Modern Love: “What happened was this: 15 years ago, I woke up in the night, nudged him awake and said, “I need your permission to have an affair.””

1  2018-12-08 by dz0id


This is why we need mayocide.


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Spot on, as always.


Every time I pretend to have sex with my dakimaru pillow, I think the exact same thing

I was gonna make fun of you but im also somewhat sure ill be normal to prefer anime pillows at the rate irl women are going.

No seriously i seen waifu jokes coming from people who i never thought would ever say that. Shit is going mainstream.

Which is fucking sad

But also very interesting to see develop into the mainstream.

Not really, women crave powerful men don't they, tbf you have to be pretty pathetic to let your wife/gf fuck other dudes. If they even broach the situation with you, you should honestly just end it because she's obviously been thinking about it for a while and if she had the balls to ask you thinking there's a chance you'd say yes, then she'll probably think cheating is a good idea because you'll never find out

Pretty scary stuff

I was talking about AI and the concept of waifus. I think you misunderstood my comment.

Yeah I thought you was talking about cuckolding which IS making it into the mainstream too, both are pretty weird

This is why you should invest in bussy, heavily undervalued commodity rn.

how long before I can keep my Shinobu dakimakura out in the open without being judged?

Unironically give it like 5 years. I suspect we will have some think pieces once it starts bubbling up into the mainstream. With AI being the next giant human development, romantic AI companions (something that undoubtedly weebs and weeb culture will jump in) and things associated like waifus will start being paid attention to. Yes a waifu pillow is not AI but culturally it falls within the surrogate romantic relationship sphere.

I doubt sleeping with a pillow with an 8 yo (actually 598 though) naked anime girl on it will be acceptable in 5 years. I also doubt AI companionships will be a viable alternative, maybe in like 2+ decades or something.

Have you seen "Her" the movie?

Yeah but I liked Blade Runner 2049 better when it comes to dealing with AI romance.

The beautiful thing is that you can just switch the cover and just like that it's a different girl. Like sometimes I'm in the mood for loli and sometimes I'm in the mood for a different loli.

God has left us. All that remains is darkness

Every retard that says something like "i lost all faith in humanity waaah" has never picked up a history book. The scale of fucked up shit that has happened in the past is vast and insane when compared to today.

Fear no evil my son.

I don't want to get all (((conspiracy))) here but what other reason could the NYT have for publishing this garbage other than to make being a cuck cool/acceptable/mainstream.

To be honest that's probably it, but it's also way more complex. The reasons the editor had for publishing it are probably not the reasons the author has for writing it. So it's probably different parties pushing it for completely different reasons.

All I know is that there are Jews involved

Meanwhile NYT sucks BDS's tiny dick with eagerness of a thousand suns

What? NYT is anti-BDS to the point of parody.

You've got to be kidding. One opinion piece doesn't offset years of negative coverage equating BDS with anti-antisemitism.

It pretty obviously seems to be their shtick though, at least lately:

A fucking timeline:

These guys claim they've watched them do this since 2011.

This one is a good one:

Also that same day, the Times covered the perpetrator who tried to torch six Jewish schools and who wrote “Die, Jew Rats,” “Hitler,” “End It Now” and “Jew Better Be Ready,” and who also scrawled a swastika on the walls of the Union Temple of Brooklyn. 

Dare we feel anger or fear, the headline steers us towards compassion. It reads: “Man Accused of Anti-Semitic Vandalism Faces New Setback in a Life Full of Them.”

This article seems pretty fair, though even it diminishes the role of hamas in being pretty much the core of the conflict, and how it's less of an ideological thing for its leaders but rather a cashgrab, a cow, whose sweet titties they keep milking for profit:

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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So many of these articles conclude that BDS is in fact bad or at the very least offer sentences that are strongly critical of anyone that isn't expressly pro-Israel.

Asking questions is just a way of sounding unbiased.

What are you talking about, out of the first three articles only the first one mentions something mildly negative about bds and it is that they're trying to make people choose sides. And that timeline is pretty impressive if you ask me

Dude, one of the editors of the NYT Opinion page is describes herself as a "militant zionist" whose journalism is motivated entirely by Pro-Israel ideology. You can't convince me that the paper is somehow anti-Israel all of a sudden.

First of all I'm israeli, second of all source on the "zionist" editor, third of all, do you know what a token is? Just because someone from an outlet is a self proclaimed zionist doesn't somehow invalidate the fact that it has a clear shift in bias towards one side. Also, reporting only the convenient part of the facts most of the time and even lying and supporting fanatical liars is not what's being unbiased means.

Bari Weiss is literally a token conservative. The WSJ Opinion Section printing an article by a socialist doesn’t make it left wing lmao.

broken brain lol

Oh, you edited your comment. Did you see my answer to the other one? The one that begins with me saying that I'm israeli that grew up in russia? Don't misunderstand me, I'd love to live in america at some point and I appreciate your country, but it's just soooooo typical of you burgers to assume everyone elsr is american. Just my observation. It's not necessarily a bad thing though. Anyway, read my other comment.

most people on here have the political understanding of my foreskin. Not the brightest bunch here.

