Daddy weighs in on Elizabeth Warren's 2020 campaign

1  2019-01-03 by FTFallen


This is the one thing he's good at

Tweeting things other people made?

No, just being a pretty good shit talker when it comes to elections.

*shit repeater

If you want to be pedantic then sure

Ya its not shit talking unless its OC.


Crooked Hillary, Lyin Ted, Little Marco. . .truly a master of laying down the smackdown

Do you guys think he came up with all of those names himself? Or did his PR consultant help him?

Honestly, yeah. It's not like any of them are particularly high-brow and it's hard to imagine any reputable PR firm signing off on any of this. It's way easier to imagine DJT going rogue and shooting his mouth off.

Now Hillary on the other hand. She had the slick PR firms and all the consultants she could want and the best she came up with was "Pokemon Go to the Polls."

Mariachi band

Pretty sure it was Bannon and the digital team. They came up with his stupid catch phrases "Lock her up", "Drain the swamp", and so on.

Wow, so much revisionist history. I think you'll also find that Hilldawg of the People also enjoys just chilling in Cedar Rapids and carries a $1.29 bottle of hot sauce in her purse just like your abuelita. She's basically a blue-collar worker.

Implying he has a PR consultant

He definitely had one but he fired her and I don't know if he got a replacement.

daddy does everything by himself

I think what makes his insults effective is the fact that he puts little thought into it, just let them go, and keep the ones that stick. He constant tested his insults during his rallies. As opposed to people like Hillary who probably has 20 people on salary brainstorm one insult.

he develop this character he’s playing now when he starred in smack down

"Justin from Canada"

It's their new legally recognized names, so clearly it's effective lol.

it would be kinda hot if Daddy made this himself

Simply seeing him able to open illustrator would make me spray myself.

Watching him make a Pepe meme would probably make every moid in America cum buckets

He doesn't know how to rotate text in Paint.

Watching boomers use computers is my personal Vietnam.


That billionaire is so dumb, guize! Not like me, I know how to use the Adobe suite

this niggas entire post history is "Daddy was born rich so he cant be stupid!!!!!" lmfao

Impromptu poetry read:

Subconsciously, I will perceive a black person "carrying themselves" more dangerously than a white person, even holding everything else equal.


Edit: Aaannd I'm banned from posting in this gay ass sub. How do you like dem apples.

You don't how other people will think


Til doing a return of 1000% or more on an initial loan of 1million is “a simple feat”

You're off by multiple orders of magnitude on the returns. 1 mil (his loan) -> 3.1 bil (current net worth, approx.) is 301,000% return on investment, assuming both of those numbers are accurate. The thing is, they are not accurate, because he did not only get "a small loan of one million dollars" to get where he is today.

He inherited over a billion dollars (adjusted) from his parents, and got approximately a 150-170% return on it. Not bad, but also not particularly complex. It really is a simple feat doubling that amount of money.

You want to see investing genius, look at Warren Buffet. He's first generation wealth, wasn't very rich growing up at all, and currently has 80 billion and change. That's pretty much all self-made money.

Unfortunately, Buffet's also a damn dirty liberal pinko commie, so unfortunately he deserves scorn and ridicule while Daddy deserves a dick-sucking. Sad!

Fuggg i meant 1000x return not %

Ima Mathcel now


i cant believe people still believe the "small loan of a million dollars" thing

Hes a stable genius

"he has to be smart because he's rich"

  • poor people

He may be rich and have a hotter wife than I'll ever get, but can he use Adobe's line of products?

Checkmate Blumph!

The absolute cringe in this sub

He ain't gonna borrow you Ivanka, buddy. Maybe Tiffany


he ain't gonna fuck you bro

This wouldn't be that hard in MS Paint

> thinks creating this in raster isn't actually dumber than not knowing how to use illustrator

I'm not saying Trump would be smart for using MS Paint

Nah, Ben Shapiro owned Warren with FAX and an AR-15, Trump left the watermark in

It's got a watermark on it for the Daily Wire.

I use memes other people made to express my individuality 😍

He's got an eye for the(arguably) good ones and (arguably) impeccable timing.

Don't forget to come up for air while blowing him.

There is nothing new under the sun. I applaud Daddy for reposting top-shelf shitposts and not the dregs that other politicians go with when they try.

Though TBH OC weirdo sperging out like Rand Paul did a couple weeks ago is good too.

Memes are better when they're short.

Daddy can't read anything longer than five words.

Match made in shitposting heaven.

V. good point -- probably why the right is better at meming than the left overall (even if just marginally so)

Drumpf BTFO

Internet troll

But to be fair, he's excellent at it.

He's a fantastic shitposter

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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I love how Trump successfully baited Warren into this.

Into what?

Into showing America how much of a race-baiting retard she is.

She's a race baiting retard? Somehow his tweet didn't show me that.

Probably because you're also a retard.


Bantz knocked him out!

Is he going to be okay doctor?

Yes, after the transition surgery he will he a happy and healthy girl (male). That will make their tendency to faint under stress adorable rather than embarrassing.

Ffs your flair is perfect for this comment.


The proper term is special needs thank you. I’m so special they even gave me my own bus.

On this blessed day*

Three whole months ago, Warren decided that the cornerstone of her political career needed to be on the basis of her (questionable) Native American ancestry. The audience is supposed to be aware of this context.

She must've been hitting that peace pipe damned hard to think releasing those test results was going to help her in literally any fashion.

Imagine thinking checking a box on a job application is race baiting and/or the cornerstone of your political career.

Nobody genuinely cared about job application stuff from decades ago. This wouldn't have amounted to anything if Warren hadn't taken the bait and put herself in a no-win situation with the DNA test.

Huh? Didn't she take the test because republicans went full birther on her and then daddy promised to give money to a charity if she did?

What outcome on the test would have possibly been advantageous for her?

Could a person with enough intelligence to be President seriously believe that Trump wasn't lying when he promised to donate to charity?

Agreed, she played adult games like transparency, honesty, and charity with an ape that flings shit. Maybe it'll work this time around, I might have to cash out my DramaCoin and buy a lot in Jonestown.

How is continuing to lie about not being mayo even after she provided the proof honesty?

Has she misrepresented the results of the test?

Not at all. What do you think the test proved? I think that even needing to do a test shows she's a goddamn liar who cannot name the individual she is supposedly related to.

