Daddy wants Dick! 😲

1  2018-12-08 by ry8919


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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u ain't seen your da nang dick in 60 years

This is modern discourse lmao


So daddy is digging on someone for not seeing service in Vietnam.

Bold move.

For lying about it, something Trump has never done.

That is fucking spectacular. Has he forgotten that he dodged Vietnam himself, or does he just not understand how what he's saying looks?

Just a little senior moment is all.

Is that what he calls his penis?

You just know he calls it 'Trump Tower', and he even thinks that it's clever.

You're probably right, though I'd have guessed Trump Jr., but he already has a useless dick by that name so I suppose it'd be a little confusing.

I have no idea why ’small, but not freakishly small, with a large head, like a mushroom’ didn’t become a meme.

Oh wait, yes I do, even though it’s objectively hilarious, it’s fifteen syllables.

His whole twitter is a senior moment.

his caddie wrote this one I bet

He would totally have gone if it weren't for his bone spurs.

He didn't claim he fought in Vietnam

slightly inaccurate, he said fucking staceys in NYC and dodging STDS was his Vietnam

I don’t think that article is the Ah hah! You’re presenting it as.

Shit, it documents more lies from Trump than from Blumenthal.

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

I bet your think of yourself an an intellectual... it must take someone with high opinion of themselves to be this delusional

Which has nothing to do with what I wrote in my comment. You may want to try actually reading.

He retard, he was talking about Cadet Bonespurs.

He just want to know what it like in Prison.

tbf, he had his own personal Vietnam in college

Not draft dodging to protect Bussy on the homefront

Who isn’t a hero?

spewing facts almost as accurate as his bravery in Vietnam (which he never saw)

The lack of self awareness singularity approaches

I thought the STDs from his coke-feuled orgies in the 80s was his "own personal Vietnam". Catch a bad case of De-Nang dick and you too will feel the bullets whizzing overhead.

This one is pretty incredible even for him, even the most dedicated of ddf members have to be embarrassed

Or maybe not, they're pretty lacking in it themselves

they're already here and no, they are not embarrassed because we're way past that

How does one embarrass that which has no shame?

Tbh I looked it up and apparently that guy never served in Vietnam

So one draft dodger is calling out another draft dodger. They're perfect for each other

Blumenthal didn’t dodge the draft, he lied about where he served. Tbh I don’t know which is worse

The article says he dodged for years before having to give up and join a reserve unit. Pretty much the same as outright dodging

Didn’t read the article that closely, ur right

The article says he dodged for years before having to give up and join a reserve unit. Pretty much the same as outright dodging

Where does being female and discussing draft dodging fall on this spectrum? 😕🤔😒

It's not my fault men like our current vice president and members of Congress have decided that having women in the military is a bad thing. If they decide one day that we need to sign up for the draft I'll sign up.

Anyway these men are mostly being shamed for the lies and other bad things they've said surrounding the military/Vietnam/the draft than their decision to dodge the draft. Acting like you were in Vietnam when you weren't or saying you don't like people who were captured when you dodged is a bad look.

worse would be NOT dodging the draft to "serve" in vietnam, pointless war

I guess it comes down to which you find worse: dodging the draft and lying about your bravery vs dodging the draft and joking publicly about how avoiding STDs was your Vietnam. I could see either, tbh

I think all this sperging out on r/drama is starting to do permanent damage.


The best cope, folks ☝️. 🖐️ Tremendous 🖐️ cope 👌 okay?

How does no one put this asshole in his place? It's amazing

Maybe a certain ex-VP can take him behind the gymnasium...

How would you do it?

I envy the fly on the wall in the Oval Office so much, right now.

user reports:
1: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors

That actually fits right in with my theory that Barron and Daddy are in a sort of 'Freaky Friday' type situation where Barron (as Daddy) has to save Western civilization to swap back.

by god

Lil nigga should just admit his crimes, go to jail, and let the Democrats run things.



Did not expect to see that at all

Lmao he tweeted this on the way to the Army-Navy game

Lol he has no shame. I can't believe anyone in the military likes him after he spends tons of time shitting on their service even though he's a draft dodger.

I get the impression that many of the military/veteran votes for Trump were really just votes for Mattis.

Source: Worked with a couple vets at my old job

They're not different from anyone else. A huge dose of political/cultural tribalism with a dash of "I don't care about what he says, so long as I like his policies". There's millions of them, so they're just as stupid as everyone else.

0.5D pachinko

You know that feeling you get sometimes where you're not sure if somebody else online really knows English?


It's great that we live in an era where we have world leaders that tweet like they could be /r/Drama mods.

Watched Da Nang Dick Blumenthal on television spewing facts almost as accurate as his bravery in Vietnam (which he never saw). As the bullets whizzed by Da Nang Dicks head, as he was saving soldiers....

....left and right, he then woke up from his dream screaming that HE LIED. Next time I go to Vietnam I will ask “the Dick” to travel with me!


I wonder where r/drama's resident Daddy defenders are in this thread?

If only there was some kind of "ping" system to bring them in...

They're not on the approved ping list? But I thought they were such alphas, like Daddy?

There's nothing to defend.

Daddy would have killed all those gooks if coach would have put him in the game




he's sundowning, someone please get him the dick, it'll snap him out of it.

enjoying that i dont even know what hes talking about. not watching tv still makes you extremely cool, dont let the sheep say otherwise

Anyone else get the impression his tweets are a bit off-the-rails lately?

There were never any rails to begin with.


Yup. I unironically think the dementia is catching up with him.

Imagine still falling for Trump's bait in late 2018.

And that's not the first time.

Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!