You won't find a mainstream media publication that isn't commie or nazis that supports BDS


Hey, HEY, that doesn't mean anything.

True, but they are the generic Jews that the rest of us rely on to interact with the rest of humanity.


And here's why that's a good thing:

They just genuinely believe in "free love"

They think by doing this they're making the world a better place. Remember, everyone thinks they're the good guy

Free love for women and chads, no love for anyone else.

The way God intended

The meek shall inherit the roasties

Evolution of the Chaddest

They literally don't mind that they're on the losing end of the deal, that's how committed they are to the ideology

Literal selection for low-IQ.

That’s a real gut punch

Facial symmetry ≠ sexual dimorphism

Typical low-IQ mistake.

The research this was based on says nothing about facial symmetry. If you weren’t so stupid and ugly you might be able to cope better.

Your shitty article doesn't link to the original NCDS report/analysis. Do you know what General intelligence is?

All that I’m hearing is, “I’m too smart to be attractive! R-right?”

Imagine your worldview being 2 questions away from total collapse.

Are you going to post a picture of your ugly face next to your MENSA certificate?

No thanks.

Also, who's to say women like beautiful men? They could easily prefer violent thugs with shoddy faces.

Lmao, suuure. Check this out as well:

It's over for manlet uggos.

Asians are on average shorter than whites but have higher IQ's. That correlation could be a result of Hispanic demographics.

Afaik it's the same in every individual demographic. Basically, it's the genetic load: if you come from a lineage of omega rapists, you have a bunch of harmful mutations that affect height, facial symmetry, IQ.

Afaik it's the same in every individual demographic.

Give source.

Already posted one that mentioned a bunch of studies on ethnically homogeneous populations. For more you have to post pictures of your penis.

No thanks, buddy.

Also, who's to say women like beautiful men? They could easily prefer violent thugs with shoddy faces.

this is one of the sadder pathologies ive seen transparently displayed by a "neutral" "hypothetical" in a reddit comment


Can verify, am a violent thug with a shoddy face.

 When the children were 7 and again when they were 11, their teachers were asked to describe them physically. For the purpose of the analysis below, the children are defined to be attractive if they were described as attractive at both age 7 and age 11.

Lmao were they putting together a list for the Pakis?

Lower your standards. Clearly they're too high for what you're working with

Yup that's why we see 300 lbs neckbeards with super hot girlfriends all the time cause they're such nice guys

Cuckold relationships don’t count.

If you want to get laid as a man you generally have to drop your standards. A girl that's equally attractive as you isn't going to cut it. Sometimes we might hook up with better looking girls or ones that are on par, but if you want to guarantee some vag you're gonna have to go after someone that you wouldn't bring around your friends. Dating is a different story. You shouldn't drop your standards there.

It doesn’t matter how much you lower your standards, no matter how fat and ugly they are, they only want chad.

She's not getting any guys above the 50th percentile in looks. She might say that, and maybe she won't accept anything less when it comes to dating, but guaranteed some fugly dude is hittin that every week.

"free love" but only for chads and chadettes


Enforced monogamy was necessary to allow primitive societies to develop into high level civilizations.

But maybe now, after we've reached the global high civilization stage, monogamy isn't necessary anymore.

Chad fucks all is definitely more natural than lifelong pair bonding.

who the fuck is "they"?

If you have to ask it's always Jews dummy

Get the fuck out of here refugee

This but unironically, imagine trying to implicate Jews in this shit when the real culprit is always idiotic mayos

Jews are mayos

Only when it's advantageous

only on weekends

No u

The only proof you need agaisnt that conspiracy is the fact the the fuckers can't even handle aome goat farmers at the border. And from personal experience every major irl SJW proffesor i have ever meet has been an atheist white who's parent's didn't hug them enough.

lol I'm 88% sure all of the professors you're referencing were actually kikes

You do realize that most jews are non-practicing and atheist right?

Intersectional retards LARPing as left

Hippies. It was basically the same thing back in the 60s too.

The free love trend will stay strong for another decade or so, die out again for a while, and then return again stronger than ever about a decade or so after that. Just like it did from the 20s to the 60s.

That almost sounds like dialectics. But if you want to do historical materialism properly, you have to tell us what the productive forces were underlying the process. It's no coincidence, for instance, that hedonism coincides with financially bullish times, and puritanism comes in with austerity.

But if you want to do historical materialism properly

But then I can't make sweeping generalizations that gloss over the finer details that are neccessary to understand the full context of our history. And that's no fun :(

I'm no expert on anything really. I wish I could make such theories about the underlying forces, but I'd be talking pretty much out my ass I think. I'm just making guesses out if trends I notice doing very basic research on recent history. They're not exactly educated guesses by any means

I'm no expert on anything really. I wish I could make such theories about the underlying forces, but I'd be talking pretty much out my ass I think.

