Standing while peeing is toxic masculinity.

1  2018-12-13 by JabroniMark99


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. This Post -,,,

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I'm just taking a whiz, mind your own biz there's nothing that crazy about me!

I'm having a wee, you've got to pay to see!

Why don't you stand like a regular man? Then you can pee in the urinal can.

Im a cuck , im a cuck, im a cuck

Based and ericpilled

Asking women to look at the toilet before they sit is gross and icky emotional labor sweaty...lets unpack this

Implying women don't hover squat and spray piss everywhere.

hover squat and spray piss everywhere.

And That's A Good Thing.

Here's 5 reasons why it's actually CLEANER to hoverpiss.

Uncircumsized mens CLEANS THEIr penis with ONE WEIRD trick

Special foreword by jordan memerson

German helmet or gtfo imho

U mean a cool fancy Kaiserreich eagle helmet? Those are dope.

No I mean a circumcised dick head looks like a German helmet


I'd have a doctor check that spike.

That's how they mark their territory.

most disgusting thing you'll ever see

Idk about that, in high school one of the other special ed kids exclusively shit in the urinal.

I will choose shit in and around the urinal over shit, piss, and blood splashed all over the seat, bowl, floors, and walls - not to mention used tampons/pads strewn all over the place and clogging the toilets - any day of the week.

the worst was some retard who would wipe his ass mid shit and throw the dookie bomb at the ceiling/into another stall.

then i found out women do the same but with bloody tampons.

Who even are these animals?!

likely somebodies parents at this point

you must be a plumber

Summer jobs in my youth. I saw things, things no man should ever see.

Yikes folks.

Ya'll sweet summer child, it's almost as if there are people who prefer to sit while pissing

Its almost as if...

This made me twitch

/r/Firearms user

lmao. Agree with your comment though.

Eh, sigh, that's a lot to unpack.

Umm, sweetie, I don't have the spoons right now to unpack this for you but it's not my job to educate you so you can use Google to discover why this is so problematic and get back to me

This aint it cheif

This is literally the worst comment I've ever seen. You said y'all, used the term sweet summer child, and said almost as if. I hate you.

oh wow thanks for describing the comment u fucking retard

i cant fucking read

can you put this on vocaroo

maybe with some soft breathing asmr mixed in pls maam

you're welcome

i read it too

thats good that you can read

overqualified to post here

k byeeeeee

Wow there's a lot to unpack here, sweetie.

I can't imagine what kind of fucking nasty ho sits on a public toilet without looking at it first. Like sometimes you go into a stall and that thing is smeared with shit and period blood. Who the FUCK doesnt look?

Women, put the toilet seat down if you want to pee. Men, put the toilet seat up if you want to pee.

I honestly should be President.

This take is way too centrist for the US. You need to incorporate something about Nazis or identity politics if you want votes.

Leave the toilet seat at a 45 degree incline or you are literally Adoseph Stalin

You need to incorporate something about Nazis or identity politics if you want votes.

Women, put the toilet seat down if you want to pee. Men, put the toilet seat up if you want to pee. Gas the Jews.

This but unironically

It was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That unironically was unironically ironic btw

Gas the Jews



why would you say something so controversial yet brave?

As an undecided voter who is firmly in the sink-pisser camp, what are you going to do for us? I don't want my tax dollars funding toilet centric programs. The whole fixture is just a waste of space and resources.

A sink in every bathroom. A sink in every bedroom. A vote for me is a vote for sink.

👆 This guy, I like 👆

Litterbox 2020: Let that sink in.

good bot

Who's the other name on the bill?



😻😻😻 Would you be my campaign manager??

