WTF I hate radical centrism now

1  2018-12-06 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


This, but unironically.


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Snappy has spoken

Disobeying Snappy's decree is punishable with 300 lashes in public.

Inshallah, it shall be done.

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unironically Shrekposting in the year of Wreck it Ralph


I'm planning on it.

Loops back around to being le dank XD at some point rightv

Wait, we're allowed to say KYS again?

No , plz report and ban that faggot

Snappy’s on a roll lately!

Noooooo Lena is disgusting and has no redeeming qualities. How about we mod her and then keep hating her (like darqwolff)

This but unironically

At least ping him.

He's busy curating he's CP collection

Wait, is he really a pedo? The last thing I heard, having failed to become CEO of Google, he instead took to selling drugs and then got arrested for stealing his stepdad's air conditioner or something.

/u/darqwolff did you get your shitty life back on track or not?

Of course not. He's a delusional failure

Holy shit he thinks he's going to be elected president.

Tbh there's a strong chance that a future president could be a neck beard felon pedophile

Shaggy 2 Dope / Violent J 2020 - They'll win on the strength of the Juggalo vote.

Fun Fact: did you know that Ted Cruz is actually HowToBasic?

Altogether a lot more probable after 2016

Wait, is he really a pedo?

Even more pathetic, hes a wannabe pedo. This dudes so fat he thinks 70F is torture and talks about how sweaty his constantly, but wants us to believe teenagers send him nudes.

I told his dumbass months ago to save up and get his ass to a doctor because I'm like 85% super he has hyper-hydrosis. There's meds to help it and his fatass will be able to tolerate it. I honestly feel kind of bad cause my brother had the same issue even after he corrected his weight but the meds worked wonders

Yeah my uncle has that, and some condition where hes like allergic to his own sweat too. Practically moved as close as you can get to Canadas border and still sweats buckets in shorts in the winter too. I dunno how he survived 40 years of Kansas summers before he moved.

I definitely wouldn’t want to become a celebrity on this subreddit.

U right. I stopped putting pings in my comments because I never know who's on the ping list anymore.

It's not like anyone on the ping list is going to be fun to ping anyway.

We don’t ping bc the person could not be on the official ping list. I’m not even sure where the ping list is go check it tbh

All /r/Drama mods are automatically on the list

I found it one time and put myself on it but now I don't remember where I found it.

I tried to find it once but couldn’t. I don’t believe it exists.

Found it! It was in the sidebar.

Oooh now I know why I never got on the list. I only get on reddit on mobile and I’m too lazy to re log in/don’t remember my password

But all the good apps let you see the sidebar. Fess up, what POS are you using?

We should set her up with Notch.

Why do you hate Notch?

She's creatively spent. He's creatively spent. I'd rather they get together for amorphous sex than keep posting on Twitter.

She's not hated by the left, they just kinda hope she goes away.

Even trollx (her key demo: fat middle class white women) have turned on her.

wait, how's she racist?

She got upset that a literal basketball-American wasn't interested in fucking her (probably. she didn't ask him).

You can't expect a woman to initiate these sorts of thing you fucking bigot


that's just insane narcissism tho, not racism, but I can't say it's surprising to see trollx conflating the two

it is well known in the sports community that the dude in question is only interested in bussy anyway

He's got a wide catch radius if you know what I'm saying.

wait I thought that was Kevin Durant.

ODB jr does it too?

Finding Lena Dunham repulsive is a universally held view of malekind, so she wasn't wrong in making that assumption.

hahahaha if you guys wanna have some fun, go to every comment calling her a bitch and call the poster a misogynist, then report them.

She's not hated by the left, they just kinda hope she goes away.

also if she was actually hated by the left she wouldn't be getting work anymore

i don't know, i see people roasting her on twitter quite often

Nothing would further r/drama's homosex agenda more than an influx of pictures of Lena Dunham.

The world needs more lena dunham deepfake porn.

* deserves

We knew this day would come.

Is hating a rapist part of radical centrism?

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

the enemy of my enemy is a complete idiot

I unironically think Girls is a great show, and I've seen every episode. If you watch it as a comedy about terrible clueless people pretending to be adults, it's arguably the best satire I've ever seen.

It isn't satire.

That doesn’t make it bad.

Reported for advocating violence.

I'll make the AHS post.

I’m banned from there for saying that anime is proof we didn’t nuke Japan enough in WWII.

Lol I think I'm the one that banned you.

Probably because you’re a Soy Boy Beta Cuck SJW.

Haha yeah. Sorry about that.

You can go to FWR and support the mayocide! It's encouraged there.

Literally the only way anyone could think it was satire would be to have no clue who Lena Dunham is. Every single story of hers allowed she thinks she is a sympathetic figure and created a biography show about herself.

