The Aussie government literally makes it illegal to publish the name of convicted high ranking member of the world's largest pedophile ring.

1  2018-12-12 by TUMS_FESTIVAL

It's a day of the week ending in "y", so yet another member from the Religion of Consensual Sex Between Adults has been convicted of kiddie diddling. But in a surprise twist, the Aussie government does the logical thing in upside down land and literally makes it illegal to publish the guy's name.

Here's a news article that is totally normal to see in a first world democracy.

[And the locked /r/Australia post...](why_the_media_is_unable_to_report_on_a_case_that)

In a completely unexpected twist in this era of the internet, the news is still available everywhere. Hence, this /r/news post.

Again, I cannot stress enough how very legal and very cool all of this is.


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Here's a news article that is total... -,,

  3. /r/Australia -,,*

  4. Hence, this /r/news post. -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I swear I just saw this posted a week ago

It was.

Why is this account allowed to spam every thread here? It's always off-topic and never funny.



Good bait

A suppression order issued by the Victorian County Court, which applies in all Australian states and territories, has prevented any publication of the details of the case including the person's name or the charges. It was imposed after the court accepted that knowledge of the person's identity in the first trial might prejudice a further trial being held in March.

Dude Catholics lmao.

Does that mean it's a mudsljme

Nah it's a filthie kat.

What's that

A fish-eater, sir.

It's a catholic.

wrong pedo religion

[Censorship] is relatively common in cases where a person faces separate allegations in sequential trials for the first trial to be suppressed. The process is designed not to prejudice later juries.

This doesn't seem unreasonable tbh

Yes, it's a good thing the conviction of Cardinal George Pell for sexually abusing little boys isn't already international news.


Wait, are we talking about the His Eminance, Prince of the Church, Cardinal George Pell, who was recently convicted for fucking children

No he hasn't been convicted for that, but there is going to be a trial and they don't want him to claim that widespread talk about a conviction for other types of kiddy fiddling might somehow prejudice the jury.

How dare the Australian government stop you from tainting ongoing trials of defendants by prohibiting you from spreading their names around until the trial is concluded. HELP, SOMEBODY CALL JA RULE

Isn't this sort of thing exactly what people are asking for when they say that the way that the judicial system treats sex crimes should be reformed? I honestly don't see a problem with it at all.

No...? He was convicted. Not simply charged.

Like seriously, they're trying to prevent him from being able to get off scot-free by claiming the jury was biased.

Yes, because it worked very well. I have no idea that Cardinal George Pell was convicted of raping little boys.

Because this rule only applies to specifically Cardinal Pell? Are you a what they call a "poorly educated bogan"?

He's already convicted, lost the appeal.

He's still going to be facing covering.up kiddy fiddling charges.

There are other cases in progress. They want to nail him to the wall

They don’t want his lawyers making the argument that he’s “suffered enough through the media gauntlet”.

"Hey, this guy may have raped 15 kids, but hasn't the media lambasted him enough?"

Fuck that, with media cycles these days, this guy will be out of the news by Friday.

It's the defense lawyers duty. They often find themselves having to defend really unsavory people, and it's their duty to do so to their utmost degree (literally if they did not, they would be committing an ethical breach). So they often find themselves truly turd polishing in terms of arguments when they're defending a real piece of shit. The system relies on this though and wouldn't work without them. The jury if it's not retarded though will see the piece of shit.

We gotta bring back the death penalty


Are you sure? Didn’t the jury just return a verdict on the 11th?

Are you sure? Didn’t the jury just return a verdict on the 11th?

This doesn't seem unreasonable

Is it realistic this day and age with a case this big, though?

If his name is public knowledge he can end up scot free from not getting a fair trial

It is public. His name is George Pell.

I don't get why you're being so outraged over this. Would you rather that he gets off scots-free for the sexual abuses that he has committed?

He has already been convicted so he's not getting off scot free...

There are other trials that are pending, as multiple other commenters have pointed out. So the question is, would you rather him be convicted of less crimes than what he deserves?

Lol I'm not sure how keeping his conviction a """""secret"""" means he gets him off for other crimes. Maybe it makes sense in the upside land where they huff gasoline.

