“So when are y’all gonna realize that capitalism is fucking up our games?”

1  2018-12-16 by Ghdust2


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Nothing screams entertaining like government mandated video game development.

Game opens

Press F to salute the Forefathers

Press Esc to quit

The end

intelligentsia dissident thought = Spotted

kulak hoarded grain = Spotted


You are about to get purged Veronica, proles rise up!

Lumpenproletariat Text

The US Army spend over $10 million on making a First Person Shooter named Americas Army.

I remember having a ton of fun playing this game. Of course they borrow a lot of concepts from private sector games and have to compete with them, which makes it better than if it were just developed in isolation by some government bureaucracy.

thats different. the US army contracted it out to a company that was already making a great shooter. its like how Top Gun got a lot of help from the military. like when the government gives money to people making already great products it shouldn't count.

same thing happened with ARMA series. and ARMA is responsible for like almost all of shooter's modern trends. Day-Z and zombie bullshit, Battle Royale bullshit with cheese. no more bullet sponge bullshit.

Bullet sponge?

Being able to just take dozens of bullets and continue going on like nothing happened. Popularized by CoD4

Thanks. Sounds rightfully retarded.

Come on, it was popularized by halo or quake modes if you want to go back. Cod has always had a relatively quick kill time in tge shooter world.

Good point actually. Halo actually completely skipped my mind because of how irrelevant it is now lol

It was good up until 3 but come on, how do you own the biggest OS in the world and not release halo on it?

wanted to keep it exclusive to sell more Xboxes

the new one coming out is going to be on windows 10

Battle Royale didn't invent the Free-For-All. It's gotten to the point that people forgot that Battle Royale was a book,that could have had one of the most bitching videogames ever made.

But whatever, here's a rooty tooty shooty for people.

you do know that the game mode Battle Royale was created in an ARMA 2 mod right? thats what Player_unknown created before making it its own game. PUBG was an ARMA 2 mod. and Fortnite is essentially a ripoff of a mod of ARMA 2

I already knew that , but I still say a game based off of the Battle Royale novel would have been better - rather than getting Novel themed DLC for PUBG.

Of course, now that we live in a world where the hunger games exist , you can insert a non-ironic sigh right about....Here.

I just feel bad for the poor tetris man, who never got a cent for making one of the most popular games of all time

No no no, wait hol up

I was told that people got all the money for their labor

Why would they get money, their labor belongs to everyone.

Yeah, that's the weird just you take from the arguments against capitalism to the shitshow that is their attempt to describe an alternative. The arguments against capitalism are trivial to make, the alternative is rought impossible to formulate without going full gulag.

Commies lie all the time

Except that Pajitnov was employed at the Dorodnitsyn Computer Centre, where he was paid for his contributions.


I thought all the Indian Communists stayed in India


You forget that government sponsorship (specifically, Emperor Vespasian) was behind the Coliseum.

Bring back government-sponsored battle royales tbh.

that's not what's being advocated for here. socialism is where the workers are also the owners, not where the government owns everything.

That's called indie devs.

Just think if a AAA video game was owned by every single employee. There aren't just video game nerds behind a huge video game. There are managers, marketers, pencil pushers, and plain old greedy people who want to maximize their profit potential over creating a better product.

Nothing screams power to the people like not being able to manufacture circuit boards for your citizens PC rigs.

Soviet union had arcade machines In the 70's Jaja un saludo panoli.

socialism is when the state does things the more things the state does the socialister it is

Well we could listen to Reddit trolls or listen to actual filmmakers

Lucas was given more freedom in the prequels and look what happened.

Ah, nothing like the blind leading the deaf and dumb to make comedy.

Nothing makes drama like a bunch of ignorant prepubescent teenagers circle-jerking over vidya.

I swear, it's always a y'allposter.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - y'allocaust now





Sorry to bother but what's a y'allposter? Is it related to the South?

plz no bully :(

People who use y'all because it is more inclusive than "you guys"

its also shorter and has deep southern roots

That's what gets me - anyone who uses "y'all" is either super woke or from the Deep South. They invent words for all sorts of weird shit but steal that one?

I think it's just because its such a good word. You guys, or you people is a fucking mouth full. Save a sylable, say yall.

lose a syllable

lose a chromosome

Pretty much the same thing my dude.

your tarded

Too many syllables

Too many chromosomes

I think you could afford to lose a few

Too many syllables

What kind of mong can't handle syllables?

I say y'all irl cause I'm an inbred hick, typing it is like 10 steps below that.


True. I use it because I'm the son of a redneck.

Is saying you guys considered a bad thing now or something?

I literally can't even.

Maybe if we perpetually nag men about the most petty, trivial, meaningless bullshit until they are broken, subservient and willing to bend over backwards this will stop sexism and not reinforce the worst stereotypes of women

Literally toxic femininity

You guys is a nono phrase because it assumes gender, yall.

