It's over for Chapocels. Admins hand down the ban-hammer for hog-brigades.

1  2018-12-19 by AggravatingInside




You're God damned right. Fucking second rate memers.

I'm so OOTL on this. What even is a hog?

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)



chapocels eternally BTFO

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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So do we tell Snappy to post bussy or hog?

MDEfugees ruined pinging so these retards can run wild. I hope you are happy.

almost 2019

still bitching about imaginary MDEfugees

t. MDEfugee


Mdefugee spotted

Go home, CAnimal

MDEfugees OUT




ITT: buttmad


You did this to yourself

No, retards who couldn't stop pinging every single tranny and he who must not be named did this.

I guess all the drama users who lament the ping ban are all MDEtards then, otherwise who is doing the pinging

MDEs ruined it dumb ass, by coming over here and going over board on the "disenfranchised" by making 10 threads pinging the same people every day.

Otherwise what an unfortunate coincidence that that pings were banned a few months after their user base flocked here and MDE was banned a couple months after pings were banned.

I mean you can believe that if you want, it doesn't make it true.

Every single drama post is filled with non mde users biting are the chomp to ping.

But you're right it was the MDE boogy man who took it away from you

An amazing coincidence indeed.

hope they ban use of chud too

I'm torn on CHUD. It's quite possibly the most toothless and nonsensical insult chosen only due to it's ability to not offend any oppressed/minority classes (the thing 99% of other insults are based off).

BUT it invokes a rage of a 1000 burning suns in me every time I see it and I've noticed other Non-Leftists getting absolutely butt-blasted about it.

It's something about the word. Just how it sounds. God I hate it. But in that regard its actually good for them to use, because it makes me so mad.

Like I actually take time out of my day when I see the word CHUD in a non Chapo subreddit to add a RES-tag to the user that says "actually uses the word CHUD". That's how booty blasted it makes me. I feel pain in my body when I read that retarded word and applying an autism-tag in RES is the only thing that soothes the pain.

I always think of this so it just comes across as making fun of the homeless to me.

That's literally what it's from dude. I can't point to a specific person or time (people have claimed its been a "thing" for decades in some cities) but CHUD is literally a reference to that movie.

It's essentially the perfect Leftist insult as many (the majority) of other slurs/insults are directed at minorities/oppressed. CHUD is therefore woke because instead of just calling someone dumb WHICH IS OFFENSIVE TO PEOPLE WITH MENTAL HANDICAPS they just say you're unfit to even live on the surface and are better off being relegated to a sewer with the other mutant-sewer trash.

So it's just a variation of "troll."

Lawdy those chapos are some real TopMinds.

Post hog lmao

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Two paths:

CHUD stops being an insult because no one uses it and it withers away as the nonbinary saccharine flavour it is.


CHUD gains in popularity, it's the new slang...and people start making it into a proper insult. Like maybe Chud means incel, or maybe chud means white nigger, or anything else.

Without that leading role and without that transformation, Chud will not survive.

Chud seems like a fat redneck

sick reference bro

So in their efforts to create an innofensive offensive word they settled on dehumanisation as inoffensive? Hitler would be proud.

chapo calling other people gross homeless losers o i am laffin

I always think of the former Browns coach whose last name was Chudzinski or something similar.

It makes sense for them to make fun of homeless. They’re edgy rich kids with nothing better to do

Are you retarded? Take pride in yourself, our beliefs allows us to call them fags.

I found this genuinely inspirational.

Snappy quote for sure.

So were not talking about Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers? Yawn

Yes but that's insulting to Harley riders.