And you didn't even realize he had been convicted already, did you? You've got no idea what's going on or what you're talking about.

Because that means it helps prevent the defense from arguing that there is a mistrial because the jury is tainted before the trial.

And that's a stupid rule to have because it will never work. Like in this case.

It works because your average juror isn't going around the internet looking for the name of the convicted priest they didn't know exist.

I feel like maybe the internet works differently in Australia. Do none of you read or watch the news online? Do you have Google?

Or can you not even download whole articles on your shitty little 5Kbs connections? Because if that's the case, once you guys catch up to where the rest of the civilized world was 20 years ago, you might wanna think about making some changes.

Dude, I'm neither an Aussie nor do I live in Austrailia. I'm just someone with common sense, which seems like something that you lack.

Yes, serious posting on /r/drama is something many smart and intellectually gifted people do. This is definitely the time and place to brag.

How do you not understand that there are ongoing cases? The suppression order is lifted when everything is complete. This is so they can ensure he pays for his crimes..

So you're saying all his defense attorney needs to do is leak his clients conviction to get him off on his upcoming trials? You don't see anything immensely stupid with this thought process?

It might be a debate if the suppression order actually had any reasonable chance of working, but no one with an ounce of sense would expect that info to stay under wraps. And it didn't. Surprise!

What? How the fuck am I saying that?

The suppression order doesn't have to ensure that every person in the world doesn't hear about the case. That would be as retarded as your posts. It has to prevent a trial by media, which it is doing at least somewhat effectively. The difference between you, the average aspergers /r/drama poster hearing about it, and the huge proportion of the population that won't hear much about it due to the suppression order is significant.

What? How the fuck am I saying that?

You might literally be retarded if you don't see how.

The difference between you, the average aspergers /r/drama poster hearing about it, and the huge proportion of the population that won't hear much about it due to the suppression order is significant.

Did you miss the articles I linked?

Seriously though, you Aussies are apparently brain dead from huffing all that gasoline.

It's almost impressive the shit-hoops you jump through to form your idiotic opinions. If you don't understand that keeping something out of the local news cycle reduces the possibility of any jury bias then I doubt you operate very well in every day life. The fact you're so worked up over a suppression order that will be lifted when he is out of court is just fucking weird, to be honest.

Look, I'm sorry Australia is a silly country with silly laws, but you don't have to take it out on me for pointing that out.

And sure, you'll never get back those brain cells you killed by huffing gasoline, but there's still some left that you can save. Just say no to the petrol.

It's like you don't understand gag orders are commonplace for different reasons all over the world, no matter how many people point it out to you.

How many times do you want to use the same 'sick burn' in one thread? You need a break from the internet my man

I am starting to think that you are his lawyer, trying to leak details to public as defense strategy.

I am quite aware of that by looking at articles from outside aussie news, but for the sake of the prosecution it's best not to repeat his name.

except if hes already a convicted libertarian, then isn't better to prejudice the jury against him?

what, they don’t just settle for a jury of weird shut-ins like we do?

Sequestering is actually extremely rare these days.

i was referring to the state of the jury before sequestering

Usually its 12 black women who never watch the news.

that’s what i said, weird shut-ins

We do, but he is facing multiple charges and the government can't shut away the jury until March.

Uh it's the Victorian state government, well really the judiciary, and suppression orders are pretty common in western nations that aren't the USA. The suppression order will be lifted when the trial is complete.

Is that one of the reasons we have so many school shooters?

Besides not hitting them enough, of course.

"We" have no such problem, that's an American problem. Our kids prefer to drink away every spare brain cell they have and rape Balinese thots. As is tradition.

Im talkinn about the only people that matter, yes

I'm a bit jealous of Americans. It doesn't matter much of a pathetic failure you are, you can always fall back on the accomplishments of better men. But how do you reconcile the fact that those men would string you up by your neck if given the chance? 🤔

There is a distinct copycat effect with mass shootings. Many mass shooters are people disconnected and dissatisfied with western secular living, and get two main benefits from killing people:

  1. They think they're doing their victims a service by sparing them the pain that they themselves feel
  2. The media recognition afterwards further amplifies this by immortalizing their deed.

