Why is chapo so terrible.

1  2018-11-26 by homosexisgaylol

I've never seen a Chapo poster who wasn't a smug faggot. All they're memes are just worse rehashed pol/drama ones. They also brigade the shit everywhere but the subreddit has never received any sort of punishment. Truly insufferable.


Chapo is full of autists who think their mainstream opinions are edgy or make them interesting. They're also very ugly. /pol/ is similar but their opinions aren't accepted which makes their jokes more entertaining.

They're also mostly radlibs. Leftypol is leagues better and it still sucks.

Leftypol are reactionaries


everyone is reacting to something..

Except for me and my monkey

Open up and taste me chimping out.

Welcome to the enlightenment.

stop giving me new ideas for memes. at this rate I'm going to be milking you until Pizzashill comes back

Pizza always comes back

I thought this was a perm? Or was it only 30 days?

He's quit drama twice before

Pizza always comes back

Shut up faggot. This comment was made by neoreaction gang

^ prize-lolcow, do not downvote or it will leave us

Communist retards call literally everybody who isn't a fellow communist retard "reactionary." It's more a badge of honor than an insult at this point.

I’m with you watermark. When the revolution comes we will target gamers

So they're Based and REDpilled

/r/neolib is where its at, reactionary teens who get their political views from watching too many SJW hate youtube vids can go get blacked.

How many of you are chapospies? Just wondering for a school project.

like half the posts are making fun of TD and half making fun of tankies so you tell me.

Why can't we all just get along and make fun of r/news?

Something always comes up that's common ground drama; most recently Twitch thots

What’s a chapo? I tried looking for the sub but found nothing. That’s just a new term for me. For awhile I thought you guys were talking about the chapo drug lord lol

/r/neoliberal is where its at, reactionary teens who get their political views from watching too many SJW hate youtube vids and people who think trans issues> the global poor can go get blacked.

/r/neoliberals can't get off Hillary Clintons dick

/r/neoliberal can’t get off Hillary Clintons dick

Are you kidding? They had a fucking meltdown after her column the other day.

of course they did. it hurts the most when it's someone you love.

Here it is.

I'm having a hard time telling where that sub lies on the spectrum

economic centre right with full western debauchery social policy

Ah, so "yass Hillary" but unironically.

At least they can relish in pissing off everyone else.

Corporatist SJWs. So impalement AND helicopter rides are in order.

That submission and that whole thread is an anomaly. Any other day they love the clintons and HRC is the literal queen savior of the world. Same for Macaroni.

I honestly thought neo liberal was a slur. I dont see a rhino reddit. Wtf has to be 100k Russian sock puppets. No one is that unironically daft its literally made up of a hypocritical underground that is now all good with it and embracing their hypocrisy. Its like being a gay conservative in the 90s. Why???

Why do you hate the global poor?

A slur? It's the dominant ideology in D.C. which is why most of the country hates politicians and would like to see D.C. hit by a fiery meteor of doom.

Its why trump a never politician won.

Well, they are neoliberals. Their entire life theory revolves around sucking banker cock and selling off public assets, all while pocketing as much money as possible for themselves.

It's literally what they'r economic theory is based around: conning deluded leftists into thinking being pro-corporate is 'progressive'.

Cringe compilation Jordan Peterson edition

/r/neoliberal is where obese virgins go to feel better about themselves after realising their degrees mean nothing.

but their policy is evidence based which is cool.

lmao no

Strong point.

Where did you go when you realized your degree meant nothing? I’m assuming you mod drama because you’re both obese and really into bussy.

He did sex work as a man, so by all accounts he should be audited.

But enough about Noah Smith

Except there policies actually work and most posters there have a job.

they don't work sweets

Let's save the global poor from Malaria so they can die of AIDS continue to deforest the world and crank up their carbon fuel consumption.

History will truly end when everyone has their own local IKEA.

Just tax carbon bro.

Why has no one made carbon illegal yet?!?

You idiot. Carbon has all his cash in the Cayman Islands!

I can't tell what you mean.

/r/neoliberal is what you get if my grandma were to try to do hot memes.

at least your grandma doesnt hate the global poor.

She does hate jews though. But those aren't poor.

I’ve just had a look at it. Real glow in the dark shit.

NL is filled with SJWs kiddo

I got banned from that sub for posting the force awakens spoilers :(

leftypol is tankie hell

Once I realised that /leftypol/ memes are just reskinned /pol/ ones, and that Porky is ALWAYS used in place of the Happy Merchant, it got old pretty fast.

I didn’t know it was mainstream to hate all veterans and cops, love Stalin and Mao and believe the Holodomor didn’t happen (it didn’t)

Shhh the big boys are making jokes

Those things aren’t jokes



Bruh also as if they would praise Stalin he hated homosexuals and CTH is a tranny lover den

I’m bisexual and I love Stalin

Lmao like being a tranny Muslim

I hope Allah fills your body with salt and leaves your impure sole in a a gay club to fester for eternity

Are you ok

i am blessed by muhamed(PBUH) unlike you, you aids ridden tranny now be gone from my inbox before i put a fatwa on you

Impure sole? Like a shoe?

By Allah, behave yourself or I will give you a taste of my shoe.

I got some bad news for you hombre

Allah's down with the bussy



Yes it is, though. It's just in it's own special category, called Trussy.

That makes me wonder, though, is it Trussy if the tranny is pre-op/not planning to get gender surgery, or is it just a version of trap bussy?

Traps aren’t trannies


“I’m a boy”

But if the tranny isn't transitioning, and they just want a trap ass...wouldn't that make them a trap, if they have the ass to fit the bill?

If my punishment is to be stuck in a gay nightclub to be sodomized for eternity then I'm finna start committing some fuckin sins

Clerics tolerate trannies, actually. They consider it a workaround for the gay question.

Stalin would literally send you to the camps.

There wasn’t death camps for gays

It's called a gulag.

Gulags weren’t death camps lol

People just loved communism so much they would die working for it.

Auschwitz wasn't a death camp lol

auschwitz wasnt a death camp

Auschwitz is made out of cardboard.

I guess being worked to the bone in Magadan is good for your health, right cunt?