Welcome to academia. Take your chair and say to neet that they should clean their rooms.

What is it about the US being in a protracted war that makes its youth fucking retarded?

Am I wrong in thinking the last time we saw this amount of civil unrest was during the student protests over nam?

The First World War destroyed the Lost Generation in much the same way, hence why the 20s was such a decade of rebellion too. (Though this was more univseral and occured in nations across the west, not limited to generally just the US like Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan were.

This video by the guys who do the Great War series on yotube explained the phenomenon as it occured in that decade pretty well.

Glad to see soeone else here who is a fan of that series.

Thanks I hadn't seen that video despite being a patreon. Thanks for the link.

It ain’t the Mormons.

It says at the bottom that its on page 6 of the 'Style' section.

Literally no heterosexual american male has ever even seen page 6 of the fucking New York Times 'Style' section. Anyone who is organically finding this article is already a gay cuck by definition to have ended up there.

The idea that this is ideological pushing rather than just the same salacious gawking we do here just repackaged for pant-suited corporate lawyers is /pol/ brain damage.

/pol/ brain damage

Well shit if I didn't have that I wouldn't be hanging out here now would I

t. literal Jew Chapo posting commie.

“I-it’s all in your head!”

It is though.

Get thee behind me, Satan’s homeboy.

It was in the trending list.

Well, I found this through /r/drama, which means

Oh dear

we're all gay cucks by definition, aren't we?

You can't be a cuck if you're a volcel tho

You can always go cuck yourself

I thought that was the point?

He simply excluded the more likely option to find such material: autistics. Which we have in abundance.

page 6

implying anyone reads physical newspapers anymore...

We should flood Israel with blacks!

Support Palestine

Also because fuck men and women who stomp on them are just empowered and getting back at us for the century old patriarchy ya know.

Free love except for the husband lying alone a few rooms over from his wife getting fucked by another guy and who only hasn't left or killed himself yet because of his son. Such free love.

What kind of people would be influenced by this shit?

I don't think anyone will become a cuck because of this but stuff like this shifts it from being unthinkable to just radical.

Lol, what a strange thing to be concerned about, when your friends and family are discussing foreign policy and the economy, do you feel a little bit out of place when you start talking about weird fetishes?

We're just a slight shift away from government enforced cuckoldry.

Social issues have made up the majority of the democratic platform for a decade. Also, people should stop talking about foreign policy and the economy because none of them know shit about either subject.

Its called shifting the Overton window. Before you introduce radical political ideas, you must slowly make them normalized in the eyes of the public. Incoming war against adultery laws, you heard it here first.

Against adultery/divorce laws? What do you mean by this?

For instance, proof of adultery in divorce court will make you lose custody of your children almost 100% of the time.

Really? Source?

Turns out I was wrong about specifics, see the comment below. Adultery will influence settlements and alimony, but not custody unless it was done in front of the children

How much else are you wrong about?

"Adultery does not really affect the distribution of assets or the custody of children in a divorce case. Adultery does have an impact, however, in the settlement negotiations during a divorce."

Okay I was wrong on the specifics, but you get the idea. Many implications towards settlements and alimony.

You do something that ends a marriage and you're in a bad negotiation position. Colour me shocked.

Incoming war against adultery/divorce laws, you heard it here fir

What country do you live in where there are adultery laws?

Proven adultery will determine divorce outcomes in every state of the US

Proven adultery will determine divorce outcomes in every state of the US


The only time this gets brought up is if the one committing adultery used marital assets to provide for the 3rd person. Then the other spouse can lay claim to a larger portion of what remains, but not as restitution, but more as if the other person spent that portion of their share.

If you think about it, it's just another aspect of divorce that advantages women since they are less likely to spend money supporting an affair.

In what state is that true? I've never read a single state where adultery is not grounds for an at-fault divorce

California is a no-fault state, because of course it is

I can't describe how retarded this is so I won't even try.

"Infidelity?" is the first check box on every divorce attorney's questionnaire

So? That doesn't mean shit, that's just for the attorney

I think most people go with "Irreconcilable differences"

Also true

so? doesn't mean it impacts court decisions in a no-fault state

I think that in some states without "no fault" divorces, proven adultery is helpful because you need to state a reason for the divorce, and adultery is a valid one.

That said, it probably helps, on average, the non-adulterous partner get a better outcome, but I don't know how that function is affected by the relative genders of the parties involved.

Proven adultery will determine divorce outcomes in every state of the US

Na fam

Thats english law, no one gives a fuck what happens in twee fairy land.

You mean childfuckistan

I think the PC term is "The Northern Iranian Islands"

lol no

the usual outcome is how much the guy is going to bleed financially so she will go away, including the cost of her attorney to sue himself, for which he has to pay to defend as well.

If there are children involved it gets even crazier.

This isn't a thing.

That sounds paranoid

It says at the bottom that its on page 6 of the 'Style' section.

Literally no heterosexual american male has ever even seen page 6 of the fucking New York Times 'Style' section.