Hahaha what a chud.

the sheer quantity of angry corn cobs you smooth-brains emit when exposed to memes from a 65k-member podcast sub is reason enough to keep using them literally forever. like whenever somebody doesn't say le funny retard word you 10 year old chuds actively lose brain cells.

oh wow, thanks for reminding us all about "corn cob binch" god PLEASE MAKE IT STOP

you keep doing this, it's so heckin funny, chief

Aer you booty blasted or just trying to be funny here?

i'm a big fan of drama collectively having a heated gamer moment about the most innocuous leftie insult ever

Yeah. We're all really upset about your lame jokes. We're just mocking you to hide it. He saw through the façade boys, pack it up.

crafting this response in the context of a thread celebrating a victory that no one on chapo gives a shit about

crafting this response in the context of someone having an actual spasm over the word "chud"

belonging to a community that features nonstop heated gamerposts about chapocel brigades

im 😡 so 😡 mad

Terrible response. Very unconvincing.


Why do you think dehumanisation is innocuous?

why do you think being human is a good thing

what’s really heckin funny is that you think you could teach people to not be selfish and go against basic survival instincts to prop up your Communist utopia lmao

imagine earnestposting about muh human nature in this subreddit

this is like the bit the marx is doing but terrible since your a moron and not even putting any soul into it.

*you're, sweetie



It’s called seriousposting, you hog

Also, imagine thinking that the viciously nasty, competitive attitudes of practically every DSA chapter in the country isn’t representing how Communists always act

imagine earnestposting about the word "earnestposting" to own someone making fun of you for earnestposting

This was kinda funny, good job.

if you compliment girls you lose the game you insufferable beta

I make the bux

when the marxist-rooshist uprising happens you'll be the first at the guillotine

Sweet relief

i've never seen someone have a punchable face conveyed through text before.

Lmao you're autistic enough to have filled in your Reddit profile with this:

I am an artist, musician, and well-intentioned idiot. I like math. cheesesteaks are my favorite food. i like light blue.

Ableism is a big no no. Post bussy.

The guy hangs out in tranny subs and a chapotard, you may not want his gommie-ridden bussy.

why cant you guys ever make any original insults lmao

wait who is winning the chapo/drama war again?

neither? drama puts off an air of above-it-all-ness but essentially is just as much of a perpetual-outrage machine as Chapo.

increasingly it seems like modern politics manifests itself into cliques who spend all day accusing their opponents of the same bullshit they do too.

2 sides same coin blah blah.

im biased however I'd atleast give the nod to /r/Drama if i had to pick a winner simply due to the laissez-faire attitude where everything (short of illegality) goes as far as commenting. The left always has similar issues

But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The [CHUDs] have the right to play.

-some french faggot (probably jew)

The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals.

-BASED Teddy K

and bonus ted-pill

“You damn fools!” he shouted. “Don’t you see what the captain and the mates are doing? They’re keeping you occupied with your trivial grievances about blankets and wages and the dog being kicked so that you won’t think about what is really wrong with this ship — that it’s getting farther and farther to the north and we’re all going to be drowned. If just a few of you would come to your senses, get together, and charge the poop deck, we could turn this ship around and save ourselves. But all you do is whine about petty little issues like working conditions and crap games and the right to suck cocks.

apologies if none of this was coherent, but it makes sense to me and ive been back on my Ted-pill kick

How do you rectify taking online communities this seriously and worshipping an anprim?

im mentally ill.

and ted is fuckingbased dude. i dont have any allusions to his type of an-prim society coming or any type of revolution.

he just really nails the problem. i don't think his solution is particularly useful.

also just drawn to manifestos. when i was 15ish i took Mein Kampf out from the library (definitely on a list from that!). When I asked about the particular book since it was held off shelves (presumably to present stealing/vandalism) the librarian quizzically looked at me and asked "doing a research piece for school?". I politely informed her that no, i was just looking to read the book and see what it was about. she gave me a very strange look!

btw dont bother with Breiviks. it's shit. it was like 2000 pages of rambling nonsense about the Knights Templar and all this shit. im pretty sure he later said that it was all copy-pasted from the internet.

if ted is so based how come he never had sex?

huge autist, then mind-fucked by MK-ultra Glow-Niggers.

id fuck young-ted (no homo) he was handsome af.

probably viewed the average foid as worthless and beneath him.

thank you for posting with me

Based and Tedpilled

ted had sex. he's probably really gooda t it too

That degree finally paying off

im mentally ill.