I used y'all ironically for over a decade and now that its popular online I avoid it like the plague

I use it in real life but not online.

Lol, his proof of concept is that tetris exists.

Odd thing is I'm pretty sure Russia was very against Tetris originally.

To the point where the guy gave away his rights to the game because he was worried he was going to get shot.

Just more proof communism works everyone!

“Communism is when you shoot people”

because he was worried he was going to get shot.

At it should be my fellow comrad gamers.

Communism at peak performance yet again.


They also have Dead Cells!!!

Though they conveniently leave out that the devs of Dead Cells said that if they had many more people that system wouldn't work.

Also randomly generated metroidvanias suck compared to carefully crafted metroidvania experiences.

Nothing is ruining what we love the most and what our community is built around more than greedy people in suits who have zero passion about games.

Kickstarter will save gaming

The game industry relies on those "greedy people in suits" to be the adults in the room. Just look at the kind of feature creep development hell you get when "creatives" like Chris Roberts control both the checkbook and the creative vision with zero accountability.

Star Citizen is more cult than game

Gaming is more cult than hobby.

Gamers are a mistake

You can also look at what happens when people like Tim Schafer are completely in charge or Ken Levine.

Literally the epitome of financial ruin.

I remember back during BF4s heyday people were screaming for a WW1 or WW2 game and as soon as BF1 came out they all switched in a fucking second

Gaymers start the proletariat revolution part 3.5

Imagine thinking a system that runs on permenant shortages and periodic famines could develop any game above Tetris.

Even if we were to accept their delusions about communism being viable, the whole point is to address disparities in resource allocation. For instance, the time and labor spent making toys for rich people while children starve to death in Africa.

That's there problem. Africa has some of the most fertile soil on the world but thanks to corrupt governments and savage warlords barely any of it reaches the masses. You saw the extravagant party Robert fucking Mugabe had right?

Didn't Mugabe give much of Rhodesia's farmland to his cronies instead of actual black farmers?

Yeah, and that the fact there weren't too many black farmers to start with.

Wait, you're telling me seizing wealth to "redistribute" it was just fig leaf to enrich people in the ruling party?

Why give it to black farmers when you can make the next generation of black farmers? Mugabe was crazy like a fox.

Sure that has nothing to do with the centuries of exploitation for the gain of capitalists/the west.


exploitation makes the blacks unable to run a government, farm land, and not be corrupt. the evil white man strikes again!!!!

Unfortunately this argument. Try using some facts instead of your feelings next time.

mine wasn't an argument, and neither was yours mr shapiro.

This is drama, much like socialism we dobtvdeal with reality

africa totally isn’t capitalist or anything..

That shit needs to be a snappy quote

gamer and communist



how is this on the front page with 0 upvotes?

He posted this thread to /r/chapotraphouse and they brigaded the fuck out of it at first.

Chapo incel house hates gamers.

He posted it to /r/cth four fucking times.


Imagine caring about the integrity of reddit discussion this much.


gay ass language


Using bigoted slurs? Yikes!


That's pretty homophobic.

I'm gonna need a pic of your bussy or your hog, i'm vers


Imagine posting to chapotraphouse

Obviously not being retarded I can't, but you can try

You have to go back

Lol of course it's a chapocel sperging out

That's why I only play tetris, created in the glorious ussr

First, they came for my money, and I did not care.

Next, they came for my food, and I did not care.

Last, they came after vidya, and I ROSE UP AND BASHED THE FASH WHO IS WITH ME COMRADES?!

Nah fig will.

No no wait, patreon.

No wait, hatreon.

Lmao literally every poster in that thread is from Chapo. Jesus they are so desperate to recruit new retards for the revolution they turned to gamers.

They targeted gamers. GAMERS.

It sounds like they're taking "the gamers rise up" meme seriously

With record low unemployment where else are they going to recruit from?

"How do you do fellow gamers?" -Chapo brigadertards

He posted it to /r/cth four fucking times


Been working out pretty well for white supremacists

That's because you fucks are so annoying that white supremacy starts looking tasty in comparison.

becoming a neo-nazi to own the libs

Literally this.


LMAO cha Le post hog xd po would line up libs first in their "Utopia" .

becoming a neo-nazi to own the leftists, then

I dunno if you could comprehend that the joke here is that you're becoming a neo-nazi because you disagree with certain people

srs posting in drama


not liking neo-nazis is srs?

They are jelly of gamergate and they want their own commie version. Yes it's retarded.

Chapotards must not be allowed to harness the power of gamers!

Gamers RISE UP

YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR LOOTBOXES and the ability to eat regularly

All these guys think their job in Communism is gonna be indie game dev.

I don't understand the logic. Under communism you at least have to realize that no matter what, it WILL be way less efficient. Does these people literally think they'll have great homes, work 12 hours a week, and tons of high quality media? It's like altrighters who think if Hitler won they'd of gotten a super model blonde gf who picks strawberries all day. 80% of Chapo are just radlibs who can't admit it.

