Captain fentanyl stops shaking long enough to pen another comic

1  2018-12-15 by blyatman12345


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. This Post -,,

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His hair went thru the wall intact


I know this is fake because it suggests Trump went 30 seconds without a Twitter tantrum.

And that he’s not fat.

Given it was Captain Fentanyl drawing this shit, I'm surprised he's not wearing golden Roman legion armour.

Don’t sully the romans with this shit, they knew how to deal with jumped up immigrants like Trump, send him to Partha.

That's literally all Republicans these days are good for tho. Grasping at straws of times long past and misrepresenting history to support it.

DAE Prussia glorification???

Prussia was defeated by Sweden and France several times. These neo-conferates are obsessed with identifying with losing.

Well they know they can't identify with winners. So they try to find "noble" losers. For fucks sake, Brandenburg-Prussia lost 50% -- fifty fuckin percent -- of their entire population in the 30 Years' War to Sweden.


Sweden obliterated the "great" fetishized Prussia. Smh. The absolute state of rightcels.

If we could form an army of step fathers we’d drive them from their basement bunkers.

Lmao. But super serial, when rightcels start fetishizing Prussia? I may be out of the loop on this and I want in.

It's a rabbit hole that many have not properly delved in. It's a younger generation mostly, generally people who play Grand Strategy Games like Victoria II or EU3 (back in the day those were the ones, these days EU4/CK2/HoI4). General history video games that border on simulations are infested with them everywhere. It's a super esoteric area of drama and nonsense that you gotta fully dive into the culture to become aware of.

The descent into it usually starts with a WWII styled game. The type of person who goes "Yeah the Germans were bad but they had kickass uniforms and DAE the Tiger could LITRUHLLY solo 5 Shermans?!" Once they've sufficiently fetishized German engineering, they start reading back. They'd note that after WWII there was a huge "De-Prussiafication" done by the Allies. They'd note the German Empire in WWI was a Federalist state with Prussia as the largest 'State' and the militarist arm. As the fall of the Empire is usually associated in right-wing circles with Judeo-Bolshevism, that instantly makes them align with the Prussians as sympathetic cultural militarists trying to hold the line against cultural marxism.

Then they pick up shiteating Prussian apologists who over-fetishize and emphasize their military history (because every rightcel is obsessed with military history) and thus the descent begins.

Also, hi longpost bot. Fuck me I effort posted.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I was halfway through and knew you'd be coming, but I did it anyway.

Help im retarded.

This bot sucks tbh

Nah, don’t be sorry for this effort post for once. That was a throughly entertaining read. The picture of fucking zoomers unironically caring about 20th century Eastern European geography is hilarious.🤣

> geography

You mean geo politics and world order?

Yikes ur a moron

You’re gonna have to try harder than that here, sweaty.

Yikes offda lots to unpack here

Oof. If this is your idea of humor don’t quit your day job, hun.

I just fetishize the kaiserreich because they play a somewhat prominent role in Southern Victory, my fave series of novels

Those games absolutely spawn hordes of wehraboos and fans of Prussian space marines but from all my time on the forums I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a rightcel person post rightcel stuff and I feel it’s a bit unfair and a bit of a jump to the absolutes. I would say all rightcels are obsessed with military history but most people obsessed with military history aren’t rightcels. I just don’t appreciate the association of those lovely games and history with those bootlicking shit eaters

Show Gustavus some respect

The 3lb cannon is the microdick of artillery history.

These neo-conferates are obsessed with identifying with losing.

So, they are cucks?

Given it was Captain Fentanyl drawing this shit, I'm surprised he's not wearing golden Roman legion armour. labelled specifically as Trump.

whats the fentanyl meme with garrison?

a) what a disgusting tourist, you should synthesize with the local culture!

b) is it really difficult to work out?


Read a couple more of his comics and it'll become clear.

Its a joke that boomers are overdosing on fenatyl, and thats why they are mentally unstable (Qanon, Trump ect.)

Ben Garrison is a boomer and he pumps out DDF content like this, hence, he's a fenatyl addict

And I know the impotent rage on this subreddit is real because you gentlemen can't resist the passive aggressive = bad posts.

The people who get super-mad at the posts kicking around Daddy are the best part. How dare anyone bully POTUS?!?!

I love the fact that these people love posts mocking the left, but when it's their turn to be mocked they start whining about how r/Drama is actually a right wing sub and you can't make fun of daddy 😩😩😩😩

true. /r/Drama hates everyone equally

Pretty much none of the sub regulars give a shit about your weak tea trolling, the Daddy threads are just a circlejerk for shaking retards who think IT WAS HER TURN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Pretty much none of the sub regulars give a shit about your weak tea trolling

Nigga, you're retarded enough that your previous comment on this chain was downvoted to -12.

Repeat: you got downvoted in an /r/Drama thread.

Maybe you should just take the loss. 😂 😂 😂 😂

Nigga, you're retarded enough that your previous comment on this chain was downvoted to -12.

Do you think that shows that I'm "retarded," because I think it just shows how pissy you lobotomites are that Mommy didn't get her turn.

