Highly upvoted Chapo post refers to several new members of Congress as "socialist." This causes some unrest across the sub as succdems duke it out with antireformist tankies.

1  2019-01-03 by want-dick-in-butt-xd

Note: bolded hyperlinks are drama chains whose last major post was less than 30 minutes ago as of me reading them

As some of you may know and some of you may not, ChapoTrapHouse doesn't really have a single ideological tilt to it. Much of it is succdems but there are tankies as well, and they clash sometimes.

Yesterday afternoon, this post was made. This picture depicts 6 incoming members of Congress, some of whom like to call themselves "socialist," especially AOC. Of course, since they got elected in the United States, they're obviously not socialists. This angers the tankie part of the sub and the succdem brigade comes out to defend their POC slay kweenz.

Drama in the post:

In response, some other posts were made which hit the front page:

Drama in these posts:


I like this post. It's very well organized.

i like you bb






If anyone is going to keep the left from being a force in American politics, it’s the left. Good to see the circular firing squad getting warmed up already.

As a member of the right who is ready to toss Mitt Romey off a tall building, upon self reflection, we are all super fucked. Mayocide now, just end it.

Pretty hilarious for the "dirtbag left" to devolve into the same "yaaas WoC kween slayyy" type shit it was supposedly formed to oppose. Like every single one of those women other than maybe AOC is a straight up Democrat and even AOC isn't socialist, she's a social democrat. Like Pressley (2nd from the left in that picture) is the exactly the same as the Democrat she replaced, Capuano, with the added irony that Capuano was more progressive than her on war and healthcare, he was one of the only people to vote against the Iraq war and he's supported medicare for all for years, she's hawkish on Syria and was shitting on medicare for all in 2016 and "recently came around". But Chapo celebrates it like it's really a victory for socialism because she throws Kaepernick and BLM a bone in speeches, coincidentally things that don't mean shit from a policy standpoint.

even AOC isn't socialist, she's a social democrat.

Imagine being such a turbo-autist that you care about the distinction.

Social democrats are capitalists who want healthcare, socialists want to nationalize everything and have a planned economy. There's a difference

The difference doesn’t matter in the real world. Socialists either behave like social democrats because they want to win elections and realize that actual working-class people don’t give a shit about theoretical discussions about capitalism, or else they stay true to their principles and irrelevant.

It's the difference between the Nordic model and Venezuela

Country that hasn’t existed for 27 years, and spent its last half decade trying to Nordicize itself

Got it

One is a failed state and the other is a successful model

Okay I’ll give you that.

The difference does matter in every country that isn't the US.

It doesn’t matter in Canada, it barely matters in France, the UK has essentially a three-party system with radlibs and demsocs fighting over control of Labour (which will force any Labour government to govern as de facto social democrats), in Germany die Linke will never be anything more than a junior coalition partner, and when actual professed class struggle socialists win as in Greece, it takes like a week before their base starts crying betrayal.

Die Linke are a coalition of communist;socialists and social democrats. They are essiantialy the Chapo of Germany. We do have 3 other real succdem Partys, the Greens and the SPD. But the Greens are more interested in Queen Quotes in the Government than actually helping the poor, and the SPD are a sinking ship and the dirty whore of our conservative coalition Government. So succdems actually matter in Germany.

There we call the succdem socialists and the socialists commies, like allah intended.

Inshallah, brother!

Would you have considered Robert M. La Follette socialist?

Probably, yeah. Definitely Clarence Darrow and Eugene V. Debbs.

Ah so socialists are just entirely retarded, got it.


There is a massive gulf between the two ideologies though

And any socialist who is ideologically pure enough to maintain that gulf consistently is doomed to political irrelevance in the modern United States.

doomed to political irrelevance in the modern United States.

meanwhile democrats just finally elected a bunch of progressive succ dems and Bernie is still the most popular politician in the country

Because most Americans only pay attention to politics during election season, and last election season Bernie was all the rage.

I think I misconstrued what you said earlier. When you were referring to “socialist who is ideologically pure enough” I thought you were referring to social Democrats not Democratic socialists

The most popular politician is Obama followed by Biden. Sorry to break your S4P bubble.

There literally isn't. It's a delusional separation maintained only by people that care about the """"importance""" of the word socialism.