Lol shut the fuck up Robert Conquest

What? There are no tendies in the Arctic Circle. Only harsh tundra and вертухаи with AKs and dogs ready to kill you the moment you resist.



Yes they were, especially the Siberian ones. And faggots were regularly sent to them for "reeducation".

Weird flex but ok


Stalinism is probably much better than whatever they have in mind though.

True tbh. At the end of the day Stalinism for all it's flaws was only form of communism to work.

Titoism worked well too, but I guess you could call it Stalinism.

I wear sandals and drink fruit juice, I have to call it Titoism.

Stalin he hated homosexuals and CTH is a tranny lover den

And so is /r/Fullcommunism and similar. That only proves the wisdom of Stalin, to be honest.

I'm very much pro-USSR (because "free market" is high-octane bullshit, especially in Russia), but as far as I remember, being a faggot was a criminal offence in the USSR.

OP would be sent to Siberia and forced to actually work ;-(

Never reply to me again and please deport yourself to Siberia hopefully to die

You want to restrict my freedom of speech, faggot?

being a faggot was a criminal offence in the USSR.

Reason #5864 why Communism will never return

r/LateStageGenderBinary is the most autistic one I know of.

trannies larping as bussy


lmao do you seriously think Stalin is popular just because there is a shirt with a hammer and sickle on it being sold? Are you serious?

And the majority of Americans have favorable views of the police. Stop acting like you guys are some minority ideology and that the world is all SJWs outside of your moms basement.

Shoo shoo chapstick be gone

its like hot topic level lol

tankies/'MLs' are like that though

So there are holocaust deniers and also holodomor deniers?


holodomor is literally Nazi propaganda

Next youre going to tell me bolsheviks being godless/unreligious as Nazi propaganda too huh bud

That doesn’t make any sense

commies making the Nazis propaganda for them horseshoe theory confirmed

That doesn’t make sense

Maybe to a brainlet commie lmao

The ones propaganding the “holodomor” myth are liberals and fascists such as yourself

im a monarchic feudal statocracist not a liberal or a fascist


And academics across the board

Yeah.. liberals and fascists

Excellent take right there.

So you're claiming that there are no leftist academics?

“Leftism” isn’t real

How can our ideology be real if our words aren't real?

That doesn’t make sense

Makes as much sense as what you said.


You're very much a liberal lol.

Marxist-Leninists are liberals

Yes liberals are fucking retarded and you are a liberal. I'm glad you admit it.

You’re actually a retarded liberal

That seems really unlikely.

No it doesn’t

no u

show hog lololol0ol by that I mean you are a terrible poster and should consider never attempting to post again.

Why on Earth would the Nazis create propaganda about a group of people they hated? The Nazis didn't care about the Ukrainian people or the Kulaks. They treated them just as badly as they did every other Eastern European. And not a single historian, even those who don't think it was a genocide, claim it was Nazi propaganda. Man these tankies are just as bad as Nazis with their historical revision.

why would nazis make bullshit about people they hated

why would nazis make up something to equate the Soviet Union to them

Find me proof that Nazis made it up, not that a legitimate famine happened in Ukraine.

Nazis would obviously not compare themselves to CCCP. That would be like the PRC defending its policies by comparison to Imperial Japan. You don’t compare yourself to someone your constituency reviles.

The Nazis didn’t compare themselves to the Soviet Union what the fuck are you talking about

Woah. Slow the fuck down.

You’re arguing with one of our dumber users- Stalin was not good and Holodomor was definitely real and the Soviet union post Lenin was very much not good.

Soviet union post Lenin was very much not good.

Post-Lenin? The very same Lenin who let Tukhachevsky gas revolting peasants? The very same Lenin who ordered mass shootings and hostage takings?

lmao, you tankies are something else.

First of all I’m not even a Communist, Don’t know where this Tanky claim is coming from. Name a single country that didn’t commit war crimes in the 1920s and by that metric that leaves not a single one. Certainly not the U.S

Heck, Name a few notable politicians you like. Shit, Not even historical ones. Just modern ones. Every major country had colonial endeavors in Africa and would often commit genocide. I don’t have a cult of personality type of love towards Lenin but when you count gassing literal armed rebels trying to fucking kill you and your government- That seems almost trivial in terms of the scope of the time. That being said- It was wrong and that should be a mark against Lenin.

The good outweighs the bad. Lenin decriminalized sexuality, Founded the first successful Marxist revolution, Reduced poverty and increased Russian literacy, quality of life and was relentless in achieving his goal while regularly working 18+ hours a day to change Russia. That’s dope.

First of all I’m not even a Communist, Don’t know where this Tanky claim is coming from.

Proceeds to engage in whataboutism.

Excuses Tuchachevsky for his ruthlessness

Post hog, сука блядь.

Lenin decriminalized sexuality, Founded the first successful Marxist revolution, Reduced poverty and increased Russian literacy, quality of life and was relentless in achieving his goal while regularly working 18+ hours a day to change Russia.

When his "военный коммунизм" policy failed , he had to resort to capitalism-lite to reinvigorate the economy, which was in shit due to that Civil Ear business. Lenin's policies launched the largest exodus of the Russian population ever.

But yes, he legalized faggots.


Excuses Tuchachevsky

I said Lenin should be condemned and it should be seen as a mark against him. I know reading comprehension is tough but that’s the opposite of excusing someone. I also said that in comparison every Imperial power was in every way worse and that’s not whataboutism- That’s historical context. You’re free to examine the validity of that but I think you dismissing it is telling that you don’t want to get into it because I’m clearly fucking right.

Way to go by calling gay people “faggots” awesome- Very clever.

Oh also you’re an incel. The end.

You said the good outweights the bad, not that he should be condemned.

Ah, Lysenkoism. One of the few policies that singlehandedly kept the USSR at the fringes of the world science, all because this fucking CHUD had the right ideological protectors.


I might be posting in /r/Braincells but I'm literally better than you, you pasty white Western communist motherfucker.

Keep yourself safe, chud.

I’m Cuban, So I’m not really pasty white. I’m also not really a Communist either.