Please tell me more about your hate for politicians who lie.

Test showed she's technically correct. In a more general sense, she trusted her mother claiming native ancestry on a job application. That is the best the gop could come up with, it's pathetic.

I think you mean you trust her mother excuse even though it is third hand information funneled through the one person with motive to lie.

Half the mayos I know were told by their mothers they are part native american. It doesn't matter, it's true enough to win a bet that geotus renegged on like the pussy he his.

Those stupid Drumpf supporters! 1/1024 is totally enough to justify considering oneself a minority!

Has she misrepresented the results of the test?

How did she "represent" the results of the test?

I can play the short stupid leading question game, too.

Yes except yours isn't english.


“retard,” sure, absolutely

Im 99% white so vote for me! Less diverse than a movie from the 1940s!

pretty sure the point was “hey guy, my grandma DIDN’T make up that thing i checked on an application 30 years ago without looking into the legal definition, so stop callin me a liar” even though she probably did and it’s probably a coincidence

And it was a lose-lose situation for her. Option A) she ignores Trump's call-out and gets implicitly presumed a liar, option B) she proves it by being 1/2020th native, which itself is incidental, and the native population resents her for using her negligible lineage as leverage in a game of high-stakes chicken. She is a retard.

exactly. but so are the people i’ve been responding to.

Why the fuck did she release the results? Better to just not have done the thing or live in quiet shame.

because she’s a retard, we went ocer this

Yep he pretty much insured she will not be the Democratic Candidate in 2020 even before she announced. He is great at shaping public perception of opponents with simple to follow narratives like "Crooked Hillary" and "Low energy Jeb".

i mean tbf, both those narratives were already pretty popular

this narrative he really had to bring out into the spotlight. and when he did, it flourished and got better.

no one was calling Jeb "low energy" before him. if Trump hadn't run the narrative wouldn't have existed

That’s because “low energy” isn’t an expression normies use, only galaxy brained stable geniuses think that way

That’s because no one called anyone “low energy” before him. They used normal words like “dull,” “boring,” or even “dry”

That's because trump created the brand "low energy Jeb"

Trump's a retard but there's one area he knows and it's branding. He literally made "The Apprentice" when he was the laughing stock and punchline of New York. He used the show to push the image of the gold-flaunting successful billionaire (most of the fancy shit on the show isn't even his) and it worked crazy well.

Listen to what Barbara Cochran from shark tank has to say about trump. They came up together.

Barbara Cochran

No, your're thinking of barbara corcoran. barbara cochran was an olympic athlete.

He literally made "The Apprentice" when he was the laughing stock and punchline of New York.

The New Yorker did an article on Mark Burnett who actually made it. They spoke to some producers and they said the hardest bit of making it was Trump. Trump frequently fired people who outperformed everyone else in the challenges, requiring them to go through hundreds of hours of footage to find minor mistakes so Trump didn't look like a moron.

Katherine Walker told me that producers often struggled to make Trump seem coherent, editing out garbled syntax and malapropisms. “We cleaned it up so that he was his best self,” she said, adding, “I’m sure Donald thinks that he was never edited.”

Lmfao that's hilarious. I'm pretty sure all the "winners" of that show ended up fucked over as well.

Randal Pinkett, who won Season 4 of “The Apprentice,” told me that he had watched Trump’s campaign with a growing sense of dread. Pinkett had long since concluded that Trump was racist. When Trump named Pinkett, who is African-American, the winner, he asked him if he would consider sharing the title with another contestant, a white woman. Pinkett declined. “The only conclusion I can draw is that he didn’t want to see a black man be the sole winner of his show,” he told me. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen said Trump told him that he had not chosen Kwame Jackson, the Goldman Sachs banker, to win in Season 1, because “there’s no way I can let this black fag win.”

As a winner, Pinkett went to work for the Trump Organization. “The closer I got to Donald, the less I liked what I saw,” he recalled. “It’s like a person with bad breath.” After Pennsylvania legalized casino gambling, in 2004, Trump applied for a license to build a casino in a predominantly African-American community. “The community hated Donald,” Pinkett said. So the company dispatched Pinkett as an advocate. Upon returning, he said, “I’m not going out there again to represent you folks.” The Trump Organization was using him like a prop, he felt, and he did not want to sell a project that the community so roundly opposed. The casino was never built. Even the grand prize on “The Apprentice” was a bit of a fake, Pinkett told me. His Trump Organization job was actually paid for by NBC. “It wasn’t even his money!” he said.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Which is surprisingly only the 3rd least popular energy drink.

wasn't widespread tho. Trump's skill is in verbalising something that doesn't quite have a name yet

Trump would've ruined Obama for saying "uhhhhhhhhhhhh" too much.

"Uhhh uhhh uhhh, spit it out"

Considerably more difficult because Obama had more charisma than everyone Trump ran against put together.

Nah he'd just call him a Kenyan

Where is the lie though

I don’t think he would. The whole birther thing seemed like a way of getting his name associated with politics, specifically as an opponent to Obama. You’ll notice he dropped it as soon as his campaign began to pick up steam.

Yes it was lol

hard to find many people calling him dull before Trump announced he was running

even for “boring” that’s the only article that comes up in the first few pages. compare that to “low energy”

You’re right; nobody talked about it or thought it and his mom brought it up in a speech because nobody talked about it or thought it.

even the thing you linked to said it was probably in reference to one specific article lmao

UK inbreds out

never gonna happen, fancy boy

Who talked about Jeb at all before the primaries?

he was the front runner at times. put some respect on his name

before the primaries

Reading isn't that hard.

the primaries started with the iowa caucuses. most of them announced like a year before that

It's all one process. He wasn't exactly in the news before he announced himself, which is the point.

literally the only people who referred to jeb as 'low energy' or hillary as 'crooked' were Daddy's retarded followers.

because most of us aren't children who call people names all the time in real life.

This retard forgot about a comment he read 2 seconds ago lol.

We aren’t talking about low energy specifically.

neither was i, you illiterate fucknut.

try to actually read ALL the words next time.

You literally put low energy in quotes and talked about name calling. You clearly were, you absolute retard.

to jeb as 'low energy'

** or hillary as 'crooked'**

most people who aren't retarded also understand that the implication there is Trump's other childish names for anyone who he doesn't like.

no one called anyone those names or even referred to them unless they were daddy's retarded followers. what part of this is wrong?