You could have stopped there.

Ted was descriptively right but normatively wrong. The loss of liberty as society becomes more sophisticated is a good thing. Most people can’t handle it, and anyway, people are interested in the appearance of freedom, not in freedom itself.


I think "reconcile" works better here.

sure, I dont know

to be fair, anprim is the only form of anarchism that has any kind of internal logic. most anarchists believe they can find some mythical world where no one is ever coerced into anything, but they still have all of their iphones, video games and industrial infrastructure. at least anprims goal of a stone-age society goal isn't rife with contradictions.


tl;dr: radical centrism now. radical centrism forever.

If you don't detest all politicians you are a shill.

Don't forget, we're also handicapped by nonpinging so the fact that we still edge them out speaks volumes to how inadequate they are

Did longpostbot die or something?

My power went out and I forgot to turn him back on.

LongPostBot is slacking, so here's your gold star ⭐


wonderful poast

Good post

Teddy K

For a second, I thought you meant Ted Kennedy

as soon as people from r/drama started actually posting Hog and there mods deleted it there has really not been a contest.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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I knew the minute cth asked us to post hog that hog would be posted.

I've seen livestock auctions with less hog.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Oh my god. That is horrible. Now I know what it's like to be a marginalized ethnic group on the Internet. I'm gonna go join the DSA.


Actually, I'm Chad.

the real chuds: the urban minorities who got gentrified out of Brooklyn by hipster Chapotards and now have to subsist off of human flesh in the NY subway

I think they cleared out all those subway cities and put in a bunch of over priced studios for another influx of hipsters

"oh wow you're still living AG (Above Ground)? Well... that's cool I guess"

Just replace chud with cuck, its the same thing used in the same context with the same intonation. Also if you see someone type out either one you can immediately dismiss everything else they've ever said because theyre a dipshit.

Seems to have more in common with untermensch than cuck.

I dunno, cuck can be a contextual insult. Chud has no meaning and is just a word used to avoid saying real naughty nono words.

Lmfao shutup chud

Imagine getting triggered by “the most innoffensive insult”

Imagine being a Chapo Trap House listener.

imagine calling yourself a radical centrist ironically or otherwise

Imagine imagine-posting without a valid passport.

Mod senpai enforce the borders😍😍😍

/u/SixxyLizardo has been deported for unpermitted imagine-posting.


Yikes. Soonds like you’re mad. Don’t we not do that here in /r/drama ?

I say we throw them a bone and let them have this one. Socialists had kind of a rough century.

Tever chud

I kind of like CHUD as well. I think it's far better than cuck and as a teen I used to get super baked with my friends and watch cheesy B-movies and do the MST3K thing and CHUD was one of our perennial favorites.

I also really like "racist" as a slur for white people because it elicits the same kind of knee-jerk reaction in white people that "nigger" does for black people and there hasn't really been a slur for mayos that hits home quite like that. I especially like how they have made it into a semantic grey area by redefining the word to include power and privledge so they can claim that only whites can be racist and all whites are racist. I think that in the long run it might actually backfire by diminishing the power of the word and actually turning average everyday white people into "proud racists" because if they can't get away from it they might as well embrace it the same way black culture took back the word nigger in the 80s-90s but currently it's having the desired effect.

I also really like "racist" as a slur for white people because it elicits the same kind of knee-jerk reaction in white people that "nigger" does for black people and there hasn't really been a slur for mayos that hits home quite like that.

So true.

It takes advantage of the "white people mind disease".

Doesn't affect all white cultures but the cultures it does affect tend to be mostly wh*toid.

Yeah, the best idea is to make white people mad while convincing them they have all the power, and since they have it they're already oppressing minorities. And since that's the way it is, all white people are evil.

Yeah, that's not a self-fulfilling prophecy.

C.H.U.D. is a cult-classic B-movie about sewer mutants in NYC, so it might be kind of "retarded" to get your bussy all up in a bundle every single time someone mentions it.

