The Times food critic Giles Coren made a fake Twitter account to send himself anti-Semitic abuse.

1  2019-01-01 by IntoTheDepthsMine


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. This Post -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor

Too real, snappy.

Lol, wtf does this bot get its thoughts from.

Goren is spot on in his dislike of Poles but he is also a Jew. Which means you're forced to choose between two equally unappealing sides

I sense pasta

Jews and Pole own, GTFO you soviet srdine

As Stalin did you can commit as many war crimes as you like so long as you win the war.

As Bibi does


Based Poland will Save Europe

Who the fuck uses "yid"? I don't think this rootless cosmopolitan even bothered to visit 4chan once in his life to see the idiots he is afraid of.

Ah yes, the much prophesied literal soup Nazi...

Apparently "soup Nazi" was just a Seinfeld joke

Such a misuse of the word 'Nazi' it's so insensitive, and takes away from the words real meaning ans message: right wing supporters.

I think you mean anyone right of Mao.

No jokes against my boy Lmao!!!!! šŸ˜’šŸ˜”šŸ˜ 

So, the ā€œsoup naziā€ was a real person and the writer often bought soup there. Needless to say, the ā€œsoup naziā€ was not pleased with his portrayal in the episode. Seinfeld issued him a sarcastic apology when dining there after the episode aired.

Interesting! I never knew that.

Though he couldnā€™t have been that displeased, he tried to start a soup franchise on the back of his new found fame:

Lol holy shit he is real life

Seinfeld issued him a sarcastic apology

Every word Seinfeld utters sounds like sarcasm.

is this the same guy who fatshamed his own son

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing

Probably his poison taster

He admitted later he'd made the whole thing up and is son was in fact not a fatty

Maybe it was his daughter

I honestly doubt he's ever fathered a legitimate child

wow is anything real anymore.

wtf i love him now

Why isn't it a bad thing?

As if Jews donā€™t get enough abuse in itself

There have been attempts throughout history by numerous civilizations to root out witchcraft. Is that in your mind a compelling reason to believe that witchcraft is something to be concerned about?


Haha, so you are concerned about hexes and potent spells at least you're consistent.

I don't want any icky Jews stealing my baby and using his blood for their Talmudic magic.

Joke's on you, you're not the real father

I think we finally solved witchcraft, though there still are some wiccans around. I wouldnā€™t complain if they finished those tacky losers off just for the overall aesthetic and graveyard safety wins.

I find this shocking and extremely anti Semitic.

Maybe you can do some wheeling and dealing and get a nice seat at the front of the train

I'd rather be the conductor from Belgium to.....

They deserve it.

Never been hassled by the police

Never had problems getting a job

Never had problems getting an apartment

Never grew up in a ghetto in America

Never been told how "well-spoken you are"

lmao yeah "oppressed minorities" please, kvetch on

I got a feeling 2019 will top 2018 in terms of autism some how

The graph for autism doesn't plateau. It just keeps going

fairs mate

Exponential even

It's asymptotic. The math somehow breaks down every year

It's a 45 degree line



Nah fam from the looks of things itā€™s exponential

The increase in autism per year depends on the amount of autism in the previous year, so you're probably right.

No, a function that depends on the 12 previous values can still be linear.

2019 off to a great start

This is 4 days old drama

It's over for 2018cels

Damn vaccines are back at it

Eh, sure it's kinda pussy to create an alt to go at people on Twitter, but after that all I see is some dude trying to use PC shit to get his competitor fired.

I mean Giles Coren has never claimed to that he is being "harassed" or some shit by this alt account has he?

This seems like some psyop. I clicked on 'forgot password' link and it did show up his partially censored email address which is supposedly his times account.

First of all, why would you use your employer's account for this shit? Secondly, it seems like twitter doesn't allow two accounts with the same email Id in the first place. One way to bypass this is by using Gmail and putting dots in between characters. But then again, this isn't Gmail and even if he found a workaround with this times account, why would he go through all effort when he can make a burner account from Gmail or something else.

So either he used his real times account solely for the alt or he created a new times account with the same two starting characters to make this fake account. It doesn't make sense either way. This seems a bit too convenient combined with the fact that the person calling him out got eight thousand of likes + retweets despite this journalistcel having an average like + retweets count of less than 300

Don't underestimate how retarded people are when it comes to online anonymity. He wanted sweet victim cred but also was too much of a pussy to defend his wife with his real account

He's a cowardly dumbass

Ya, many out themselves due to Internet illiteracy but he had to deliberately go through some hoops to put himself in this position which seems sketchy. Willing to change my mind on this though because I have no clue what the fuck he is

The only hoop is being lazy and reusing an email. He doesn't get paid to be clever about technology

He can't reuse the email which is why it look suspicious. Twitter doesn't allow you to bind an email to more than one account.

Or he just happened to make his original twitter account with a different e-mail, such as his personal e-mail instead of his work e-mail, like most people would. You are way overthinking this.

You're overthinking it.

He used his personal email for his Twitter. Then for his burner he used the most convenient other email he had, his work email.

Yep, he could have created a burner but he was so afraid of missing out on juicy drama that he used his work email.

He may be among us right now, he is that pathetic and stupid šŸ˜³

I guess you are right. Just checked and apparently that account was made in 2012. No way anyone is gonna wait this long to frame someone. He could claim that someone with an old inactive account decided to screw him but it still wouldn't explain the account name referring to a character in his book

Just checked and apparently that account was made in 2012. No way anyone is gonna wait this long to frame someone.

You can change your username and email without changing the account age. I'm not saying that's what happened here though.

Inb4 longpost bot roasting me


One way to bypass this is by using Gmail and putting dots in between characters. But then again, this isn't Gmail

Just an FYI, but this works for Google Apps for Business email accounts too. No idea if nyt uses it tho.

