Watermark03 watches in horror as an eTHOT gets TAXED

1  2018-11-25 by Momruepari


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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Snappy bringing the bantz

Was this directed at Notch? 🤔

he'll be here any second

Good meme.





Even a dumb faggot can be right 6 times


You now nobody can match my bussy slc, don't even bother looking elsewhere.

Read my tag, realize the you are in the presence of divine bussy, and stay hidden under your rock you poser. I'm the premo bussy here

My intentions are pure, truly no knight can be purer than one who's dulcinea is a whore. For when I come back from slaying the dragon, she will hug me and then charge the exact same amount as always.

You're acting retarded and reeeing about some imagined privileges you assume non white males are being granted again. You've unfortunately been granted the delusion that you can use the irs as your own personal vigilante organization by a misleading thots post, who for some reason assumed that she was getting audited because someone reported her premium snap, and not because she had deposited 20k into a bank account three years back.

Just more imagined white male victimhood. Cry more bitch. I swear you guys have one of these episodes every few months? Since like the time of gamer gate.

The only people playing the victim are those who have to pay tax now, like the rest of us lmao.

Fuck I think watermark may have unironic feelings for the unfortunate hooker he paid for 2 week ago.

Jesus taught us that it's fine to fall in love with your prostitute, you go get em watermark

Imagine having unironic feelings

gamer gate

and there it is

some imagined privileges you assume non white males are being granted

White women who live in America truly are the most oppressed group in the entire universe.

Accurate but hauntingly beautiful

The shoes my sides

What's the significance of the shoes?

New Balance, the incels choice.

who comes up with this shit

t. New Balance owner.

These memes just get better

Mr. Ruepari‘s art is like a fine wine

FYI, it's "Irapeurmom" backwards.

First name Mom

Last name Ruepari

First name: Red

Last name: Neffoxes

Was it a car or cat I saw.

Tons o' snot

Lol I never spent time to think it over

Me either, for a long while.

I thought it was some kind of Ru Paul reference until pretty recently

It's also an anagram for the first person plural indicative of premurare, which means "to speed up" or "to urge on".


Is he actually the same person as watermark02? Why does each incarnation get more extreme?

I have no idea but they're both fags


His retardation evolves and adapts with its environment not unlike a cockroach for example.

Cockroaches havent changed evolutionarily in millions of years

Yeah well you’re stupid


Because they're already perfect.

^ like this guy! ^

He's actually a quality character tbh.

I think I'll go to watermark04 soon. Like super saiyan 4, but with retardation.

I honestly wouldn't mind if you left the planet to go train.

Keep Yourself Saiyan bud


wait why'd you delete your old account. :(

I just remembered when we argued in /r/anime over the best girl contest. :(

Oh God hahahaha I acted like a fucking lunatic in the best girl contest

Like all my spergs on here pale in comparison

Anime waifu's are serious shit, the lower stakes the more I sperg

>Not going super sayian god


He forgot his old password

This meme was made by momroumari

Has there been a spike in spastics recently? I feel like there’s been more and more lately.

Watermark is an oldie, he deleted 02 when I made a lolcow thread about him

Well, Pizzashill just got banned for the second time, so we're down one.

lol, just had him accuse me of making up a reddit conversation


I don't know how you spend so much time on this site without realizing threads are saved

this corny fool is such a loser. no idea why he immigrated from /r/politics but he needs to go back

hey hey hey, we need some lefty retards around here for maximum drama and maximum radical centrism. He may be a corny fool, but he is necessary, and perhaps even noble, in his spergy /r/drama power user kind of way

this faggot isn't a lefty. he's a neoliberal, idpolling clown.

they all have their uses here!

One of anything is the motto around here!

But anything more than one needs to get OUT

I am all things at once

We have plenty of lefty retards still, don't worry.

one Ed is enough

I haven't really posted in /r/politics in like a decade

Dude 1) this isn't T_D so stop acting like this is a safe space 2) who tf are you 3) dude Bussy lmao

shutup seattle soy fbt


no u

What makes you think youre welcome here buddy?

I'm not your buddy, guy

Absolute sperg

holy shit. i rape your mom. this whole time i thought you were french.


Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is his name "i rape ur mom"? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want my mom to not be raped and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was french???? This is so fucked.

accurate portrayal of events

you dont have to do that just because hes not french

Shouldn’t it be Theot? That electronic ho over there?


That electronic hoe owes taxes

T -that




delet this

I heard the american IRS is underfunded for no fucking good reason apart from the Republican base thinking taxes are literally communism so its unlikely this will do anything.

