What do you think the odds are that the final season of Game of Thrones will turn Tyrion into some kind of bitter incel that is really upset that Danaerys is with Jon and not him?

1  2018-12-07 by MasterLawlz

no lie this kinda pissed me off: https://screenrant.com/game-thrones-script-tyrion-daenerys-love/?utm_content=buffercf21a&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=SR-FB-P&utm_campaign=SR-FB-P&fbclid=IwAR2YN9Kbh1DlExS1DV3LhJuVRrw28nhuxFK5Y2OwaOrLJyWJ-noLpGes9eE

maybe I'm wrong but I could totally see the writers taking this in that direction where Tyrion gets cheapened from being a competent dwarf who has overcome decades of bullying and discrimination to succeed in this fantasy hellscape to making a lot of dumb and irrational decisions at the most crucial time because Jon Snow is nailing the girl he likes (even though he's never acted attracted to her at all and this came completely out of nowhere)

I'm not expecting him to be yelling shit like "STACIES AND CHADS WINNERS OF THE GENETIC LOTTERY" but I'm really heavily getting the vibe that this is where they're going with his character.


No u


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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>Watching American-Shit ooooo my sides

Watching anime (I don't even have to put shit, it's just implied)

Go commit deathspacito

I'm going to fuck Max in his dog bussy.

who cares about softcore porn

God, I hope not. They already messed up his character by having him be a pathetic hanger-on/beta orbiter this past season. I highly doubt it will play out this way in the books that will never be written (😭😭😭).

He's a weak shadow of his former self because the writers don't know how to write smart people. Same with Littlefinger and Varys

They dropped a bridge on Littlefinger.

Well, Littlefinger and Varys also had their own complex world-domination plans that have been written out of the show. So their characters have nothing left to do except mill around for a bit and die.

Meh, spending all day everyday with Daenerys (played by Emilia who is already a 10/10 and in the books is supposed to be even more beautiful), of course Tyrion, or anyone for that matter, would develop at the very least a proximity infatuation.

or anyone for that matter

I hope not. In the books she's underage. A rape scene with a 13 year old would have been a tough sell for Netflix.

Paging bigtittyanimewaifu

Heres why thats a good thing

Press S to spit on grave


Maybe the pedoforce was on to him.

Is the rape scene only in the books or the show? If it’s in the show hit me with a YouTube link

It's in the show too

Hot take: it was marriage in those days, hardly rape.

Hotter take: Game of Thrones isn’t fucking real.

played by Emilia who is already a 10/10

She's like a 4, at best.

I know right?

InsideJorahsHead is a meme about Jorah being in the friendzone. So I made this post there when the news about the scripts came to light.

Jorah should've died tbqhfamalamadingdong

Everyone in Daenarys' court should have died except for Sir Barristan who actually died. Daario's basically Logan from Westworld taking a trip to Westerosworld, Grey Worm's boring as shit, Missandei is the generic black best friend who's life entirely revolves around Daenarys, and Tyrion's a pathetic shell of himself.

Once they ran out of GRRM plot, the show kinda started keeping chars around based on whether they were fun to watch on screen, not whether it made any sense for them to be here. This is good for viewership because these characters are fun to watch even if the plot is a trainwreck, but definitely detracts from the seriousness of the show.

The show is basically Sitcom Westeros now. It's not as good as the original, but probably the best D&D could pull off without the actual writer doing all the depth and nuance for them.

Where’s my Cleganebowl you Ghiscari degenerate

Where's my mod invite to THIS sub, not the afilliates, with full privileges?

Fuck that, just posting here has gotten me on that user tagging future-gas-chamber list.

Just read the books you stupid cock sucker

Implying that the books will ever be finished.

Oh you sweet summer child...

Oh you enormous fag, like I expected that

I guess that was pretty obvious bait, in retrospect.

Lmao imagine reading books

As a life long fantasy literature fan, I am glad that the dumpster fire known as Game of Thrones as envisioned by HBO and vomited by Martin has inspired a like of fantasy for a new generation, but also as a life long fantasy literature fan, Game of Thrones is utter garbage.