The idea that this is "pushing" rather than salacious gawking is /pol/ brain damage.

the reason is because it gets the retarded side of the internet to give a collective REEEE which means they get more ad revenue and therefore more money. It's not ideology, it's just economics... articles that piss people off make more money

Progressives fought for 50 years to get gay marriage accepted and a part of the mainstream. They got it. Now what? Transgenders. Give it 10 more years and they'll be just as accepted as gays. So then what's a progressive to do to keep up the fight against the establishment and win the Oppression Olympics?

Poly shit.

It's funny because they laughed at the slippery slope"fallacy" of conservatives who said "first gay marriage, then what, polygamy?"

No no those Jesus freaks claimed the progression was gayness is accepted then everyone is fucking animals

I've seen both.

There have been a bunch of favorable profiles of furries in mainstream papers recently. What do you think those are promoting?

Despite how much the furries want to be one, they are not animals.

They're worse than animals in my eyes.

white people


They're worse than animals

No need for any other qualifiers.

Not animal fucking haha

And sons marrying their fathers to get through loopholes in inheritance taxes. That's a real argument I heard a few times.

As if conservatives didnt want polygamy like in the bible.

Want to get a conservative Christian really mad at you? Point out that Polygamy is never actually condemned in the Bible. Ask them to find the passage it's condemned in. They can't cause it isn't.

Then show them the passages where it is talked about casually.

It's over for biblecels.

Ummm... actually Matthew 19 is pretty clear about it, sweaty.

Matthew 19

10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

Jesus styling on incels before it was cool.

Quick someone quote the Koran and Torah if we're going to be doing religious studies in this thread.

He's talking about divorce in this situation. And divorce is between one man and one woman. It really never says the man can only have one wife.

I haven't seen such tortured logic since the last time the bitcoiners showed off their cope.

What part of Matthew 19 do you perceive as condemning or forbidding polygamy? Please point out the passage.

But the Romans hated it.

Romans are better than Christians and everybody knows it. Legitimizing degeneracy is how Christianity spread in the first place, and it did nothing to help the empire.

Ave Caesar. Degenerates should hang on a cross.

Same with abortion vs premarital and extramarital sex. Bible says fuck all about the morality of pre-natal children

However it does prescribe the death penalty for adultery and premarital fucking quite explicitly.

Also that whole Jesus really fucking hated rich people thing

neither is regular cursing. My mom was so mad when i pointed that out

Real shit. Religious monogamy was made to prevent uncle uprisings.

No. I think slipperly slope led to sex with ducks.

That’s my kind of slope

This is why sensible gay people draw a HARD line somewhere

They didn't laugh at it. They deliberately downplayed it.

It's funny because that argument is still bullshit

People are nonchalantly putting their young children who don’t know where their dick is on hormone blockers, the slope was slipperier than anyone thought

Slippery slope is not a fallacy, its just one of the ways pushing for a certain change (good or bad) works. Not that i give a shit mind you, polygamy sjpuld be legal because i don't give a fuck if someone else wants to be a cuck 24/7.

oh no other people will be having relationships that dont affect you at all, u poor thing :(

Do you realize how badly polygamy would fuck up the current legal code?

no can you explain it all for me

This past 15 years made me realize slippery slope is not a fallacy because it’s exactly what happened

What if the tech comes for people to transfer their brains to a body of the opposite sex? That could solve that trans issue.

Transferring their brain to a plastic jar would solve it too, in a way.

It would be a FINAL SOLUTION of sorts

"So what if they crawled here from a non-euclidian gorespace? They are sentient entities just like you."

It's better than pedos or bestiality tho

I suspect pedo shit next to be honest.

Na. Cuckholdery has become a meme for conservatives, thus there is more attention paid to the topic and more people are invested in the topic. It's also highly controversial, which translates to higher viewer counts, which in return incentivises the media to report more about it.

Yeah, how do you even connect to it a political leaning? Like, where’s the line from a to b?

A. Women are out of control

B. Kavanaugh is gonna put them back in the kitchen


I mean, it's conservatives that are obsessed with cuckoldery to the point they turned it into a insult, it's conservatives that according to studies watch the most porn and it's also conservatives that participate in cuckoldery the most.

About a year ago CNN references a study about how opening up a relationship made it stronger. You had to get halfway through the article to see all the people in the study were gay men in San Francisco.

how opening up a relationship made it stronger.

halfway through the article to see all the people in the study were gay men in San Francisco.

Oh so "it" is Aids I get it now.

nice username, cuck

What you’re referring to as AIDS is, in fact, HIV plus AIDS…

Case in point: the wikipedia page on cats has this image. Notice the title of the file. Coincidence?

Is the cucked one a Palestinian 🇵🇸 cat 🐱?

Man, I must be out of the loop but where and when did being a “cuckold” become some trendy, hip thing? I understand it’s a fetish but is it really THAT desired among men?

It means you're woke and support women. It's not a bad thing for the leftist "men" to do. I support all of them that are willing to be cucked unironically.