Lmao when are you gonna go up and read the chain instead of continuing to embarrass yourself?

wasn't widespread tho.

You: "Yes it was"

Me: "No it wasnt"


how's your fentanyl addiction going?

fentanyl addiction

Lmao do you actually think anyone who calls jeb boring is a trumper or is this a desperate attempt for you to signal for back up?

Very accurate rendition of the chain. Also it sounds like you’re blaming me for your illiteracy which is pretty funny.

do you actually think anyone who calls jeb boring is a trumper

jesus christ why are daddy's cock sucking fanbase so retarded?

no, you mong, if you would read the words that were actually typed out and not your opioid-induced interpretation of events you would see that i'm trying to explain to you that **no one outside of daddy's supporters called jeb LOW ENERGY, or Marco Rubio LITTLE MARCO, or clinton CROOKED HILLARY.

there. is that clear enough for you? maybe put down the needle for a second, you might be able to understand.

We aren’t talking about those specific words, or Rubio and Clinton at all.You’re so ass blasted and stupid lol. We are talking about if people considered jeb boring before trump called him low energy. Which they did. Calm down and take some deep breaths. You look retarded calling people trump supporters for acknowledging objective truth.

We are talking about if people considered jeb boring before trump called him low energy. Which they did.


no one outside of daddy's supporters called jeb LOW ENERGY, or Marco Rubio LITTLE MARCO, or clinton CROOKED HILLARY.

there. is that better? also

We aren’t talking about low energy specifically.

which is it? are you talking about Jeb being called specifically low energy or aren't you?

When did I say we are talking about low energy specifically? Shit bro, this is why I told you to go read the chain again. Save yourself this sperg out.

tbf i realized you said aren't about 4 posts ago and figured i might as well double down because fuck you.

Save yourself this embarrassing sperg out.

don't tell me how to live my life.

no one called anyone those names or even referred to them unless they were daddy's retarded followers. what part of this is wrong?

Wait, what?!?

People have been calling Hillary crooked for decades before Trump.

they didn't literally call her Crooked Hillary, as if it were a title.

i guess i should've used any of the other dozen childish nicknames he came up for people during his campaign.

No, they did not literally attach it to her name every time they uttered it like Trump does. Trump isn't the first to use epitets for his opponents, but he certainly comes up with the simplest ones.

yes, and my point is that the only people who repeated his hilariously dumb nicknames for his opponents were his equally dumb followers.

the only time normal people used them to was to point out how stupid they were.

i didn't realize this was a contentious opinion on r/drama. DDF must be out in full effect today.

Don't blame the DDF, you butchered the delivery.


Jeb's own mother refused to support him running for president.

She should be running was one of his best lines.

They used normal words like “dull,” “boring,” “the least charismatic of the Bushes,” or even “dry”

Yeah but they didn't say that shit about political candidates. "Jeb's so boring lol"

27D connect four

Jeb! was calling himself the "joyful tortoise."

I mean no nobody called him that, but I mean just look at the guy he's the platonic ideal of "white bread"

He is great at shaping public perception

I think it helps that the public is increasingly under-educated and addicted to some kind of opioid

I feel like the general vibe from the left is more that Warren will act like a lightning rod for right wing hate more than a serious candidate. She's also taking serious, specific stances like anti-corruption and green new deal to set a standard going into primary season.

I'd vote for her over the dumpster fire any day, but I don't think most libs are really seeing her as the candidate to take on Daddy 2020.

I’ve never seen someone so throughly dismantled in an election like Jeb Bush.

I think trying the political dynasty thing isn't really working any more. Didn't work for Jeb Bush or Clinton. Though it was probably the last Bush that screwed it up for everyone.

I don't know, Warren 2020 really does seem like the kind of dumb strategy the DNC might just go with. Remember they nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016. Warren is a predictable, and stupid, choice so it's just the kind of thing they'd do.

The DNC doesn't nominate candidates.

Thanks for the civics lesson nerd. You know what I mean. Who ever is pulling the strings may or may not want Warren to be the front runner when it comes time for the delegates at the convention to "democratically" "elect" her as the nominee.

This is your Son on Alex Jones

Jones is a plant you fool. They allow him to spread misinformation to discredit True Americans.

Tell me, why were Bernie bros so upset at the DNC leaks? Why did the chair of the DNC step down?

The answer to both questions is because the far left is just as retarded as the worst Qtard boomers.

Yeah, no corruptiuon at the highest levels and totally cool legal arguments that the Democratic party can ignore at its whim the democratic wishes of its members.

Thanks for the Qtard NPC dialogue. Maybe I'll check you again after the next update.

Thanks for letting me know you aren't just ignorant, you're wilfully ignorant.

Off to youtube with you to get your next dialogue update.

Poor unthinking sheep

I mean, do you actually think I'm just making shit up? Do you think the DNC leaks weren't authentic or something?

I dont think you posess the programming to understand what you read. It's just keywords and preprogrammed responses. So boring.

What a fascinating conversationalist you are.

Eh, I think it came out early enough no one will care by 2020. He was going to keep up with name calling anyway he just looks stupid and petty

I feel like those succeed best when your base isn't quite sure of what projection is.

trump will NOT be releected

dnc runs potentially hillary, warren, and michael "teach her a lesson she wont forgetti" avanetti

Good ol' mikey "make her face look like spaghetti" avanetti

Equally as pathetic as donnie "pay to put it in the rump" trump tbh

avanetti is just as pathetic as PRESIDENT donald trump who beat 2 powerhouse political families with ease in an unsuspected win.

> yes

Accomplishments won't make Daddy any less of a functionally retarded creep with too much ego for his own good

I know some of you are still trying to cope way too hard but comparing Avennati to Trump is fucking hilarious. One at least did accomplish something.

One beat his wife (?), the only slept with his daughter

I wash my hands of both of them

When all the retards around you are always successful, you should question who the retard in this equation is

Hint: it’s you

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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imagine typing out someone’s ad libed conversation with a crowd and thinking it should read nice

[Puerto Rico] is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.

I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals. They were like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise, and stronger. And I had more generals than I’ve ever seen, and we were at the bottom of this incredible room. I said ‘This is the greatest room I’ve ever seen.

Go back to your 9-5 wageslave and waste your genius on a shit job

What if I'm retarded too

I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart. Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action.

I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. [Clinton’s] saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don’t—maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?

