Dunham Says She Lied To Discredit Alleged Rape Victim – The Forward

1  2018-12-06 by matike


Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was.


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Get her snappy.

Spot on bb.

In the rest of the apology, Dunham writes extensively about her experiences with sexual trauma and being a woman in a climate of sexism and abuse

of course xe wud 😂😂😂 #noshame #landwhale

How can I make this about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

“... by the way I’m gay”

"... for my kid sister."

being a woman


You're coming with us, criminal scum.

You don’t fister your sister and brag about it in your book if you still feel shame

What's the book? Damn

The only book by Lena Dunham, you fucking retard



Try again bby

That’s what your mom said after I couldn’t get it up once she showed me what you did to her vagina, you bighead motherfucker

Aww you're almost there sweaty. Now tell me I have a small dick, I'm almost hard.

Aww yeah S.P.H.

The psychology book you imbecile.

What are you even saying, lemon party?

Confessions of a Sociopath check it out!

You don’t fister your sister and brag about it in your book if you still feel shame.

but what would you sell book on then?

is there anything else interesting in the book?

Fake news

Is this the end of her ?


It was internalised misogyny. If anything, every man in her life should be flogged to death.

If there was a Richie Rich reboot with a woman character, ol' VaginaRocks would be the top of the casting list.


I'm suddenly seeing the appeal of marxism.


"This will be the end of Lena Dunham's career" says increasingly nervous man for eighth time this decade

Done ham.


Surprising no one.

is there a male equivalent to her? Girls please respond.

I don’t think there’s a more revolting girl looks and personality wise that has somehow managed to stay somewhat relevant than Lena Dunham.

Maybe Bruce Vilanch?

He's funny kinda

male equivalents of lena dunham are all rapists tbh

of course the lena dunham equivalent of lena dunham is a chomo so

Was gonna say joss wedden but you covered him.

Joss Whedon's one of the like five men in Hollywood who haven't been accused of rape lmao

he has been accused of "harassment" and "misconduct" tho

No he hasn't. Just of cheating on his wife.

Billy Bob Thornton?

David Geffen?

Harvey Weinstein?

Wait what did Billy Bob do?

Andy Dick is spot on though

Angelina Jolie when she was going through her weird brother-kissing shit.

Angelina is legitimately insane though

She got an Oscar for Girl, Interrupted even though that’s basically how she is in real life

James Corden

He has a history of creepy stalkerishness but I wouldn't say he's as bad as Dunham on the sexual predator front.

Donald Trump

She basically copied Kevin Spacey's apology.

Lmao she took the Kevin Spacey "apology" route where they whine about their lives for most of it and then throw in a couple of lines about their victim to pretend the whole thing isn't just them mining for sympathy

I choose to live my life as a sociopathic dog-abuser who never really contributed anything toward humanity.

This reminds me I need to hop on Runescape I'm 100k xp away from 93 mining.

Kevin Spacey's apology wasn't even really that bad, in my opinion. He says he respects his accuser, says he doesn't remember (which he might not), apologizes if it happened, and says sorry for Anthony having to carry that for years.

And him coming out isn't really that bad. He's basically acknowledging that he does like dudes, so Anthony Rapp's accusation has more weight. He says he wants to deal with the issue "honestly & openly" and says that has to start with examining his own behaviour.

Him liking dick, coming out, was an essential part of that apologize. Without it, many of his fans/supporters would have stuck by Kevin Spacey being straight 'so why would he molest a boy?'

Kevin Spacey's was one of the better apologies to come out of the #metoo movement. Never attacks his accuser, neither the accusation nor the person making it, doesn't blame the victim, takes responsibility and acknowledges he needs to change.

You know I used to find her physically attractive once.

what the fuck was wrong with me.

yeah don't expect pitty in here or encouragement for changing your mind

just what the fuck is wrong with you

Literally the bravest confession I've ever seen.

Stunning and brave, have you considered transitioning?

Jesus Christ, get therapy

Wait how long ago? Cause up until 2010ish she looked like a regular girl before transitioning into a chubby little boy

There's no pill for that.

Lake City quiet pill maybe

Cyanide works fine

No specific pill but enough of most of them would probably cure it.

Dunno bro. Allison Williams was also on that show. She's actually attractive.

Isn't she the "Get out" actress? She is also pretty meh.

She is also pretty meh.

Lol sure dude

Well, excuse me for not finding mayo women with flat bum as attractive.

I'm just baffled


That's pretty fucked up

I think I'm gonna be sick

You need a reset fam 😍

There must be some kind of mistake this can't be real 🤮

One thing has nothing to do with the other.

I too have sustained severe brain trauma

Were you recently cured of blindness orvescsped from an institution?

Lena Dunham is the human incarnation of "smelly, unwashed vagina."

You know I used to find her physically attractive once.

Oof. This ain't it, chief.

I just don't believe you

the hottest of takes

Yeah, no-one is gonna agree with you on that one.

you seriously must have balls bigger than your brain to admit that

Can't believe this landwhale manages to constantly be in the news

Orbget work at all she has no talent at all, isn't remotely attractive, and constantly in the news for dumb shit she says.

She relies on her parents connections to get work.

Much like Amy Schumer.


Well you know I see her posts here in /r/Drama constantly so that may explain some things

Sister fisting whore lies for attention. Truly shocking.

Sister fisting? I love that song!

Imagine being Lena Dunham and realizing nothing you do will ever make you important again.

Dude. Lena Dunham. LMAO.

She molested her sister, from that experience, said sister became a lesbian.

Dunham is fucking trash but apparently an icon to SJW Leftism, ugh

apparently an icon to SJW Leftism, ugh

Not sure you'd be able to find one to vouch for her, tbh.

Maybe at one point she was, but I think everyone just views her as a complete fucking freak after the whole sister fister thing and the Odell Beckham thing, and more.

Mostly upper class mayo feminism I'd say.

Dunham is fucking trash but apparently an icon to SJW Leftism, ugh

Yeah, no she's basically considered the eptitome of white feminism

I imagine some bougey ass trash white feminists might like her, but most of the left and especially the hardcore left openly despise her.

She molested her sister, from that experience, said sister became a lesbian.

Excuse me. She was always a lesbian, you or actions of others don't choose or make your sexuality.

Environmental factors play a role.

How about this? I know I'm old-fashioned, but if there's an allegation of a crime, how about the police and the courts deal with it, and everyone else shuts up?

She apologized for raping her infant sibling yet?

Rich white liberals need the alt right treatment.

Deplatform them, riot until they are all fired, and protest them whenever they eat.

Be the change you want to see in the world

I wonder if this might be the final nail for her career?

She has a career?

Unfortunately my guess is this train wreck is going to continue another few years

To the surprise of no one, c’mon she’s a double raper. She molestered her sissy’s gussy and eye-rapes the general public by simply existing

Fucking cunt lol

My almonds are fully activated

Cries out in pain as she strikes you

This is your regular reminder that the mods hate it when people send Dunham nudes to modmail. They even made a sticky post about it earlier in the year. So do not do that again.

I would have to find said nudes and that's something I don't want in my search history

Let me be clear I said NOT TO SEND LENA NUDES TO THE MODS because that would be hilarious.

Instructions unclear, sent bussy pics to mods


i>nsider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year

Accusing people of weaponizing false accusations while at the same time pretending they are accidental "misreporting"