Problem is, the US has this whole 1st Amendment thing which prevents government suppression of their names and details. Sure, news organizations can take a pact to work together to suppress those details, but all it takes is one entity to break the strike line and spill the beans.

BUT, I personally believe if we can suppress both the shootings, and their names, it will lead to a huge drop in these incidents actually occurring.

I've often thought that if you could somehow ban people from reporting on terrorist attacks, the motivation for them would disappear overnight. Because the point is mainly just to frighten the enemy, it's not a tactic that has the ability to actually win a war on its own.

Like Palestine isn't going to suicide bomb Israel into oblivion, but suicide bombings can cause such fear and agitation among the Israel public that it brings the government to the negotiation table. Or forces them to crack down on the Palestinians, which serves just as well for the terrorists purposes since it will inevitably have negative side effects for the civilian population and drive the moderates into the arms of the extremists. The fact that it spreads through the media widely overnight, allows it to serve its actual military purpose. It is actually more of an information attack than a traditional military one.

If news were totally suppressed, it would be totally pointless and be like a mosquito bite that hardly did any real damage to the nation.

Just ignore when your own citizens get murdered. It's that easy.

Part and parcel and all that

The only issue is that with the internet today it's tough to censor all that.

The last time America tried supress anything toilet wine and grape bricks became a thing.

I'd rather not have gun bricks and toilet shootings.

If 1 and 2 are really the reasons, then the real solution is bullying. Which coincidentally gets proven by the rise of mass shootings alongside the "stop bullying" shit happening.

You're saying bullying suppression is correlated to mass shootings? Interesting... Can you elaborate?

The entire stop bullying campaign was founded because of the columbine shooting

I'm too damn lazy to look up mass shooting statistics, but considering the media boner for "school shootings on the rise" I'm going to assume that a type of mass shooting rising means the entire area is rising in general.

Oh yeah. Ironically, the Columbine shooters were never bullied, they were the bullies by some accounts.

The last time America tried supress anything

Ahh yes, America, home of the free, AND the brave.

western secular living

The US is the most religious of all developed nations. But I'm sure more religion will solve everything like it solved teen pregnancy, drug abuse, poverty, and the gays.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

—Sixth Amendment

The right to a public trial would imply they could choose to have a private one. The public trial part is intended to prevent the government from shadily convicting people, not shadily letting them go free.

Yes, because the government is the only entity that ever does anything wrong and public mobs can always be trusted to get all the facts before acting rashly.

I'd say burgers have their priorities fucked by putting freedom above justice, but that isn't even logically correct seeing as corrupted justice impedes freedom more than basically anything else.

Fucking retarded, absolutely insanely retarded.


\western nation


Not in geographical sense, but in cultural sense. The same applies to New Zealand.

It's the polite way to say mayonation

Russians aren't mayos now?

They never were, silly

Whiter than you, Jamal.

Oh yeah, didn't the same kind of thing delay the broadcast of that show Underbelly since there were still some pending cases?

Yeah in 2008.

Its the same reason Tommy Robinson couldn't report on the child grooming cases.

Great show btw. Anything else decent from jail island I should check out?

Kangaroo Jack was good.

Rake. It's a show about a lawyer's struggles to deal with his cocaine and alcohol abuse all while being an utter bastard to everyone. It's funny as fuck and actually based off a real lawyer who helped write a few episodes. It is the only good piece of TV Australia has ever made.

If you work in the government or hate it then you'll probably like Utopia but the Australian version.

Hamish and Andy is about two idiot comedians who go overseas and attempt to find one of them a girlfriend.

If you enjoy cringe worthy stereotypes under the guise of comedy like that makes it ok then anything Chris Lilley made will do you fine.

Or if you're really fucked up just watch Burke's Backyard and realise the softly spoken gardener is actually a sexual predator.

Anyway the problem is that roughly half of all TV Australia has ever produced revolves this event in WWI when someone gave us bad directions so we turned up to this incredibly heavily defended Turkish beach, had thousands die for like eight months and then we just left. They describe is as our coming of age as a nation but I don't really see it.

You's took a wrong turn at Tipperary

They describe is as our coming of age as a nation but I don't really see it.