Man the next two generations are gonna be interesting

Started around 2010 or so.

Why are all these alt-righters getting mad about a presumably liberal Jew getting cucked?

It's because they identify with all cucks. It's their obsession. It's why they say things like "you will not replace us".

Not everything is to make a point. Maybe it's just "heres some weird shit some people are doing"

i like having threesomes with my wife, whether it be with a guy or girl, but this shit is just strange.


Edgelord over here

It is cool 😎 as long as you’re the bull 😈

you clicked

Can anybody read this shit without seeing it as degeneracy?

It's just an olive branch to their Republican readers

to bait clicks from culture warriors

this isnt difficult




Quality shit New York Times, quality shit.

Wow <



Of course the mtcj incels are posting in drama too smh

Reason Nixon won too xdd

It's over for Humphrey-cels

You got a flair!

Is the NYT publishing cheerful stories about men that get tired of fucking their wives and force them to accept a younger live-in girlfriend?

I'm doubtful, but genuinely curious.

That sounds like a male columnist who isn't a vegan.

So no.

They publish chad stories.

10 kids, paid not a single cent, hooks up with their mom.

Wtf lmao.

I found my children to be ridiculously attractive

Dude wants to fuck his kids

That was probably his plan from the start. Being a sperm donor when you're young, don't have to put any effort in raising them and when you're older they're perfect grooming age and you can try to reunite with them.

Just a coincidence that none of his previous relationships worked out? Yeah, sure.

So do most parents who don't raise them

Alexa, what is Genetic Sexual Attraction?

if that was the case wouldn't we have a lot more niece, uncle, aunt, etc. fucking? Since they're still somewhat closely related but aren't usually raised together.

dont we have tons of niece/uncle/aunt fucking?

I mean, I grew up in the south.

they dont know man

they joke but they dont really know

We do. Where do you think all the hillbilly jokes come from. Nigga we have Nobel prize winners that are cousin fuckers.

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.

Probs did. A true Chad.

That's not the same at all

I like how he says he hasn’t made plans yet, this guy is going to be smashing

More often than you'd think.

They are just deviants there.

When more people start killing journalists, they will somehow be surprised

Now that's a quote

G-d I wish, brother.

Hey cool it with the antisemitism

"Not a menorah, you spin a *dreidel.*"

Inshallah my friend. Inshallah.

Stale r/MDE comment

Imagine wanting to murder journalists because they hurt your feelings with a bait article

Imagine letting Mayos Live. MODS.

Who is this prophet?

Lol "journalists"

What's that Sam Hyde qoute?

Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters in Minecraft.

don't do that here

I have a hard time seeing these "people" as human

follow their communities and you will be in awe of the drama, it is literally humanity at its self-centred short-sighted stupid peak.

The polyamory thread on kiwi farms is a goldmine

Drama how? What happens?

Hot take: they aren't

Jesus Christ that poor husband.

Like oh no baby what is you doing letting yourself be treated this way?

I would to hear from his perspective. It is certainly much more depressing

Woken up during one of the few hours of sleep I get as a hard working provider and new father to learn that my wife isn’t satisfied and wants to have an open relationship. I agree cause I need sleep and didn’t think she was that serious. I now assume she has been fucking around since the baby was born. I figured we would be able to work it out.

Money’s tight, I can’t afford a divorce a second rent payment cause she almost certainly can’t support the kid as a freelance writer. She brings a guy home after a few years and by not now i can’t leave my kid with this psycho. Of course I would lose the kid in the divorce. She would move to god knows where since we can’t afford to live here separately. I am dead inside. Cucked to the awful relationship. I want nothing more than to leave but I don’t want my daughter to turn out like her mom. I plan a suicide every night but never do it because I am a pussy.

When I found out my ex was cheating on me, she was floored to find out that I left. She literally thought she could do whatever she wanted because she knew my love for my son had no bounds.

Instead, I fucking left and sued her ass for custody. The times when my kid is away are the darkest, most lonely times of my life, but I spend more time with my kid than any parent with full custody and I'm not living under some fucking demeaning lifestyle dictated by the most selfish person I've ever known. The funny thing is, I'm happy, she's not, my kid is happy with me and hates to go over there, if I HAD stayed I can see that I would have been the one doing the parenting while she did the partying and vacationing and whatever. She tried to act like I 'wasn't a man' for not sticking it out on her terms - fuck her.

Good for you, honestly.

respect, king

That's how you're supposed to do it. Now if you want you can find someone worth your time and raise your kid to not be a degenerate like it's mother.


This is his fault. If he wasn't a bitch, she'd have never thought it was OK to even say something like this. Back when America had real men, she'd have been beaten to death or (in more progressive states) taken to an asylum and given a lobotomy.

Islam can't come quick enough.

Same old story.

“It’ll save the marriage, she probably won’t do it often, plus I can fuck some Stacies, so I guess we’ll try it. If it doesn’t work, we can go back.”

