r/drama gets bullied by gamingcircilejerk

1  2018-12-25 by Faze-Cumshot


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Drama posters are smug shits who've been run out of /r/subbredditdrama for not taking internet fights seriously enough.

GCJ posters are smug shits who've been run out of /r/gaming for taking video game internet fights too seriously.

Its smug posters all the way down

GCJ posters are smug shits who've been run out of /r/gaming for taking video game internet fights too seriously.

This but also KiA

Yea, except the KiA guys are also racists.

It was already implied that they're gamers

Yea, except the KiA guys are also somewhat open about being racists.


Also apparently pedophiles too.

nearly everyone who hated kia and made themselves an internet personality ended up being a rl pedo or rapist, not even exaggerating

KiA literally thinks child porn possession should be legal because of free speech.

With that amount of projection, I'd guess you're a paedo. Have some child porn.

Yeah, no.

no they dont lol people believe some dumb shit about that sub just because it attracts every dork that likes games

thats a bit of a stretch, they just dont like censorship with excuses

Defending child porn to own the anti-free speech libs

lol no as long as its a real thing and not just an excuse like misogyny or white supremacy

Because anyone who gets famous by being “anti-X” invariably turns out to be worse than whatever X itself was. Doot’s Law.

Case in point, Hitler got famous by being anti-Jew, and turned out to be infinitely worse than the Jews.

thanks for coming back so I can laugh at you more

who even are you lmao

not even exaggerating

have you seen the list of "anti gamergate guy busted for rape and child porn"? theres more entries than youd think

Does the list include the entirety of ghazi or whatever other anti GG subs are floating around?


no kia got banned from /r/gaming outright

Good for them

Agreeing with the mdefugee? It really is a Christmas miracle.

lol im just saying it exists because nerds that take games too seriously banned them for pretend misogyny

because one of the mods was a rl patreon supporter of the fat woman

the more you know

Circlejerk subs are all terrible, they start out as funny memes then devolve into “check how how sexist this default subreddit is” over and over and over

There was a time where moviescirclejerk was the best film subreddit on this site, it was hilarious and let you voice opinions you never could on other subs, then it went to total shit and was only about social justice all the time. MCJ during the release of Interstellar was fucking hilarious and I never saw it quite as funny ever again.

Metaljerk still is the same spammy jokes it ever vvas.

Even metaljerk is full of false last couple years

Is /r/stfs still alive by the way? I've lost access to it since I had to delete my old account. :(

Barely, at best a couple threads per week. Should just make it open again, was more fun when lolcovvs would sperg out there anyway

Is avelucifer still around?

r/circlejerk still produces the best content on reddit

That's because, like /drama, they make fun of everyone. Picking sides is for the weak.

Whoa, r/MasterLawls VS r/MasterBlaster


Its MasterBasterd ya twit

I'm sorry that you have a lamer name than r/MasterBlaster

Admittedly, a good name, but not as good as the Master of the Basterds

Hmm, do you at least ride on someone's back?

Yeah, some bastard

How dare you downvote giant brain centristism?

It's ironic you dubmbass

No u

Where can I buy that globe.


Yeah I remember going on mcj years ago fairly frequently until it got boring. One day a few years later I went back to see what was going on and its fucking godawful. I can't even keep their retarded hivemind straight anymore, they used to shit on popular movies but now because "the right" hates on star wars they love it, despite the fact /r/movies praises that shit to hell and back already.

It reminds me of lewronggeneration, where eventually the counterjerk got so strong that they were unironically defending terrible bubblegum pop music ("Ke$ha is literally a better songwriter than Mozart!") just to own the rock snobs of /r/music.

How did that sub handle Kanye's political awakening?

kesha got them sick beats tho fr

I thought you were the dead one and was sad for a minute.

It should've been pizzashill

dramatard2? idk, nobody that interesting...

And they really act like it's serious business. There are so much worse things going on

I wonder why subs always have so much material to point out is sexist

Pretty easy when you think everyone and everything is.

ooooor... you're so close

Unironic smugposters should Kurt cobain themselves

Women are the inferior sex.

Lol, yeah that just be why they link to fucking YouTube or go full Negareddit and don't even link to anything and just do full strawman DAE posts.

only about social justice all the time

I remember that happening. The weird thing was that it was only like 1 or 2 people who would constantly spam SRS-style callout posts and they still managed to dominate the whole place in just a few months. Why did Lord Nolan foresake MCJ?

it was only like 1 or 2 people who would constantly spam SRS-style callout posts and they still managed to dominate the whole place in just a few months.

any community that does not explicitly resist this will eventually be consumed by this

idk what and I don’t care but it’s the truth

The smaller circlejerk subs are pretty nice. Once any sub gets too big it goes to shit.

