Chapos being Chapos

1  2018-12-18 by gaynazifurry4bernie


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Dang chapos are going way above and beyond any sort of pinging that we ever did.

yeah that's a legit brigade. there's 4 or 5 users just following that dude from sub to sub

Funny they brigraided a post callng oouthir brigrading

It's not like the admins have done anything about it before

Has anyone actually reported proof to the Admins yet, or does everyone just not care enough to do so like me.

The admins don't give a shit about it

Who, guillotineboobs?


And Wil "Male Feminist" Wheaton.

It was just so perfect, someone makes a teary eyed lego man, he writes a teary eyed post about how much he has suffered as a D-list loser and comes here to get all teary a third time. Having a six year old driving was the best part of Galaxy Quest.

Jesus Lawlz just tearing him up was the best thing that's ever happened on reddit.

Lawlz's finest hour.

He really should have kept himself safe and gone out on a high note, it's all downhill from then

Fame went over his head and now we have to suffer his stickies

The paedophile?

Obviously, it's time for a false flag from within Chapo.

The only circumstances in which Reddit does something about a community are:

a. Vox or some other tabloid starts covering them and driving away advertisers, or

b. Members of said community make a powermod with connections to the staff butthurt

A will never happen. B is unlikely because powermods are fellow mentally ill leftys, but given how quickly they are to turn on their own it's still a possibility

It's beyond absurd

I feel like this is the perfect time to approach admins about lifting the r/drama pinging ban. After all, we're the only force on reddit that can make chirpotrouthorse heel. /u/redtaboo you only need to lift the ban and we'll bring balance back to reddit


Seriously wth.

I'd like to see proof of any brigading from CTH. You people treat us like we're the new SRS. We honestly don't give a shit about your beliefs.

we don't give a shit about your beliefs

Then leave you homo.

Nice. Blatant homophobia. I know that you think being needlessly "edgy" is funny now, but you'll change your mind when you turn thirteen.

By the way, I won't leave until you guys stop brigading CTH. Just leave us alone. We haven't tried to bother any of you.

I know this is bait, but I love how bussy-blasted you get things. I appreciate the commitment fam.

You "know this is bait", and yet somehow I know that I'm completely serious.

I'm completely serious


You're like a shittier Pizzashill.

Absolutely no idea who that is.

Then post hog or get out.

how juvenile

That is not me. I'm not mad at all. I'm sitting here with my girlfriend, and we are laughing at all of your stupid posts. It is so funny to us.

A pillow casing with a fave drawn with your mother's lipstick does not constitute as a girlfriend

post hog

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Unironically, here’s my hog.

Now post your bussy.

This is literally the fakest thing overseen on the internet the whole day.

I can assure you, it's not fake at all. We think that it's really, really funny how pathetic and mad you guys are. I'm not mad at all because I don't care, meanwhile you all freak out when you see a socialist.

sitting here with my very real socialist qt3.14 gf laughing at fascists who don’t want to abolish the nations that have protected them and allowed them to live their whole loves everyone is clearly mad that I’m so much smarter than them trolled le fascist centrists epic style

This is unironically how you see yourself it would seem

My girlfriend actually is hot, by the way. She is really, really cute. And very intelligent, though she is a tankie and not a social-democrat (I can forgive that in her case, though usually tankies are fascists). And we are really laughing at your posts here attempting to make fun of me when you know nothing about me, which is very sad.

My girlfriend actually is hot, by the way. She is really, really cute. And very intelligent

Is this a Trump tweet? Horshoe theory in action.


Oh my god once more for the back:


Post your girlfriend's cock. I wanna see it.

I'm sitting here with my girlfriend

Post her feminine hog.

Do you side with Kanye or Drake?

Hes the gluten-freepizzashill

Post bussy

As for your first point, check all the blatant misogyny and ableism on Chapo's part, come to peace with your hypocrisy, then get back to me.

Shut up faggot!

Now bend over and post bussy!

What does Drumpf say? "Fake news".

Oh please set your self equivalent to Donald Trump.

How much set up does he need.