“Okay, so once a week is a little much. Maybe if I could get some strange once in a while it would take the sting out of it, but I guess I forgot it’s harder for guys to get laid than girls.”

“She hasn’t had sex with me in three months. I asked her if she could do it with me last night, but she said that her fibromyalgia was acting up.”

“I wish she wouldn’t browse tinder at the dinner table.”

“I hooked up with a 3/10 six weeks ago. She has not spoken to me in private since. She glares at me across the table whenever we eat together. I want a divorce, but she would take the kids.”

“I told her I wish I hadn’t agreed to this, and she told me to stop gaslighting her.”

Living with the cuxtables

Still waiting on then to start posting "Wife got lame so I brought a younger girlfriend home and that's actually a good thing!" Articles. Any day now.

It's only empowering if it's the women's idea you asshole tickler.

Will you be my cuck?

We should've listened to Pizzashill.

We hated him because he told the truth.

Lol a cuck

Days later, he waltzed with me on Berkeley Pier, my gloves arranged in his breast pocket like a kerchief. He created a rabbit out of a squeegee and a towel and made me laugh at its antics.

Of course it was in SF. I have a good friend who lives in SF who was having marital problems. She was seeing her therapist or counselor or whatever, and honest to God, that creature recommended an open marriage.

What can good men do against such reckless leftism?

What happened to him next

She and her husband decided to work on their marriage, and a few years later they have a kid.

He got cucked, don't lie for him.

She's the one that's my friend, not him, you mong

You should have fucked her dude. Establish dominance.

Nah dude she's in her 30s. Ick and boo and gross

Milfs are patrician tier.

She only became a MILF after she had a kid, you fucking idiot.

Nice fake story

You wanna hear a fake story?

MG87 and Jared entered the trendy San Francisco restaurant. They were both a little bit nervous, as this was the first time they had both used Grindr to find a date. Jared wanted to appear bold, so he put his hand on the area of MG's disgustingly obese adipose that bore a strong resemblance to a human leg. A soft moan escaped MG's lips as Jared's weak noodle-arm trembled with nervousness.

MG turned towards Jared and motioned towards the bathrooms. "Male", "female" and "genderqueer/mentally ill" signs illuminated three separate rooms. They chose the latter option and got into an oversized stall and prepared for the sacred holy rite of male to male sin.

Jared peered deeply into MG's eyes as the corpulent MG unfastened his 3 belts. MG swallowed a fast-acting Cialis and dropped trou, his full aching tumescence showing. Jared stopped him with a quick motion and then started laughing uncontrollably. MG slunk back towards the toilet (now creaking under his massive weight) and looked at Jared with shock and hurt.

"What's wrong?" MG asked

"Dude, you are such a faggot!" Jared said.

Before MG knew it, Jared was gone. To add insult to injury, MG's erection started to fail, and a stiff breeze entered the bathroom and shrunk his testicles back up into his oversized paunch.


Good job bobby, here's a star

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Ride out

and meet them

Let this be the hour when we draw swords together

Deus vult

Imagine trusting “”””therapists””””” and “””””counselors””””” in 2018

It's an easy out for them and their patient. It's generally women who have therepist (not that men shouldnt it's just harder to get them to go). People want to see other people and where as the therepist used to suggest a breakup, since they're on the forefront of modern progressive ideas they now suggest open relationships (which just kick the can down the road unless the main partner is a complete fucking loser). Everyone's afraid of change and if you're husband's the breadwinner you're probably afraid of the financial instability too. An open relationship is a safe way to find someone new so your safety net doesn't just disappear from under you. Honestly people just used to cheat. I think the whole open relationship thing just creates a ticking time bomb in a relationship and it's better to just cut the cord when you know you should.

I would burn the world down before I lived like that "man"

It's over for murder-suicidecells

  • terrorist cells


This is why we need fair child custody and alimony laws. Divorce means that she gets gets the kid and thus the house, while you go borderline homeless paying alimony and child support.

Killing her and finding a way to hide it is much easier.

Not just easier but the most reasonable option.

I was a child of divorce.

So I went and had an affair


She certainly didn't learn from her parents' mistake

Yes she did. She convinced her husband to accept being cucked and not move out and divorce her.

But her kid will probably be more fucked up watching daddy getting cucked all the time

He will be a good cuck like his father or an incel like Elliot Rodger. Hopefully he goes out like the Mendez brothers and rectify this situation. At least if you give his father an honorable death.

No personal resoonsiblity, accountability , or agency assigned to herself whatsoever.

This woman is so perfectly living in her own false reality that im actually a little jealous of her willpower.

I'm shocked that divorce has a heritability of 0.3-0.4.

If it works for you, whatever. What I don't like is when people critisize normal vanilla hetero sex like it's some backwards idea. I had friends that constantly bragged about the benefits of free love and polyamory and all that. But one after another they found themselves in fucked up situations because believe it or not, jealousy, attachment and desire of exclusivity are actual characteristics most people have.


