BLM student fears racist mayos, so gets woke Chinese exchange dorm-mate . What's the worst that can happen?

1  2018-12-20 by friend1y


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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People of color can't be racist, retards.

You people are the racists ones. Don't get triggered because it's starting to get pointed out.

I think you have it a bit confused. We're rapists, not racists. Hope that clears things up :)

We're rapists, not racists.

Hey, I am not a male feminist. Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby.

We're rapists, not racists



You didn't even read the article. Didn't even click.


Why would he Smh link the reddit sperg outs nerd

Stop being a fascist

Your LARPing is impressive, you must be very proud!

Do you retards still think this cunt is LARPing?

Literally no one has ever put this much effort into trolling. Ever.

Autism is a powerful motivator

You'd know, I suppose.

Honestly it's much more comforting to believe he's LARPing.

I'm a little curious: I thought the whole enough X spam thing was for pointing out when brigading or other leakage from a subreddit happens.

Is it now literally just "any time someone posts in their sub"?

I had sex with an Asian twink. I can't be racist.

Fuck off, mayo. Nobody cares what you basic whitebois think.

You are literally the only user of that sub who isn't a "brigading" /r/drama user.

Several users have messaged me and thanked me for creating that subreddit. People are honestly tired of this subreddit and its brigading. It was made yesterday and already has over fifty subscribers. By this time next month, it will be over one-thousand.

Let me tell you. r/drama is the Worst subreddit. The worst!

this but unironically

this but actually. also, OP is clearly a racist and an IDWtard, and that's who OP is.

So why isn't there a single comment not removed for being from a /r/drama user?

Are you just trying to make me upset?

I would say you became upset when you made your very own echo chamber subreddit for the specific purpose of gathering up a brigade of other like minded brainlets to "attack" posts you don't like.


come @ me :p

Man. I’ve been low before. Like, you-think-you-know-rock-bottom Low. Where you’re selling blowjobs to truckers just hoping to put enough food in your belly to counteract all the jizz. The kind of low that seems utterly hopeless.

But then you come upon someone unironically bragging about fifty subscribers, and suddenly shit doesn’t look so bad anymore.

Fiddy Surbscribaz for ma surbreedit

Did they get up and clap on the bus too?


This novelty account is wearing thin. Maybe get a hobby?

I love you 😍

They can be to wypipo, which this thread clearly is guilty of with the use of "mayo". I'm just glad the good people of /r/enoughdramaspam are brave enough to stand against reverse racism.

You should be ashamed.

Shut up mayo

I think it's just that one guy who's bizarrely obsessed with us.

jury is still out on if the_Marx is just masterclass bait or not

no festive gay men celebrating the Christmas

The Virgin /r/enoughdramaspam

Imagine being baited by chapocels.


set to private


"Yang was last seen boarding a plane back to China to get a new passport. He was last heard shout "Fuck you Brack Peepl!"

Lul, ditto

I thought it was going to be the Predator handshake*

*Not racist

Royal black, yang chinese. You can’t this shit up people

In seriousness if they were pals and spent a few years as roommates then it sounds like the Chinese kid ended up developing some serious mental health issues. Would you room with somebody you loathe enough to kill, let alone believe is inferior by virtue of their birth, across the entirety of your college career? Hell no.

Imagine being a hard working Chinese student that gets to come to America to study chemistry. You work hard to be a good student. Your roommate is an African Studies major (no joke from Royal's linked in) that seemingly has everything handed to him and doesn't have to do any work.

It's like the Odd Couple, but worse.

Imagine thinking that that's grounds to kill em via poison

No kidding, if it was gender studies I would understand.

It's not? WHEW Golly gee! You just saved me a whole heaping of trouble!

in case you're retarded, this is a joke

Imagine downvoting Snally.


Rooming with somebody who has more "privilege" than somebody is an excuse for slowly poisoning them, and a better explanation as to why the victim was poisoned over mental illness? Have you ever lived with somebody beyond your immediate family? You clearly haven't had much experience with the adult world as somebody who still gets upset over the fact that somebody who seemingly "doesn't have to work for it" gets a leg up over someone who "doesn't have to do any work".

Rooming with somebody who has more "privilege" than somebody is an excuse for slowly poisoning them[.]

I think you nailed it.

You have more 'privilege' than me, so I can't answer you massa.

You do realize a lot of Chinese exchange students in the US come from extremely wealthy families?

Tell us about the class struggle.

Where does it say that the black guy refused mayoid roommates though?


Where's the evidence that Royal requested a nonwhite roommate? The news story you linked was compelling since it's a story of betrayal and a long-term murder attempt. It didn't need that embellishment unless it's true. Which it might be but this story didn't say that.

You sound racist.

whatever, faggot

And homophobic.

Are you one of those girls that's hot for serial killers?

To be fair, having white roommates would drive any sane person to mayocide. When they repeatedly rage out at you for not doing drugs with them, it's only generous to give them the gift of thallium.

In seriousness if they were pals and spent a few years as roommates then it sounds like the Chinese kid ended up developing some serious mental health issues.

Or, which is more likely, he just couldn't handle holding up the charade anymore and broke inside. Maybe he really tried in the beginning but couldnt handle it anymore, and his inner resentment and entitlement(because china duh) made him just wanting to have the other guy disappear

the Chinese kid ended up developing some serious mental health issues

must be all the thallium

Literally nothing in the article suggests that the victim requested a POC roommate. I appreciate the dramatic news, but this is blatant agendaposting and OP should try to become the first man to swim the English Channel while wearing a wetsuit made out of lead.

Please do not bring facts into the agendapost thank you!

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

you're no fun anymore

Positive Karma: Poisoning Jamal Ginsberg, the hasidic homeboy

That is extremely petty. I wonder what went down before this kid broke and decided to poison his roommate.

IDK, but I can say this: the suspect’s alibi (that he bought thallium to commit suicide with if he did badly in school) is pathetic. Thallium is used for murder because it kills gradually and painfully. That makes it possible to pass the murder off as a disease. It isn’t what anyone who knows anything about chemistry—like, say, a chemistry major—would use to KHS.

Especially weak since he's Chinese. Any Chinese worth his salt knows he should drink weed killer or burn coal in his room to end it.

Imagine being so annoying that your roommate wants to poison you to death

lmfao I was not prepared for that headline

Me Chinese, me play joke, me put thallium in your coke.

Best comment in the whole thread. This sub is too much fun for reddit now. It's been fun but this place is toast

Chinks hate niggers more than mayo do. Shame Chong got caught.

Riddle me this: Why is your link like Communism?

Glorious Associated Press is officially state funded, like Pravda but better.

The answer was because it doesn't work but now it does and its ruining my schtick fuck

The real link has never been tried?

based chink

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A Chinese person who doesn't like black folks so much? This is my shocked face. Can you see the shock? I'm very shocked.

MDEcels probably think Chinese people are too racist.

lmao of course it's some shaun king mayo looking dude.