Whiteoids triggered in /r/neoliberal

1  2018-12-23 by BigBrownDog12


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Get em snappy.

white guy exists lol fragile mayo hangs self

Is neoliberalism the most hateable/punchable ideology? The only thing stopping most people from hating them is that they don't know they exist.

Idk TradCons are worse

All the guys I bullied in school turned out to be neolibs, coincidence?

Chapos are worse imo, neolibs smugpost in private

Who's worse?

Socialists who believe that everyone deserves a reasonable standard-of-living.

Capitalists who side with big-business over the interests of the working-class, and who inevitably side with fascism over leftism when the time comes.

Socialists who believe that shooting people for having the temerity to be myopic is a worthwhile cost on the road to utopia

Fascists aren't people.

True, we've ascended above you mere humanoids

I mean if you define people with glasses as fascists, you got me.

Why did you name your account after Marx? Do you think any of Das Kapital is applicable today?

I think that the entirety of Capital held and still holds true.

the_marx | /r/enoughdramaspam

Imagine using translated names for works

Okay, seripus question, do you seriously think the concept of proletariat and bourgesie makes sense in the modern world? Modern economiies are far too complicated to be defined as employer and employee IMO.

He thinks literally everything is fascism so yes

Real fascist like, uhh, a two year old Estonian child

And neither are you.

Newborns deserve to have their brains bashed out against a chankiri tree

Got it

Damn this socialism thing sounds really cool thinkin about becoming a socialist can you direct me to any places where I can see it in action?

I don't play with punks like you.

Excellent call comrade, I wouldn't have engaged with that reactionary either.

I agree comrade! brutalist two bed, one bath apartments for all families and 1500 kCal allotment a day for all!

This is not an actual argument. You know nothing about what socialism entails. People would have better standards-of-living than they do now.

the_marx | /r/enoughdramaspam

Better than first world or third world standards?

Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq

I'm honored to have this level of autism in my thread

Unoriginal bait or unoriginal lolcow?

and who inevitably side with fascism over leftism when the time comes.

check out all this fascist, corporate squints gay pride branding


Corporate appropriation of the struggles of disadvantaged minorities is akin to fascism, and it's weird that you would argue the opposite.

the_marx | /r/enoughdramaspam

I think it's cool that you're against Pepsi portraying black people as regular Americans during the 30s

That's actually how the Nazis acquired the Swastika symbol; Hitler appropriated symbology from the oppressed Hindus struggling against the British Raj. If the Nazis were around today I wonder if they would appropriate the Star of David.

I don't know which one is worse, but Nazism is, without a doubt, the best.

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lmao why are dramatards triggered by this, it's pretty cool.

You've become boring.

Chapos are rich kids getting useless degrees who generically, safely, whitely rebel. Neoliberals are rich kids getting useless degrees who aren't even manly enough to do that

True but the hosts of chapo actively despise the subreddit which puts it up a notch imo

bullshit, these motherfuckers are the reason why that sub is so retarded in the first place, /r/CTH sucks because of CTH podcast and the other way around, them 'hating' that sub is just virtue signalling on their part, because while they do not think all non-syndicalist mayos should be shot on the spot, they have some really stupid uninformed opinions that border on them being tankies (like 60s Cuba executing dissenting families is the same if lesser evil than the US police states)

reminder that their patreon makes more than $100,000 a month

Neoliberalism is closer to the center than most of reddits pet ideologies.

U just jelly neolibs are winning

They really aren't though? Being optimistic about neoliberalism's political future is like being smug that you just bought all of last season's top designer fashions.

First of all, who buys clothes? What are a retard or something? Just join a nudist colony.

Secondly what's replacing neoliberalism? Jeb?

  1. I I don't have anything to say for myself. You're right. I concede.

  2. Right now it seems to be a mix of old school leftism and what people are calling "populism". But since it's a work in progress we will have to wait and see.

Eh, it's definitely on the decline in Europe. Macron is the only one left and he's hilariously unpopular and the yellow vests have him by the balls.

It was always going to happen though, since neoliberalism isn't even a real ideology beyond 'we should reduce trade barriers', when it's that vague you can claim everything as a victory.

Maybe it'll be replaced by some other kind of capitalism, who even knows, but I do know every ideology that claimed to be 'inevitable' or 'final' has been relegated to the rubbish heap of history.

Secondly what's replacing neoliberalism? Jeb?

/r/neoliberal love Jeb though.

The left: Neoliberalism is a failed Ideology!!

Also the left: Neoliberals completely control the Government of every successful and powerful country, and unquestionably dominate the world economy in every metric imaginable!

Can any group that unfunny and lame be considered to be winning?

Neolibs can defeat any ideology by giving people actual cancer from their shit memes. So yes sweaty, neolibs are winning.

Second only to marxism in the number of insufferable grad students

this but 100% nonironic

That's a shitty use of the meme, and the meme wasn't good to begin with. Garbage as usual, as to be expected from /r/neoliberal

Mayo detected

Close, but no cigar.

Yeah whites tend to enjoy opium based products

DAE white people and fentanyl 😂😂🤣😂🤣

t. coping mayoöid

white is a state of mind

RLM fanboy doesn't like it when people try to have fun with the prequels. Shocking

Lmao dis mayo mad

not even sorting by controversial


Also, r/neoliberal can't meme. the succs have taken over. Draco2020

Oh man, that makes me want to make a bot that reads in alt-right account posts - stuff like incel accounts, red pill stuff, and other angry white guy fodder - and spits out total alt-right nonsense in comment sections. I could call it IncoherentNazi.

The whole point of it would be to mock the alt right because I hate those people, but I'm afraid the nuances would be lost if say an employer found it.

Not going near those toxic opinions.

Also, to be clear, eff the alt right.

"This has made me so angry, I'm thinking about making a bot! But that could be bad for my career, so I'm not going to. Still! Also, eff the alt right! The fupping back stewards!"

yeah, the memes on /r/neoliberal are really low energy basic bitch /r/politicalhumor nowadays and I say that as a regular

I'll let you in on a secret. The discord server is 100x better.

i still like the place though, mainly DT, i just think the memes are shit because they try to attract normies with them and indoctrinate them, not realizing they're losing what made them good in the first place

The subreddit owner got banned from the discord and it was pretty spicy