Its the most white middle class insult I have heard. And I remember when every red wine sipping Jenny was saying shit was "pants!". My soul ached every time I heard that accompanied by the Lighthouse Family.

Chud works because it's the personification of the word "stupid". It just makes you think of a really stupid person.

But only chapotards know what the word means so it's a shitty insult.

Sounds like chad, I like it.

The acronym makes it really corny for an insult

But I like it because it sounds like the retarded version of chad

Lol imagine being enraged by a toddler-tier insult designed to not offend anyone.

I'm mostly indifferent to ChapoTrapHouse dipshits, but their "chud" and "hog" memes are embarrassingly flaccid.

So you're actually advocating for censorship in regard to people you don't agree with? Maybe you should reconsider that stance. You all have some irrational fear of CTH. We aren't that bad, guys.

Censorship is good.

but chud is hate speech against homeless people, please be more considerate

hope they ban use of chud too

It obviously wasnt the "post hog" that was the problem, it was the harrassment. They were not only brigrading and pinging (rip) but following op to other subreddits and pming

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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It's such a shitty insult even anime club used it.

I don't care about asking for hogs. "Chud" is ultra-faggy though.

I cant unsee chum and bud combined.

The mods are being forced to nuke pings. I unironically feel their pain.


I would go and console them but they banned me for this.

froibo you monster, how could you?

I would have posted hog if they asked 😢

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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I love this!

You honestly could not handle my bubble bussy

I'll be the one to judge that

Try me, sweaty! 😘

I messaged you/emizeko asking him to come to the thread. Once he’s a participant we can ping him.

We must show Solidarity with our brothers-in-arms against the Oppressive Admins.


Seize the means of harassment

No no no, they had it coming. I also get to laugh because these pussies want to create a revolution and get cucked by Nazi tech bros in their own words for Spez.

Fair lol.

This is the future they chose

so the nazi can scream the N word at people thousands of times but a bacon reference gets you banned, very cool

So the CHUD can use "nigger" in places where the users are ok with the word "nigger" but myself and over 100 other users can't PM someone and tell them to kill themselves????????

Keep yourself safe

Imagine people this fragile trying to start the "revolution" lmao. They'd line us up on the wall and miss from the recoil as they fall on their ass.

Lol, remember this article from a while back?

The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

I hate when people try to write "epic" like this. Oh my god it's so cringy.

temporary form of PTSD

What the fuck does that even mean

"My hands were shaking for like fifteen minutes afterwards and I needed a way to make it sound as dramatic as possible."

His teeth were chattering from the sheer adrenaline a first timer gets off firing a gun and hes never experienced true excitement and if i dare say a feeling of power that guns give. So he being the eternal victim had to dislike adrenaline pumping action pushing you to move and work so it had to be “ptsd” because that comes from guns right soldiers get it and they have guns right?

for a brief moment, I felt powerful, and in control of my own life and it's course... It was terrifying

The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick.


There are videos of preteen girls firing an AR rifle with ease for a nice comparison.

I remember I once went shooting and a shell casing fell down my shirt and burned my chest.

It was still pretty sweet.

Lmao how do you get a bruised shoulder from firing an AR-15? Even 10 year old girls can shoot that rifle without any issues, what a pussy.

There was a response video with a guy shooting an AR-15 from his nose. BTFO

Gun chad

Yeah, wtf?

I did get a bruise once from shooting magnum shells from a shotgun whe I was like 14 but that had quite the kick, especially compared to a 5.56x45mm firing AR 15!

Lmao right I've been bruised once and that was when I was 12 shooting a 12 gauge. First time shooting ever and it's never happened since.

Temporary PTSD? Lol that's the dumbest thing I've read today

Imagine being such a beta pussy that shooting a 5.56 gives you PTSD. Any man worth his salt should be able to fire an anti tank cannon and instantly have the need to jack off afterwards

What kind of fatfuck dumbass isn't prepared for shell casings? Has he never fired a gun of any kind before?