I've had Turks excitedly tell me about Aussies being insanely resilient because they should have been driven off Gallipoli in weeks but they managed to stick it out for months. So there's that.

But yeah, our coming of age moment is getting lead into a pointless slaughter.

It's more complex than that. We operated under the British empire in WWI and after Gallipoli we operated with our own commanders. There are geniune stories that are actually inspirational including Simpson and his Donkey(s) who spent three and a half weeks at Gallipoli saving wounded soldiers.

Italian Spiderman.

Pacific Heat is great if you like shitty Archer rip-offs and thinly veiled anti-Asian racism

if you like shitty Archer rip-offs

Big if true

The Hollowmen and Utopia are political comedies, kind of like Veep or Yes Minster.

Its old an dated now but "frontline".

It's over for molested-cels

Really it's quite unfair to them. Most child molesters were molested themselves, but with this massively increased scrutiny on the Catholic Church it seems very possible that the current generation of molested choir boys will be cheated out of having their turn.

It's over for choir-boy-cels

Those are just normal celcels.

It's over for SkyDaddyCels.

Which makes me wonder, if someone pushed an incel into a dark alley and had their way with their lil unwashed boy hole, are they still an incel? The sex would've been involuntary but they're definitely not gonna be celibate anymore.

Because in the court of public opinion the judges unfortunately are idiots.

The Aussie government literally makes it illegal to publish the name of convicted high ranking member of the world's largest pedophile ring.

They're banning the naming of Hilary Clinton?

True Mommies can NEVER be banned!! 😡😡😏😁👸👸👸

This but unironically

Very legal and very cool.

convicted high ranking member of the world's largest pedophile ring.

Queen Elizabeth II?


welp, private again then?

He is such a little bitch, it really shouldn't count as pedophilia.

Oh wow from the title I thought you meant it was another Muslim sex-ring, but it makes more sense this way.

There's a small part of me that feels Q Fans are going to go nuts over this.

upside downies are retarded

If you actually read the article:

A suppression order issued by the Victorian County Court, which applies in all Australian states and territories, has prevented any publication of the details of the case including the person's name or the charges. It was imposed after the court accepted that knowledge of the person's identity in the first trial might prejudice a further trial being held in March.

It is relatively common in cases where a person faces separate allegations in sequential trials for the first trial to be suppressed. The process is designed not to prejudice later juries.

i.e. The details can be published, after their other trials are finished. The intention is to avoid the jury being biased prior to the trial.

but if the guys already a convicted anime fan, then the jury should be biased

/>be American

/>be retarded

/>find justice procedures confusing and foreign

/>get shot

>survive shooting

>get money



>call someone a faggot

>featured in slate



>mass shoot protestors

>use last bullet on brain

Living the American dream.

Yes, we are the dumb ones. We have no idea that George Pell was convicted of raping children. Clearly, we are out of touch and naive about the world.

Looks like the Aussies can dish out the banter but can't take them. Buncha soft cunts.

Buncha soft cunts.

Only at /r/Australia, /r/circlejerkaustralia came through.

I’m afraid to ask what entails being a particularly high ranking member.

Slightly more baller robes. Being old. Travelling more. (Probably) at least covering for a diddler, bonus points (again, probably) for diddling.



Why the fuck do /r/australia mods give a fuck about the suppression order? Is the subreddit somehow bound to the laws of the Aussie government?

They live in Australia

...and? The subreddit is not bound by the laws of the Australian government

The defence can use the fact that his name is being posted online as an out for an unfair trial. Moreso if it's on the biggest sub related to Australia.

Maybe the mods are more concerned with justice procedures than this weird American idea of """freedom"""

Yeah well fuck Australians. We have more guns so bring on the invasion.


Burgerlanders smh

Given how lazy Aussies are I'm inclined to think we'd just introduce every species of snake into USA and sit back while all you morons died without access to free healthcare from venom.

He's already convicted, and lost appeal, now awaiting sentencing which doesn't involve juries whatsoever. I'm all for withholding names of the accused before conviction, but this is just the government protecting the reputation of the Catholic Church by trying to suppress the conviction of Cardinal Pell. Maybe you should be more concerned with rooting out chomos and protecting children than censoring the names of convicted felons.