My entire life, I've watched politicians bragging about how poor they are, how they came from nothing, how poor their parents and grandparents were. And I said to myself, if they can stay so poor for so many generations, maybe this isn't the kind of person we want to be electing to higher office. How smart can they be? They're morons.

I think Viagra is wonderful if you need it, if you have medical issues, if you’ve had surgery. I’ve just never needed it. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if there were an anti-Viagra, something with the opposite effect. I’m not bragging. I’m just lucky. I don’t need it. I’ve always said, "If you need Viagra, you’re probably with the wrong girl.

Not only has Michael Avenatti explicitly said he won't run, but he got like 1% in a recent poll. Nobody wants Avenatti. The only people talking about him are idiot right wingers who think he's somehow popular on the left.

i think you need to get outside more if you really think that. ya i saw the poll but if you looked at /r/politics or even talked to the average dem voter he was well liked. dont forget he was an outsider that the dnc didn't want for the run.

So I should trust anecdotal evidence over multiple scientific polls

cnn poll


It was a Harvard-Harris poll conducted in November. I didn't mention CNN anywhere in my reply, did I?

harvard is not prestigious anymore and im starting to doubt it ever was. that name means absolutely nothing to me. you are actually somewhat racist for even supporting them because of what they did with elizabeth warren and also the asian scandal. no credibility.

I think Harvard has more credibility than some idiot on the internet who does nothing but cite anecdotes and call people racist

they literally dont

And creepy little girl sniffer, “Dirty” Uncle Joe Biden.

what about michael?

It's gonna be Beto

Beto is like a discount Obama, didn’t even win his senate race before trying to use it as a springboard. He’s also white and male lmao it’s over for Betocels

Beto is like a discount Obama

He’s also white and male

so what you’re saying is, he’s like the last shoo-in, except he’d appeal to people with economic anxiety?

Nah they don't like him because he has a spic nickname.

Most of the DDF rightoids I follow kept repeating "Robert Francis O'Rourke" like a tic during campaign season.

Nah they don't like him because he has a spic nickname.

no one outside Texas can actually tell it’s spickish

Also, don't discount how much being black helped turn out the Democrat vote.

which is why he’s taking up tenor sax

which is why he's taking up tenor sax

I think the 21st century version of that would be releasing a mixtape, which Beto should absolutely do.

But what rhymes with Pokemon go to the polls?

You think Daddy won't capitalize on it and make it common knowledge? For all his faults, Trump is a master of branding. He'll hammer in on how Beto has the spic name, probably then go in on it saying Beto is ashamed of being white, which will drive Daddys supporters to vote for Daddy again.

Only Dem who has a chance is Biden, but he's also a little creepy around kids and he's said he wouldn't run for pres in the past so idk how the dems expect to win.

He'll hammer in on how Beto has the spic name

yeah that’s not gonna end well for him lol

the Dems somehow keep on running candidates that r more terrible. the only way they're winning is if a recession occurs

this but unironically, a recession has been their only hope ever since literally nothing changed within the party after losing in 2016.

Most of the DDF rightoids I follow kept repeating "Robert Francis O'Rourke"


Orange man being orange man doesn't stop some of his fanbase from acting like incredibly stereotypical boomers who fixate on one or two things and repeat them ad nauseum.

How retarded do you have to be to not even run under your own name?

When you're an Irish dude who grew up with a conveniently Latino-sounding nickname and you hope low-information Hispanic voters would just tick the box that sounds right.

It's a smart move, the trumpets are just mad it worked a bit

I dunno, ask Ted Cruz.

"Zodiac Killer" was never his legal name.

In this sense the two of them made for a pretty funny mirror match.

A Latin dude pretending to be 100% Authentic Texan and a local Scots-Irish guy pretending to be Latin.

Wait, ted cruz is latin? Wtf ahahahaha

Rafael "Ted" Cruz.

Blows me away that haven’t done the incredibly obvious low-hanging fruit “beta” O’Rourke.

I feel like that’s already on paper in some re-election office, along with some other lobs like O’Rookie and O’no!

He was a Democrat in Texas and still came really close, I wouldn’t say anything is impossible

lost to rat turd zodiac killer after three years of public humiliation by trump in a trump state

But there hasn’t been a Democratic senator in Texas for thirty years lol

And also, Steve Kornacki extrapolated his results in Texas to the rest of the country. If Beto were to win the same percentage/proportions of liberals and independents in a national election, he'd win the EC by 110 or so.

It just happens to be that Texas is the heart of GOP country and have far more registered/voting republicans than democrats or independents. Which is not the case in the entire country.

If you want to glorify losing in texas theres quite a few other parties out there

Trump won't even need a ghostwriter to come up with a nickname for beta Beto, and campaign discourse will sink to a level nobody could even imagine. This is good for dramacoin

Ah yes, it'll be Obama all over again, except with worse qualifications, no race angle, but still sharing his fanbase of thirsty housewives.

so, a landslide with no “secret Muslim” shit

Secret Mexican?

Or the inverse—m*yo in denial?

he thinks wh*tes are gonna vote for a mayo


Lol, and add a DUI and resisting arrest in there too.

And attempting to leave the scene of the car crash he got the DUI at.

He's got a race angle, it's just slightly fraudulent.


no one cares about qualifications, that's why they elected Trump lol. the presidency is just a big cult of personality test

Some reindeers, y'know. He used ta hook them onto da sled, and then he used ta stand up inside da sled and hold on to da reins, and then call out their names, like, "On, Donner! On, Blitzen! On, Chewy! On, Tavo! C'mon, Beto! "

And then, the reindeers used ta take off into da sky and fly across da sky, man!

Meh only rational choices for Dems seem to be Betocel or Bidenphile. Who are white males and so doubt current democratic party is rallying behind them.

It's gonna be Harris. She's got obvious 2008 Obama parallels and I'm sure the base will ignore past scandals to stop Trump the same way they ignored Hillary's myriad flaws.

gonna be Harris

Probably,a black curry woman as first female president will obviously wet their base.

the base will ignore past scandals

What are those? I thought she was clean.

Supposedly she slept her way to several promotions and has a background as a prosecutor that's gonna rile up the Bernouts, most like.

