British Labour Party goes full Tankie. Openly plots to "overthrow capitalism".

1  2018-11-23 by God_Of_Wisdom_War


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Jesus it's over for labourcels

i think most labour supporters are used daring feats of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Corbyn's increased voting share for Labour by the biggest margin since 1945.

0 x 2 is still 0

Since Labour is leading pretty much every poll now, after overperforming polls by 10 points in average last time, I guess Corbyn just has to wait for a new election to implement socialism.

to implement socialism.

If it fails then will it be real socialism this time?

It'll be great. Corbyn will simultaneously negotiate an economically devastating brexit for the UK while engaging in direct attacks on the financial sector which will be the last liferaft keeping Britain afloat.

We may actually live to see British refugees trying to flood into the EU and being stoped, turned away, and prosecuted after the EU finally adopts the anti-refugee policies the British right have been clamoring for.

I can't wait!

Va te faire foutre, on est complet.

The Conservative party has completely collapsed and in the midst of destroying the nation through the worst possible implementation of Brexit imaginable, and they are going back and forth neck and neck in the polls.

Corbyn is doing a fucking terrible dog shit job. Labour should be consistently double digits ahead with this shit show going on

Labout might be ahead by double digits if you consider how labour overperformed the polls by 10 points average last time

Businesses were stunned by his plan to force all large companies to hand over a tenth of their equity to their workforce.

This is great for dramacoin.

The nice minister should help in with Venezuela and see how nationalizing all the things went.

Businesses were stunned by his plan to force all large companies to hand over a tenth of their equity to their workforce.

Tfw when the party that wants to run the country doesn’t even understand basic economics or why nationalizing businesses is a dumpster fire

Its OVER for economically-literatecels

Tfw when the party that wants to run the country doesn’t even understand basic economics or why nationalizing businesses is a dumpster fire

Germany requires 50%.

Germany require (slightly less than) 50% of the supervisory board, not 50% of ownership.

I realize venezuela actually nationalized things, but isn't giving workers equity not at all the same thing? In theory when you give employees stock in the company you're doing that anyway.

I can see why such a law would be a problem, but its not like handing over the company to the government. I think even the germans have a requirement for one of the board members of any company to be an employee representative.

was trying to address two issues. The 10% bit is great for drama bc businesses don’t like that sort of thing. Personally I dislike it because yippee, you gave a faceless mob 10% control. Versus stocks (often non voting) and a named employee.

Elsewhere in the article, the guy wants to nationalize a shitton of goodies, hence the second paragraph. Nationalizing tennnds not to work as intended. Although there are things I think should be managed by the government, government proves time and again they can’t.

you gave a faceless mob 10% control

Could be worse, given its only 10%. Would depend on how that 10% makes its collective will known. Its probably less annoying than dealing with a closed-shop union workplace, and definitely less annoying than ever hiring a lawyer to work at your company ever.

People are corrupt shitheads, the free market at least allows you to say fuck you to the corrupt shitheads as long as there are no monopolies.

Monopolies don't last long in a free market. If they do it's because they're doing much better than the competition

Instead you get oligopolies.

Monopolies don't last long in a free market.

How so? As far as I understand, monopolies is one of the main problems plaguing free markets, and they form naturally because of economies of scale.

They exist in all economies unless you over-regulate. But like I said in a free market they won’t last long as a result of stimulating competition. Producers would naturally compete

But like I said in a free market they won’t last long as a result of stimulating competition. Producers would naturally compete

Again, due to economies of scale a free market naturally converges on a monopoly. If your cost of production is fixed costs + costs per unit, then a producer that sells 2000 units can afford to sell them at a lower price than a producer that sells 1000 units, which leads to a death spiral for the second producer.

How stimulated your personal competition with, say, eBay is right now, and how much does it help you with competing against them?

The 10% bit is great for drama bc businesses don’t like that sort of thing. Personally I dislike it because yippee, you gave a faceless mob 10% control.

Germany requires 50%

Works councils in Germany have quite a good reputation, compared to their equivalent next door in France, despite both having similar laws regarding works council's. There is a great deal of evidence that works councils in Germany have had a positive economic effect, the evidence is more mixed in France.

