I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src
I think people like her because she held up a Taiwan flag and it pissed off China? That is the only drama I can find involving her. She doesn’t have a mayo boyfriend, so I don’t know why posting her would piss off aznidentity
I have to conclude we just upvote Asian gussy now.
Even at the rate we're going I'm still going to manage to be surprised when r/Drama's waifu becomes a literal 12 year old boy. It'll be like "wtf" "didn't you notice the river of bussy references running around here for years?" "I thought that was a joke" "It's never actually a joke."
1 nameuser4321 2018-11-29
The new /r/drama seems to think that tzuyuposting>>>birdposting 🤔
1 LadyVetinari 2018-11-29
Because drama is dead
1 wow___justwow 2018-11-29
fk off fgt
1 LadyVetinari 2018-11-29
1 wow___justwow 2018-11-29
1 SnapshillBot 2018-11-29
I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 SeattleFingers 2018-11-29
Gosh she's pretty
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-11-29
Yeah she's cute as a button, but I don't want to fuck it.
1 SeattleFingers 2018-11-29
Sucks for you, mayo
1 HardIsLife 2018-11-29
You shouldn’t be. She’s barely legal!!!
1 Vurtizontal 2018-11-29
Yeah. Wish i knew cute asian girls irl.
1 sevgee 2018-11-29
We got daily tzuposts now?
1 nameuser4321 2018-11-29
1 sevgee 2018-11-29
I mean I would've preferred azealiaposting, but I guess it's better than tayposting so ok!
1 ihopeitsnormal 2018-11-29
Pika-Chou, I Tzuyu!
1 Antler_River 2018-11-29
Pika joe I zih uu? Learn to Wade-Giles bro.
1 ihopeitsnormal 2018-11-29
Ching chong ping ppng5
1 bravergrain 2018-11-29
My Queen is the epitome of perfection 😍😍😍
1 ObnoxiousFactczecher 2018-11-29
What? To you, too!
1 wallumbilla_Jamborie 2018-11-29
I'm gay
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
Perfect as it is tbh
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-11-29
Yeah I'm looking into it.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-11-29
Experiencing FOMO tbh.
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
Are we just upvoting asian posts now?
1 Dramatictuna 2018-11-29
Where did r/Drama go wrong? 😔
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
Idk, but at least this is at least better than mayo gussy
1 froibo 2018-11-29
It's probably making aznidentity mad.
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
They're mad at everything tho
1 GunOfSod 2018-11-29
When did /r/drama start to go incredibly right!
1 TAinting_CHarmer 2018-11-29
It's a trap
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
That can only make it better
1 Vurtizontal 2018-11-29
Im kind of tired of the gussy bmeme.
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
Good to know
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
That's great and all.
Post bussy
1 Morgoff 2018-11-29
Switch it up to "boy gussy."
1 BeanerShnitzel 2018-11-29
I think people like her because she held up a Taiwan flag and it pissed off China? That is the only drama I can find involving her. She doesn’t have a mayo boyfriend, so I don’t know why posting her would piss off aznidentity
I have to conclude we just upvote Asian gussy now.
1 Kiru-Kokujin23 2018-11-29
shes chinese taiwanese and held a flag of the republic of china
which made mainland china mad
so she apologised
which made republic of china (taiwan) mad
1 RandolphCox 2018-11-29
op is trying to start a gimmick and its totally falling flat like this bitches chest
1 thats-why-i 2018-11-29
Does this mean I can start chuuposting
1 Blinwar 2018-11-29
CMV: Asian gussy < White gussy < White bussy < Asian bussy < Black gussy < Black bussy
1 Morgoff 2018-11-29
She doesn't have a flaw. It shouldn't be allowed.
1 jorio 2018-11-29
Even at the rate we're going I'm still going to manage to be surprised when r/Drama's waifu becomes a literal 12 year old boy. It'll be like "wtf" "didn't you notice the river of bussy references running around here for years?" "I thought that was a joke" "It's never actually a joke."
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-29
Bussy is never a joke 😎
1 zergling_Lester 2018-11-29
It is similar to giant alien spiders in this respect.
1 EternallyMiffed 2018-11-29
No donger no updoots
1 TomMyersComedian 2018-11-29
1 HeftyHovercraft 2018-11-29
Please be gussy
1 Vurtizontal 2018-11-29
1 OriginalRazzmatazz 2018-11-29
>mfw I'll never be a japanese soldier in a sex tour of east asia
1 Electroyote 2018-11-29
My chest is bigger.
Not sure if I should be concerned for her... Or for me.
1 d-amazo 2018-11-29
these users right here, officer.
1 azriel777 2018-11-29
1 wisty 2018-11-29
Very nice eye make-up.
1 JohnGalt316 2018-11-29
the only asian girls i care about are the ones that date white guys
1 transgirltradwife 2018-11-29
What's he famous for?
1 alien122 2018-11-29
Can we not turn into /r/kappa
1 DoctorMort 2018-11-29
People who are attracted to Tzuyu Chou are lowkey pedophiles, change my mind.
1 HardIsLife 2018-11-29
Wow she’s so pretty!
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-11-29
kid is 18 and already had more plastic surgery than Joan fuckin rivers