The explosions — loud like a bomb —

tell me this dumb faggot was at least wearing ear protection

He was. In the video he was wearing it

I don't think they seem to understand that they shouldn't brigade subs.

the "very cool" implies this post is at least partially satire.

Are those even a thing? Coontown and all related subreddits were purged like 2 years ago. Or are they complaining about hiphopheads?

what’s giving good life advice have to fo with bacon tho

lol CTH immediately plays victim

b-b-but Nazis say the N word on Reddit all the time!

Imagine being jealous of a 14 year old being edgy on the internet.

Imagine using Nazis dropping slurs as a defense.

Don't use the N word!

Nickelback! There, I said it! What now bitch?!


What the fuck is wrong with you? 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢






Sir, this is a family sub


im gonna say the nono word

no! you can't say the n-word!




wtf i was supposed to say the nono word



Though to be fair most of the people niggering right now are not nazis but basketball American rappers and such.

i mean

why wouldn’t they lol

Why do white people always care about who gets to say the N word?

Beats me

What word?



Because we created it faggot.

Capitalism strikes again

When the administrators allow blatant hate-subreddits, and allow people to spout racist, transphobic, and xenophobic nonsense, yet ban someone from CTH for doing basically nothing, how are they not the 'victim?

Save it for the next announcement thread, faggot. I'm sure the admins will totally listen next time.

The administrators won't listen because they are tech bros who are in bed with white supremacy.

same tbh

Who is the power bottom in this scenario?

This could be us, but you’re busy being homophobic.

Hard to be a homophobe with a hog in my ass sweaty.

Power mods. It's right there in the name.

Everyone in /r/drama

You're god damn right 🤩

Unironic use of "techbros"

/r/autism ← Right this way, sir.

Post bussy or GTFO.

Show Bussy

Maybe it would be more effective if he added "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DONALD!!!"

"i used the word faggot im edgy and non-pc!"

no one considers faggot edgy, faggot

leave then idiot. nobody cares about your opinion except for the freakazoid geekazoid losers on /r/drama

Wow to imply we care about you, that is quite mean of chapotards


What a fag!!! Ya Nancy

Sexual harassment is worse than hate speech.

Post your hog is catcalling and it is illegal.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Lol jc.

unpopular opinion: it wasn't funny at all & pretty weak trolling tbh

This is the real crime. I couldn't give a fuck less about them coming here to brigade or about nazi hate speech or harassment or insults or any little ticky tacky crybaby bullshit but they aren't even funny or witty in the slightest. When you can't even banter as well as the lowest bar there is (MDE) you've got a real problem.

racist, "transphobic" and "xenophobic" are all good things though

"Bpt is so racist bro"

Because hating people isn't against Reddit's rules while brigading is...



Basically nothing, so getting chased across Reddit by hundreds of users is basically nothing. Fuck out of here with your whiny mayo tears.




allow people to spout racist, transphobic, and xenophobic nonsense

These concepts can be stretched arbitrarily to be used as mind control on a given populace by tyrannical authoritarian governments and corporations.

This is decades old news.

Cool me once :D

how are they not the 'victim?

Chapo brigades the shit out of other subs all the time. They are not a victim just because the admins are handing out suspensions.

Even if you think brigading hate subs is okay, Chapo pretty much brigades anything they disagree with. Including, say, /r/legaladvice threads on landlords.



Stop using made-up words

Poor poors

The chapotard cries out as he asks for your hog

🐷 He can have mine; I'm only concerned about the declining cow population

He definitely cries out when he gets it. 😎

it seems that most in that thread dont give a shit

c O p E

Yes you can tell by how many comments need removed that they totally aren't mad.

i mean

why wouldn’t they lol

It's like the fall of the Paris Commune all over again

The American fascist-imperialist military-industrial racist sexist ableist complex strikes again!

Pork is no longer halal

The peaches are no longer frozen.

Chapo trolling is so pathetic and toothless I'm honestly shocked anyone gave enough of a shit to ban them for it.

I'm not sure that's true. The attack on r/libertarian totally changed the sub. You will now be banned from the sub I you complain about the mods or their actions there.