The actual labor laws passed by the government are only half the story, how businesses & employees respond is also important. There is probably a cultural element here around attitudes towards work.

Well duh, they're fucking french, of course it won't work.

Yeah basically.

The Franzosen are shit at everything though.

If it's newly issued stock, it's equivalent to a 10% levy on existing capital. If the companies are supposed to buy the stock from private holders on the open market, that's going to FUBAR market prices.

ROFL imagine it being 2018 and still believing this reagonomic crap.

Imagine being too stupid to do basic math

You're right: Obama changed forever how fractions work. Hashtag woke econ.

Oh and I suppose we still believe in fractions do we? Fractions are splittist and the tools of wreckers.

Things were great until Venezuela stopped nationalizing things and the bankers then went into economic strikes against the people.

whoa cool it with the anti-semitism big guy

slow down there Chapo

the bankers

or maybe MDE?

Worse it's a non resident Indian who lives in California and posts on r/India.

what the fuck

The nice minister-to-be should check in with Venezuela and see how nationalizing all the things went.

The private sector accounts for 70 percent of Venezuelan GDP In Norway it's the opposite.

Yes. When you count private businesses forcefully taken away from their owners and given to coops as „private business“.

I don't know if you will believe me but Venezuela and the USSR are not the only left wing economic models in the history of the world. This is normal in most European countries, the French state owns like 15% of loads of the car companies and lower Saxony has 20% of voting rights in Volkswagen, this is true of lots of other companies.

the French state owns like 15% of loads of the car companies and lower Saxony has 20% of voting rights in Volkswagen

Because they invested in these companies back in the day. This is going to be they taking the stock and being like 'lol bye'

Imagine that. Stealing 20% equity has the exact opposite effect of investing and buying 20% equity.

Because they invested in these companies back in the day. This is going to be they taking the stock and being like 'lol bye'

I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about here, those shares were kept by the local state to keep control after it was privatised lol, they even named a law after it. Also as if the British state didn't invest in any of the big companies in the UK, it only does free R&D, and various other stuff for them and organises bail outs when they go tits up.

It was enacted on 28 July 1960, when Volkswagenwerk GmbH was privatized.

Learn to fucking you illiterate dolt, you absolute fucking waste of human genetics. Fucking britbongs ought to have been gassed by Nazi daddy. You fucking moron.

Lol that is literally what I said, the company was privatised and the state kept voting shares, you said it was

Because they invested in these companies back in the day.

Making a bit of a prat of yourself here aren't you, having a tantrum because of your lack of reading ability, typical tbh.

How does paying for something and keeping it is comparable to just fucking taking with no compensation, you diseased rotting cunt?

All those rotting burgers in your fat gut really makes you tetchy darling, maybe you should try some healthy American lettuce instead.

I'm pretty sure their first car was designed by Porsche and the Porsche company built the factory with dodgy money from a quasi nazi/private owned but profit making company so I guess your point was sort of vaguely true if you twist it and squint your eyes enough.

But I'm still right because what I said actually happened, the state kept controling shares and this is true of loads of other European companies, Renault was literally expropriated then the state kept shares in it once it was re-privitised. Your whole rugged burger idea is dumb, every state invests in companies 'back in the day' we just don't take any control for that in the UK because our Tories want to suck burger dick.


wait what's wrong with venezuela?

Nothing! You should go there!

Um ok? Its kind of racist to say that theres something wrong with a country when in reality there is nothing wrong. Also I dont speak that language so I cant go there, plus Im scared of poor countrys.

That's not what tankie means lol

Guy is a quite literal Tankie

He loves lenin

Labour is literally lead by a guy who thinks NATO was founded to promote a cold war with the Soviet Union and that the Warsaw Pact was a mutual defense strategy.

It should surprise nobody that they have tankies within their own ranks.

Neither of those takes are technically wrong they're just the most commie way of framing them as possible

Yo dawg I heard you like tanks so I put tankies in your ranks so you can tank tank tank

Labour is literally lead by a guy who thinks NATO was founded to promote a cold war with the Soviet Union and that the Warsaw Pact was a mutual defense strategy.

That's pretty much the case tho. It's a pro russia take but not wrong.

Lol mutual defense pact of puppet countries on lockdown from imperialist USSR.