You’re a literal sad sack of shit who a woman will never fucking pay attention to because first of all you’re gross- Second of all you have probably the most toxic ideology towards them and are pretty clearly homophobic atleas, and considering you’re an incel there’s no doubt you easily encompass the chud trifecta of homophobia, mysogyny and transphobia. Go make a stupid post about Elliot Rodgers, Scum.

All these words won't hide the fact that you're literally an illiterate tankie, projecting your own hidden bias unto others.

Dude bussy lmao.

Socialists are tankies now. I’m dead.

if it walks like a duck

if it quacks like a duck

it's a WATERFOWL!! you fucking nazi.

First of all I’m not even a Nazi, Don’t know where this neo-nazi claim is coming from. Name a single country that didn’t commit war crimes in the 1940s and by that metric that leaves not a single one. Certainly not the U.S

Nazis war crimes were literally so fucking egregious a country attacked them over it- Nevermind the ideology being violent in nature.

Good one.

Forceful collectivization isn't violent. Let's clarify here, which country are you talking about here that attacked the Nazis over "war crime"?

If you haven’t noticed people already produce and work collectively- Shit corporations are collectivized as fuck. It just so happens that the fruits of the labor of the vast majority of people who work it go into the pockets of an elite few under capitalism. Under Communism (Atleast in theory) this would go to a state improving the lives of people.

I get what you mean by collectivization though so no worries- As in collectivized farming, Kulaks would intentionally destroy their crops so the extent that it was “forceful” eludes me.

And as for Nazi Germany- I’d wager the atrocities commited to their own people followed by the invasion of neighboring countries and finally Poland aught to be considered war crimes. That’s just me though.

Collectivized farming brought self-sufficiency to a country like Burkina Faso- I can’t really say I’m completely 100% in favor of it but when implemented correctly you’d be an idiot to argue against it.

le not a communist

Every one of your private farms are confiscated by the state and whatever that you have are theirs. Let me give you actually a right comparison. Imagine a giant corporation owning everything and controlling the army, that's your retarded state owning everything.

Also, you think starting a war is a war crime? Fuck, you are retarded.

How the fuck is merely invading Poland a war crime? Or does your logic not go further than "war is a crime, so it's a war crime"?


Can’t make it any more simple for you dimwit.

No shit they committed war crimes in Poland afterwards, but that's not why the UK and France declared war on Germany.

Invasion of Poland: September 1, 1939

Declaration of war on Germany: September 3, 1939

It had everything to do with the invasion itself and not with the crimes committed in occupied lands. Hell, the holocaust didn't even get really started until a year or two after the start of the war.

The genocidal policies of the German government's colonization plan, Generalplan Ost, were the epicenter of German war crimes against the Polish nation, and crimes against humanity, committed from 1939 to 1945.


being utterly incapable of reading full dates

Keep your helmet on, sweaty.

This your brain on communism. Take note kids.

Imagine being an incel on a Nazi incel sub. Awesome.

Legit commies are at the very least social and aren’t completely reprehensible people with contempt for humanity and an ideology that rests on fundamentally not treating some people as actually people.

First of all I’m not even a Communist

You post to CTH, so that's a given.

CTH is mainly Socialist buddy

I guess we shouldn’t have expected much from you guys since you think there’s much difference between you and the residents of gamerghazi.

Muh horseshoe theory

Anything post Russian empire was better than Russian empire.

i can smell the person behind this comment

Anything post Russian empire was better than Russian empire.

History suggests otherwise, unless you think that mass starvation events and purgings are worth the industrialization the USSR went through.

But then again, Tzar sending whole trains filled with military to get the "rioting bydlo" in order doesn't count, because those filthy peasants didn't have cute photos or cried in emigration, right?

Doesn't seem like USSR was any better in that regard. Google Novocherkassk massacre.

Hold up. I'm not great for satire, and certainly the political situation doesn't help that much, but you're not being serious ... right?

I mean after all stalin is a good guy for helping defeat germany in ww2. The purges simply never happened

The purges happened and they were mostly good

yeah out with all the retards and fuck ups and in with good guys

Lmao you realize you would have been purged too, right? On account of you being all retarded and whatnot.

I'd rather intelligentsia snitching on each other, then going full ethnic cleansing like, for example, "democratic" Gamsahurdia and similar.

Purging people who actually knew what they were doing and then replacing them with absolute autists who sucked off dear leader hard enough is the number one reason Soviet casualties were so ridiculous.

He was a notable horse-breeder, who declared that the tank could never replace the horse as an instrument of war.

Nek minnit

Budyonny's forces were eventually surrounded during the Battle of Uman and the Battle of Kiev. The disasters which followed the encirclement cost the Soviet Union 1.5 million men killed or taken prisoner. This was one of the largest encirclements in military history.

There was no excuse for the state of the Red Army on the eve of Barbarossa.

I wish the Holomdor happened

mainstream to hate all troops/veterans/cops

That’s been mainstream since the 60’s


Do you think punk rock is edgy?


I love how commies are the level of retarded where their brain rewrites "Police Officer" to mean "Murderer", even if they're not American cops.

I laugh when cops die

when u actually believe tgat shit

"Police Officer" to actually read "Murderer",

Have you seen a police officers going after any higher-up pedophile, corruptioner, or corporate faggot? Me neither.

Have you seen police officers going after any higher-up pedophile, corruptioner, or corporate faggot? Me neither.

Yeah, I have. So have you.

dead troops r funny tho

I love when U$-NATO troops die

I am just trying to comprehend the mental gymnastics involved in aggressively jerking off to pictures of the Red Army murdering people while celebrating NATO deaths

You guys are like the Westboro Baptist Church except not clever. 😴😴😴

Sir, are you really claiming that dead troops are not funny? When troops die you get to steal their valor.

I'm sorry about whatever issues you have with your family that make you feel this way, but maybe try to put some time into dealing with those instead of shitposting in the gutter with retards.