Supposedly she slept her way to several promotions

Meh it's literally nothing.

has a background as a prosecutor that's gonna rile up the Bernouts,

Bernouts will be silenced by IDPOL.

background as a prosecutor

That's soft-pedaling it. She was a seriously awful, over-reaching DA with zero respect for constitutional rights -- basically the sort of prosecutor that only a hardline Republican could love.

But then again, constitutional rights seem to be out of favor with progressives right now, so I can't imagine many primary voters giving a damn, especially given that Harris checks so many identity boxes.

Imagine unironically Fucking Harris

Harris is out and out insane. She wouldn’t swing any of the battle ground states.

Except obama lived in grizzled chicago and had an idea how to appeal to Middle America, Kamala is in SoCal and wouldn't feel comfortable in Wiscy or Michigan without a full body radioactive suit.

You really think DNC leadership cares all that much about appealing to Middle America after running Hillary in 2016? That clearly doesn't factor into party strategy anymore. They want to be the party of the intelligentsia on their crusade to save the urban poors from themselves.

They are going to have to find elecyoral votes somewhere, and it sure as hell isn't going to be the south.

I'm sure like in the last election a few southwestern states are going to take weeks to turn over the final results and coincidentally all of them will swing 5+ points towards Democrats compared to election night.

Ahhh, the battle for wall funding makes sense now. Thank you.

You really think DNC leadership cares all that much about appealing to Middle America after running Hillary in 2016?

Ain't that the truth.

>"we want someone new with new ideas"

>>"Ok, how about hilldawg?"


>>"Hilldawg it is"

>"bitch, did I stutter?"

>>"Look, its her turn and you have to vote for her, because the R's are running a literal retard"

>"guess again, fucko"

I don't think it's possible. If the democrats actually run a white guy he's going to get accused of rape throughout the campaign. Sure, Trump has been too, but Republicans don't take women seriously so it doesn't matter.

I take women seriously. It’s a serious amount of effort to ignore their wants and needs.

Metoo is going to last two more years? Fuck me.

None of this is ever going to end until all of it does. The 2016 bus doesn't stop until we reach the our destination: radical Islam.

Does this bus pass through Mayocide or do I have to take a connection?

I've always assumed that when the mayocide comes it will occur on public transportation. White people know this, that's why they always look like scared animals and stay dead silent on the subway while minorities express their culture.

TL;DR- the mayocide happens on the bus

Mind blown.


What are you even talking about?

Go back to SRD

Plus he's a spud sucking mick. The last time we put a Fenian in office we got the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Veto Beto" is gonna be a big thing, calling it now.

Too lame. Or maybe just lame enough hmmmm

Gonna be Biden or Harris

lol imagine running that guy and being like "yeah were totally gonna win hes not boring at all"

Imagine believing Mexica was gonna pay for the wall

they will though through confiscations and taxes on imports

do you know what asset forfeiture is and how much goes across their border both ways

hint: its enough

Lol you should let Daddy know that's the plan because he's already pivoted to saying the wall is already built. You're gonna be celebrating having Obama's border in a month.

Imagine believing this.

you know they already do this to american citizens right, like its a pretty big point of contention that cops can effectively just rob you if they suspect you of anything criminal at all

they definitely wont just steal all the money illegals try to send back to mexico tho nosiree

Imagine believing this is actually the same as Mexico paying for the wall.

would it be better if i said reimburse

fyi this was literally the plan all along, only politics posters thought trump meant mexico was going to cut him a check lmao

Imagine believing this was the plan all along

no no no trump literally said mexico was going to make a big novelty check to present to him!

this is what stupid people trick themselves into believing lmao

Imagine steel slats

are you trying to mock the wall you denied would ever happen by saying its not as thick as you thought itd be

because thats what it kinda sounds like

Imagine believing in a guy who told you he would build a 20 foot high concrete wall across the entire southern boarder and make Mexico pay for it. Then imagine said guy does the following: he says "well maybe not the whole boarder, just a small part of it" Then "well maybe not concrete, but steel slats" Then "Mexico will technically pay for it over time via made up regulatory bullshit, but actually the US will pay upfront for it's construction" Then "I know I said it would be 25 billion, but even though I controlled all three branches of government, I still couldn't make that happen, so I'm trying to settle for 5".

Imagine still defending that guy. The DDF are incredible.

remember when you guys were all smug saying the wall would never happen and mexico could just refuse to pay anyway lol

Imagine still believing the wall is going to happen.

of course it is

and then after its built hispanics will go crazy because of the cartels and therell eventually be an outright ban on entering the US from the south forever

and theyll have guys in towers taking pot shots like israel lol

gonna be great

Daddy drama is easy mode, insulting people's wives and melting down over not building 1/6th of a room. It takes no effort. I might need an economics degree to handle Warren drama.

TFW I will never BTFO anyone as brutally as daddy BTFOs Pocahontacel.

I can't believe this is even real lol

Who the fuck is Lord Sugar lmao

Host of the British version of The Apprentice

How will Fauxcahontas ever recover?

People in the future will ask why we re-elected trump but they really don’t know how funny he was on twitter

This is why people say conservatives have no sense of humor.

Everyone has a sense of humor.

Now that's funny.

He is a meme president

t. Juncker

I was expecting some retarded rant again but god damn this is funny! I literally chuckled

I hate the fact that I kinda laughed too. Maybe I've become retarded in 2019.

No it’s pretty funny tbh

I like Warren and I still chuckled.

Then I remembered that this was a tweet by the President of the United States. r/funnyandsad.

stop letting society shame you into not thinking things are funny who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks

It's not about society lol. If I gave a fuck about that I'd never post in this shitfest of a sub.

We're all retarded now.

Maybe I've become ~~retarded ~~in 2019.

Very possible. I mean, a am an /r/drama user. But at least I'm self aware, right?

Me too. Oh no

I bet two shekels he stole this from some guy on the internet. Probably with a pepe profile pic. Or maybe his intern did.

Trump is somehow able to bring everyone who engages with him, even college professors, down to his retarded shit flinging level. I don't understand it. Why the fuck would you ever eat the bait and take that DNA test? What do you hope to prove, that Trump lied about something? 😴😴😴

She had to take the DNA test. You act as if Pocahontas/Fauxahauntas is a new insult about Warren. Then she opened her mouth stating how a DNA test wouldn't take away part of her identity that she grew up with due to family stories, it was really over for her. She had to put up or shut up or risk getting ridiculed for the rest of her career.

