Heard joke once

1  2018-12-19 by MasterLawlz

Boy goes to therapist. Says he's autistic. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a cucked world full of normies and Chads. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Epic shitposter MasterLawlz has a sticky up tonight. Go and read it. That should pick you up." Boy begins to sperg out. Says, "But doctor...I am MasterLawlz.”

Good meme. Everybody upvotes. Cross-posted to /r/drama. Removed.


This, but unironically.


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me too thanks

Holy shit it’s learning

That was way to fast. Collusion.

Oh god theres and army of the.

Volcel if you wouldn't

Those eyebrows look like they have thoughts of their own.

Can someone shop this onto Rorschach's face.

is he holding a raccoon

MasterLawlz has a sticky up tonight

Isn’t this an almost daily occurrence at this point?

pretty much

Do you have like a steam account or something because I think someone as artistic as you would be fun to play grand strategy games with.

theres a fifty fifty if he'd either completely whoop your ass or get so focused on a single unit he doesnt notice you nuking his base

Don't worry I used to do a lot of volunteer work helping the disabled.

Sounds fun, we should do an /r/drama civ game. Ideally with mods for Hitler enabled

I don't know master L seems more like a CK2 kinda guy. You know the type to covert Germany to Jewish using a ruler that is a horse with the bloodline of Atilla the hun and Alexander the Great.


/>presumably not civ 4, the last good civ game


I still play civ3.


Civ3 was good too, Civ4 just has the bombass mods

Yeah but did it have genocide mods like hoi4? How are we supposed to bring the Kekistanis, Tankies, radical centrist and all other tards together without genocide.

True, you can’t get that good “click a button, murder an ethnic group” feel. Paradox has done real well on that front

I do love that ck2, eu4, vic2 and stellaris all offer features for genocide but hoi4 the ww2 simulator doesn't have it in game without mods.

I still play Civ 2. It's been (mostly) downhill from there.

Alpha Centauri gang reporting in

the last one I bought was 5, most of my time is on 4, modded to the point of barely resembling the original country list


I play RFC mods too, so it’s not just countries but whole different mechanics going on too

Unit stacks and corporations were broken af.

1UPT is worse IMO

And I haven’t played vanilla in forever so idk about sushi. Corps can be broken sometimes tho, fair

You know what worked well? Actually having a properly balanced game where the cost to build units and maintain them prevented the stack of doom, like in Civ 1 + 2. It's fucking over for zoomers. It never even began.

Alpha Centauri is best Civ.

Based and redpilled

It's really not as well balanced and tuned as Civ2. Designer Brian Reynolds himself will tell you that. He'll also beat the hell out of you at Twilight Struggle if you have the guts to challenge him. One drop of his sweat has more strategy gaming chad juice than any of us will produce in our lives.

I mostly just play single-player games tbh. The only strategy game I’ve played recently is Bloons Tower Defense 6 on my phone

Have you tried ck2. You seem like the type of person to play as the immortal homosexual norse duck king of Bavaria while raping and pillaging the roman countryside.

I haven't, is it fun?

That depends. Do you spend hours pondering the genetic purity of your kids? Are you willing to cuck your brother in law to insure that your sister produces genetically superior offspring who can marry your own children? Are you prepared to win a crusade for Jerusalem in the name of christ only to then reveal that you were secretly a member of a sunni cult? Are you hoping to kidnap a princess force her to be your concubine until you pump a baby into her and then murder her entire family so that your rape baby can inherit at which point you murder your own child so that his titles pass to you?

If these things appeal to you then you might have what it takes to be a crusader king.

Yawn that's like a regular Tuesday

You can do some real sick shit in the game. I am talking marrying a 18 virgin for love, staying monogamous for life, having 4 to 7 kids, and living a pious life before dying peacefully in your own bed.

Pure degeneracy...

Just imagine that your the Emperor of Alba. You are lying on your deathbed reflect on your life. Your oldest son is a just and benevolent ruler who will inherit your throne. You middle son was always well behaved and godly and he has just been elected Pope. Your youngest son was always a wild child but when your middle son asked him to join the Crusade he found himself and led the Crusader forces in the retaking of the Holy city from the saracen hordes. Now he spends his time ruling justly from his throne in Jerusalem.

You reflect on this one last time as you die cradled in the arms of your loving wife while your daughter and son in law the Emperor of the HRE look on with tears in their eyes.

Almost there...

playing for genetics and not for getting every single claim in existence

Once you have good genes people start throwing titles at you.

