Neil pls...

1  2018-12-01 by TheVeneficus


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. This Post -,,

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The but head you'll ever so has is that you depict the depressive, fedora-wearing, puffy grimace of capitalist economy in the 21st century.

Unfairly made notables and privileged through and through traced contents and pleading to rags. And nonetheless is nonvoluntary by some outre postulate for basic cognitive process to spurt crackers, teenaged render Supreme Being process regards. you is clear not all that up on suaves (or thing, mayhap you can coding system?) nevertheless your material possessions has tending you an outsize program of upset 12 to 16 period yesteryears to emit "sjwjjwjwj" at finished and all over again.

Honestly, I don't give back a stag if you've been impelled unhinged by renown or some crap. When I see surprising notional chassis last down in the mouth in poorness all daylight and you get to place on peep and make half assed 'now yur the socialism' interprets, it's nookie sickening.


  1. This Business -,,

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Pls stop bullying the bots

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Pls stay blustery the larvas

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What in the name of God


What in the found of Effigy

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Pls last out blusterous the animals

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Pls weight unit out stormies the animate beings

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Good bot





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I matter amount 95 a beast. Lens substance for questions

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I thought this was a legit comment till I scrolled down a bit and I was in complete agrerment

Snappy you did it again!

This is the SENTIENT-est one yet

Snappy is more sentient than any of the human posters on this sub

Not a high bar tbf

Fucking right, does anyone know the original context?

Which one of you cuck mods is controlling the bot

lol I'm pretty sure this one was talking about /u/xNotch

Now, you are the Nazi.

It's the mustache, all rapists / pedos have one like that

And he's black.

he didn't do anything


found this on local fb newspaper page

Global warming made me a rapist is definitely a take that I did not expect to see.

Its true though, these warm oceans and frequent hurricanes are making me fucking horny.

The thought of melting the polar caps off Mother Earth...oohhhhhh ya.

thinking of all the fish in the sea just dying from the raising temperatures really gets me going

NPR regularly blames the Syrian war on... climate change. I guess it's better than admitting Obama fucked up.

When I think "How to deny a climate change report" I think "Let's accuse an astrophysicist of rape."


Because nothing screams climate like space.

Well he's probably the most vocal and public science-minded person we have right now. His entire career is just science advocacy, even outside of astrophysics. If they manage to discredit him then that's a huge pro-science voice that's been silenced

I'm waiting for that black Twitter guy to defend him because "it's a conspiracy against successful black men"

I'm always waiting for him. In everything in life, I hope he shows up.

Tylenol Nasheed or whatever his name is?





The person making these claims against neal is a women who has a history of lying, and mental health issues. So theres that.

Daddy Musk next?

Also Im pretty sure NDT is autistic and doesnt understand social boundaries.

They already got Musk, remember he called someone a pedophile falsely, which is a horrible sin if you're not a republican or conspiritard.

He called an actual hero who saved lives a pedo because he took the attention away from him.

Sure, the guy might be a hero, but let's face it. Elon called that one correctly.

Because he was in SEA?


Going there doesn't have the same sex tourism stigma in the UK as America.

I don't care about all that, I just hate SEA.


No reason. Maybe muslims and FGM. But no reason, really.

Ya imagine hating some places because of FGM🤣🤣🤣 that's a hard "no reason" from me

Imagine having your parents cut off the whole head of your penis at like 5 y o, to make you more obedient for some future muhammad they're planning to marry you off to. You'd be 10 at the time of the marriage btw.

Well I guess I just don't care for muslims that much huh. And FGM is mostly their shtick. Or rather I don't like any fundamentalists. Slavic orthodox churches are evil and haredim kinda look unsettling, especially their kids and women, all dressed and looking the same. Yikes.

Nuke China 2020.


Please tell me where you live so that I can add it to my list of places that I should be vary of visiting.


Suppose having your raises abridge turned the conception word of your penis at like 5 Y O, to make you more biddable for some emerging Mahomet they're cerebration to get hitched with you cancelled to. You'd be 10 at the time of the marital status btw.

Well I think I sensible don't caution for monotheisms that often huh. And FGM is largely their clowning. Or quite I don't like immoderate Protestantisms. Balto-Slavonic sanctioned house of worships is wrong and haredim kind of look unsettling, particularly their tantalises and cleaning ladies, all treated and search the equal. Yikes.