I've met plenty of people who are in polyamorous relationships. They were almost every single time, without fail, total losers. The lack of commitment in their relationship, the idea that they don't work on something to make it strong but just fuck off and gather any new shiny thing that makes them happy ethereally, bled into every aspect of their life. No commitment, no dedication, no passion for anything. Constantly up with new grand ideas that never pan out, in their early 30's working near minimum wage going nowhere.

I've been around several poly relationships, and without fail at least half of those in them are depressed. Without fail they die within a year.

It's, in my experience, the people who want love so much they convince themselves they have it, and that having more people in their network will make them extra happy, instead of focusing and spending quality, caring time with one person to build strong bonds.

That sounds about right from my experience. A bunch of depressed people who have a support group. It leads to really shitty tendencies because if they have a problem with someone, they don't build on with that person. They just add on another. The group I knew of started with 4 people, dropped to 3, ran back up to 5 and then 6. This giant interweaving web of nonsense and mental disorders.

Do the relationships die or the people?

por que no los dos

but mostly the relationships.

You don't have to be polyamorous to treat a long term relationship like a completely worthless disposable thing that can just be replaced with a shiny new one.

But it helps!

It's a one way implication. Poly people treat long term relationships like worthless disposable things , but that doesn't mean every long term relationship treated like a worthless disposable thing is a poly one.

I think I have a story that rivals this.

I know of a person who's husband had a secret family that the wife didn't know about; a wife and a kid. The first husband and wife were set to receive inheritance from her passing mother. They got the money, and that's when it was discovered the husband owed child support for his secret family. He went to jail over this for a short time, and the inheritance money was taken to compensate for the owed child support. Despite this, the husband and wife stayed together in a loveless marriage, both living in the same household while each perused their own love interests.

Then the wife got breast cancer that quickly spread to her brain over the course of a year (or two - she might have known about it sooner). The husband was jobless, and she was the breadwinner of the marriage, although he took care of her while she was sick, so her family was very empathetic towards him. When she passed, her sister took her place and moved in with the widower to help support him. He's still jobless.

He's still jobless.

Chad as fuck.

Life is so weird dude. Like people think they got it figured out and then just bizarre shit happens. A mundane peaceful life is a gift.

Muslims where I live have their own personal laws. But the provisions for family pensions in government offices aren't adjusted for them and it's usually the first wife who is listed as the beneficiary. I know of one guy who had 3 wives with children from each marriage and worked as a peon(How he fed them I have no clue). So when he died his first wife got the pension. The other two would come to the office and chimp out weekly. They were all middle aged too so they couldn't snag another Abdul. Stuff was a nightmare for the people who had to handle them.

"My folks got divorced so I dont want to get divorced, but I also want a side piece and a family"

No sweetie, you don't get to have your cake and eat it too, what a shame her husband didn't kick this bitch to the curb.

Evidently she did.

Reluctantly allowing your wife to find a new mate while you're still with her is like saying "sure, go find another gravy train while you continue riding on those one. I'll wait". How could you not see how neutered you become after that. It's like letting someone wall on your balls and saying "thank you, come again".

This is literally Kafkaesque. As in, textbook definition.

She's gotten married and has a 2 year old kid. Only 2 years after she creates another human being to drag into her life does she decide she isn't ready for full commitment. If they wanted to be in a relationship like this before, I don't get it but they're consenting adults so it's their right. But someday that kid is going to find out how fucked up all of this is. They couldn't just commit to staying together or getting a divorce, smh

I'm starting to think this sorta shit is coming out of The Bay Area because rent is so fucking much people literally can't survive and pay rent by themselves. Most rentals are stacked with 1-4 extra people in them I swear. People are terrified of divorce because they may end up homeless.

the way the try to normalize this lately is the most retarded thing ever


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“The NYT is respectable journalism”

all the news that's fit to print

It's a big newspaper. Most of the crap posted from them here is from the lifestyle section which is basically the weekly Fifty Shades of Gray for women.

If you only knew how bad things really are..

What a cunt

The question itself is reason for a huge fight or straight up break up

What a pussy lmao

Then the owner of our apartment decided to sell and offered us an enormous sum of money to surrender our rent-controlled lease. In most places, that money could have bought us a house. In the Bay Area, it wasn’t even a down payment. The only place we could afford was half the size of our apartment. There wouldn’t be room for home offices, most of our furniture or my boyfriend.

That’s a lot of words to say that she leveraged her kids to keep her husband around so her boyfriend and her can afford their life style

If she's a freelance writer there is no reason they can't live e somewhere cheaper in the fuckimg bay area. The husband can commute for God's sake. And the boyfriend sounds like he found himself a sweet cheap rent agreement.

This is Henry VIII level of entitled.

LOL at this people who sound like self-absorbed drama magnets and LOL at the New York Times which in recent years has become increasingly fascinated with the sexual neuroses of overeducated urbanites.