He'll the name gives it away

Please don't leave!! Its so difficult lure lolcows now that we can't ping

That guy was wrong. What he should have said was leave you faggot

Excuse me sweaty but what do you mean "you people?"

I mean the literal fascists who post on this subreddit.

people who don’t agree with my retardation are fascists

This is why nobody takes you seriously.

People who promote nationalism and xenophobia are fascists, but nice try. Conservativism is just the moderate wing of fascism.

Imagine genuinely believing any form of nationalism is fascism.

Today I learned Robespierre was a fucking fascist lmao.

Nationalism is inherently fascist, though not the only component of fascism.

There are two forms of nationalism. Ethnic nationalism which has traditionally been associated with Fascist governments. This originated in Germany in the 19th century. There is French nationalism, which is been rebranded today as patriotism.

French nationalism was the nationalism of the revolution. It was a nationalism based on constitutional and philosophical ideals of equal justice and opportunity. Anyone could be French if they believed in the ideals of the French philosophy. You are by all accounts of nationalist under this definition.

Then again I don't know why I expect a fucking communist to understand basic history

Absolutely false. If you don't want to dismantle all nations, you support bourgeois-nationalism and thus fascism.

Imagine actually believing the founders of the French Revolution are too right wing and unironically calling them fascists because words are too hard.

Nationalism has been coopted to mean "ethnic nationalism" but that is not the only form. Nationalism originated as a philosphical ideal to connect people with common philosophies beyond borders.

Sorry sweaty that history is too nuanced to mold into a bite sized dogma.

Absolutely laughable. Marx proved that nationalism is bourgeois and thus fascist. You should read philosophy and history, it will show that clearly.

Im being baited. The baiter has been baited. Shit.

Of course, you're being baited. Get over yourself. I'm being serious. Marx clearly taught us that the working-class has no nation.

Growing turnips in Russia or Cambodia is basically the same thing.


Nationalism is inherently bourgeois

Ameen brother, Let all bourgeois-nationalist governments fall, the Umma wants to live together under ONE TRUE KHALIFA ☝️🕋

Steel is inherently a gun, though not the only component of a gun.

So every nation on the planet is fascist?

China is fascist now?

Yes, actually. So was the USSR and all other ostensibly 'communist' states. True communists believe in democracy.



What about “guided democracy,” was Sukarno fascist too?

No it’s not you shitty excuse for a leftist

Retard if it was communist it wouldn’t have leaders that have any power over the people therefore there would be no democracy to elect leaders that have power over people.

I know you’re trolling but you at least gotta know the ins and outs of you’re going to dedicate yourself to it this much.

Jesus fucking Christ, kid, read a book or Wikipedia or something. Nationalism is a necessary, but not sufficient, component of fascism. There’s tons of non-fascist nationalist movements, including Marxist-Leninist ones.

Marxism-Leninism is fascism which has co-opted socialist phraseology. Nationalism is inherently fascist, and anyone who supports 'nations' supports fascism by transitive property.

You literally don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.

post hog chud. you have no arguments so you resort to insults. disgusting

Post bussy or be deported, also take 10 minutes to learn the basics of what the words you’re using mean.

post hog. take ten minutes to not be a fascist.

using an inferior copy of bussy posting

Grow some dignity.

"Post hog" is blatantly homophobic and will not be tolerated here. 1. because it dehumanizes gay men, its tantamount to calling an African American a monkey and 2. Because when it is posted you twerps don't even have the decency to appreciate it. Take your homophobic bullshit back to your champagne socialist subreddit. People of color and other historically disenfranchised minorities don't want anything to do with you.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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you need to post hog

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Gotcha, so you think it's acceptable to be homophobic toward people with different political idealologies than you. How very white and privileged of you

Maxist-Leninisim is fascism

Fucking hell words mean nothing now I guess

Not an argument.

transitive property

I see you have taken your 1000-level logic classes. Everyone is very impressed have a cookie.


Stop making up words soy-boy 🤣🤣

"I appeal to Guatemalan illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees by asking them for pictures of their penis, because I am woke."

You mean the MDE Rapefugees? They're lolcows kept here for our own amusement.