It still works as excellent satire. Go watch some if you haven’t, a drama poster would love it


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

fine, its something you can laugh at cuz it makes fun of women.

sex and the city is even better at this

That's the benefit of being a man, I guess. I can laugh at comedy for men becuase it's funny, and I can laugh at comedy for women becuase it's ridiculous.

you're the clueless one here nigga

Shut up stupid bitch. SHUT UP! I'm not fucking clueless, you are clueless fucking retard GO AWAY

um wtff downvites really???? mods pls

Mods please ban this dum dum he's too stupid


mods please ban this man he is ruining the social cohesion of this board

Wow I can't believe you are continuing to harass me. This is what it's like living in Trump's America

umm no sweaty trump is based

Last season was garbage. Allison Williams is fucking smoking.

And in the very least, it’s entertaining.

Also Adam Driver

Look, I tolerated you retards TayTay posting or whatever you called that shit because she's at least tolerable to look at. Now you want to start posting the walking sack of wet flour known as Lena Dunham? GTFO with that shit.

Let's face it, Leena is a way better mascot for /r/drama in terms of constantly stirring up shit. In contrast, TayTay is the most basic bitch whitebread mayoskin ever.

the most basic bitch whitebread mayoskin

You take that back, breeder. Your hate speech against poor lil Tay Tay won't be tolerated around here.


Because we all know Taylor Swift is a Queer Icon.

Better than Kanye

What did she do to make the left dislike her?


Raping her sister was a solid start, then she got called racist when OBJ didn't give her the time of day and she complained about it.

It was definitely the raping her sister, for me.

I see Lena Dunham as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Lena Dunham is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Lena Dunham does it for me.

I'll stick to bussy.

Dude bussy lmao

i hate to admit this but....this, but unironically

Unfortunately someone beat you to it, she’s currently pregnant.

No, fortunately or unfortunately, she's had a hysterectomy.

Oh I confused her with another fat racist woman, Amy Schumer.

they really aren't. they are both terrible, but Amy Schumer can tell a fucking joke.

Do you want the sandwich with a bit of turd in it, the sandwich with the huge log of shit, or a regular, shitless sandwich?

Hi, Amy Schumer's joke writer here, yours is the closest thing I've read to fan appreciation of Amy so I'll give you a preview of her next show.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

! To get away from the stench of my horrific, swamp thing pussy. Seriously. I have to see a 112 year old gynecologist because he is experienced in dealing with trench foot. Also I raped that chicken.!<

debatable as fuck, but she's still better than lena

cringe and bluepilled

Turns out it was just a Shake Shack binge

why did this make me peepee hard?

Thank you, you made me laugh like a fucking idiot on the toilet at work .

You don't shoot cum into ovaries you retard

You've never nutted so hard the cum penetrated her ovaries? Dicklets OUT!

No, because I'm not a fag. I fuck bussy

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The path to the infinite centre is hard but we must not falter

Imagine the smell of those mesh panties after her wearing them for days...

With that kind of username I kinda expect that it would turn you on.

them birthing hips


The amount of in-fighting and ostracizing the left do to themselves is only increasing Trump's probability of four more years.

This is a great post, but do not jump to the wrong conclusion.

  1. Dunham hated by left and right.
  2. Drama mods advocate radical centrism.
  3. "Maybe the mods would like me to message them tasteful nude erotica of Ms. Dunham?"


Stop right there. That is the wrong conclusion to reach. They posted before to get people to stop doing that. I wonder if maybe I shouldn't keep telling people not to do it because some will get the idea to do it anyway. Opposition Defiant Disorder and all that. All I know is that my heart is in the right place and if it causes a few dozen PMs, what does that matter when I had the right intentions?

People need to stop being so energetic and caring about everything. Anyone who has an opinion one way or the other about Lena "literally who" Dunham should be cast into the sea

Defending LD just because!!!... except some of the stuff lol

Lena isnt a radical centrist, shes simply hated on all ends because she is simply a horrible hambeast of a human.

That is radically stupid.

Two parties disliking the same thing doesn't make it a good thing. It makes it such an awful thing that no one can really like it.



she looks like milk that has gone bad

Ohhh no you do the fuck not.

I didn't come to this sub to like anything.

This is a misunderstanding of RC. We aren't contrarians, we're just right. Partisans can occasionally glitch out and actually both be right about something in some fluke. We don't bend to the whims of partisans. Where both sides are wrong is in WHY we should hate fat unfunny pro-rape girl.

Who are these centrists and "we"? Get fucked.

pls no

I'd rather support measles, antivax, incels, microtransactions or any of the other things that both sides hate.

I like Lena Dunham. Girls is clever and really well written and considering her age when she conceived and wrote it, I think she might be a creative genius.

This but ironically


Along with Hitler?

Is it this subreddits aim to promote people with verified mental illnesses.

And I mean verified as in I confirmed it myself.


Any of you who do what OP suggested shall be forcibly castrated by Allah Himself

i refuse. gas chambers

Hey kids!

I wanna share something with you.

I'm an old man. Back in the day we just called people retarded and faggots. We didn't do it to be mean... TBH everyone was a retarded faggot back then. Now you dipshits roll up here with you're "Autistic" and "Mayocide" bullshit. I'm not having it.

ThAT IS All.