You talk a big game now but I have it on good authority that you're in the pocket of Big Litter

That sounds like a dogwhistle if you ask me 😾😾😾

Sinkpissers are on the list right after Mayos and Furries.

i saw someone in there bitching about having to touch the seat because of the germs. Well, i hope no one ever shows them how much germs are on the door handle, theyll be having men open the door for them too!

or their phones, most peoples smartphones are dirtier than a Mcdonald's toilet seat. but just flick the toilet seat up/down with your foot if the germs are that big of a fuckin deal. You're supposed to wash your hands after you're done anyway, but then again the kinds of people that bitch about dirty toilet seats probably think they're too clean and that they don't need to wash because they haven't been touching gross shit(in their minds.)

Nah president level is when you suggest getting a toilet seat with a foot pedal like for trash cans so nobody ever has to touch that shit.

When you make a billion dollars, just send me a prototype.

Wait am I the only person who always flushes with their foot? 😹😹😹

but what if women fall in or whatever other dumb excuse they use

Leave it to woman not to be aware of her surroundings 😹😹😹

Little bit of an anarchist here, but I put the seat and lid down.

Hurry up and take my 💰.

Just add sanitary wipes for each seat.

Men that pee standing are more prone to prostate cancer, so everyone should be sitting anyways. Also when you stand you wont be able to empty yourself as well, which isnt good for your bladder and kidneys either.

How do I use your mouth instead

Insert a $100 bill into my butt and you can use my mouth for whatever bb 😘😘😘

Damn son

Your prices are too low

Have some self respect

I don’t put the seat up. But I mop up any piss I spray. Easy!

Upvote, but you missed this.

Here's the comment about toxic masculinity.


Men sitting to pee without dropping a deuce, are the epitome of a circlebroke2 user.

Hey pal, I'm not a CB2 user

Sometimes you just want to sit, in a private office instead of your cube.


This guy is talking about pissing on his shoes wow

I’m riddled with shame. Male shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially women of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else. This is why I'm transitioning, both in gender and race. Eat your fucking hearts out Rachel Dolezal and Talcum X.

SNAPPY. We need you now more than ever.

I'm 99% sure that's already one of his responses

It's bussy shills quote

Seriously, sitting down is just so much easier and less messy than standing up to pee. How insecure do you have to be to spray piss all over the floor so you don't appear feminin?

is this a womyn or a pisslet because pissing while seated is the most dangerous maneuver for me. I piss with such pressure that it rebounds off the rim onto myself.

The only people linking it with masculinity are Trans people in that thread.

Trans people unironically are more sexist than the subs they complain about.


Someone who cleans bathrooms for a living

Someone's going places.

It's over for urinal-cels

I bet even women with dicks prefer standing

t. reddit poster

Also the trans female who said that it would feel “gross and masculine” to pee standing up. Deliberately inconveniencing yourself to own the men

Was that the same one that said they'd sit in a public bathroom because of norms? Aren't these the same people that say societal norms are bullshit and oppressive?

CB2 is shameful even for reddit.

Anyone who willingly uses public bathroom deserves everything they get.

nevermind the DICK they have its standing up that makes them feel masculine

Can you imagine a guy saying he refuses to pee sitting down because it makes him feel like a girl?


The real reason is because they want their asses to touch where countless women's asses have also touched.

Better not tell them about the local bus stop.

MEn that pee standing are more prone to prostate cancer, so everyone should be sitting anyways. Also when you stand you wont be able to empty yourself as well, which isnt good for your bladder and kidneys either.

is it still toxic masculinity when a trans person does it 🧐

I actually prefer sitting, I'm lazy and can be on my phone and don't have to touch my dick.

Press (X) to GAS


Hey now, that never happened, remember

Muh six gorillion an other such redpilling memes

sorry i don’t speak retard. Please clarify your sentence so us normies understand 🤠

That's why I only piss in a woman's mouth. The seat is always down.

Shitting while standing master race checking in

Im a man and i sit to pee because its comfy tier.

but when I sit my dick is always touching the front of the toilet. 😧😧

People don't realize that on smaller toilets this is a major problem, sometimes it's hard to take a shit on them

Take a shit on your dick?

What kind of leviathan heat are you packing?

Wait no I just got exposed

Too late now bud....Post anaconda.