Yes, she's not being ridiculed now so it's going great

She should have included 1/1024th Jew in there too. Then shed be untouchable

Can you imagine if she had campaigned on being the first Indian (the other kind) president as well? Nobody would be able to stop her in the debates.

An unstoppable force against an unnmovable wall: dons fat ass

She deserves ti be ridiculed for it along with her plagiarized cook book recipe.

I don't agree that she had to because of Trump. She had to because her own supporters pushed her to, because they collectively have TDS, and they needed more red meat to keep them sated.

Man, Trump literally made Warren face the reality her life and sense of self was founded on a lie. And no one fucking cares about her personal experience of this.

If she didn’t take the DNA test, Trump would accuse her of hiding that she lied about being Amerindian.

Just like how everyone whined about how Trump wouldn't release his tax returns, so he buckled under the pressure and did what his opponents told him to do in order to destroy his campaign. No, wait, he didn't do that. It was Warren's choice to stoop to his level.

The difference is that Daddy has spent years carefully building a cult of personality for his own protection. Warren, on the other hand, has to rely on traditional partisan group think, which is less effective.

Most of Trump's success has been traditional partisan tribalism, TBH. That's the only reason the congressional GOP backs him, the only reason evangelicals voted for him, and the only reason wealthy people voted for him (gib me tax cuts).

That's the only reason the congressional GOP backs him, the only reason evangelicals voted for him

No, Trump was better than the alternative.

He wasn't though. That's like saying it was a good idea to hire a literal retard to work for you because he makes you laugh and the alternative was competent but super annoying.

Not to mention her former fanbase is all disillusioned after she wouldn't stump for Bernie during the primary.

Watching the biggest politician who made angry noises about the bankers after 2008 turn into Hillary 2.0 has been extremely funny.


U 'avin a giggle m8?

Even better, he probably leaked one to Rachel Maddow that had him paying millions in taxes.

No, he would have shown it if it wouldn't make him look bad

Trump is the rainman of reality television. He knew that despite it having a return address from Trump tower and despite the fact that there is no real way to spin the details of a tax return. Maddow would go full retard anyway. You would think she would see if it was slanderous enough before actually reporting on it

Lol, her taking a DNA test is somehow Trump’s fault. I bet she curses Trump when she stubs her toe as well.

My boy Samuel Clemens had a relevant quote about that:

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Even if Trump would accuse her of lying about being an Indian she should've just ignored him instead of trying to play chess with the metaphorical pigeon.

Totally, she had nothing to gain from this entire situation and lots of ways to look foolish. No idea how she took this bait.

Assuming Trump knew about what DNA testing was before this happened.

Even college professors

As if this class of people is superior beyond their NPR whisper voices in the real world.

They're just as petty if not more so than the general public and their insulated from new concepts in that their local culture is reinforced by similarly smug academics.

smug academics.

God I live when we get a lolcow stampede.

Listen very carefully, educated people are better than people of walmart. Civil equality is our nation's greatest weakness.

Ah a fellow classist! Whats up my dude, technocracy when?

> classcels thinking they're a meritocracy


The only people who think our society is not a meritocracy are those without merit.

help I've fallen and I can't reach my bootstraps

just sell ur 32 inch TV and ps3 for extra cash, work 3 jobs, and go to night school u dummy

just min-max ur life like ur playing a video game

Then suffer, weakling.

Enjoy your wageslavery.



Uhh if our society is a meritocracy, how do you explain the fact that so many of my friends are unemployed?

Don't hang out with losers?

You got me there. I can't explain why you have any friends, let alone many.

Listen very carefully, educated people are better than people of walmart.

Clearly not since they keep losing elections to people of Walmart.

Your metric for quality of a person is whether their candidate won an election? Good lord democracy was a mistake.

My metric for quality is whether or not they are capable of succeeding at a task such as running for election, and they are not, making them inferior. QED.

You probably work for walmart

He doesn’t even work lol

How do you know that? Is he a Chapo poster?

he's a drama poster you fucking mong

Yeah, but most of us have jobs. Why do you think he doesn't have one?

good one lol

whether or not they are capable of succeeding at a task

they succeeded at electing a literal meme

Yes, that's called winning.

Cograts, you've won a dick up the ass!

Doesn't matter, won!

this is what pure unadulterated cope looks like

Now you get it.

You spelled G.E.D wrong.

Which would you say is more productive? Gender studies or history of world of warcraft degree?

Ugh, god. I hate gender studies but at least it'll get you laid and/or drama. Blizzard is by far the worst.

So a Fortnite degree is the way to go

Or Fallout '76 if you can't get into the Fortnite program.

I hate gender studies but at least it'll get you laid

lol imagine being an actual soyfag that believes this

^ doesn't know a bussy farm when he sees one.

if you're gay then you're also retarded if you think a gender studies class is a good place to hunt for bussy. get yourself Title IXed back into your mothers womb

^^^ thinks you have to be gay to like bussy


and promptly accused of rape

Only if you're a manlet she regrets having in her.

Unironically WoW

Are you saying that I am stupid for shopping at the store with the lowest prices?

idk if he is, but I am

anyone who willing steps foot in a walmart needs to keep themselves safe

Not strictly because they're cheap, but yes, for a combination of reasons including shit quality, unnecessary purchases, propping up chinese imports, destroying small business, and being okay with surrounding yourself with that.

propping up chinese imports, destroying small business

this is what chapo posters actually think

At first I thought you were a re-re then I saw you are a novelty.

completely unironic, commie

So the majority of walmart products are made in America and their presence has little impact on competitors?

Now who doesn't understand economics, boomer?

why do you hate free trade, commie?

So Walmart does, in fact, prop up Chinese imports? Thanks 😂

i agree comrade, only pre-approved countries should be bought from. the free exchange of goods is evil and must be stopped

And Trumpkins. Worse, they're both right and still fucking hate each other.

Using price as your only factor is pretty fucking dumb, yeah.


people of walmart vs people of woke foods that blew $100k on college degrees and found nothing to do but teach and reinforce a pyramid scheme backed by non dischagable debt

But who cares? We all know walmart is staffed by the "educated upper class"

There's simply no middle ground!

Says the guy who was fellating educated people like college makes you educated enough to be forces into debt and support communism. At least farmers, being the mortal enemies of communists, actually produce food that the commies eat. At least till they kill the farmers and starve.

Where is this pasta from, it's amazing.