The story is shit, the writing in the books is embarrassingly bad, and the HBO/tv adaptation is so patronizing that anyone who considers themselves "audience" just needs to do something that isn't allowed to be said in r/drama anymore.

That shit is so bad is second hand embarrassing.

Being a contrarian doesn’t make you smarter no matter how much you wish it did

Being a contrarian is what r/drama is all about.

Are you actually expecting anything better from one of the dullest TV franchises in the history of TV franchises? Seriously each episode following the dragon girl and her pals from Westeros as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Martin vetoed the idea of Kubrick directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his books. The Game of Thrones series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character said anything, the author wrote instead "words are wind."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Martin's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of ASOIAF by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading ASOIAF at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "A Song of Ice and Fire" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Is that fagioloni à la Bloom I smell?

What fantasy lit should we read?

In the simplest summation I can summon, I would recommend for the most childish of readers to begin with the Chronicles of Narnia, the entire series.

Then progress to the entire middle-earth Compendium.

Then Wheel of Time and Stormlight Archive.

C.S. Lewis is a horrible stylist! And the Wheel of Time? Good god. I bet you love Patrick Rothfuss too.

As to your list of classic sources, you're definitely missing Arthurian romance (French and English), the Norse sagas/Edda, and Anglo-Saxon literature, among other things. These were all especially important to Tolkien. But I am glad to hear that you have read all the major holy texts.

You do realize this makes you sound like a complete jackass, right?


More like pretentious—that is to say, your arrogance is entirely unearned. The works you cited and the way you cited them are the calling cards of an unsophisticated reader possessed of an unwarranted high opinion of his own reading.


I undestand where your are coming from, but you fail to understand the societal importance.

No elves and the only dwarf doesn't even have a beard smh my head

How can you be a lifelong fantasy fan and not have a high tolerance for shit writing. I think I can count on one hand actually good fantasy writers. Like I still love the schlock but not for the writing style.

Making a lot of dumb and irrational decisions.

Like his every decision last season?

Tyrion only gets laid by his money or family. He doesn't get any women after season 5. In fact, he also kills a thot who betrayed him. He is short, deformed and ugly in a cruel world that hates him. Last season, he got less pussy than a man with no dick.
You do the math.

You know what gets you laid? Money and fame.
Even as an 'effin dwarf Tyrion could easily get some if he wants to.

That's the thing: he only gets laid because of his daddy. Without his support, there is nothing he can do.

But he's the right hand of one of the most powerful people in the world now instead. That's gotta count for something if at least not for his personal treasury.

oh god they better not take this retarded shit any further


If you actually watched this shit you'd know it's the ginger one with the concrete eczema who is ye friendzone'd one.

Peter Dinklidge is unironically a dwarf chad.

it's over for manletcels

Aren’t Targaryens poly? Gonna be some hot two-and-a-half-somes next season.

Imagine caring about that semen slurping series

Isnt he the midget that always gets laid?

So he goes from a physically deformed genius who spends a great deal of his time whoring and getting into various devious situations, into a beta chud.

Glad I stopped watching, it was never really very good, and fizzed out around the same point as the books.

I haven't kept up with the TV series or read the latest book (or maybe I have, the books all blend together in my head) but he didn't seem the type to pine after Danaerys.

I'm really not a big fan of the show. I feel like, among many other things, they've fucked up tyrions character beyond repair. Tyrion was not exactly a nice guy. He was nasty, threatening and mean to the people around him. People really thought of him as the "imp" because that's how he acted. He threatened the king, he filled the red keep with thugs, and he had someone murdered and cannibalized. He also murdered his girlfriend and dad. He wasn't "evil", no one really is in GOT, just a product of his circumstances. Now in the show he's just the most moral man, moralizing everyone, including Theon, the newly made eunuch who Tyrion brutally mocked in the first season.

Book Tyrion would also definitely not be into Danny, as given the women he's been shown to be attracted to (Tysha, Shae, Sansa, Penny), none are anything like Danny (bold and empowered).