No, I mean every regular user here. You have to be kind of fashy to tolerate this place.

there's some of us here who are pretty deep lefty, actually. but our numbers are dwindling by the day :(

Stalin thought he was a leftist too.

well there are literally zero neolibs here since they love decorum and this sub has absolutely none of that

just fyi 99% of the people who post on this sub are just goofing off and trying to get a rise out of people. it's basically the purpose of the entire community

The 'purpose' of this community is propaganidizing for fascists and Nazis.

best way to fight that is to post that hog my man

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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is satire propaganda to you?

"Satire". Being racist and transphobic is NOT satire.

making fun of racist/transphobic people is fun tho

Grow up, stop being bigoted, and read books.

Le read le bread book

that would be a good start

"I actually like faggots"

~Karl Marx, probably.

post hog

But seriously, you're aware that Marx and Engels were homphobes, right?

post hog chud

I'll just post one of your heroes hating on the gays:

I saw a tranny 'vagina' once, which only made me even more disgusted by them.

Grow up


read books.

I do, that's why I'm actually employed and not a chapotard, unlike the userbase of CTH.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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post hod

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Is it because of the bad example set by every other lefty?

You need to stop using fascist as an insult.

I use it when it's accurate to do so.

We're mostly Titoists

We throw commies and fascists from fixed wing aircraft because they are more fuel efficient.

We are radical centrists here, sweaty (◠‿◠✿)

The communist?

There's like two of those.


Yikes! Why are you appropriating redneck culture?

(((Blaq people)))

to Holy fuck you have no self awareness dipship. Every time someone makes a comment about communism or socialism you can almost guarantee you bottom feeders will come out of the woodwork with your hog bullshit.

Read the linked thread for the proof

What dumb 'proof'. Doesn't prove anything.

You mean all of the chapotards brigading that thread, and following that user and commenting on all of his posts ISN'T brigading?

You are so stupid I don't know how you are even still alive.

Jesus, you’ve been huffing your own farts so long that you finally gave in and went to the source by shoving your own head up your ass.

calling yourself a communist

Supporting radlibs

Every time

We don't give a shit about your beliefs

Posts a 3 paragraph comment about how not mad you are when anyone questions your "intelligence"


I'm not mad at all. I'm actually laughing at how stupid you guys are. Your 'insults' don't get to me at all because I know I'm a good person, and I know that you are all just sad people. So I am absolutely not angry.

2 examples in OP

I'd like to see proof of any brigading from CTH.

Open your eyes, retard.

You people treat us like we're the new SRS.

You mean we treat you like a subreddit full of crying and screaming children? Yeah, that sounds about right.

My eyes are open. You should open your mind.

I thought I told you to delete your account.

I'd like to see proof of any brigading from CTH

Try looking at that thread you retard.

Also scope out some of the chapotards profiles - 99% are teenage gamers. That alone should tell you how retarded you all are.

new SRS.

They're not wrong

post hog

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Post hog is just budget post bussy chapotard.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Hilariously sexist, rapey and just all around creepy. Truly champagne comedy.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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None of those constitute 'brigading'. It's just a minority of users. If it was a systemic problem, admins would have banned the sub already.

The third post is a literal call to brigade.

Here's another

Remember when Chapo attempted to take over /r/libertarian like a month ago? That was a brigade.

That's not brigading. It's just a few users who are breaking the rules. Admins would ban subreddit if it was an actual problem. Are you suggesting that the admins are afraid to ban CTH, or that they have some other reason to let them break the rules? That makes no sense. Please, learn how to use logic and facts.

It happens everyday big guy. Any post discussing socialism or communism will have 1000 chapogeeks in the comments masturbating all over the place .

I disagree. You haven't shown me any evidence. You just make wild theories and I'm supposed to trust you? It's sad!

You don't get it, links to hard proof of reality aren't going to change the way he feels. You gotta think like a zealot. It's not brigading if its in the name of the righteous cause.

Fuckwad the proof is all over that thread

You're a sad person

any evidence of brigading


this post

Ah yes if course

The chapo script:

if (!ArgumentWon) cout << "HOG";

/r/drama gotta be mad that they came up with the, "post hog" thing. outside of the context of any politics, that feels a lot like something this sub would latch on to

it's gay, it's pedantic, it's parroted by normies who want to be seen by their internet friends. It's basically a rip-off of, "post bussy" tbh

Always found it a little derivative tbb

I don't drink Diet Bussy, Asspartame is bad for you.

