Gussy is still Gussy my dude

Yeah but it's sideways if that counts

And blurry

Down with western racist fail cosplay. Join r/awcmovement now.

“He used the term omega, he MUST be an INCEL!!!”

Redditfags call any meme lingo they’re unfamiliar with Incel terms.

I mean...

being familiar with meme lingo

think about it

That's an incel term tho

It's been around since way before this incel thing became a thing.

it existed before incels so it isn't an incel term? are you seriously that retarded?

What makes it an incel term? The fact a lot of incels use it? A lot of incels say hello to each other, is that in incel term?

A lot of incels say hello to each other

Do they talk to anyone though? REKT

Great point buddy, I never thought about it like that!
Is the nazi salute really a nazi thing? what, is german a nazi thing because they use it?????
i have literally no idea how language works btw

Don't see omega used much by incels anyway. More of a way to spice things up for the post.

Lol, that pic is pretty incely though.

Idk... as a 'Stacey' I kind of agree with the pic. These 'cosplay' girls are pretty annoying. I personally know one and she posts slutty pics all the time just to stay relevant.

Stupid sluts get dunked on

Becoming enraged when a girl is willing to show them her ass - the absolute state of Redditcels in current year.

community dedicated to summing up large groups into a macro with a few lines of text



As the prophet Muhammad once said, death to all thots.

>REEEing about shadman in 2018

hahaha "underwear + wig = cosplay"

People who comment on costumethot pics are the worst. Unless you truely like their outfit, don't comment. I don't even upvote or like 99% of the time.

Why do people only assume it's only men complaining about the thots that ruined cosplaying?

A lot of extremely talented women have a bone to pick to with whores in bodystockings.

"I kno my views are correct so anyone who doesn't agree with me must be wrong." For people who worry about AI and the singularity, folks on Reddit have very little self-awareness themselves.

I odn't get the whole deal with incel. Apparently if you are critical of women or don't like some of the things they do, they're an incel. You could literally have sex with someone and people would still call you an once. Nowadays people don't call you an incel because you are one, it's just that 'cool' word to say, among others on this site.

I fucking swear Reddit is full of morons.

its the new "cuck", except its now used by sjws instead of rightoids

its because they want a throw word to insult anyone they don't like. They can't use "faggot" anymore since then they would appear to be homophobic so incel is the new throw term

Is anybody else tired of using -cel as a suffix for a group of people they don’t like even if the fully written term makes no fucking sense? Like Magacels. make america great again celibate?

"the incel freaks are just making fun of women, " literally entire subreddit is about making fun of specific groups of people

They went after women. WOMEN!

All of the cookie cutter incel and "who hurt you" posts being heavily downvoted made me laugh


Man, being a misogynist is so easy these days.

Back in my day, you had to hate women, want to hurt them either physically, mentally or their job opportunities, just because they were women.

Now you just have to suggest that not all women are picture perfect angels, and you're done, so efficient!

To be honest, this is the new form of sexism that most dumb fucks on Reddit are oblivious to. The worship of women and the thought process that you have to defend their honor even when it's unnecessary to do so and that anything besides complimenting them is viewed as sexist is really in an ass backwards way of sexism. These simps and cucks on that startepack post is sexist without even knowing it.

Only a faggot site like reddit would spam "incel" over and over. Le gaslight dogwhistle gatekeeping.

Lmao imagine being such a loser faggot that you reeeeeee about wimmen dressing up as your favorite vidya wrong or tries to sexy it up. I mean i know i cant nut unless the bitch is dressed up as a Chucky Finster from the Rugrats

That's the way you do it, flash your tits on the

That's tain't twerkin' that's the way you do it

Internet used to be for looking at boobs now it’s for complaining that there’s too much boobs.

Oh my god I love that post, OP triggered so many incels in denial there.

As a creeper I notice a high amount of cross promotion between cosplayers and the foot fetish realm. I don't know what to do with this information but there it is.

its like a fucking ben garrison pic with all those labels, holy fuck

Is this the Ben Garrison version of starter pack where op has to label or explain everything? Good concept, shit execution

I don't know what's worse, cosplay thots, their white knights, or the lonely incels bitter about not having sex with them.

Those fuckers are actually discussing the alpha/beta male shit like it's some deep insight into this secret niche sub-culture of hatred.

Next up: "the chad stride meme" and its influence on climate change.

Damn, hetero saltiness levels are off the charts.

They attacked WHITE WOMAN. The most oppressed group in the society!

Woman rise UP

bottom text

Incoming white knights to defend mlayds honor