Uhhhhhh nonononononono


That's called the witch's kiss

And dribbling droplets of piss which will infuriate the next woman who uses the seat, because the droplets will cling to her pubes.

This is a degenerate debate, the whole lid is supposed to be closed before you flush the toilet.

I bet these people keep their toothbrush in the bathroom, too.

I dip the bristly end in the toilet.

I've gotten fucked one too many times by the elusive 90 degree double-helix stream fiesta to pee standing up anywhere but urinals

Just jam a sounding rod up there to clear up your plumbing.

Why do they act so smug when they haven't even mastered the task of urinating?

  • One degenerate keeps advocating sink pissing
  • Another gets piss on his shoes when using a urinal
  • Half of them seem to find sitting easier

The sink pisser is from /r/drama I think.

Sink pisser is making fun of the original sitting piss guy I think

Op says it just takes too long to have to fish out his cock when he can just sit and pee quicker. The people agreeing with OP say they keep pissing on their shoes instead of hitting the toilet. Has nobody else determined that OP and his following or seat pissers obviously have tee wittle pee pees aka micro penises. Let the soy boys sit if they have a hard time finding their cock and are coming up short of reaching over the bowl already.

I feel like sitting would be extra difficult with a micro penis. How do you get passed the balls?

I bet he was that kid in school who dropped his pants and underwear to use the urinal

Imagine not standing on your tippy toes as you plop your junk on the rim of the sink and let your bladder go

standing on your tippy toes as you plop your junk on the rim of the sink

Manlet alert! We've got a code 5 Manlet alert on thread 7!

One degenerate keeps advocating sink pissing

Makes sense in a drought, tbf.

Plus who doesn't like a nice warm dick dunk after a relaxing piss?

Sik meta bro

I always dunk my Oreos twice.

sink pissing is fucking gross. I tried it one time. Piss errrwhurrr.

Washing your dick in the sink if you're about to have random sex is good though

These retards dont even consider the recreational catheter.

I went catheter/colostomy bag a few years ago and never looked back. I can't look back because I'm a paraplegic

Get a mirror then idiot.

Men urinate

Women just leak

Im honored to have you comment on my thread.

fuckin fanboi

You have no idea how much you mean to me, you saved me from going down a dark path, and it was you that helped me get back on track. I love you so much


Deport yourself from drama bucko

not dunking your junk in the tub to piss and shit


Sink-peeing Master Race checking in

The only real answer.

I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics it takes to convince yourself that taking your pants down, moving from standing to sitting, going back up, pulling your pants back up takes less energy than just unzipping and going

Exercise more

Maybe you should take up juggling if you’re so incapable of pissing in the toilet without it going everywhere. Some basic coordination skills are needed

Also by the way, you don’t “fish” out your junk out you weirdo, you pull down slightly like a normal person


Imagine going pants-to-ankles every time you took a piss.

You really gonna shit on [Butters]( like that? He was totally right that everyone's using the toilet wrong

Just blurted out laughing. Fuck. Now i look crazy

Not as crazy as someone going pants to ankles looks.

the man who drops his pants completely at the urinal is to david as goliath is to the fuckhead who always must stand directly next to somebody else at the urinals

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This sub is weird.

Peeing standing up *is* exercising your penis. CMV.

Says the freak who sits down to pee. Just transition already bussy-boy 😂😂😂

Hey! Sitting makes her feel gross and masculine. You should respect her for being brave enough to reject her toxic masculinity and sit-piss with the dick God gave her.

I'm fine with trans-people. I'm not okay with people with penises and perfectly functioning legs who still refuse to stand while they take leaks. JFK didn't die for this.

post bussy




Lol, SRS user and German? What's a nazi doing shitting up this sub?

I'm not German.

Maybe you should stop posting nazi language, then

Nah, Germany's better for vegans cyclist SJWs like me.

And they have the Ü smiley.


Ugly smiley tbh


How dare you

With a mouth this big you could give a blowjob to a whale.