😂 😂 😂 😂

You know you're really winning when you become a Discount Ed. But I'm sure you're totally not mad, after all would an angry person post passive aggressive emojis whilst they shit their pants and Daddy post every single day? Checkmate Lemoncels

Lmao, you're the only one bringing up an unemployed 70+ year old grandmother. Let it go.






Don't worry, I upvoted you 😙

Always thinking of me so nice 😇😇😇

And I know the impotent rage on this subreddit is real

a fair assessment

because you gentlemen can't resist the passive aggressive = bad posts.


Stop posting the anti-semitic edits and post the original, you bigots, smh:

so this is what post modern means

don’t tell jordan memerson

My memes are the only antidote to chaos you all need.


Not only did he label 'Rachel Madcow' he fucking drew an arrow pointing to her, as if his readers couldn't even make a connection that the fucking label right next to someone's face that happens to be the only object/person to label in the entire general area is in fact labeling that person

as if his readers couldn't even make a connection that the fucking label right next to someone's face that happens to be the only object/person to label in the entire general area is in fact labeling that person

Have you read t_d?

But who is the person in the suit! I can’t tell without a label Ben!

I’m stumped myself. Nobody in the current administration resembles that youthful aryan figure in the well tailored suit.

Thats how shitty his art work is

He is well aware that his readers are all retarded boomers and edgecels from t_d

are you really sperging out over an arrow

if that’s a spergout, it may be a profitable one

really sperging out

You really don't know what that means, do you?

Dont send me other peoples links!

Calling a woman a cow is really high brow shit.

There aren't nearly enough labels in this one tbh

horned Maddow.

Is Garrison a (may Allah forgive for me uttering this word) a furry?

Pretty sure those are supposed to be Jew-horns.

Being a furry doesn't stop you from preaching about the treachery of the Jewish menace.

Nor does it stop you from joining the same line for the showers.

lmao the incredibly tiny "radical," hes barely even trying to hide his power level

this but unironically

Maddow=Mad Cow. Not a bad pun, actually, but it'll probably be lost on his audience.

Garrison with the Pizzashill-level I.Q

Not a bad pun, actually

You're saying because "Maddow" kind of sounds like "Mad cow?" In the "More like NO-BAMA" sense?

Legit there's been furrybait in a bunch of his recent comics, I would not be surprised

Something needs to be done about the furry problem. Now.

Prove it

Horns of Moloch I think

you don't shake from opiates

RLS though.

Go shoot up some more smack under a bridge, ya junkie. I'll be there in a few with you


Why does he wear his tie outside his suit jacket? Did someone dress him?

Who's the guy in the suit? He isn't clearly labeled so how are we supposed to know who that is?

I think that's Shkillary KKKlinton.

Fake, hole in wall, the floor, and trump aren't labeled

rachel madcow

is this a rush limbaugh show from 2005 or something?

The point of conservautism to not evolve or improve.

He busted through the wall and left a perfect outline, just like a plane does! This is proof that (a) 9/11 was an inside job, and (b) Trump is a plane. Also, it seems like breaking through walls makes him younger somehow?

Hairspray can't melt steel beams

Hairspray Fake tan


Why does he need to pretend Trump isn't fat?

Why is he calling the thin person a cow and making the fat person thin?

They live in the upside down man.

and labeling the thin lady a cow

Imagine having it actually written for you with a big fucking arrow in the picture and you still couldn't understand.

You're literally the reason he over-labels.

Wait, who?

I don't think you understand ops question.

Weird edit.

Maddow = mad cow

Man what a creative genius this guy is.

I should start doing Fentanyl at work.


I don't so any labels indicating that the Jews orchestrated this. Are you sure this was done by Ben "There's No Business Like Shoah Business" Garrison?



good GOD, ben-gay’s moved onto multi panel pieces???

It's over for comicels

Somewhere in late qing dynasty China, been lays lazily on a bunk bed smoking an opium pipe. Surrounding him is a hazy smoke and hundreds of other opium addicts on bunk beds in the crowded boarding room. He lays off the pipe, thinking while scratching at an open sore on his stomach. "How did I end up here" he asks, drifting in and out of consciousness. As he begins to overdose, it hits it. "Th-the libcuck snowflakes" he utters as he goes down for one last poppy dream.

What an embarassing person

Ben Garrison is the modern equivalent of medieval portrait artists who would paint the nobility as more flattering than they actually appeared, except there’s no one threatening to behead him or anything that’s just how he is.

Zyklon Ben really does give off court jester vibes, don't he?


I mean .... it's kinda hard not to agree with the "wtf" part.


Certainly enough evidence to convict his lawyer!

And his campaign manager!

damn Trump daddy lookin fit

why does he have his jacket buttoned with the tie on top of it that aint how people dress bro

Black Steve voice : Who the fuck is Ben Garrison?

Ben Label.

Where's our movie adaptation on Ben Garrison's work?

I wonder what it's like to be this big of a shill.


His comics make less and less sense. No EVIDENCE except for the evidence.