Happy New Years /r/drama!

1  2019-01-01 by MasterLawlz

My New Years resolution is to post more stickies. Not better ones, just significantly more. I think that the main issue people have had with them in the past was their scarcity and I’m 100% dedicated to fixing that.

Here’s to a stickier 2019!


user reports:
1: It's targeted harassment at someone else
1: Please no more of this unfunny twat
1: lawlz sticky

At this stage I am simply curious what it'll take for someone to get fed up and remove him.

You should make it to get a life lmao

what the fuck are you some mountain time pleb

I’m central time but forgot to post it at midnight

You had literally one job smh

I was busy pissing in some bar instead of getting wasted enough to actually talk to a human woman, that’s how I spend New Year’s Eve

Tfw ur in the same time zone as lawlz

He lives in Dallas.

It's been 2019 for 2 hours and there are fewer stickies up by you than there have ever been in 2018. I've never seen anyone fuck their NYR up this fast.

I love ur stickies lawlz

Thanks buddy, me too

Daily stickies? Twice daily stickies?

That’s making me all sticky tbh 😉

This thread is moving so slow I can finally come out as gay with confidence knowing I'll be seen and accepted for what I am

Post bussy.


Just because nobody else has done it yet.

I'm glad the people appreciate my Lawlz gif, lol

I'm glad the people appreciate my Lawlz gif, lol

That's like saying, "boy these starving homelesses sure can eat!" They're desperate for new Lawlz content. There's a void in the market.

This post made me sticky daddy lawlz.

Why haven't you posted in DeuxCHAT yet Lawlz? We miss you.


Aha! You follow Pacific Time!

Happy new years to you too autist.

Quantity over quality. It worked for the Indians.

Yikes!!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮
