/r/Drama IRL

1  2018-11-27 by Ultrashitposter


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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How the fuck does it do that?


Poor Ed


I feel attacked

That’s exactly what I said when I opened it.

hit a little too close to home for me

i thought u deleted account

all you mods look alike

pretty rude tbqh

It’s the big noses


Thought it was the skinless dicks

Not a bad name for a punk band.

Honestly, this is so accurate it makes me feel better as I feel less alone. Thanks, whoever made it.

This would be nice if you actually deserved it, imposter

Im tearin up wtf


womp womp


this is doxxing

Wow he’s just like me.

My ancestor :)

Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

Bottom text

This meme is made by MMRMRMRRFGHF

The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "We live in a society."

whores and politicians

You don't need to say whores twice

a moth walks into a podiatrist office

watching him tell that joke is like watching da vinci paint tbh

look i love the old chunk of coal as much as the next guy but you're making me cringe tbh

look i love the old chunk of coal as much as the next guy

That's one hell of a way to describe your bull

BOOM! Roasted!

That's one hell of a way to describe your bull

Search this exact phrase on duckduckgo and see the 2nd result you filthy j-word.

What's more important is why you...duckduckgo'ed that?

I have an extension that tells me when a line on reddit comes up with the holocaust on search engines, obviously. filters out crypto-fascists.

This sounds both like nonsense but also could be true

Do podiatrists have red lämps on the entrances of their edifices?

shitty moth meme

never speak to me again

Quoting capeshit. 🤢🤢🤢

Watchmen is unironically capekino

y u do dis to me?

because you deserve it bby




imposter syndrome


It hurts.

wow I've never actually identified with one of these before please stop it

Pagliaccio is the singular form

I already saw this on /r/cumtown thank you very much

Ah to be 20 years old again, sips, those were the years.

Aye, as each second passes, the further away those years are

sips, yeah, now those were the seconds.

When I was 20 I spent all my waking hours jerking off, watching movies and playing unreal tournament 2004. Life will never be that simple again

We don't come here to feel, goddammit

Honestly, this is so accurate it makes me feel better as I feel less alone. Thanks, whoever made it.

This is basically doxxing.

But doctor, I am Pagliacci

Dont worry 20 year olds because eventually you'll stop caring about other peoples happiness and quit being funny.


Hey this was on one of the mde offshoots a few weeks ago.

How does he know this...

I'm suing.

🎵 tears of a clown 🎵

I feel personally hurt by this and I'm leaving to stay away from further confection.

Wow, another wojack edit

lol, this is the equivalent of a horoscope but for 20 - 30 yr olds going through their quarter-life crisis. "omg these generic and vague descriptions of a person drifting through life alone r so accurate!"

TFW /r/drama is just as basic as the wh*te women they ridicule

TFW /r/drama is just as basic as the wh*te women they ridicule

that's the true beauty of it

What ever led you to think otherwise?

Considering a lot of people here pretend to be self aware, I just thought it was an unironically funny observation.

Do you always answer rhetorical questions?

Only when I’m bored at work

Considering a lot of people here pretend to be self aware

The post you replied to is consistent with this. Work it out.

Persistent imposter syndrome isn't that common tbf.

Quarter-life crisis at ~25: What makes you think you'll live to 100, you out-of-shape, decadent idiot?

Did I strike a nerve?

No, I'm older and got rid of my quarter-life crisis by asking myself that question. I'm still pretty decadent, but I gave up on 100 as a desirable goal.

To save time, I plan on riding my quarter-life crisis all the way into my mid-life crisis.

It works out pretty well if you manage to wife a responsible but indulgent woman.

It can be done.

TFW /r/drama is just as basic as the whte women they ridicule*

I thought everyone knows that already.

Hey now, if that stuff was any more specific, I'd think I have a stalker.

We tease the girls we like. This is grade school stuff.

That's a very aloof response, friend.

Lol @ r/drama falling for the Barnum Effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnum_effect

But freal, I relate to this meme pretty heavily, except for the part about secretly craving intimacy and genuine relationships with other people.

It's really easy to narrow down the majority of r/drama users tbh. The age range is a reddit thing, the comments have shock value that would drive away sensitive people so people on here mostly have a sense of humour, which is usually but not always correlated with being humorous IRL. But the nature of the community with its inside jokes requires usually being a regular reddit user, which is often associated with a subpar IRL social lookout.

Then just imagine up a few vaguely ego boosting remarks for the audience which TBF is tougher than it sounds. Plus people who don't relate probably will just ignore so you'll end up with a thread full of the people who do.

Reasons this meme doesn't apply to me:

  • no one accuses me of not joking around

  • no impostor syndrome since G-d told me to save the world

See there's more than one reason it doesn't apply.

bruh if god could talk to me it'd be game over. I'd make ISIS look like Disney World.

It's super effective


I cannot relate to this. I am a chad irl

wow haha this vague meme is just like me! i'll read you guys' fortunes, $10

too real

i have never had one of these kinds of memes describe me to a tee. holy fuck.

unlike ANY other image out there, this is way too accurate. i dont feel good



Some of you are this but without being funny.

Hahaha... I'll need an extra session with my therapist this week.

horroscopes for internet retards too pretentious for horroscopes

Well fuck you too.

I feel personally attacked.

I do not identify with this because I'm a faceless corporate shill account with no life experiences. I only exist as an online persona created by a committee to sell Leninade.

Wow you guys are tools.

Jokes on you, im not funny and do not crave intimacy.

it's never hit so close to home...


lol, even telling people what kind of music I listen to (irl) is too personal for me.