Nah dude its all about marrying your 9 year old cousin because she owns some county somewhere in the other side of the HRE

Nah nah nah its all about inviting some dude with a claim you need to court, then matrilineally marrying him to a female relative. Then waiting until they have a male heir of your dynasty, then press daddies claim then kill the father followed by the son. Then you finish it off by marrying the mom because at this point everyone in your family tree should be strong, attractive, and genius.

Nah you got it all wrong, it’s about becoming emperor, inviting every claimant in the world and giving them each one county, and then pressing all their claims

This but with satanic cults and more incest.

Finally we have come to an agreement

Try paradox games, they are the best.


you people don't understand, I'm not stickied in here with you, you're stickied in here with me

Please? Will you allow me? Ladies! Gentlemen! Excuse me if I appear thus alone. I am the Prologue. Since our author is reviving on our stage the masks of ancient comedy, he wishes to restore for you, in part, the old stage customs, and once more he sends me to you. But not, as in the past, to reassure you, saying, “The tears we shed are false, so do not be alarmed by our agonies or violence!” No! No! Our author has endeavoured, rather, to paint for you a slice of life, his only maxim being that the artist is a man, and he must write for men. Truth is his inspiration. Deep-embedded memories stirred one day within his heart, and with real tears he wrote, and marked the time with sighs! Now, then, you will see men love as in real life they love, and you will see true hatred and its bitter fruit. And you will hear

—Tonio, “Pagliacci”

get cultured you dumbfucks

Sorry, I don't speak gabbagool.

wrong, it’s pastagnoli

I’m not falafeling for these semantics games. It’s all Greek to me.

Now, then, you will see men love


la shitpost e finita

Pseud spotted.

Worse: I’m an actual boner fried singer

We can only hope some millionaire fuckboy defenestrates you off of some skyscraper you degenerate scum

except the Comedian wasn't who said this

i know, but rorschach was talking about the comedian when he said it. and rorschach death was pretty nice (he probably didn't even notice he died) compared to the comedian so i picked him.

fair enough

The films were shit but the graphics novel was ok.

I really liked the movie personally

movie is nice as a complimentary material, you get to see live-action recreations of some scenes almost 1-to-1. also idk why that fucking jimi hendrix song (inb4 bob dylan fags) fit the arctic scene so well lmao, if you listen to the lyrics it's like its describing that chapter of the movie. even the wild cat bit.

but obviously there are shortcomings, like the ending sequence, or how the movie fails to communicate a lot of background info. most people who watch the movie only don't know who the minutemen are despite the whole opening bit lmao

idk why that fucking jimi hendrix / bob dylan song fit the arctic scene so well lmao

This, except the lmao. Seems like they picked the song for the name, but it's probably the scene that sticks with me the most.

The movie is fine. A lot of people who think they "understand" the graphic novel hate the movie.

I almost always see brainlet tier arguments.

Doesn't Rorshach tell Dr Blue Balls to kill him?

What I mean is that he didn't experience what dying felt like. He knew he was going to die, but he never experienced it.

You just wanted to let everyone know you know what defenestration means. New flash asshole, everyone does! Its like THE obscure word to the point it isn't obscure anymore.

sweaty, i wouldn't use the word if i didn't think people don't know what it means. i try to keep things simple around here in /r/drama

ill eat your ass faggot

im not joking i've been farting non-stop for an hour and my farts smell like diarrhea so i unless youre into that good luck

im going in

good post

Thank you Lawlz, very cool!

You clown.

This is like an incel Inception. Incelption.

Delete this

I miss Pizzashill

So it goes.

Never know you're in the good times until they're gone.

Bro you need to like get a fucking girlfriend or something, for real.


Try Tinder. Or ask Snally to give you a chance, idk.

Snally plz. Just like give him a handy every couple of months, so he will learn to control himself.


Excuse me, but directly asking Snally is quite gauche. It takes away the thrill of being noticed by senpai.

Can you imagine getting a reacharound handy, while obscure Usenet drama from 1998 is being whispered into your ear??


We're 'shipping mods and the best you got is /u/masterlawlz and /u/snallygaster???

Imagine shipping mods and not just scribbling acrostic poems in a spiral notebook that entwine your name with Snally's like a 14-year old girl would. Wtf is wrong with you?

Have you seen his picture though ... ?

I hate your posts and everyone who likes them is a smooth brained cuck.

I like your posts and everyone who hates them is a smooth brained cuck.


> has no pasta for this

Ed stop Flanderizing yourself

Rorschachtposting is just advanced jokerposting

this is almost as good as when you trolled wil wheaton

Please find yourself a consenting younger Sally Jupiter.

The accumulated filth of all their autism and degeneracy will foam up about their waists and all the chapocels and MDEfugees will look up and shout "Save us!" and I'll whisper "Bussy lmao."