It's also kind of pathetic how mods actually ban you if you post actual hogs. It's like they want to have edgy memes but aren't willing to actually commit to them.

They did actually leave my latest hogpost up, to my surprise.

Like most people, they probably aren't aware that was supposed to be a penis.

Fucking kek, that's a great one.

link hog

it's a good brainlet filter

It's all derivative of tits or gtfo

Hog, like chud is physically cringe inducing verbiage and Spamming it incessantly is what passes for PEAK bantz over at CTH. They use ‘Hog’ to shut down any form of debate with someone who doesn’t fit in their narrow ideological window and I’m saying that as a leftoid. Drama on the other hand uses uses ‘post bussy’ as either a salutation to a fellow dramatard or b8 to try and squeeze a little more sperg out of a spent lolcow.

even drama has way higher standards than that and thats saying something

That chapo post

Fucking christ. Not even the most retarded regular here is that annoying and unfunny.

And we can write some grade A premium USDA choice unfunny annoying bullshit so you know they've really sunk low.

Ed has been banned for more innocuous emoji posting.

Believe it or not we have standards here

Post bussy was more a shibboleth used to alienate people, whereas chapo are just harassing, bullying, intimidating, threataning and just being fuckwits in general as is their nature.

Who the fuck uses C++


Take all programmer humor to the default subs 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻

Sorry sweaty this is an incel sub now 😘😘😘

if u can’t get laid on r/drama ur a volcel

It begins

programmer 'humor'

Begging for dick pics to own the fash

They're a little above righters by not pretending to be straight.

cout << "HOG";

You need an endl; if you want to flush that, loser.

using namespace std;

Absolutely heretical.

Every time I see it: Freshman compsci student detected.

Or someone writing a simple program that doesn't define any namespaces or use anything but the STL

Sophomore CScel detected

Whoa you must know a lot about programming, thanks for informing all of us

You're welcome.

Get off my lawn.

nibba did you just using namespace std; on innocent lurkers

10 minutes. 20 comments.

This is going to be a good thread

It is mostly the_marx sperging out in the bottom most comment.

Yeah gotta milk the lolcow a bit. It's fun.

I thought he was just a troll?

Poe's law and all that

It's hard to tell, Chapo neets do actually communicate like that. Very hard to tell whose a troll or not.

He's for bernie/beto, 100% a troll. No chapocel would ever be for that combo.

Beto’s married into a large west Texas landowning family they would reeee over his selfish ways

He’s just slightly too serious to be real. The true lolcows are the dummies falling for him tbh

He seemed like an obvious troll but I doubt it. If he is, he's committed enough to deserve us taking the bait.

That's kinda where I'm at.

Okay he may be a troll...but he posts full effortposts regularly dozens if not hundreds of times per day in CTH. At a point pretending to be retarded for so long is just...well...

It’s stupid and insane.


Why are magacels so fucking retarded that they have to put their propaganda on fucking everything.

Because they’re totally not snowflakes

conservatives are such retards to get mad over Twitter banning republicans. why don’t you build your own service?

conservatives are such retards to get mad over imgur deleting conservative images. why did they build their own service?

How bussy blasted r u right now? Be honest.

my bussy will remain blasted until Hillarys gussy is blasted in guatanamo

he bussy blasted but he not wrong tbh

something something broken clock

Hell yes brother. See you on voat

voat is controlled opposition. retard

Controlled by who

lol...if you gotta ask..


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If you would also like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension TamperMonkey, or the Firefox extension GreaseMonkey and add this open source script.

Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possibe (hint:use RES), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.

Also, please consider using as an alternative to Reddit as Voat does not censor political content.

because imgur was removing images by them. wheres your fucking narrative now punk ass?

having this much of a victim complex over a one of a thousand image hosting sites


how dare you mock imgur!

womp womp

slimg was funnier, because imgur admins are fat fucks

Imgur fucks up direct links on mobile.