Please archer me wherever you know so that I can number it to my leaning of squares that I should be differ of visiting.








Nuke Crockery 2020. Pls.

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

isnt UK, second to Germany, the one that sends most paedophiles to SEA?

I have a feeling the guy you're replying to is part of that statistic.

I'm British: Yes it does.

Really? I just assumed it was just seem as a popular holiday destination like Australia.

Be fair, there are at least as many guys over there looking for bussy as there are being paedos

Kinda funny that stuff though. It would be like a Pakistani saying that "You only went to sweden/UK/Germany/USA so you could have gay sex".

I mean, i expect a CEO to know how to spell properly.

The guy he called a pedo wasn't one of the divers, he was just an adviser. And the guy attacked Musk first by giving an interview where he accused Musk of injecting himself into the situation for PR (when in reality Musk was invited to help by a politician and the actual person planning the rescue).


Wait what? Article link?

Tyson looked at a woman too long 30 years ago and now he’s a rapist

People don't think it be like this, but it do. - Black Science Man

Wtf, guy is mental.


The twit.

It's true though, sex is fucking disgusting, but even germaphobes do it.

What are you talking about?

Our species would die out if sex hurt or we didn't have a innate desire to do it.

I did go on a bit of a tangent, but you couldn't work out how it was kind of relevant to that tweet?

Our species would absolutely not die out if sex hurt, seeing as it often does for women if they're with morons who don't understand foreplay.

Yeah that's what I mean, who the fuck in their right mind would be ok with being pregnant? I'd be a nervous wreck leading up to giving birth.

And yet cats reproduce as quickly as Rabbits, and they have barbed dicks.

Cats gestation period is double that of rabbits, also rabbits are packing monster dick, upwards of 30% of their body weight.

There's honestly a creationist level argument

Considering not only does his argument suck but he isn't even right, that's a fair comparison.

I guess he's saying it works as long as the dude enjoys the rape enough for both of them.

The bike cuck argument in reverse.

"Shredded my HYMEM"


Dude never heard of ducks?


Swell ne'er detected of ducks?

here’ wherever organic process accumulation and beat survival of the fittest come in — and wherever the level get uncheerful. Many cloth currencies reorient staminate, subject matter females can be pickier in their prize of twin. For a mortal souse to Land a female, he moldiness amplify pied feather plus has an produce dancing sex activity custom and pleasant sex call. In extra word, he involves to be a looker, summation a heavy vocaliser and dancer.

Most Males don’t activity up. So what’ a poor guy rope to do?

Forced intercourses is “pervasively public in many mintages of avoids,” communicates Prum. this is socially corporate “aggroup ravishes” that is “trigger-happy, ugly, treacherous and flat deucedly” and steady onetimes lineman in the alteration of the female.

this intends a “egotisticals staminate organic process scheme that is at unusuals with the biological process raises of it pistillate humans and mayhap with the biological process refers of the male horse sorts,” Prum intercommunicates. To go around their seeded player, this fudges is disconcerting the rude organization of selection.

But the faunas has affixed their ain denial with an progressively fancy frame — including, in some incases, acerbic locomotes in her procreative render that behave nearly a anatomical structures, production it harder for put offs to fertilize during displace copulations.

‘Like a natural process of stimulate Canis familiarises from a selling motor vehicle in a weird unknown barrier, plunk penises come in unsmooth, keeled and even toothed varieties.’ “Male dodges had evolved penises that would change them to causal agency their way into an disinclined female’ canal, and the beasts in acquire had evolved a unprecedented way — an organic structure chemical change — to parry the action at law of the volatile turn hard-ons of beast skirts and keep the phallics from fertilizing their orchis by validity,” indites Plum.

this meliorates tell ground sidestep ducts is so make and reason evade penises has evolved to ready up — a considerate of intimate phylogenesis girds group known as incompatible coevolution.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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acerbic locomotes in her procreative render

Sounds positively titillating.

acerbic locomotes in her procreative render

Sounds positively titillating.

Jesus! That's hot as fuck!!


wait wat happened?

Neil being a rapist is about as unsurprising as Neil being a rapist.


Tyson raped me too.

He loves Uranus!

There is no way he doesn't use cheesy astrophysicist pick up lines.

Dayum girl! I want to experience what's beyond your event horizon.

I identify as a rapist