Circlejerk subs for very specific things like /r/hearthstonecirclejerk/ are often funny.

is there any all purpose anti-metasub? One that's fun and not retarded like src? If not I've started /r/MetaJerks

Have you seen r/beatlescirclejerk

This wasn't even a Reddit jerk. They're (un) jerking about YouTube comments

uj/ we aren’t actually trumpers right?


I hate reaction gifs even more than I hate SRDines.

Lmao what the actual fuck. These guys need to re-examine their entire lives.


Imagine playing and sort of video game and thinking you're allowed to have opinions. Opinions are for adults you keep playing Battlefield V

Fine, but I'm only playing as Axis forces. Ur not my real dad.

BF4 > The last couple games

Enjoy your hot pile of shit

BF3 over everything ya cunt.

Enjoy your hot pile of shit

You right though. 😭

BF3 was good be BF4 was honestly a solid improvement despite the rushed release bugs. I just wish we could have free melee back so I could knife people constantly without having to worry about some shitty qta fucking me over, especially since we can't knife people while they're on turrets anymore

Every time I stab someone on BFV they just turn around and shoot me lol. It's got the the basics of a great game they just keep making massive PR mistakes and pissing on their own fans.

That said, I'm still playing the shit out of it lol

I saw the same issues with BF1. Dice and EA are more concerned about churning quick cash grabs instead of quality games. If they had simply give those two games more time in development with less sway given to woketards and neckbeards we would be enjoying fun games that aren't buggy messes hastily slapped together. Ffs, they resorted to using Trevor Noah and some random instathot for their most recent half baked attempt at marketing their latest game. I'm glad I stuck with BF4, it may be a buggy clusterfuck but it's a fun buggy clusterfuck where I can enjoy Battlefield's signature brand of fuckery without having the SJWs vs. screeching neckbeards shit rammed down my throat

Looks like I need to buy BF4 then lol

Be sure to get it with Premium or in one of the bundles that comes with the DLC. The DLC is pretty nice, from the extra weapons/gadgets to the maps (some of which are retro maps that have revamped)

Badass, I didnt think they'd still have the servers going honestly. I'll have to check it out

>he isn't aware that Bad Company 2 is the only good DICE game in the last decade

Enjoy your 24/7 Metro servers, USAS frag rounds, and atomic flashlights.

Jokes on you bub, I unironically enjoyed all those things lol


Funny, I see more mixed playlists than 24/7 metro/locker servers. As far as USAS fraggers go? Well, ever you considered killing the motherfuckers before they kill you? Works like a charm

BF2 > the rest

lmao at these fucking faggots

theyre so confused at what this sub even is

I don't think most users here know what this sub is


as it should be

happy cake day you fat fuck

This. This is what our sub about. Well, and bussy

It's obviously a battleground between the far-left, left, and far-right. Where some, i assume, are trying to post drama.

Where some, i assume, are trying to post drama.



We are a radical centrist subreddit

The only """far right""" we get are Trump supporters like myself, who are clearly moderate leftists like Trump.

I want Daddy to dick me down

Well you're only human.

The real drama was inside us all along

imagine reddit as the ruins of modern society after a collapse, r/drama is the battlelands where the armies of disease-ridden, deformed mutants vie for dominance over a pile of dirt and canned sardines in a world of shit

A place to find cute pics of platypi and dinosaurs

>not coming here for the tay pics and staying for the dinosaurs and platypi

newtards ruining everything

The worst/best sub

And that's a good thing

Most of them don't even know what their sub is.

Anyone who types /uj and /rj is a pompous douche.

It's /s but smugger

What did you expect? GCJ is SRD for vidya.

$20 says gcj posters overlap with cb2 and comedycemetery

/s is for autistic retards that can't tell sarcasm over text.

You know...Redditors.

/s annoys me, it's basically the poster saying "I think everyone else is too dumb to understand sarcasm"

That's true tho

Actually, it’s the internet equivalent of obnoxiously yelling “JUST KIDDING!” everytime you make a “joke”. And people always defend it by going “but what if people don’t get it?” as if downvotes are a legitimate fear. If people don’t get it, it was either shit “sarcasm” or your audience is too dumb for sarcasm.

/tips fedora

What is this nerd speak shit you guys are using.

Please explain for the baby boomers.