Giles Coren is just about a household name in England. He's presented several TV shows, and he's probably the second most famous food critic.

One way to bypass this is by using Gmail and putting dots in between characters.

How do you mean? Does gmail treat any number of .'s as a single "."? So that emails to "[email protected]" go to "[email protected]"?

Ya, Gmail treats it as the same but twitter doesn't thereby practically allowing you to have the same Gmail account id for multiple twitter accounts. But anyway, this fake account was made in 2012 so it is likely his alt account considering the "coincidence" with the name of a character in his book. I had wrongly assumed it was a less than an a year old account made by a troll.

Interesting. Does the same trick work with reddit accounts?

I doubt he talks to his boss through Twitter

Just going by his twatter posts, it seems that he has.

As the guy says, Giles won't be fired, but he will be a laughing stock.

a real chad would make alts to give himself false praise

Watcha doin Rabbi?

He can always get a job here as a pasta critic.

We need to classify people who seek victimhood as mentally ill, the same way we classify people who regularly fake injury/illness to seek medical attention for them or their kids

Quick! Someone make up a witty term!


The powerhouse of the hell

Youā€™re suffering from a Mental Bitchness

Reasons Trump won.



Which is just a long way of saying hes Jewish

Real it in a little bit, Richard Spencer, we don't want to be put on a watch list.

I can tell you've never been to Auschwitz and visited Block 5 - Evidence of Crime. There are giant stacks of eyeglasses, hair, children's toys, and prosthetics all taken from Jews that entered the camp. I can tell you, it's one of the most intense human experiences I've ever felt. I was so overwhelmed with emotion, I could barely find my words to ask the docent, "What's the wholesale price on these?"

During WWII, many soldiers nicknamed their flamethrowers "Auschwitz."

Holy shit I was just about to post a single line comment in all caps about the walls lack of blue colouring and then got to the end, well done Moshe.

Uh, thatā€™s me?



And yet this guy is running alt accounts where he is throwing anti-semitic insults at himself. But I guess Auschwitz caused him to do that.

That .... actually sounds like a good idea.
Like social Munchhausen's or something. Get Miriam Webster on this.

He's British. The Oxford English dictionary using him as an example

Munchausen's By Internet is becoming a thing

We need to classify people who seek victimhood as mentally ill

But that's at least 40% of mayo foids šŸ˜Æ

So be it.


sounds about right

this but unironically unironically

People like this just used to get fired, and so life went on.

Can't we just go back to that instead?

We need to classify people who seek victimhood as mentally ill


Don't worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to keep reporters safe.

In Minecraft?

Freedom of the press doesn't mean freedom from consequences, sweaty :)

that's a quote

>food critic


OY VEY! Only starting a conversation!

If I had a dollar every time (((they))) made up stories like this, I'd have enough to live in Israel and have at least 3 other citizenships.

That's not that much tbf.

I've read Giles coren for years. Id be more surprised if he didn't. He is a monumental arse and it shows in his columns

t. mayo

It's to be expected of Conservatives


What are ya fuckin gay

lol i bet that faggot has a bookmark

bet he goes home from a satisfying and accomplished day at work into his loving boyfriend's arm who supports him and his life goals and cuddles him until they fall asleep together content with each other

the fucking bender

Bussy lmao

lol britbongers are so stupid

Please share some of this arseholish writing.

He's kinda hot (in a middle aged dad way) but really fucking stupid. Remember that time he joked about raping his neighbour's 12 year old son? You've got to be pretty thick to make that sort of joke when you're in the public eye.

nah you dont

Yeah he's insufferable

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Happy Holidays Commander!


The title of OPs post is wrong. Just read the screenshots in that tweet. He wasn't sending himself abuse.

He was astroturfing with an account pretending to be a third party who accuses his critics of antisemitism. Thereby adding false appearance of independence to the accusation.

"Yeah you fucking tell him. you nailed that fucking uppity Jew boy good and proper last night and now he plays the typical nicey nicey Yid card. Fucking kike bastard. Shouldn't be allowed on the BBC AT ALL!!!!"

Ya, it really looks like he was accusing his critics of being antisemitic... lol

How odd that the same people who screech about the US nazi regimes death squads rounding up brown people for gassing have to resort to making up bullshit like this šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

"The house oriental salad was more refreshing vegetables, shredded, tossed with strips of jellyfish and then sesame oil for backbone (which the jellyfish, famously, does not have)."

Swing and a miss.

Giles Coren

Why does that name sound familiar? Has he been featured in a drama here previously?

We were talking about the Salem witch trials yesterday, where Giles Corey got killed. It's probably that.

Nah, I remember him from some other racism drama from a few months ago. It was posted on this sub.

He's a posh twat who doesn't like Polish people for some reason, probably something to do with that.

What a great way to start the year.


Don't you mean


Whatcha doin, Rabbi?

I for one welcome the self flagellating Jew.

There should be a milder version of r/hatecrimehoaxes, maybe something like r/hatehoaxes that's just about people sending themselves fake hate spam.

Jewish journalists are the scum of the earth and do their best to turn me anti semitic when I like jewish people in general

Rule Number 1 of the Zionist Playbook: You can't play the victim without a bad guy to point at.

he has described Elephant and Castle - an area Iā€™m writing about rn which is predominantly Latin American and African - in dogwhistle terms as ā€œa stabby shitehole of staggering grimnessā€

Yeah, that's not dogwhistle. Elephant and Castle is grim as fuck. Giles Coren is still massive wanker though.

since oppression is a social currency now, i wonder just how much "bigotry" is fabricated.

Seems like for every legit hate crime there are 10 fakes.

what you doin rabbi?

Looks like he deleted all the tweets on that alt account