Its reality

  • College requires debt
  • College makes you support communism
  • Farmers are mortal enemies of communists

I have so many questions for you, seriousposter who seems stuck in 1955.

Somehow chapotraphouse was made after 1955.

Either you get a degree, realize its worthless and do whatever anyway. Or you buy into the scam and decide to be to be a professor or adjunct yourself. Or you somehow become successful anyway until you're eventually fired for saying the nword on a conference call.

But look at venezula, government stole all the farms because communism and now people are forced to play runescape for food, a fate worse than living.

Gripping fear of communism is more of a 1955 sentiment though.

Either you get a degree, realize its worthless and do whatever anyway. Or you buy into the scam and decide to be to be a professor or adjunct yourself.

What's it like being so retarded that you've never heard of a scientist, engineer, medical professional, or MBA?

But look at venezula, government stole all the farms because communism

So farmers are mortal enemies of communists? Are you a dumbfuck teen or a lost boomer?

Medical/engineering/useful science degrees are a small minority among all those granted, and even then they are still filled with retards who live in complete isolation of the outside world. Source: currently getting a phd

If you were a phd in a useful field you'd know anecdotal evidence is about as useful as a postdoc.

useful field

Something you despise farmers for having

Tell me more about myself.

/r/drama poster, fake and gay, masturbates to netflix and hates furrires despite being secretly truned on by them

I'm hulu man, rest is true.

Let me tell you sickboi... you are the worst sickest subredditer ever.

Gripping fear of communism is more of a 1955 sentiment though.

Afraid of commies lol

What's it like being so retarded that you've never heard of a scientist, engineer, medical professional, or MBA?

Bootlickers buying into communist social cred scams

So farmers are mortal enemies of communists? Are you a dumbfuck teen or a lost boomer?

Well why are they stealing their farms then? Because they like farmers?

Well why are they stealing their farms then? Because they like farmers?

Please tell me you can't be this fucking stupid. If you wash your car and it rains, does washing your car cause rain???

Oh yes I am that fucking stupid. Almost as dumb as venezula nationalizing their farms and starving. Whats important is seeming not like a bitch on reddit.

Are you American?

I'm in a couple relationships, sorry.

I mean because you chose to write 'walmart'. Are you American?

Yes, how do people write it? Wal-Mart? Wal*Mart? I never really gave it much thought.

Not the spelling, the actual word versus a different business. For example, I live right close to Safeway. So if I was talking grocers I wouldn't choose to say Walmart. But lots of Americans would use Walmart because they're trying to be all "international" and type a business that's as well-known as McDonalds

Huh. Yeah I was specifically talking about walmart. Target and Fred Meyer are kind of walmart lite, of course. But I wasn't talking grocers or retailers but rather those companies, of which walmart is the worst.

Well, you're trying to paint a picture of what educated people look like and what Walmart goers look like, but you're not saying a lot of specific details

lol being a professor doesnt make you smart or even educated, especially in america

Oral Roberts and Prager U notwithstanding, it at least means you're educated.

nah it just means theyre sufficiently faggy or jewish or communist or black

theres tons of completely uneducated useless professors that legitimately dont know anything and teach classes with no purpose

theyre also the ones radicalizing dumb students

Lol, you mad about working in a gas station I see. You'd think it'd give you time to come up with sources.

I like this implication that people with college degrees aren't working shit jobs while constantly bitching about it.

Come back when you understand implication. College professors having valid credentials does not in any way imply that all college graduates are successful. You really, really stupid to think that was implied. Like really goddamn dumb.

You're going into maximum sperg all over this thread because people are making fun of college profs and graduates m8. What are you a broke TA trying to cope his life's mistakes? Get btfo.

Nah bro, just getting a lot of messages from the lolcows. Pizza, sake, and drama on my doorstep, is very nice of you tards to come in here and reee about how college was to expensive or hard.

We were just pretending to be retarded

People aren't "making fun" of people with education, they're seriously bent about it. It's hilarious and I don't want it to stop.

im totally not seething when i sperg out with a shitton of replies

Lol ok buddy. Even captainautism took a dump on you. Just sad...


omg source???? i need a source for that

its just a statement take it or leave it but im right regardless lol

its just a statement take it or leave it but im right regardless lol

This is by far the dumbest thing I have ever read. Like dumber than "education is a jewish communist conspiracy". 😂

thats a terrible interpretation of what was written but i suspect youre just dishonest rather than dumb

and education is good but not when jews are the teachers, hence american iq and their obsession with unimportant bullshit like the holocaust

educated people are better than people of walmar

This is like saying communists are better than nazis

Community college is the path of light?

Academics are the biggest cocksuckers and extreme retards outside of their fields.

> learns about life from cbs sitcoms

You okay man? You seem mad. Are you poor or short?

Poor. But at least I don't think there is some kind of meritocracy working in Academia. It's all cocksucking and nepotism. 😂😂😂

Business and politics, on the other hand... True meritocracy.

u talking to imaginary people again bud? forget your schiz meds?

even college professors, down to his retarded shit flinging level.

lol at thinking that the leftist retards that comprise most of the liberal education racket aren't just that.

Okay Ben Shapiro, put away the Fleshlight of FACTS and REASON for a second, please

9/10 times people who complain about "muh college professors" are people who flunked out because they didn't show up to class and got pissy the professor didn't pass them anyway

They only failed because the colleges let in unqualified minorities who set the curve too low.

Eh it's pretty rare for classes to be curved. If you straight up aren't a drooling retard and turn in your work on time you'll get a good grade.

Some STEM classes are curved but someone crying about "muh leftists marxist professors" probably isn't smart enough to take those.

I only know stem. Everything else is daycare.

Stem is plebeian.

Patricians receive a classical education.

if you are not literally retarded and you put in the absolute minimum effort required you'll get a good grade

This isn't really a great defence of the integrity of our institutions

Setting the curve low makes it easier to pass, my good Opioid-American


And they're retarded, just suck the teachers dick and get a good grade with minimal effort. I loved refugees and trans kids, and wanted to ban newspapers to save the environment in my teachers mind last semester.

liberal education racket


You call your daddy by his last name?

Its called talent sweaty look it up sometime xoxo

And now her candidacy dies in a flaming house fire of identity politics.

Goddamn Bernie better run because he's one of the few who seems like he can actually deal with Trump being Trump.