The same is said about Nato, buddy.

And they would be fucking retarded for saying so. France left on their own. Show me where all these NATO citizens desperately tried to escape to the safety and liberty they had in Warsaw and all the secret police to keep them in lockdown.

Since when does the citizens matter for an accord between nations ?

Genius, did you skip over France leaving and not getting invaded? What happened to Hungary when Communists wanted even just a different form of Communism?

USSR rewarded Warsaw Pact countries by installing oppressive as fuck governments against their will and straight up robbing the countries blind to build up their own country.

USA instead threw money at the countries until they transformed from piles of rubble into the richest places on the planet overnight.

This both sides nonsense to call NATO and Warsaw the same situation is a joke. The only threat to either Warsaw or NATO was the USSR. You can see this clear as day when countries today actively try to still join NATO as a way to prevent getting invaded and looking like Ukraine while Warsaw doesn't even exist.

Genius, did you skip over France leaving and not getting invaded?

Yes, we had nukes.

USA instead threw money at the countries until they transformed from piles of rubble into the richest places on the planet overnight.

What burgers actually believe, lmao.

So did Ukraine, next excuse?

So did Ukraine, next excuse?

Those were not ukrainian nukes.

Also lol at Marshall Plan being fake.

You are aware of why the plan marshall was a thing ? I am seriously asking here.

Ukraine still had them in their country. The countries were rebuilt so they could prevent the spread of Communism to rest of Europe and not have USSR steamroll their way to the Atlantic.

The countries were rebuilt so they could prevent the spread of Communism to rest of Europe and not have USSR steamroll their way to the Atlantic.

That was just one reason. What was the other ?

Can you please just get to it instead of cat and mouse?

It was to penetrate the european market, and sell american stuff.

Oh so free trade is bad now? Why did Europe accept the money from the evil empire and rebuild with blood money?

Do you think saying there is a benefit to America having a rich Western Europe somehow negates American actions?

Oh so free trade is bad now?

That uh wasn't my point. My point was that the US wasn't throwing us money. They were paying for access to our markets.

They CREATED the market by rebuilding the continent. Only an arrogant frog could think France was doing America a favor by taking American money to rebuild.

They CREATED the market by rebuilding the continent.


What burgers actually believe.

Why does West Germany look different from East Germany?

Communism. It hurt a lot.

Yes it certainly did. Now you want to tell me America did nothing to help allies in Western Europe? Mutual benefit isn't some gotcha against America. You would have to be retarded as a world leader to actively take part in something that would harm your own country. Of course America creating strong allies helps everyone.

It would be peak arrogance to think war torn country taking money is doing a favor towards the country giving money.

What is next, is Israel doing a favor by accepting aid from America? Same exact logic.

It would be peak arrogance to think war torn country taking money is doing a favor towards the country giving money.

What is next, is Israel doing a favor by accepting aid from America? Same exact logic.

Israel /is/ doing a favor to the US. They are very usefull to hide the subventions to the US military complex.

I don't know what that phrase means to be honest. Hide the subventions?

See, the US give money to israel. Israel in exchange buy american. It's a way for the US to pay their military complex, but it fudge the numbers so it doesn't look too obvious.

The amount given is a rounding error for military spending. It isn't a favor BY Israel. It is a favor TOWARDS Israel. You are delusional in your thinking that people that take money from others are doing favors. Do you thank panhandlers after they take your money too?

The amount given is a rounding error for military spending.

3 billions is a rounding error lmao.

It isn't a favor BY Israel.

Money laundering is not a favor lmao.

Yes, 3 billion is a rounding error. Welcome to having a rich country. It isn't money laundering. None of it is a secret or tax evasion.

Yes, 3 billion is a rounding error.


.5% of the budget. Do you still want to be stupid? I can't help you that you live in a poor country.

Not all of that is dedicated to the military complex tho.

And? What is your point? Do you think it is a secret that Israel spends the aid on military? If a random Reddit user knows this it isn't a state secret. You are not clever.

Israel is not doing any favors by accepting free defense support from America.

And? What is your point? Do you think it is a secret that Israel spends the aid on military? If a random Reddit user knows this it isn't a state secret. You are not clever.

Israel is not doing any favors by accepting free defense support from America.