Dude I miss cb5


pretty telling how anxious you get at the possibility that you might be mainstream. all you need to know about the radlib mindset

That doesn’t make any sense, regardless you’re dumb as shit if you think Marxism-Leninism is popular in Amerikkka

yes that's my point. radical liberals like you dissimulate as "communists" because you treat politics principally as an avenue for self-expression and are constantly in search of the most aesthetically avant-garde stances by which to distinguish yourselves from normal people.

this is why you're at pains to reassure yourself that your views are unpopular and not mainstream: this is a countercultural scene politics you're engaged in and being mainstream would destroy the identity you've constructed for yourself. it should be apparent to everyone how fundamentally diseased this is as a politics

None of that makes sense, I don’t give a shit about ‘aesthetics’ or clout or whatever the fuck weird libs accuse communists of. My life as a working class person fucking blows, I want my life and the lives of working class people across the globe to improve, i fucking wish Marxism-Leninism was popular in this fascist country.

if you wanted the lives of working class people to improve you'd adhere to an ideology actually capable of organizing people in real life, not a meme ideology you found on the internet. you're an ML because you appreciate its iconography, rhetoric, jargon, and prominent historical figures, not because you genuinely believe it'll improve your quality of life. this is pure subcultural aesthetics

You’re a fucking reformist social-democrat moron lol, a fucking failure. I appreciate ML historical figures and theorists because Marxism-Leninism has improved the lives of billions across the globe.

reformist social democrats have achieved a lot more for people in this country and elsewhere than your crazy genocidal ideology, and they're in a much better position to achieve meaningful improvements going forward than you are considering no one likes you or Kim Il Sung


I can't tell who's more retarded out of the two of you. Please continue to screech at each other over stupid id politics to further stimulate Dramacoin™

Doesn’t make sense

In other words, screech harder you stupid fucktard. Your autism is funny

Doesn’t make sense

That's exactly what I thought when I was reading your sperg outs

Doesn’t make sense

Neither does half of the shit you say

That’s because you’re retarded

This coming from the fucktard that unironically defends a shitty meme ideology while shitting up a bait post

Lol how is Marxism-Leninism a “meme ideology”? Are you retarded?

No one genuinely believes that such an ideology would positively change the world unless they're retarded. Anyone who says so is either an autist or memeing

Scathing analysis, not at all retarded

I'm a centrist my dear moron. Tell me, what about anything I said was liberal? You seem to put that label on anything/anyone that doesn't go along with your preferred brand if autism. It'd the same retarded tactic that idiotic libs and cons use all of the time

Lol you are fucking retarded

You haven't answered my question. What have I said to you brands me as a liberal?

I’m literally dumbfounded, how the fuck do you not know what liberalism is

I know what liberalism is. I'm asking you why you think I'm a liberal. You're avoiding the question because you know you were just screeching like a mong and giving me a label that you had no reason to label me with other than that I simply called you a retard

You don’t know what liberalism is lol, you’re a fucking retard that has a very high school understanding and thinks “Democrats = liberal and conservatives = Republican” when in reality both [American] “liberalism” and [American] “conservatism” are liberal (and fascist).

Yo ALT can you call VRIS and the rest of jutre gang in here ? I wanna get a real brawl going.

No, I’m only in here because I was banned from CTH for a few days

What did you do to get banned ?

I told a fascist rape-fantasizer that he was a degenerate that should be shot in the head

That does not sound too bad. The mods are going soft.

I’ve been banned for “advocating violence” before

On that note I have a question ? I have been thinking about turning face and embracing Marxist Leninism but before I do I need to ask what happens to the following groups of people if your revolution succedes.

*RedPillers *Fomer users of million dollar extreme *Incels *gamergaters *skeptic you tubers *anyone who has ever streamed twitch * manlets *MGTOWs *people who don’t signal when changing lanes

All of those people either get thrown into labor camps or get executed

Labor camps

Already I see a problem. None of those people are capable of laboring

That’s the point

Ok so I have another question. What is with all the non-violent revolutionaries on Chapo. I mean what is even the point of a Revolution if not to execute that group of people.

They aren’t revolutionary socialists, they’re liberal social-democratic reformists. They think the bourgeois-imperialist Democratic Party can be reformed and they think that socialism can be voted in and capitalism voted out. They love Bernie (lol) and AOC. They’re social fascist radlib clowns.

What is the point of an easy life if your kids grow up in a world with gamergaters ?

Once again, not providing a reason why you think I'm a liberal. You're just saying shit now to distract from the fact that you have no reason do so and are simply sperging now

You don’t have a materialist conception of social phenomena, you have an idealist and individualist one. You believe in free-markets, private property, capitalism, individualism, etc you’re a liberal. Not going to write an entire book, although you should probably read some considering you don’t have any idea what you’re taking about.

Funny, conservatives have been known to espouse these same views that you've listed as being liberal views. Sounds like you're just lumping everyone that isn't going along with your autistic screeds into one category because you refuse to see any deviation

Holy fucking Christ you’re fucking dense I’m begging you to read a book

Our definitions of liberalism and conservatism are different than the rest of the world's, everyone knows this. What you're failing to admit is that American liberalism and conservatism, while similar in certain ways, are different from one another. You're just straight up saying they're the same thing which is retarded. I'm begging you, hit the showers

You’re dumb as fuck, read a book

Says the fucktard screeching about how liberalism and conservatism are the same thing in an anti-chapo bait thread

I can’t believe how a person can be this retarded, read a book

And I can't believe you're still screeching and being this upset

Nice meltdown. You got rekt son.

You been to California recently?

Are Chapo posters anti-SJW socialists? I'm hearing all kinds of contradictory shit here.

the podcast is anti-sjw and the subreddit used to be, but the subreddit is like 75% sjw at this point. the anti-sjws are at r/stupidpol

They're anarcho-liberal.

This guy called me a lobster and sure enough he looks like a serial killer and jokes about looking like a mass shooter.


You posted a np link you faggot

I think we all know he was wrong for that. Someone get the hose again.

It’s your turn to summon a mod to deal with them.

summon a mod

I don't think the bussy meme is funny.

So you are more of a post your hog kind of guy?

This guy looks almost as emasculated as someone who posts np links

I didn't realize it tied back to the original sub. I'm sorry

Edit your fucking link, Jesus. The reports don't stop coming.