You are very edgy! Go you!

ur gay

No U have the gay

no u

no u

Lol so cool and random an unlaut smiley/ascii “emoji”


u/ComedicSans our honored guest needs a "Sits to pee" flair stat.

Get the fuck out cumskin.

Do you ever get sick of being perpetually offended or outraged about insignificant shit?


This has nothing do to with physical fitness you absolute fucking mongo

idk one of your brigaders posted on cb2 that he literally needs 1 full minute to pull his pants down, sit down, pull them back up, and stand up.

sounds like a physical fitness issue to me, I can't imagine anything else tbh

Can we quarantine that subreddit

We can mass report it. Want to?

Let's do it

it doesn't carry any risk of spraying about or getting a split stream and having to clean up after myself

“spraying about” wow pee much?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

lifting the lid and fishing my junk out of my underwear definitely is not significantly faster than just pulling down my pants and plopping down.

I'm taking bets on this guy's weight

That's not a bad theory. Maybe their junk is hiding under layers of fupa. 🤔🤔🤔

The fact that homes don't have urinals fitted as standard is proof that the patriarchy doesn't exist.

Persons of the world pee sitting down, all you have to lose is your masculinity.

How communism got its groove back.

CB2 complaining about brigading and people getting upset at their post

I've never understood why men have to put the seat down when they're finished, but women are never expected to put the seat up in return.

Because only women are stupid enough not to look first.

So is CB2 incapable of recognizing parody?

Classic womansplaining. SMH. We need to do something about toxic femininity.

*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* 𝓝𝓸 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓴𝓮 *.:。.✿°¤,¸.•*´¯)

I will never get the great argument over men having to put the toilet seat down. Is it really that hard to lift the seat or put it down?

Compromise: put seat down but still piss.

Men, living alone, have to put the seat up and down as needed.

Women, living alone, never have to move the seat.

Therefore men never realize how big of an injustice it is to suddenly be inconvenienced for up to 10 seconds a day.

Imagine being so poor that you don't use a catheter/colostomy bag at all times. Lol


This argument ought to be "chew with you mouth open vs chewing really loud"

Don't do either! Put the **LID** down!

Jesus Christ.

Not pissing in the ice tray like a normal person.

tbh I pee sitting down at home because it's just easier than constantly lifting and lowering a toilet lid and don't like to clean up splashes

"vegan cyclist SJWs like me"

Honestly I sit down to piss at work and get on Reddit.


Figures that CB2 dudes pee sitting down. It explains so much.

Did a srd mod just claim this

A man in /r/circlebroke2 tries so hard to be woke that he makes the case that men peeing standing up has something to do with toxic masculinity

 was bias (somehow) to steal the post?

this guy wouldn't have to fish for his penis if it wasn't so tiny.

Is Sweden involved?

Sweden had been running this cuck idea for years now.

Men who sit when they pee always have a long list of bullshit reasons why they do it, but they're probably just doing it because they want to spend 60 seconds on their phones when they could be done and gone in 20.

Once I was so shook by the toilet seat being up I literally stood there and pissed myself. I mean what else could I do?

Urinal manufacturers on suicide watch

i dont see what all the fuss is about. just piss in the sink, no seat to put down, no splashback because it's at just the right height to flop your schlong over the egde

Big brain right here

Plenty of women do the "hover" manouvre which frequently leads to far more piss spraying on the seat than the average man standing up.

And they do that in women's toilets where you can't possibly blame men for the mess.

Only men can simultaneously knight and baptize another person.

If a woman is really passionate about seats down, there's a very strong chance it's because she's too dumb to look before planting her ass on the rim.

Cuckasaurs rex

But if I lay down to pee I will make quite the mess.

I haven't heard the phrase "penis envy" in a while, seems most fitting.

Peak /r/menslib comment.

As a male. I'll be honest, I alternate. When I'm tired I squat over the toilet and pee so I don't have to aim.