But bigger LOL at the virgins and teenagers in this thread clutching their pearls about it, as if this kind of shit isn’t as old as marriage itself.

virgins and teenagers in this thread clutching their pearls about it

conservautists get flustered about the way other people have sex

news at 11

Sir this is a gratuitous amount of LOL'ing, I must ask that you please tone it down to one or two LOL's per comment at most.

"Oi, you got a loicense for those lols"

"I was the child of divorce" Yeah that's quite apparent.

this is the worst thing I have ever read in my entire life

I also dearly wish I hadn't read this.

feigning interest in the ring he had made from a bicycle spoke. 

endless vomiting


A story of infidelity and a nailgun that doesn't involve a murder-suicide?

Bah! Waste of time!

Two guys are out in the backyard banging around

I had such high hopes for this article when it started out like this.

Gussy, not even once.

Beat that bussy like it owes you money, as the good lord intended

P.S. 10 totally true things about me:

  • I once scooped a fallen lemon birthday pie from the floor and turned it into lemon crumble. (My superhero talent is finding light in the dark.)

  • I live with my ex-husband who is wonderful, loving, and fun — and we are raising our son together.

  • My son’s middle name is Q and he is trying to teach me how to juggle.

  • I spent the first 25 years of my life wishing I were a gal who could wear hats. (Becoming who we are is a practice!)

  • When I first stepped foot in San Francisco, I knew I was home.

  • Three of my favorite non-hat accessories are my Quisp Cereal watch, pink furry coat, and orange dotted chiffon scarf.

  • I love hot air balloons and my beau once surprised me with a ride in one at daybreak.

  • I work in a beautiful studio in the backyard that was built with lots of sweat and love by my ex-husband and my beau of 10 years.

  • I’m teaching myself how to stop being matchy-matchy by wearing stripes with polka dots with hound’s-tooth.

  • I have a vintage black velvet cloak that I’ve made myself wear to the grocery store or library in order to practice not saving things for good. (If this were the last day of my life, I’d like to be wearing something fun and fancy. Wouldn’t you?!)

Peak white woman




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I spent the first 25 years of my life wishing I were a gal that could wear hats

tf bitch just put a hat on like goddamn, now you're a gal in a hat

They have not even begun to peak.

The only thing missing is "spiritual, but not religious".

Even spirituality is too much for these

These are the most mundane fucking facts I’ve ever read. She’s written them like they’re hard to believe. Number 11 is, “I used to skip stones across the lake behind my house!” I bet.

When I first stepped foot in San Francisco, I knew I was home.

I spent three days there. Cold, expensive, and foggy. How an inanimate city can give an aura of such unbelievable smugness, I will never know.

They are overdue for another 7.9 earthquake.

So she plays pretend therapist? She sounds like garbage who thinks she deserves whatever she wants and does mental gymnastics to justify it. We live in a weird time is this becomes acceptable.

Don't be so negative. You need to make a love list.

Oh my God, what have you done? Its like San Francisco took a concentrated human form.

So, the mother wint sacrifice the side sick for the sake of the family, amd the father's such a cuck that he's practically inviting another man onto his home and his wifes bed.

Their child is going to be spineless, weak willed, impulsive, and is going to lack a concept of sacrifice.

Their child is going to be a typical /pol/ poster, probably.

Lol she literally got him to build a cuck shed in the backyard for her

Still cheaper than buying a Nintendo switch

I needed the dance of knee against knee under the table. I needed an unabashed, open-mouthed kiss.

Please stop. You're not being poetic or intriguing. You're just a whore.

Even if Democrats suddenly veered away from identity politics issues, the fact that an outspoken minority of liberals peddle this shit without pushback will keep normal people away. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>bay area narcissists have non-vanilla sex life, write lifestyle article about it

"what the FUCK. i am DISGUSTED at these DEMONRATS peddling their FILTH. liberalism is DOOMED."

Nice exaggeration, I am just saying the constant stream of bullshit like this pushed by a small group makes it easier to paint the whole left as whackos.

non-vanilla sex

Is that what we're calling cuckoldry now?

non-vanilla sex

Is that what we're calling cuckoldry now?

thats what its always been a subcategory of, yes. confused how this is news to you.

A slap across the face and WWII are also sub categories of violence.

getting cucked = the holocaust

jesus the pathology runs deep with you rightoids

No shit. Bukkake or getting a bj while a chick smokes or getting a finger up the ass is non-vanilla. Inviting some rando human dildo into your family structure because you dont want to be a single mom is selfish as fuck

That's what I'm saying.

It's to titillate the boring suburbanites, thank you...

God that was painful to read. I’m open minded but she did her husband dirty so badly because she was fucking greedy and wanted her cake & to eat it too.

I can promise you that if it was the other way around and her husband got a girlfriend she wouldn’t be okay with it

In a lot of ways you have to blame the man for being enough of a moron to fall for a woman like that. There must've been at least fifty blatant red flags.

Why do people think that leaving somebody after years is something that has to be avoided at all costs?

This situation is horrible at least for the husband. She should know that if she had an ounce of empathy inside her.