Dude its me. I'm 100% diseased account. I'm not a nazi and communists are really pissed. The whole r/ecs i was the only commenter. They are following me trying to silence me. They are soooo triggered. I'm sorry if your a mod wherever i go is swaths of communist orcs.

No, everyone in this subreddit will report any np links, typically with a report comment along the lines of "np REEEEEEEE".

The law demands sacrifice.

You gotta give them a 24 hour ban, it is the only way they learn.

He looks like Jay Leno’s illegitimate son

mainstream opinions such as abolishing capitalism, hating all cops, hating electoralism, thinking violence is an effective detterent against fascism, abolishing borders. all the things you see on mainstream media every day.

Sorry not mainstream, but certainly acceptable and not at all out of place on a college campus especially amongst certain majors. Especially in comparison to what you'll find on /pol/.

almost every white guy over 35 views the world the same way /pol/ does and you’ve either never been on a college campus or you’re delusional

Lol no. How acceptable would it be for a 35 year old white guy to say blacks are stupider than whites and that explains their lower standard of living? Are you actually under the impression that there are not a noticeable number of open borders cop hating Marxists? Especially amongst people majoring in nonsense like sociology, psych or gender studies? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Racism is very acceptable in Amerikkkan society. And if you think there’s a significant number of Marxists in the U$ you’re a fucking clown and you need to go outside.


Haha you're just butthurt that your fringe ideology isn't as underground as you'd like it to be.

You’re right, Marxism-Leninism is extremely popular

I mean yeah among 'tards.

And not sure you've noticed, but we're full o' 'tards.

this is your brain on south park enlightened centrism

"Conservatives can be spotted in the sciences and in economics, but they are virtually an endangered species in fields like anthropology, sociology, history and literature. One study found that only 2 percent of English professors are Republicans (although a large share are independents).

In contrast, some 18 percent of social scientists say they are Marxist. So it’s easier to find a Marxist in some disciplines than a Republican."



"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communist revolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[2] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to US involvement in the Vietnam War. Ayers hosted a meet-the-candidate gathering at his home as Barack Obama prepared to run for his initial election to the Illinois state senate"



still a communist

You people are fucking boomers

Wah wah wah

almost every white guy over 35 views the world the same way /pol/ does

then why do 40% of them still vote for Democrats?

The Democratic Party is fascist

Lol are you trying to replace watermark for a lolcow tankie?

Don’t know what that means except for “tankie”, a word fascists and liberals to use whine about communists

It isn't a buzzword you mongoloid.

Nagy got absolutely owned by the Soviets

Does that make your pee pee happy to celebrate Soviets killing other Communists?



Correct, Hungary had a revolt by local socialists that don't like imperialism.


Yes, tankie.

More like by the revolutionaries, but got fucked in the process of reassimilation of Hungary into the Empire.

I dont think he knows what Tankie means other than some “vague” insult.



almost every white guy over 35 views the world the same way /pol/ does

Imagine being so sheltered and retarded that you believe this

Lol if that were true the dumpy Chapo fans pumping themselves full of estrogen and pretending to be women would have all had their heads caved in.


yikes, fam (🌹)

Rose emojis are social fascists

Aw shit, you gave the game away. Nice bait tho

Don’t know what that means, social-democracy is fascism

I prefer spiritual fascism

good troll

> claiming to rep all of pol

Fuck yourself faggot. I bet youre nupol from the_donald in 2016 or 2017. Faggot.

What the fuck are you talking about

Wow, so you went from mainstream in society to mainstream in a few college campuses? I mean come on.

So basic bitch Democrat

Obama and Hillary hate capitalism, hate cops, and hate the military. I’m not stupid.

He meams regular radlibs.

Sounds like a hate group.

all the things you see on mainstream media every day.

Actually, yes.

tbh, if all you watch is MSNBC, at least half of those things are fairly common.

/pol/ at this point is literally just T_D, only you’re allowed to say nigger and kike. The user base is a mix of boomers, high schoolers, and neets

Most of /pol/ turned on Trump when he started embracing Israel

Except they love to come back to suck his toes whenever libs get owned epic style

Then Trump lets Israel do a thing and /pol/ is back to hating him

It's almost as if there's more than one person on the board at a time

wouldn't be daddy without child abuse

I imagine every chapo poster looks like some sort of variant of Max Landis.

I remember seeing a picture of a few of them. They're a lot uglier than that.

"Chapo is full of autists who think their mainstream opinions"

I always find it funny that each side considers the other side to be the 'mainstream' opinion. But then in other situations, likes to say the other side is just extremists and that the majority of 'real americans' disagree with them.

Chapo users are further left than the vast majority of people, on most topics.

Chapofags are just poor mediocre mayos who want free shit without working for it

Ok, what the fuck is chapo?

/pol/ is similar but their opinions aren't accepted


It's amazing how you commie losers are still coming to this thread insisting you're unique.


Having chapsbergers is punishment enough.



Literally came up with some reference no one cares about as not to offend any of their own with the term cuck, it was never funny and will never be funny.

At least chud isn't a pathetic projection of their own emasculation fetish

👏cope 👏harder



a literal assblasted chapotard walks among us

Oh pathetic MDEfugee, too consumed with your savage religion of hate to integrate into our culture. You scream at the centrists because you don't belong here.


All chapofags and MDEfugees deserve to be gassed. You two should hit the showers and save us the trouble of getting you to sperg so hard that the mods have to put on their pants and do their jobs

Why would mods have to do something if someone is sperging too hard? That's literally what the we want. Poor poor DDF.

Lol, imagine just screeching "DDF REEEE!" everytime someone says anything negative you

But it works. No one as ever insulted me who wasnt a DDF private or a Berniebro Chapotard

So if I insult you I have to be one or the other? That's very centrist considering that we centrists insult each other plenty. Sound like bullshit to me, fam

Yes. If you were actually a centrist we would have been joined in holy communion by now (bussy to bussy) And since you're sperging out with the DDF, wellllllll 😏

You're with the DDF REEEE

Except I haven't defended the orange man at all and simply said both MDEfugees and Chapos should be gassed. Also your bussy is trash compared to mine


My 🍑 > yours





You're not wrong really, you don't seem to be a chapofag based on your post history but your comment kind of comes off as one considering the theme of this thread.