Even after she did take the test why the hell would you release that unless you were absolutely positively sure you were right?

Are you that retarded? She owned him by taking the test. There's video evidence of him promising to donate a million dollars to charity because of it. And he hasn't.

The dude fucked himself like usual. Crazy you koolaid drinkers think he won this Pocahontas shit.

She proved that Trump was full of empty bluster!

Oh. Okay, cool.

I think when you engage with Trump you cant tell what's bait. It's scary anyone can be a victim

ha that’s actually pretty good

i wonder if they’ll find the kid who made it

Do we really need to find out?

This is surprisingly good for trump

ok this is actually pretty funny

Election season daddy is so much better at shitposting than governing daddy.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the presidential debates. God I hope Romney launches a primary challenge to Trump.

Look at the comments usually its full of left but this time left and right are shouting at each other. Daddy broke throught fucking sanity defences of the left.

I only see lowercase tbqhf.

It's beautiful.

The beauty of shitstorm can only be witnessed in its eye.

Left can't meme

Right can't lead

Left can't think

Right can't think for themselves

Truly NPC behavior

ehhh, I'd switch the last two around. Nothing says I can't think for myself more than being super hardcore leftist.

We already know people deep in the right can't think at all.

The President of the United States posted a meme mocking the racial self-identification of a batshit boomer White woman. This shit is awesome.

And we thought the absolute rule of the Russian Czars or the eternal prussian autocrat were good for drama

Imagine if those men had access to twitter

"Third Rome" lol

I can already imagine Bismark owning the Working Class epic Benjamin Shapiroberg style.

Statesmenship to own the Bavarian G*rmans into Prussias Empire

Watch the video of the rally where he said that. He actually did, it’s available online. I’m not going to look it up for you though.

“Despite the burden of proof being on me for making the claim, I’m not going to back up my statement.”

Resistance twitter sometimes makes the fenthead MAGAcels look like geniuses. Horseshoe strikes again.

The DDF is right about the Resistance. They just don’t realize the Resistance is also right about them.

Resistance Twitter almost makes boomer Facebook meme groups look hip by comparison.

This isn’t ok. You are not a meme account. You’re the fucking president of the United States. Start acting like it for fucks sake. You’re not some frat boy, you’re not some D list celebrity trying to start a feud to raise awareness for a new show you’re on. You’re the president.

I fucking came

Frat boys are typically too busy getting laid and partying to autistically post memes all day, kind of a weird inclusion

US really elected a man to be their president because he's good at shitposting.

If this was real maybe people would vote for her.

governments closed.

tbf, he's bigly good at it.

Still not as funny as Fat Donnie's perp waddle will be.

Interesting. In this fantasy of yours, what's his crime?

Take your pick, you TrumpGuzzler.

I'd prefer to hear your wild delusions.

Why is that necessary? Does everyone have the day off at T_D?

Face it; you're not very good at this.

Interesting. In that fantasy of yours, does he insert it into you anally or orally? I suppose you really wouldn't be able to really tell, would you?

He has a Very Stable Mushroom thank you very much.

I will defer to your apparent expertise in micromycology.

I like the bumper sticker that said



Nice one, Aunt Susan.

boomer humor

facebook mom jokes 😴😴😴😴

I love how fucking salty all the responses are. These people who hate him have him on push notifications so they can be the first to respond, it’s fucking hilarious.

And you just know that the reason that /r/drama 's moderators aren't reeeeeeeeing in this thread yet is because they're among those people.

/u/comedicasans did you get some good zingers in on daddy's sonny?

Haven't looked at this thread, but thanks for recognizing the hustle.

I was more interesting in seeing ed sperg the fuck out.

The thing is, we know he's sperging out whether we see it or not. Just take comfort in that.

tds rent free


its always the same handful of people on every tweet too how do they even do it and why

~25% of all Twitter traffic are bots. I'm pretty sure the percentage is even higher under Trump tweets

Holy shit lmao

The funny part is I'll be $100 he didn't come up with this joke. He's not that clever.

It literally has a watermark on it.

Oh my god, it even has a watermark.

It was over for Bateman-cels.

It's been around since the week Pocahontas took the DNA test.

I am going to miss this man once we no longer have him

Inshallah brother you will not miss him until 2024

This is the funniest timeline

This years start is amazing!

unironically hilarious

It's funny, but no actually cares about the native blood thing.

0 updoots


Aww yiss

It’s over for Lizlets

This one was bretty gud

Jesus fucking christ.

Dank af


  1. elizabeth warren claims american indian heritage.

  2. trump mocks her because she looks 100% mayo, calls her pocahontus.

  3. trump dares her to get a dna test, says he'll donate $1 million to a charity of her choice

  4. warren gets the test done, and it says she's between 1/512 to 1/1024 american indian

  5. lefties all (somehow) declare this a victory for warren. get angry at trump for (obviously) not donating the $1 million.

  6. trump and most sane people enjoy warren making a fool of herself

go back to reddit

Make Trump mod.

Amazing Shitposter ✅

Gets mad easily ✅

Huge lolcow ✅

Easily confused ♿

He doesn't have the attention span. Mods spend their life here, trump couldn't even do a full ama.

Needs more gay

Holy fucking shit

Ok that's actually really funy

This fucking guy lmao.


This is prime shitflinging material no matter the sub.

Charlie Brooker really was a fucking genius with The Waldo Moment

Daddy is the ultimate shitposter

This is actually quite funny

Twitter let a man shit post his way into the Presidency.

I hate that he's so good at this.

He's not though

When they ban all your other subreddit shitholes so you infest R/drama


There's no way she is going to win. I don't even get why she is running. He basically made sure of her loss before her even deciding to run. The drama is going to be great though.

Trump is spawn camping

With the same tired shtick? Meh.

Gotta get that karma so I can sell my account to some Malaysian bot farmers.

He and his cult are the only ones that give a shit about her ancestry.

wow people are triggered that pocahontis is 1/1024 native american lol

A second term will definitely bring a great boom to drama coin. Hamdullah brothers.

His memes are too powerful. It's over for Warrencels.

That is actually hilarious.

Its a pretty good burn.

Why are all the replies to his tweet boomer tier memes?

Does Fat Donnie still hear First Lady Zsa Zsa murmuring. "...oh...Beto...oh...oh...Beto...Betooooo!!!" from the next room at night?

This is great wow I love daddy again

Meme magic is real.