Today I had a panic attack and feinted on my Futurama collection, destroying most of it. Some pizza would really help me out.

1  2018-12-09 by Diaperologist


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. This Post -,,,

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7 years ago.

Obscure find. Very rare.

Diamonds are forever.


Like the coconut story (its nsfw but funny as fuck)

Fuck it’s already been over a year

Seriously how did someone find and post a post like this from seven fucking years ago.

OP was hungry

The better question is how it wasn't snallygangster

u/Snallygaster better step her game up

Because it isn’t long boring drama that puts you to sleep.

I've been on Reddit for over 11 years ... trust me there's plenty of material.

Drama Necromancer

How did you find this?

It’s him. Can tell by the amiugly post.

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It probably is

I will never understand why neckbeards always chose to grow their hair out so long.

It's because cutting it takes effort.

Weirdly enough he take the time to run an electric razor over his face.

They think long hair automatically translates to sexy, but they skip washing, grooming, and styling.

And the ‘don’t be 200lbs overweight’ part.

He's prolly on IncelTears and MensLib on an alt

Or he roped

Strong rope

how can you neck yourself if you have no neck?

If I were him I'd jump off a building. A building with an elevator.


...might as well jump.

Dah, dah, dah, dah dah dah dee dah dah-dah-dah


Dah, dah, dah, dah dah dah dee dah dah-dah-dah

Go on and jump.

Am i a bad person if i save that image

Even if you don't, you already know the answer

Post it on r/athiesm with this caption:

"At this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence." - Aalewis.


Do it.

Looks like Billy the fridge.

I can believe him destroying anything he falls on.

reddit dot jpg

He looks like Andre the Giant's downsie son.

Andre The Giant's [daughter](] looks like his downsie son.

The best part is the people giving him a 4/5 on the linked thread. Yeah, this is what your average man looks like.

Omg. The top comment. Also the guy hasn't posted in 7 years.

He’s probably dead from being impaled by his own toys.

I thought you made up a snarky title to lampoon something that wasn't quite as bad as it sounds.

user reports:
1: Is Voat down?

No, but this guy's syndrome is.

Got em

owned epic style!

god dammit lol

So I was going through that guy’s post history..... can we talk about how irredeemably smug r/ was? Like damn.

Still can't hold a candle to slashdot.

You insensitive clod!

What do you mean 'was,' I don't follow.

Smdh @ newfriends

Unseen episode of The Sopranos.

Fuck’s sake there’s no way this guy is a real living person

well not anymore

7 years ago?

I imagine it looked something like this only more futurama figurines.

DIRTY BOY!! pounce!

Reminds me of Andre the Giant.

You feel like a big guy sitting at your keyboard making fun of someone because of their weight/appearance?

I unironically do tbh

I miss HItler because he did something he loved and did it every day.

What did he mean by this?