There are just far more illegal MDEgenerates squatting in our threads than chapotards and I prefer to antagonize the ones that are actually here.

Hey nothing wrong with that but just a suggestion you can do that and make others turn on them in a thread as well if you're a bit more subtle.

Buttery males freeze peach xD

You talkin bout bussy, bruh?

I'm pretty sure it's about how rightoids constantly call others cucks and then that study came out that showed cucks are usually right-wing.

Yup. All I said was that at least Chud, while totally meaningless and not even really an insult, wasn't an obvious projection of their own lack of masculinity desire to see their ugly wives and girlfriends fucked by black bulls and the MDEfugees are fucking SEETHING

I heard bussy but I don't see any, I demand this egregious offense be rectified immediately

Nigger, you can't even call people "retarded" without people on chapo whining about "ableist language" lol

Wow I really hit a nerve with the Ddf cuckoldry enthusiasts

No need to talk about your hobbies here. Keep that shit in the bedroom, the flophouse you squat in, or wherever you filthy commies breed these days.

I wonder what that says about your own living conditions

"no u"


You shouldn't be ashamed of your cuckoldry fetish and living conditions. Most opioid-americans are similarly afflicted.

no ur a cuck! u live in the gutter, not me!


I'm sorry you find these simple statistical facts about the MDEgenerate race so upsetting.

No such thing as an MDEgenerate anymore since the group split up and the sub got nuked. CTH tankies like you on the other hand are everywhere.

Poor poor stateless MDEgenerate. Cant even find a home in /drama with us enlightened centrists. Unable to integrate, you wallow in your humilaliation fetish and succumb to opioid addictions at an alarming rate.

Lol are you pretending to be a centrist now after getting butthurt over someone making a chapocuck joke?

Your post history is just a geneology of sad. Centrism is as alien to you as regular bathing or a father's pride.

no ur filthy! u not centrist!

I'll take advice on enlightened centrism from someone who isn't consistently downvoted to shit on this sub. Everything about your comment history points to you being a seething chapofag who comes here to defend the honor of his favorite bad comedy podcast.

Lol downvotes from MDEfugees. You are SEETHING

You've posted dozens of comments in this thread alone playing damage control for CTH and accusing anyone who laughs at you of being an MDEfugee. You are clearly upset and very emotionally invested in this.

Its fun to rile up MDEfugees. Look at you you sre fuming mad.

no u r mad

Your unoriginality betrays a very low IQ. Sad

Inonce called someone 'autistic' tgere and got like 64 downvotes and a whole angry thread under me lmao

I got banned for calling something, not someone but an idea, stupid. That sub is hilarious.

Arachnophobe, huh? You must want to fuck spiders.

"Cuck" is not about a fetish, otherwise why would "bike cuck" be instantly recognized as a perfect embodiment of the concept? I find it fascinating that a lot of people on the left apparently lack a certain instinct to the point where they are unable to recognize that it's its absence that is being mocked.

"red states" aka "black states" lmao. Of course they search for cuckold porn, it's empowering.

It’s like a worse Cuck or Incel


Autism + entitlement + mob mentality = Chapo.

Mob justice or social sorry is justice. Its the kind where chapo ends up in the first line at the gulag when they're murderous ideology they think they want is enacted. Usefull idiots from moms basement are at least being well... useful.

Tfw ur an intelligentisia and the proles kill you because they want food not rhetoric

I cant eat this critical theory.

It's the entitlement that separates Chapo from /pol/ and honestly their worst trait.

Autism + entitlement i+ mob mentality + privilege + power = /r/drama

lmao that formula works for half the subs on reddit

a better questionis why are they all trans? like every tranny posts there.

Because they enjoy getting fucked by real men

Almost* every tranny on reddit

We have transgirltradwife, so they can't accuse us of hating trannies.

We had but they were swept up in the Discordcel purge.

That's why I wish they were still here

It was so easy to weed out the MDEgenerates and CAnimals when they started posting

Dramacord is a giant power tripping mess tho.

I wouldn't know; I'm only in both dramacords for the furry porn channel they have.

At least you're honest with yourself.

discord drama

Ugh, gross. Yikes!

There’s also traabutnocommies, and entire community!

I blame SA.

For those who don’t know

SA is literally moderated by a cabal of communist trannies.

None of that previous sentence is an exaggeration. That once funny forum which made me chuckle in 2002 is now genuinely, actually, policed by extreme-left men who wear dresses and panties and think they’re women.

The founder and de facto owner is a rampaging alcoholic and Ambien addict who relinquished control of his own website to aforesaid Trotskyist Trannies a decade ago.

Goons made me the Republican voter I am today. I will proudly vote Trump in 2020 just to spite them.

Right on all counts. The only thing which saved the internet was 4chan existing. Otherwise the commies would have won.

Just run Bernie bro

An excellent analysis by user "homosexisgaylol". Such insight and wit.

massfagger has this poster tagged as a chapo


downvoted and a single letter comment. just fuckin do it, call me a chud. i know you want to. im saying problematic language. i deserve it.

honestly ch*d is a problematic insult, many disabled people cannot leave their basements due to their conditions.

Nah. Honestly I feel bad for you. Being an incel like yourself would be depressing as fuck.

Tbh you would have more luck with calling people chuds than incels, even if its cringey

The latter is so overused at this point that the basement dwellers can skim over it without a second thought

Or maybe we just start calling Choppos incels.

you better pray im not an incel or i might start craving bussy and take your ass with my 15" cock. which you would prob like.

Treating women as a reward is kinda sexist tbf

Never once said or implied that a woman is a reward for anything. But I'm sure you read that online somewhere and thought "lol great point" and now you just rattle it out because it makes you feel smart. Very cool.

U mom gay tho

Haha you definitely realised how stupid your copy-paste logic was. That's too funny.

Nah, i realised how stupid I was conversing with some gobshit, and thought better of myself.

Sure thing, kiddo.