"So when ya'll gonna realize that the thing making your games possible is fucking up your games?"

I've noticed that people on Reddit will whine endlessly about 1. Working too much. 2. Their bosses. 3. Not being allowed any sick days. 4. Working retail or other shit job and having to compete for tips. 5. Lack of proper healthcare or health insurance. 6. Microtransactions in video games. 7. Hollywood and their remakes. 8. Trump, Trump, Trump. 9. We don't get to go to Mars because Nasa is defunded because we need the money to give to Israel. 10. Venal politicians, corrupt political process.

But when you join up the dots of all these problems and make a total theory, people will be annoyed. People for some reason don't like looking at things as a totality. They just want to complain about lots of individual problems and when you offer a total solution they complain about that as well.

Those top 6 are only problems because people have shitty jobs.

This is actually true though lol

dramavirgins went overboard

chapo kill yourself


chapoes dont take too kindly to the gamers

Imagine unironically being a clappo.



long standing trend of time-tested truth, like capitalism ruining Debord's wine

If capitalism is going to stop g*mers then call me Scrooge McDuck.

holy fuck chapos have the cringiest insults and responses its so bad lol

also why would anyone even make a game without capitalism, whats the incentive if not for money

oh i like games so ill make a game for free as my job said nobody ever

If you unironcly say ya’ll you need to be beheaded

he’s not wrong

i mean, capitalism also facilitates game development, but it does ruin it

>tfw gaming is ruined by games being made

Sound about right.

That explains Star Citizen.

Its super easy to promise the world. Delivering is always the hard part.

i mean that’s half of it

the other half is in prioritizing good business over actually making a decent product

I don’t understand gamers tbh. They whine more than anyone else on the internet about how shitty their products are, but they still buy the obviously shitty ones, even while everyone seems to know they suck, and them get angry when they’re shitty.

And there’s so much out there, and so many take so fucking long to get through the content, I don’t get how these people have the time to get through so many games. I don’t even want to think about how long I’ve spent this year on literally just 3 indie games that can’t have cost me more than £15 put together, as I bought them in the sales.

It’s not a zero sum game tho.

We’ve had fantastic experiences like RDR2, GOW, Spider-Man, GTAV, Super Smash Bros, Witcher 3, Fallout, etc. All brought to you by the capitalist dollar.

Loot boxes and all other bs micro transactions were literally brought over from China lmao

lootboxes are a noble japanese creation that china popularized via bootlegs

Cant ruin games I'd they arent made

Also cant if all gamers starve

OP posted it to /r/cth four fucking times. No brigading going on there...


Redditors need to stop complaining about brigading like if you use one part of the site you're no longer allowed to use another part.

Enlighten CB2 poster who defitanly would never sheik about certain subs brigading

Why does the OP of that thread remind me of that fucker at DoubleFine. I forget the fuckers name, but there's a photo of him cooling down with a money fan. I honestly don't give enough fucks to google his name at the moment.

Anyway, I'll edit it once I remember his name - But a long time ago, he shit on Bobby, the Devil Kotick of Activision games. Because you know, shitting on the big evil corporate guy is the thing you do, because you know FIGHT THE POWER- POWER TO THE INDIE DEVELOPER and all that other shit.

So, Kotick hears about this and in a nutshell says he never met the guy because the guy was bad with money, always behind on deadlines and never showed up to meetings. Which , in a business world, is a bad thing. You can't make money if your money makers are retards.

Then this dude from DoubleFine, goes on to fuck up all the money he gains from his Kickstarter projects. Shits out half finished games and the "woke" gamers who buy their products are wondering why a guy who was given THREE TIMES more than what they asked for to make a game, would fuck over their customers so badly.

tl;dr ignore everything I posted - Videogames are a luxury item - but the path we chose to take has turned them into everything but and this commie hippie shit isn't helping.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Why are they all so shit at economic theory? Why bother typing shit if you're literally goijg to prove you haven't read smith, marx or keyne?

unironically kill all communists

genocide to keep loot boxes is new one

tfw you'd rather see genocide than criticism of the status quo

implying communists are people

you can only commit genocide on people.

tfw your comeback is textbook dehumanization of the type typical of people who have a boner for genocide

post hog, chud.

spoken like a true-right-wing edgelord :3

post hog

woah there buddy don't cut yourself on that edge


But of course there is. The barriers of entry are higher than they have ever been - and people often don’t have the time or resources to devote themselves to game creation AND work a full time job!

LOL, as if Chapotards actually have jobs. This guy is hilarious.

"I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed communists."

Food doesn't even exist under communism, what makes them think anyone would give a fuck about video games?

but capitalism actually works pretty well when it comes to video games?

I am actually shocked OP gut banned because of chapo brigraide.

400+ organic votes

"""SJWs""" demonstrably do not exist.

Although why the jew qoutes