1  2018-12-26 by kier00


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Who the fuck am I supposed to support? Cory Booker? That bitch who sold us out and stopped us from getting cheap drugs from Canada? Kamala Harris? Fuck that.

Which one of the current batch of DNC candidates is most likely to emrace the middle of the US without looking like they need to shower afterwards? Biden? Beto?

biden's definitly gonna embrace the middle of the us

1:30 has to be the worst part of this video.




Why had zozbot lost its rainbow magic?

I almost threw up a little

Biden wrote the first draft of the patriot act fuck him and his billionaire heiress wife with a rusty spike.

Is that supposed to be bad or are you making fun of that reddit anti authority thing

Hot take

And don't forget Beto's father-in-law is a Real Estate magnate worth a cool $20 billion). I'm sure this guy is real in touch with the concerns of working class Americans.

Hey! I'll have you know that his daddy made him get the Platinum F-150 when he clearly wanted the King Ranch edition!

I think the creepy kiddie videos will sink him.

Republicans: Because the Dems just can't not be retarded.

If Trump gets a primary challanger I'll vote for them (at least in the primary).

Tulsi. She's vaguely brown and used to serve in the army. I don't know shit else about her but she's hot af so she could win.

Mayoness aside, old nerds + flavor of the month guy who already lost one high-profile election is a pretty uninspiring trio. I suppose these are probably the same people who thought John "😴😴😴" Kerry was a good idea in 2004.

It is all name recognition right now. I think Warren would easily be in the top three had she not outed herself as a mayo.

She tried to circle the wagons but ended up tomahawking her campaign.

circle the wagons

That's when everyone cums on the same biscuit right?

Only 1023/1024 mayo.

Oh yeah speaking of I just saw this article two weeks back


Jesus fucking christ

John Kerry looked good on paper. Lots of experience in politics + war veteran, which should have been a big selling point since 2004 was the election where Iraq was the peak issue.

What the Dems didn’t expect was team Bush to be savage as fuck in destroying Kerry’s military service. Looking back, it’s fucking nuts how the spin machine turned the Vietnam combat vet with a Purple Heart into the coward in the media.

DNC: "How can we not fuck up the 2020 election and defeat the easily beatable Trump?"

Strategist: "Run a center-left candidate that will appeal to middle America as well as the coast?"

DNC: "No. This isn't 2008."

Strategist: "Ok....uh, run a brown woman who will make shaming white people and men the basis of her campaign?"

DNC: "...Fuck yeah."

lol 6 more years

We elected a black president in 2008 and 2012, we nominated a woman in 2016, so why are we now back with three white men at the top of the polls?”

Ummm.......you want to win?

Idpol is fucking retarded I swear

what's that gif, the coach celebrating a 0-0 tie?

Yes. One of the worst college football games played this century. Right up there with Auburn and Mississippi State's 3-2 game.


Ah yes, the Baby I'm Burnin game.

That's Frank Beamer, former Virginia Tech coach. He's celebrating the opponent, Wake Forest, missing a FG and sending the game to overtime.

Wake would proceed to win 6-3 in double OT.

Looks like Frank Boomer

just watched the highlights, not a tie, very disappointing. they went into OT after going 0-0 in regulation and just kicked FGs.

Upvoted for Beamer

It's over for Kamala-cels

I'm sure she's a nice person, but I'm not sold. How does a california woman of color, who has likely never spent any meaningful time more than 60 miles from an ocean convince a man living in the heartland she can relate and has his best interests.

how did Trump do it

by talking at 3rd grade level


Idk. Its weird but he love bulshitting to regular folk. when he comes here to Iowa for one of his "rallies" he acts like he's hanging out with old friends and starts weaving enormous dragon slaying tales. then people talk to him and he tries to be empathetic, they shake his hand, and he literally eats up the attention. And the crowd just eats up the fact he actually seems to care enough to acknowledge them.

Obama could do it to but differently.

Obama could do it to but differently with class

If you consider drinking beer out of a mug, instead of sipping a 25 year single malt scotch, neat, in a proper tumbler classy, then sure.

> thinking alcohol === class

Ew. Staight edge go home

I know right? Cocaine is classy though. Have you ever let a stripper blow a bump up your asshole? Anything done in the embassy suites is classy

Webshit, out, out OUT !