👏cope 👏harder

I didnt give any indication i dont think whores should pay taxes, i pretty much implied the opposite with the "taxes are communism" are you usually this retarded?

lmao gee I wonder fucking why.

golly gee maybe when your core ethos is "Taxation is theft" then maybe the IRS would take an interest.

hmu when you finish your undergrad

unironically defending "taxation is theft"

no you are completely right, audit the fed and put all your money to bitcoin.

I'm not defending "taxation is theft," I'm laughing at you for being completely unaware of why the IRS is under scrutiny.

And you've doubled down on your idiocy, so as I said, hmu when you're done with undergrad.

being under scrutiny means underfunding

thats not what it means, normal governments when a agency does something weird they start a commission rather than cripple their own government to own the libs.

Stay mad lmao


Nothing you're doing will have any effect on whether or not anyone does or does not pay their taxes. This is literally just yet another in a long line of weird random mass delusions that a bunch of white males in the internet have developed in they're mastabatory communities. Literally it's just another way to harass women because you're all lonely misogynists.

Yep all snapchat hoes are dumb idiots unlike you elite new right teens who only believe in facts and logics. But lets also take at face value that girls paranoid story that the only way she could get audited was through someone sharing her premium snap with the irs. Instead of her being a retard and not realizing that having huge inflows of money into her bank account would automatically alert the irs that something is up. Haha le genius. Literally if you do not masturbate to the thought of basically following some paranoid hoes instructions for busting her over and over again, you just hate people paying taxes and like that's the only possible answer. You can't just be a normal person who realizes that this method isn't going to work and your obsession with using it on sex workers as an imagined form of vigilantism against loose women is pathetic and bizarre. No legally you have to take this paranoid hoes word or your just mad that sex workers have to pay taxes.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Look at this fucking mayo

How have I never seen a multi-page argument between you and pizzashill?

they are the same person

wait that's actually totally plausible, nevermind


Good cow! 😀

What a total lolcow. Thanks, waterfart I needed a good laugh today.

I feel you're being intentionally obtuse to the argument that token representation in seats of power isn't bad just inconsequential to combatting material oppression of marginalized groups due to class interests superceding identity interest virtually always.

I'm just imagining what kind of a pussy you'd have to be to get hurt by someone expressing concern about more vulnerable members of society. Like I don't generally do this kind of "oh no someone wants trans people to be treated fairly guess I better complain like a little bitch boy" thing that you people are known for because I have dignity and self-respect, but even if I did I have to think I'd feel especially pathetic here.

"Someone wants me to remember that trans women exist in the real world and might consider this kind of hurtful!" I'd whimper. "But what about my precious feelings! They're super fragile and I simply cannot bear for the feelings of a single other person to be respected without tantruming like the rancid piece of cringeanarchy that I am!"

I almost feel bad about laughing at people so fucking stupid that they don't realize they ought to be ashamed, but thankfully you shit demons barely count as human anymore so it's okay. Go ahead and start downvoting in impotent rage, now - my favorite part in all of this is watching you shamefully mashing away at the downvote arrow, crying out to yourself "why won't this make him stop saying mean things; doesn't he know this hurts our feelings?!" I'm just kidding - I wouldn't expect you fucksticks to know how to use a semicolon.

obama is dead. he has been for a while. he got into trouble under the previous administration (his own) and trump dragged him to court. remember that pic of him in court. he fled and was hiding out in the detroit area for a while. he was also in chicago. he had a small band of gang members acting as look outs and body guards stations all over the place around where he was

Problematic CIS white dudes who have no problem using women, POC, people with disabilities, LGBT+, and other marginalized groups as martyrs for their revolutionary philosophy during election cycles. I have a lot of beef with them. I had to listen to one of the guys from my PSL chapter talk about how we can re-educate men “with a couple of date rapes under their belt,” and couldn’t see how that’s like the horseshoe version of ‘boys will be boys.’

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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🏆 🏆 🏆

Good job

But why

Autism, Jim

Imagine being an autistic hick from Mississippi, paying $600 to lose your virginity, and then getting emotionally attached to the hooker. If you weren't getting that web developer salary you'd be in r/braincels right now.

Did the hooker part actually happen?


Tbh I didn't know you were a real person, I think momruepari was just some dumb meme specific to the subbreddit? Until you became obsessed with me after I failed to cosperg with you about this dumb creepy sex worker drama. Literally you are like banal generic edgy /r/Drama comments squeezed out of a tube, indistinguishable from the masses.

my reputation precedes me


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whyd you photoshop the shoes on is there some significance

It wouldn't be accurate if the virgin/beta wasn't sporting a pair of New Balances.

oh ok didnt see the brand