Crazy gussy overreacts in completely genuine story that happened

1  2018-11-30 by zappapostrophe


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Even if this was true, which it fucking isn’t, how much of a fucking histrionic dumbass do you have to be to phone a divorce lawyer and assume you’re being abandoned instead of thinking “oh he must mean something else”?

Be pregnant

@ 7 months

So pregnancy makes you such an emotional wreck that you think your husband is divorcing you over text...but rational and lucid enough to contact a divorce lawyer, write a Reddit post detailing what happened, and start packing up to leave?

Do you think making a reddit post about your possible divorce is a rational and/or lucid thing to do?


Being an emotional wreck doesn't make someone literally quadriplegic you autistic fuck, it makes them follow through on really stupid decisions.

There are actually robots with a better understanding of the human condition than this. Fuck.

Did you just assume my species?

No actually, but since you asked I'm assuming you're somewhere between homo erectus and the missing link.

Heh heh, you said "homo".

very SRD tier post

No u

Yeah I've seen pregnant women cry over French fries, it's not hard for me to imagine a 7 month pregnant woman reacting this way

7 months pregnant and the guy turns his phone off for work? The wife is insecure in her marriage with a reaction like that and it seems like something her husband would do. The marriage is fucked.

Yea what normal person turns their phone off at work? This isn’t 1995, teams communicate extensively through text.

Being a femoid helps

It's sexist to expect a woman to react rationally when she's pregnant

Have a vagina

Do people have divorce lawyers numbers in hand? wat

The wife probably reads relationship_advice where divorce lawyer and packing to leave is a Pavlovian response to anything

posting drama that you’re claiming didn’t happen

But... why?

The drama is real, you just have to believe!

I guess this is as good a post as any to ask, but seriously, what is up with the absolutely off-the-charts "/r/thathappened" level fake posts on /r/legaladvice that reach the frontpage every single day?! A lot of them are hilariously badly written political fanfiction, where it makes sense, but holy shit, it seems every time I open reddit logged-out, I see a frontpage post from LA with a story that would make soccer-mom tv-show writers blush...

/r/legaladvice is just another flavor of storytime subreddit like /r/tifu or /r/TalesFromRetail. Lots of people treat it as a creative writing exercise.

It's because that sub is retarded.