Sounds like a utopian drean

Isn't that exactly what happened to Andrew Ryan?

Nah, he chose to kill himself rather than become a true dictatator.

Took over /r/Philadelphia too.

Hey just like late stage capitalism epic

The only thing non-libertarian about that is that the mods do it for free

dude hog lmao

Next step, quarantine

Why were chapotards obsessed with this guy?

Still are, that subreddit is/was flooding with pings

As to why he post saying that they brigrade after the campaign that was "capitalism makes game bad" invasion of pcgaming.

Essentially the person they are pinging and following sub to sub posted this.

Queue entire thread gets brigaded with "post hog xD" since that seems to be the height of comedy with CTH. Then same OP runs to /r/watchredditdie to post about CTH brigading and stalking them, saying he gets between 25-50 messages an hour. Once again "dude hug lmao." I have no idea why CTH lost their tendies over such a post.

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Absolutely fucking pathetically overused. Fucking mindless drones and they, are completely not aware of how annoying they look?

Hopefully the admins go a step further and we can get some good drama out of it

The guy took to twitter to moan about the post hog thing and one of the ppl from the podcast responded telling him to post hog

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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I don't understand any of these words.

/r/Drama is a boomer-free zone grandpa! Let us zoomers zoom in peace.

Ok kids. Have fun. Be home for dinner.



Okay Obama

Dee John mustard is icky!!! 🤢🤢🤢And gommulist. No thank you sweaty😤



The showers🚿


Hog means dick right

It's a slur for a homosexual's penis. It's basically like calling a black person a monkey

Post chimp.


Meta question, but isn't it hypocritical for r/Drama to celebrate the loss of ping privileges of another sub while still being all "It's over for pingcels"? 🤔

Even if said sub is full of left-wing MDEgenerates. Aka chapotards

It's not like if we stood in solidarity with them we'd get pinging back.

It's over for self-deprecating-cels


Exactly. Its not happening here at least the idiots there can’t have fun either.

Chapo needs to be burned and salted.

That is a very fair point. And tbh, I'm low-key happy that the post hog movement has taken a blow. 😁

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Post hog

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Post bussy


>/pol/ /r/Drama is one person

hmmmm nah

Chapotards like mdegenerates are not real people. So no

Misery loves company

Imagine dying on the hill of the shittiest "meme" you could concoct.

Anyone else genuinely torn between hoping we don't lose one of the finest lolcow ranches on the internet, and finding them so annoying and retarded that you hope admins ban the whole sub? I mean, there would be a lot of hilarious drama from CTH being banned, too...



fucking lmao

Chapocels are so lame that they get only a three day ban.


Bussy -1 Hog - 0

how does bussy have negative points?!?

Boo hoo, all we did was brigade and break site wide rules, meanwhile Nazis are saying the nword!!!11

Niggerfaggots rise up.

Now there's a name I have not heard in a long, long time

Finaly, the Day of the Hog has begun!


I don't really get it. Why/for who was bacon insulting? Or what do they mean by it? I am out of the loop.

Its their hog meme

The ultimate humor is in how we basically wasted two weeks of some dipshit chud's life on clicking the report button on reddit.

Is it just me or does PKs posts somehow get worse and worse as time goes on?

He can't rinse so he just gets dirtier and dirtier

PK ventured deep into the Chapo sub and went native.

The abyss gazed back into him.

Early-onset schizophrenia

The best part is when he says anyone else takes reddit too seriously.

But when will they ban baseball references

Hog 0 - Bussy 1

Only fair since we aren't allowed to ping either.

And your daily reminder that "post hog" is just the cultural appropriation of "post bussy".

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Chapocels confirmed as the real cultural imperialists.

so when they keep doing it can we report them and get them banned entirely lol

ELI5 on the hog thing?




Holy shit, that was about time.

Holy shit those losers are just sad. No wonder mother nature in California started burning them all to death .

im out the loop. whaddi-miss?

so wait, were they banned because bacon is haraam or something?

idgi, shit’s weird