There isn't a rule against pinging someone's username. Even if there was, you'd be banned before anyone else for your constant hate speech.

Wait what? Is chapotard correct can we ping again?

Try it and see.

It's just banned here unless you're on the list.

Oh wow, r/ComedicSans stole our pings

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐

Oh wow, u/ComedicSans stole our pings

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐

How do you get on the list of get someone else on the list?

No we have a lost of people we are allowed to pong, not a list of users who can ping whoever.

Hmm, How do I get my own name on list of people that can be pinged then?

Sacrifice two goats to Christina Aguillera.

We still can't because we ping'd GallowBoob and he freaked out to reddit admins and they dropped the hammer on us.

we should organize a false flag between cth and gallowboob then

It's literally okay when they do it

but I already posted one the last time you asked for that

This is legit the thing that I find most irritating about the dumbfuck hog meme. I posted hog, dude. Enjoy the penis and stop spamming your retarded shit at me.

When someone posts bussy here we at least appreciate it damb.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Thank u 4 ur service, automod. You're the real hero here.

What exactly is "posting bussy"? We talking the whole assests pr just the entrance

What ever ur willing to show bb

I've never seen a group of people so consistently trying to be funny but failing every time.

The left unironically cant meme

so drama uses the post bussy comment

chapo like an edgy 14 year old kid desperately attempting to be cool steals this and reshapes it to post hog.


I dunno wtf is happening anymore.

Lmao, it's not even edgy, they think they're somehow hurting cis males ego by reversing "show us ya tits".

Really changing the world Chapped Arses.

they think they're somehow hurting cis males ego by reversing "show us ya tits"

Lmao really? That's what tankies are only capable of nowadays?

What about armed revolutions and inciting the rage of the working class to topple the rich?

Lmao, it's not even edgy, they think they're somehow hurting cis males ego by reversing "show us ya tits".

Wait are you serious? Is this really the story behind it?

May Allah forgiving me for visiting that place, but yes, the discussion was about how annoyed dude bros get about it.

If a woman asked a man to take his dick out, 99% of guys would.

Steal internet meme

Use it on normie

Be surprised normie doesn't respond to pure autism

What did Chapo mean by this?

tankies creating something of their own lmao


you have been banned from ChapoTrapHouse

This is why we can't ping. Our mods really DO know what's best for us!

Delete your account

Chapo's sexually harass person for penis photos, enter thread where he complains and starts to insult him and ask for more explicit images


Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

:I I've done that on that thread already 😴😴😴

This is like some brainless SS unit just being violent because their leader demands it.

He deserves it

dont they think the post hog thing is emasculating or something

instead of embarrassing

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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i thought people were exaggerating when they said that CTH demographic was 14yo autistic kids

It’s actually 13 year old kids

CTH can ping and brigade and harass people. But somehow, we get in trouble for pinging a power user?


Because it’s not harassment

You can tell that comic was devastatingly on target by how ass blasted it got them.

There, channeled my autism and they finally have some hog. And chapstick mods can't delete it this time.

Every single person downvoting the Marx is a bigger loser then he will ever be


Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

[/r/againsttruehatesubs] ChapoTrapHouse brigades, harasses and threatens with impunity

[/r/drama] Chapos being Chapos

[/r/exposingleftism] ChapoTrapHouse brigades, harasses and threatens with impunity

[/r/reddithascancer] ChapoTrapHouse brigades, harasses and threatens with impunity

[/r/shitpoliticssays] /r/ChapoTrapHouse brigades a WatchRedditDie thread about CPT brigading and harassing users across the site.

[/r/sjwstories] ChapoTrapHouse brigades, harasses and threatens with impunity

[/r/smugressives] ChapoTrapHouse brigades, harasses and threatens with impunity

lmao absolute state of reactionarycels

In the thread: the_marx proves we can get by without pinging by showing up to argue socialist theory in the most retarded place on the internet. Check back next week for another exciting episode of "Fuck me in the ass with a steel rod please santa"

Check those user profiles, all brand new accounts.

Can't wait to see CTH banned lmao

Remember that they got rid of r/neofag for less.