>using PHP's equality operators

Deallocate yourself

scotch in a tumbler

How to easily spot the guy that never drinks scotch.

Remember when the media lost it a few months ago when he made a quip about some woman getting a free yacht when it washed up into her yard due to the hurricane? Stuff like that.

By not being a cunt like HRC?

She doesn’t have to relate. She just has to tell him that she knows what’s best for him and it would be ignorant of him to ignore that.

Yes, that worked amazingly well the last time some dried up gussy tried it. "Basket of Deplorables 2.0" isn't going to win any more elections than the original did.

Sounds like it’s time for You-Know-Who to make her triumphal entrance into the primaries!



Hillary/Huma 2020

Huma is pretty fuckin hot. Anthony really screwed the pooch on that one.

he screwed way more than just the pooch

I will never forgive him for cheating on a milf like that.

She's about 30 years too old for his preference

Carlos Danger was only a Beard for Huma to keep her true relationship with Hilldawg on the down low. A seiner needs to play. Can you blame him?

Hillary/the preachiest, least charismatic member of Chapo. Also, for maximum drama, Trump should replace pence with kushner, and McAfee should run as a libertarian openly admitting he murdered that guy

McAfee should run as a libertarian openly admitting he murdered that guy

I think that would be the greatest hope. Only a troll candidate can defeat a troll president. What if buttcoin reaches $1,000,000 by 2020 and McAfee is a quadzillaaire?

It's impossible still. He wouldn't enter the office until January, which means he can't make Bitcoin the official US currency until then. He's gonna have to choppy choppy yummy yummy.

McAffee/Scaramucci 2020

"Fuck it, you could do worse"

Hillary/the preachiest, least charismatic member of Chapo.

That podcast absolutely vehemently hates her though?


I know. That makes it more dramatic

Hillary/Chelsea 2020. Two Clinton women are better than one!

3 Clintons. Bill always said him and hilary were a package deal even when he was running for president

Spend decades building a diverse coalition under the Democrat brand. Get to the point where minorities are breathing down your neck and trying to wrest control of the Democratic party. Nominate old white men. Lose.

It's pretty hilarious watching these white democrats get eaten by their golem. It's like they couldn't predict that mass demographic change would lead to a 28 year old bartender with zero experience beating a decades long career politician because she had a spicy last name.

I mean both sides are dealing with that too. Republicans have spent so much time pandering to morons that the strongest indicator of political preference is level of education. Now we have a party that is so woke, and another that is so dumb and racist it's pretty much made politics unbearable.


Trump’s voters made more money than Hillary voters and IQ/income are highly correlated - https://pumpkinperson.com/2016/02/11/the-incredible-correlation-between-iq-income/

It depends on whether by stupid you mean less educated or lower IQ. As a radical centrist I have both no education and a very low IQ. Take that, extremists. 😎

IQ/income are highly correlated

When you control for other stuff, like age, you imbecile.

I....you do realize IQ means intelligence QUOTIENT, right? It accounts for your intelligence based upon your age. In fact, it's a rather crucial bit of info required for finding your IQ. It already accounts for age.

Now I get what you're trying to say, but age was literally the one option you could not have chosen. But damn, you fool. You must really want to be right here. 😂😂😂

Did you forget that IQ accounts for age?

Damn you must really want to be right here 😂

Trump voters are not a random group of people. They have certain characteristic, like being older than the average and so on.

This means that when one study control for bias, like age, the two distributions are fundamentally different and you can't use the result of one group to extrapolate on another group.

That's basic statistic, you idiot.

HAHAHA dude. Literally how do you measure IQ? I am not a Trump supporter and I never have been, but you HAVE to admit that the actual process for measuring IQ takes in account your intelligence compared to your age. It is specifically accounted for in the process for measuring IQ because THEY ASK FOR YOUR AGE. If it is true that an IQ of a higher number is proportional to a higher income level, then that is true for any person with a higher IQ of someone compared to someone else their age with a lower IQ.

HAHAHA dude. Literally how do you measure IQ? I am not a Trump supporter and I never have been, but you HAVE to admit that the actual process for measuring IQ takes in account your intelligence compared to your age.

This is the state of bullet hell land education. You unironically, unshitpostingly deserve trump.

You are perfect for this subreddit. Keep going.