Lmao you fucking spergs just ruin everything with your presence

*farts in your coffee*


Incel! Incel! Incel!

I mean, you do hang around r/seduction so yeah. The same applies to you.



Homo sex is gay, lol.

Damn, a chapo poster being a smug faggot to white-knight for the sub fits this posts like it's scripted.

Fuck off back to Chapo, retard.

You had so much time, and that's the best response you could come up with? How embarrassing.


71% upvoted


We were so concerned about the MDEfugees that we forgot about the CTHfags.

This is how they get you.

Deportation to gulags by helicopter for both

We're right to be concerned about the MDEfugees tbh. Everyone thinks they're not a problem just because they don't have a home, but they've been slithering in here for weeks, just like their benefactors, the CAnimals.

Oh no doubt, I agree 100%

Am MDEfugee, can confirm

fuck you

i was under the impression CA itself wasn't unironic for the most part at least at first?

MDE did literally nothing wrong.


At least I'm not a Chapofag.

What a high bar to set

At least I'm not Ebola


You have to go back

You guys take the bait too easily lol

Who do you think was the pushing the MDEfugee thing so hard?

Because they’re commies.

Remember: it’s the trapo type that run all of the tech giants. That’s why they ban wrongthink.


captains of capitalism

Speedracing to the dumbest comment on this thread, congratulations! 🎉🎈

You can be a capitalist and promote socialistic policies.

U know all the giant money heirs on tankie or rose emoji twitter, right lmao?

besides woke capital and corporate radlibs are integral to the hegemomic overculture now.

The mods are also sexual abusers

Really? I guess they aren’t as bad as I thought

oh? go on

The mods told me that they would unban me if I "post hog" so I posted nudes of myself and they never unbanned me, violating my consent.

I'm sorry for you loss.

what loss?

You should report them to the FBI

To the IRS*

Chapofags have no money

they spend all their money on the chapo patreon

Chapofag here, I do quality praxis by pirating their patreon podcasts

Im not joking. They violated my consent.

Report their hate sub to the reddit admins

I agree that a lot of chapo posters are smug, but this post was definitely written by a high schooler.


Ageism is just and virtuous because young people are idiots. Anyone under the age of 25 should have limited rights until they can demonstrate mental competency and critical thinking.

This but unironically.


Why under 25? There is no need to have a set age if what you want is to limit the rights of those deemed irrational.

Current evidence suggests that the brain finishes development, specifically the prefrontal cortex, at ~25 years of age. At that point they should be able to think in the abstract.

Nigga u mad?

I am mad that teenagers have access to the internet.

Boomers smh

Naw I'm square in the middle of the millenial generation. Old enough to have the right to yell at kids but not so old that I'm completely out of touch.

Millenials are the new boomers.

Gen Z are the new boomers based off of attitude.

Boomers aren't boomers.

Universe brain take.

Q predicted this

Where else are you gonna get jailbait ????!!?!?!?

Nice try chapo.

All chapo posters are smugtards.

im 12

I will literally never not support baseless accusations. Upvoted.

If anybody cares, r/fuckchapo is a new sub I made after the ECS got taken over

How did it even get taken over?

autistic nonsense

just like everything else that happens on the raddit

They invited a furry to mod. Inevitable.

Taking sides and having deep rooted beliefs are for autists. This is why CTH is shit and why CTH=MDE.

theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron

They’re worse than MAGAcels and MDEfugees who think they can hang out here.

AND they y’allpost 🤢🤮. Mods do your jobs and kick them OUT OUT OUT!

and MDEfugees

Woah let’s not get carried away here.

You can respect them, they're straight forward antagonists.

The Chaps are just so smug cause they think they're getting one over on you.

Every time someone on Chapo tries to "convince me" I can only think: You think I don't know in your socialist utopia you're the one making decisions and i'm the one in government housing?

Every time someone on Chapo tries to "convince me" I can only think: You think I don't know in your socialist utopia you're the one making decisions and i'm the one in government housing?

Upon seeing these faggots I'm always like: "Hey, you're welcome to live in these commieblock apartments to get the real feel of what expected you in the revolution of the proletariat".

They usually stop talking to me at once.

It's the communism.

Can you berieve they give PK shit for hanging out on this sub but appropriated dramas "post bussy" catchphrase. The state.

Lying, violence and subterfuge are the ways that Communists always get into power. It's shocking that y'all [Chapo] are practicing the same methods now. /s

Ed Butthurt Most ‘s daily hot takes always seem to line up exactly with the average Chapotard. So weird, since he’s a “radical centrist”.

Just one of the galaxy’s unsolved mysteries I guess.

Ed is a npc, he's only relevant for the same reason the Kardashians are.


Imagine being this big of a faggot and being to scared to tag u/ed_butteredtoast


come to think of it, you’re quite the asschapped chapotard yourself lol

being this obsessed with Ed and stealing his meme



nice sperg, retard

happy cake day, sweaty! 😘💞


the other day there someone was like, i'm gonna neck myself

and a guy who responded with a kind message starting with "bro," was downvoted and berated (thats toxic masculinity)

meanwhile their current meme is "post your dick, virgin"

Dude don’t mess around with Chopos. They are like the tough guys of the Internet Left.

yeah rl tuff

and a guy who responded with a kind message starting with "bro," was downvoted and berated (thats toxic masculinity)

because the op was literally a trans woman

What does Chapo stand for?

It's just aggressive communists. Basically the internet antifa.

Nothing wrong about lolcows. Without that sub, half of them would have probably committed suicide.

They still gotta to contribute to our capitalist machination while thinking they are resisting, the karma they give each other will give them the comfort they need, they even won a glorious subreddit revolution.

I mean, everyone in drama is unbelievably smug too

yeah but the beautiful geniuses that post here aren't nearly as retarded as the chaps

You should see the smug unironic autism SRD shits out 24/7

I like to post there when I think I have too much karma.

Because people feel disconnected from their fellow man in modern society, and those in power have fucked with the system enough that there isn't any way for our voices to be heard in any meaningful way.

We're constantly made aware of unacceptable horrors and existential threats and then denied the ability to do ANYTHING about them.