Do you even attempt to answer what other people say or you just decide to strawman them all the time ?

You called it money laundering. Sending military aid to Israel is not in any way shape or form a state secret.

Sorry honey, but this guy isn't even a pinko, he's an actual red.

Why are you booing him? He's right!

you are right

tankies are way cooler than Jeremy fuckin' Corbyn and that's saying something

I miss the Liberal Party sometimes.

F for cleggo

British radical-centrist politician Nick Clegg he will hopefully implement radical centrist at facebook now inshallah

Why would anyone ever want to live in England? Like seriously.

If you're English you can just move to Ireland or Australia depending on which weather you prefer and live in much nicer, less overpopulated places without crazy communists, islamists and witches trying to take your shit. So why would you stay??

Money, probably.

Not sure about Australia, but Ireland isn't too bad where it comes to money.

Too much effort

Why would anyone ever want to live in England?

The weather and all the beautiful people.

Also, australian TV is so bad that brits end up moving back home

Don't they have high quality UK productions like Doctor Who and Eastenders down under?

Doctor Who is pretty much the best show in Australia. And it was, even during the Moffatt era. Let that sink in.

I would honestly rather watch Reef Doctors than Dr Who

just move to Ireland

Lmao. Why would an English person go to the trouble of moving to Ireland, when they can just go to the London zoo and live among the howler monkeys? It would be cheaper, easier, and cleaner. Plus, the howling of the monkeys would be less annyoing that the Irish whining about British colonialism.

I know London's pretty bad these days but come on it's not that bad.

It's worse. London is an expensive as fuck shithole. I wouldn't live there even if you paid me to.

I went to London once, DIS-CUST-ING! Foggy ass shithole swarming with people queuing to get anywhere, living in closet sized apartments that consume 75% of their income that they make at miserable jobs they ride to in shitty tincan trains that Londoners have the SHEER AUDACITY to brag about as 'the best in the world'. The food is awful, the people are rude, taxi prices are absurd and the crime rate is high due to shiftless loser chavs that listen to copycat wannabe American rap. If I lived in London I'd neck myself.

Wow. Pot calling the kettle black much?

But then he would have Muslims for his neighbors, and the poor monkeys would all be raped to death once the Pakistanis have worn out the petting zoo.

This guy knows whats up.

Why live in England and shoot yourself from the misery when you can move to America and have someone do it for you?

Australia is the America of the commonwealth. Screw that lmao

Australia could never be that relevant.

australia has spiders tho


can't even pick the chad leftists ideology and strive for an Anarcho-Syndicalist union of communes with strong overtones of lavender and thyme

I love McDonnell because he makes sure Labour can't get elected

That's what they said last time. Tories were supposed to get 400 seats, but ended up losing their majority

The DUP are same stable partners though!

Labour ran on a fairly left-leaning succdem manifesto. McDonnell has shifted their policy hard left and said he wants to implement communism. He has already spoken of plans to collectivise land like the USSR did. If he had done that last election there would have been a Tory majority.

The media ran all the commies stories before and Labour still defeated tory majority. Face it, british people want go radical and Labour's policies are popular even with conservative voters

They didn't actually have commie shit in their manifesto. Now they do.

british people want go radical and Labour's policies are popular even with conservative voters

You clearly don't live here

They didn't actually have commie shit in their manifesto. Now they do.

There's nothing new in the manifesto lol

You're right, I meant to say McDonnell's plans will mean that the manifesto will have commie shit in it next election unless he is simply lying

I was wondering wether brexit would be enough to sink britain. Seems that I no longer need to wonder.

My smugness will be trough the chart with that. 1) I will get to be smugs at brits after their economy go down the shitter 2) I will get to be smug at french commies once their economy goes down the shitter and 3) I will get to be smug to IRL britbongs fan I know.

kill all communists

There's honestly a part of me that feels it would be hillarious if Britan transitioned to a full-blown Socialist state, but still kept the Royalty intact (albiet with less power). I mean, they already turned into a liberal democracy while still having a crown, I just kinda think it would be funny if they went as far as Socialism without ending the monarchy.

u/aonome how did someone beat you to creating this post?

Openly plots to remain ridiculed and irrelevant.

I for one support this.

Prepare to be Allende’d