There's another trial next month. This one for abuse of choir boys, the next one he is alleged to have diddled kids at a swim centre.

lol, you are a dumb and uninformed fuck.

Maybe you should be more concerned with rooting out chomos and protecting children than censoring the names of convicted felons.

Maybe you should be concerned that a part of routing out nonces is not helping their court appeals.


>getting butmad about fiddy kiddlers getting the full dick of the law instead of just the tip

It's plain idiocy when it is already common knowledge. Reddit is a bunch of dumb cunts having a chat not some media publication.

its there patriotic duty

Ha, you said duty. Like a turd.

They are giant pussies.

For the same reason that it would be with any crime . Its perfectly normal.

If the choir boys didn't want it, they wouldn't dress in those sexy robes.

lol i thought you meant they passed some kind of overly broad anti-defamation law

but nope, suppression order on this specific cass

I thought this was suppression of free speech to but I learned it's no different than gag laws in the USA

isn't this the kind of thing MRAs have been clamoring for?

It's over for christcucks

everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


  1. Here's a news article that is total... - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

This entire thread is retarded.

The suppression order is in place to ensure that his defence can't argue that he's had an unfair trial, the jury is biased or anything like that. I'd rather wait 6 months to vilify this cunt publicly after he gets life in prison than do it during proceedings and have him walk free on a technicality. I know half of /r/drama are convicted pedos but please be mindful of the rest of us.

They're not doing it to protect high profile people Only, they're doing it to protect people undergoing criminal proceedings. If you committed a crime they would extend the same protections to you.

Oh shit now I'm off to gaol, thanks OP

Canada does this with juvenile offenders (anyone under 18). Of course American news can still report their names, and everyone reads American news, so it's completely useless.

I can't wait for his defence lawyers to start arguing mistrial, with good grounds, due to the jury being tainted by internet edgelords who think posting his name as much as possible is "sticking it to the man" instead of, yknow, helping a paedophile escape further charges.

Calm down there little buddy. So what if Australia is some backwoods shit hole with embarrassingly antiquated laws? As long as you have gasoline to huff you're gonna be A-OK.

Oof someone’s upset to realise their little “act of rebellion” might have unintended consequences. Laws may be antiquated, doesn’t mean you look anything but petulant shouting his name, and thinking you might achieve anything by it other than possibly helping a pedo escape further charges is pretty hilarious honestly. You’re either retarded, an actual teenage edgelord, or you’re trying to help mr pedo priest, and I’m not even sure which is worse.

Calm down there little buddy. So what if Australia is some backwoods shit hole with embarrassingly antiquated laws? As long as you have gasoline to huff you're gonna be A-OK.

This /r/drama post is going to be exhibit A at a criminal trial!


Wow, I sure feel dumb for doubting your legal system now!

The government? It was a judge. Trying to protect the integrity of a second trial.

If anything the order is having a Streissand effect

Not having Pell's face plastered on the side of every single newsagency in the country with some shitty pun about molestation is absolutely not causing people to know more about the case.

Contrary to popular belief among Australians on the internet, the vast majority of the country lives offline unless they're looking at facebook, most of which won't have international news in their feed.

Yeah, there's a number of reasons why his name won't be published. But the guys going to jail, will probably die there, and if he gets out will be on a register. So why do you need his name? Will that make you feel safer? Will you use that information in a constructive manner? Or do you just feel like flinging shit?

Comes across like I'm defending a pedophile, I'm not; I'm defending the Australian legal system. Like Mr Top-Comment said, there are upcoming legal proceedings and the publishing of his name may influence a further jury. If you think there's some patriarchal under-the-table freemason wink wink nudge nudge save me judge going on here, you may be stupid.

Comes across like I'm defending a pedophile

Couldnt have said it better myself.

If that's how you want to take it buddy

Okay which one of you autists know his name?

It's an Australian cardinal of the Catholic Church.

The issue is a legal one. Please delete this post before it prejudices the upcoming trials that are coming for him. The alleged victims of those alleged crimes deserve justice too and you are risking screwing that up for them.

lol ok pedo

I assume you are a supporter of his since you're helping him to get out of the next charges, or bother to read the comment before replying paedo loving scum.

Cardinal George Pell. You're welcome