So we cling to our guns and religion. For some people, its more the latter than the former, and in this case, their religion is smug slacktivism.

If they are utterly helpless to DO anything about all of that, at least they can feel like they are, and just like LARPing, the effect is enhanced when you have others actively engaging in the delusion.

Plus, every now and then an easy target presents itself. Not one that actually contributes to any significant degree (or at all) to any of the problems, but one that can be shat upon relentlessly with minimal resistance. That resistance can then be exaggerated into an epic threat, and suddenly the LARPers have some Orc and Goblin LARPers to fight.

They stole “post bussy” from us and never acknowledge it.

They are insufficently invested in the mayocide.

Chapo is the /r/ShitRedditSays of 2018.

I treat Srs as a best of. It’s either a stupid joke that i get chuckle out of or some good drama

Because it doesn't have enough commies. It was better when it had commies and wasn't metareddit liberal trash.


Here's the same take I can get on every other lib sub but with Gritty.

Can the mods stop fucking stickying their own comments.

I mean, I can.

How may of you are there anyways? Do any of you even mod or do you just sticky posts lol.

Can you stop having aids though?

too late, all the bussy is already contaminated

Just as soon as you fix the bot.

I don't have aids.

...that you know of, anyway.

One in eight people with AIDS don't know they have AIDS. Get tested today! Or don't no one cares

I take my sexual health v seriously

All jews have aids. It started with the Egyptian slave jews, who fucked monkeys because jewish. Then the monkeys spread it to the africans who eat monkeys. Then those monkeys spread it to the white homos who then spread it to cis males cause of bussy.

You have aids i have aids he she has aids.

May you please continue to sticky your hilarious comments and give the gayest flair you have for being a little dike faggot?

You really had a rough experience at gay conversion camp.

The roughest 😉😏🤤

You already consented enthusiastically to mod abuse, so no.

Jesus christ you're multiplying.

Show Riemann bussy, and maybe you'll be multiplying too.

My age is in the double digits, that's one too many digits for /u/riemann1413 to be interested in my nigga bussy.

Get the fuck out.

Please dont use the f slur towards me.

*christian server

Does anyone remember the no swears committed troll from a while back? That was a funny alt.

Nah, how far back was it around?

2-3 weeks maybe. Just some random who followed the link bot that says there's a drama thread.

Can you stop being an inconsiderate nigger?


Because it doesn't have enough commies.

Imagine thinking this

I'm can't believe I'm agreeing with you.

Extremists are the biggest retards on the interwebs. Add any meme ideology to that equation and you get your chapos and your nazi echo chambers

What a perfect likeness. Thanks for the self portrait!

commies are as bad as fascists

Counterpoint: idpol commies, maybe.

no they're still just as retarded and morally wrong

Who do you think created the essence of idpol?

Imagine thinking commies created the concept of politicizing group identity.



Marginally better when it was more dirtbag

Also, they are all very illiberal.

GOOD point

I am black man who has been browsing the internet since I was in middle school, and CTH feels like the first safe space I have encountered.

I am saying this unironically.

I stumbled across the subreddit by accident and I instantly felt at home. I remember finding the front page their side splittingly funny. I immediately found their community hilarious too. Like their comments, my god. There was this off meta tone in the comment threads that just resonated with me. Now that I have become a patreon of their podcast and listened to every episode everything is fucking funny. It's pretty much changed the way I think and view life. I deal with problematic white people in my life every day, and there they are. Dealing with the same problematic white people except they are there posting about it.

Fuck you guys chapo is cool and good

wow this thread is a sperg-fest

Because they're all unemployed and underage. If Chapo craphouse was around when I was an edgy 16 year old I probably would have listen to it. Thanks god I'm better than that now and exclusively listen to Ben Shapiro destroy libtard and rain napalm on Palestinian children as God intended.

The biggest question is why does Chapo trigger so many MDEfugees?

You haven’t seen real stupid until you go on r/BadPhilosophy

Those guys are actually retarded people, who think they are smart people that are acting retarded to troll people who are dumber than them

Post hog xD

/r/stupidslutsclub is full of male incel and virgins posting fantasiest on the internet change my mind

remember guys, its just a podcast sub.

Just like how MDE is just an adult swim show sub C:

What show?

OP is a chud faget.

You can write faggot, faggot.

Chapo rustles an inordinate amount of jimmies here, so they must be doing something right. Imagine getting mad over the tankies stealing your maymays lmao

Chapo rustles an inordinate amount of jimmies here

You mistake laughter for being mad at someone.

Did you see the OP of this thread? Definitely bussyblasted. Laughing at them is the correct thing to do, obviously.

Everybody who post to Chapo is a balding, overweight 45 year old

maybe spez is a commie?

Because chapo is trying to re-capture the lightining in a bottle that is TheRightStuff.biz

"Hey look you guise, we can be edgy too". Unfortunately for them it doesn't quite work out. And their memes are entirely uncreative drivel.

They went from blocks of too much marxist text on an image to simply copying anything /pol/ does.

They have an unironic ghazelle infestation (that they welcomed into the sub), and yet they still think they can call themselves "Dirtbag"

this isn't drama. this isn't shit posting, it's just straight up shit.

Oh look, more seriousposting

They also brigade the shit everywhere but the subreddit has never received any sort of punishment.

they are just drones of corporate jews. that is why they dont get punished

Used to kind of like Chapo’s because I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum with a lot of things but I enjoyed seeing a radically different view of it. It was also funny to see them believing they are persecuted by the same things and people that a lot of people on the right believe they are, they were like a gayer (or maybe less gay) version of r/MDE that took themselves way too seriously.

Than my NEET brother started browsing CTH and has turned into a total fucking loser. I love him and I want to help him, but he makes it hard. He’s always had a sense of entitlement and blamed someone else for his issues but now he’s just smug and red too. Fuckin Chapo’s

You have to put him to sleep

He’s almost been kicked out of the house and has this delusion that’s he’s going to run off to live in the Midwest with a guy he’s never actually met (who totally won’t take advantage of him) while having no money and a chronic medical condition

We still talking about Chapo? This sounds like /r/Drama. Or any dirtbag politics subs lmao