Why would you ever not be jerking in a circlejerk? Rude

*sheathes katana*

It's so they dont hurt each other during the stupidity. It's for their own safety, truly.

/uj I agree

/r/Drama exposed!??!?!!??!!?!!????!

I know, why would anyone ever follow the actual rules or a subreddit for their comments? How fucking stupid are they right now?

Imagine a subreddit so stupid they need to have rules to so they know when a comment is serious or a joke.

It doesn't seem so stupid to advise people they might want to indicate when their opinion is a parody

when so many actual opinions are so fucking stupid nobody with a basic sense of rationality would consider it.

bitch your life is a parody

Then at least I'm having a good time.

Being a GCJ user is a guaranteed tell that you are some non-binary queer retard that spends all their time being suicidal because war games don't include lady noodles.

Weeding out people who can't tell if something is a joke seems like a good way to keep up the quality of the subreddit.

We do the same thing here on r/drama. Some rightoid will think they've found their people when they see us shit on the leftoids and they'll sperg out about how Hitler was a socialist. They get roasted.


Nah, mate. If your subreddit contains two groups of people where one of those groups would parody a certain idea, while the other would unironically hold that opinion, it needs to off itself.

Stop arguing on /r/Drama

I mean, I don't have a clue when someone is ironic on this sub at all. /s /s

That's even worse


it's over for dramacels

Did it ever really begin?

Life starts at conception

Should have used contraception...

Postnatal abortions when?

Now, they're free and only slightly painful provided you swing the baby hard enough :/)

Lol at them denying seriousposting.
"We were just pretending to be offended and piss our pants over YouTube comments, you ratard."


how will we recover bros??

I'm not sure we can. We targeted gamers. GAMERS. This is just another boss level to them.

Careful, they might beat their wives like that fortnite guy!

Oh who am I kidding, gamers on reddit are incel virgins.

It's over for incel-cels within cells within cells interlinked.

If every comment starts with /uj then proceeds to whine about YouTube comments and internet Nazis is it really a circlejerk sub?

is it really a circlejerk sub?

Well yeah, just unironically. They are literally just circle-jerking about how they are supposedly not...

Shit they got us. Shut it down guys, we gotta turn r/gcj into an international politics sub now.

Shit they got us. Shut it down guys

This kind of comment needs to be properly catalogued as one of those advanced cancer reddit comments a la "its almost as if", "thanks for the gold kind stranger" etc.

is that 4chan for imagine?

lol r/drama got trolled good. Trolled by a bunch of virgin incel gamers, how pathetic can r/drama get?

The comments where they state what r/drama is about are painfully ignorant. I want to correct them so badly but leaving them in ignorance helps milk those fat lolcows. I'm conflicted

Drama is a video game confirmed

/uj gcj is the new Chapo

/rj le bussy lmao

Where your sub is one giant bit

except when r/Drama touches your bussy.

r/Drama is basically just /r/MDE but dumber at this point, which is a real achievement.

And they have the audacity to imply that we are a hate sub. Unbelievable.

man that pisses me off, this is not a hate sub, it's crypto-hate

Well we do make fun of buttcoiners a lot

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

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I mean there's a first time for everything, but seriously now

being this new

Lol, le my sweet summer child reaction gif to this comment! 🤣

I already have to deal with enough layers of sarcasm and ironic shitposting here. I can't begin to understand a discussion of a drama thread in a circlejerk subreddit.

What even is that sub?

All you need to know is that they don't believe in the very real reality of the upcoming mayocide, which is extremely haram. Also, they're nerds who want to fight over having better opinions about movies than other nerds who have popular opinions about movies.

Basically, a mayo infestation that needs to be uprooted.


uj / I'm a faggot

rj / I'm a faggot

GCJ has been unjerked for a long time. In it's earliest days it accurately made fun of gaming hysterias but quickly devolved into something more like SRD and constant serious posting. At the beginning most everything was satire and everyone posted in jest, but not anymore. They unjerked themselves into another circlejerk, they've gone full circle if you will

there's one thing we can agree on: Geraldo bussy when?

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Fucking Chapo-tards.




Anyone who says chud unironically needs to be first out of the helicopter tbh

Tee-hee post le hog xd

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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Too true.

This is why we need pinging. Imagine the shitfest we could cause with a simple line of "No, you're a fucking retard" comments

lol if you aren’t banned from that sub already

Every time one of them goes /uj just so they can spaff out their worthless opinion out for a bit of validation it makes me want to bash my face into my keyboard. Just stick to your unfunny bit. Nobody cares what your super srs opinion is.