You are perfect for this subreddit.

no u

I bet you went through community college and your mommy did all your homework 😂😂

I bet you went through community college

Hey, my country is civilised, we only have community college except for a few stuff. We just weed 80% out at the end of the first year.

your mommy did all your homework

>My mother

>Caring about her children.


Anything less than mommy doing your homework is not caring? 😂😂 Did she stop wiping your ass too and that made you grumpy wumpy?

You unironically made me angry for a few second, get your upvote for managing to get under my skin.

Yes, but income doesn't. People tend to make more money as they get older, up to a certain point. So if there is a group that skews older and wealthier, it doesn't necessarily mean anything about IQ.

You seem like a nice enough individual. Let me have my moment milking my lolcow.

Now we have a party that is so woke, and another that is so dumb and racist it's pretty much made politics unbearable.

So what you're saying is that we have two parties that are dumb and racist.

It's a tough competition to be the dumbest.

While true, morons will always make a majority of the country. Brown morons will not.

both sides

But actual question, what do you think moderates are going to do if both parties keep up their races to the idiot wings? Stop voting? Give up and just pick a side? Or is there a legitimate possibility of a meaningful center party/coalition emerging?

Can't win if they nominate a white guy. Can't win if they do.






The guy who lost is a candidate?

The DNC has made failure the foundation of their platform. He's the logical choice here.

Trump ran and dropped out in the past

Elect him and Texas turns blue.

Funny, that's what they said right before the Zodiac Killer whipped his dick out and pissed all over his dreams of being a senator. He can't beat Ted Cruz, quite possibly the single most hated human being in the universe after Donald Trump, in a senate race and you seriously think he should run for president?

Cruz only won because of gerrymandering.

How hard can you C0PE


Damn starewide gerrymandering.

you can't just use keywords without understanding what it means.

We are talking about SENATE elections here dumbass.

SENATE doesn't have the problem of gerrymandering. HOUSE does.

Senate is a different political process. In senate, every state has a minimum of 2 senators no matter how big or small they are. All that matters in a senate is higher vote count than your political opponent.

This means Wyoming, despite having only about 500k something population, get 2 senators.

This is also the reason why Vermont, the state with about 620k population get 2 senators too.

you can't just use keywords without understanding what it means

Then what's the point?

But why am I forced to choose between two California Democrats for Senate rather than giving a vote to Beto? Gerrymandering, that’s why.

>for the senate

How can one man be this wrong

If they had made the Texas borders to include more Mexico land then the 2018 elections would have had more brown people and Beto would have won. It's gerrymandering!

And who controlled Congress in 1848? Repukes that’s who. Gerrymandering all the way.


You mean his scaly hemipenis?

i mean, i certainly got the impression he was an oxygen thief, but didn't think he'd be able to give an entire state hypoxic cyanosis

Well at least he tries to pretend he's not mayo.

You guys ready for the onslaught of articles about the Women Hating Beto Bros in a few months?

I would love it. One of my acquaintance supported Beto like crazy during the election, and I would pay to see how he internalize all the hate Beto receives if that happens.

trump will run as a democrat in 2020. screenshot this.

It's over for white males

It never began for envycels.

how do you sleep at night?

On my bed!

can i come?

You are more annoying than MasterLawlz.


I hope you fall in love and then she cucks you with a male prostitute

Yeah man, sometimes our burden gets really heavy. It is fucking tiring as shit.



Wait, the guy who lost to Ted Cruz is a top 3 candidate for President?

And the other two are in their late 70s 😎😎😎

This is clearly a sign that we need to think outside the box to defeat Daddy.

John Kerry 2020

This might sound crazy but hear me out, have we considered clinton?

You're suggesting it might finally be Socks' turn? Not cool man, he literally died waiting for it.

It's finally time for Nader

fucking white MEN. Just... how dare they

Dems worry: What if we actually win this thing?

God I'm glad I left that party.

MFW the Jew who literally participated in the civil rights movement gets dismissed for being a white dude


Yeah but MLK was a white supremacist, his ideology was colorblind.

I want to see biden sweet whisper into Don Jrs. head hole.

Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) 

A senile old man, a socialist and a candidate who just lost his local race.

Top candidates

Democrats could easily win office if they ran Kamala as president and Biden as vice. Kamala is dark, so she would get the black voters. She's Asian, so she would also get the asian voters. She a women, so she would get the bussy vote. And then because Biden, she would get all the moderate votes.

If only we judged our candidates by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