Saying that capitalism and socialism are the same thing is an amazing level of radical centrism. Congrats.

Considering all the most popular politicians in America that call themselves democratic socialists are actually social democrats the distinctions pretty retarded

"practical activities and theoretical thought must merge into one and thereby lend the spontaneous working-class movement a Social-Democratic character, for 'Social-Democracy is a combination of the working-class movement with socialism.' "

  • Literally Joseph Stalin

It's a completely arbitrary word. People have used it in all sorts of ways.

Yeah an 80 year old quote from a madman with a very specific view of socialism isn't a great example for this. Look into European political history regarding political parties, social-democrats and actual socialists have always been differentiated by party

I kind of trust Stalin to tell me the political mainstream of early 20th century radical socialism tbh

Look into European history regarding political parties

I'm aware. Let me (even more) serious post some history, as I understand, it because I'm sick of this misunderstanding and love being boring.

The Bolshevik party used to be Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) officially. In 1918 Lenin changed the name to Communist party because he didn't want people thinking he was like the other girls. This didn't signify any notable change in ideology, it's just a arbitrary cosmetic change to distinguish from other socialist parties of the day that also had a habit of calling themselves the social-democratic whatever. That's why screeds by early Bolsheviks like the quoted are so funny. They just copy the same rants about how the world needs social-democracy then past the word Communism over social-democracy. In 1916 the distinction between Russian Social-Democrat Labour Party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) wasn't one of Marxism so much as it was a belief that one could destroy capitalism through the democratic system piecemeal vs anti-parliamentary party full revolution (vanguardism).

Since Lenin's arbitrary name change people have become obsessed with the word Communism. In the wake of the Russian revolution those aligned with Soviet project and violent socialist revolution tended towards calling themselves communist instead of labour, social-democrat, democratic-socialist, etc. European parliamentary socialists called themselves different to distinguish. But this has only ever been a self enforced trend. Even then the word social-democracy only ever meant: moderate socialist. But how moderate or what socialism even means is not defined under this context. So you just don't know based on the label.

Early "social-democrat" socialist believed mostly in eliminating capitalist whole root by reformism. Later, when this didn't happen, the same parties naturally kept going under ever more moderate missions. At the apex of this trend in the 90s and early 00s many of these parties had become so moderate that they imagined themselves completely split from any socialist current and merely capitalists that like welfare, e.g. Blairite labour. Under this a distinction between social-democracy (capitalist welfarism) and democratic-socialism (welfarism but still long term anti-capitalist) was imagined. I used to believe in this distinction and you can too if you want, but I don't think it's useful these days.

In even more recent history the super moderate socialist/social-democrat parties seemed to have crossed an event horizon in drifting economically right. They've gotten massive backlash and have started collapsing as they are no longer distinguishable from other anti-socialist centrist parties. We see this with the collapse of Blairites, Hollande and the Socialist Party, the fall of the Clinton dynasty, etc. and the rise of Corbyn, Syriza, yellow jackets, etc.

The point is there has never been a written formal theory of distinguishing social-democracy = y, socialism = x. There is no mechanism for distinction. Social-democracy has never been a coherent current in politics with its own distinct non-socialist history. If you think otherwise, you are wrong. Because it's just a vague word a social-democrat might be very moderate or very radical depending on who and when you're talking about.

Stop putting your faith in political labels. They are no replacement for substance. You're only confusing yourself and others by trying to understand politics label first.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Fight me

nigga you really typed all of this shit oh my god. You may be right for all I know but if you think I'm reading all of that you're wrong

Socialism is just state capitalism with "the people's" pasted over the "the state's".

Shut the fuck up bitch.

Bernie Sanders is my daddy and I’ll fight you

Not white enough for me tbh.

Circumcised Jewdick though


Imagine knowing what words mean lol, another libtard owned

unironically ironically saying Libatard

OMG there's a turbo setting??

The left: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory since 1792.

Rosa Luxemburg was a traitorous sow, and I’m glad Friedrich Ebert killed her.

traitorous sow

To be fair, you have to have a very IQ to understand Death of Stalin

I thought of it first.

Daily reminder that social democrats are the real socialists

I got permabanned from r/shitliberalssay for calling Lee Kuan Yew a social democrat and praising him as the most effective socialist leader of all time.

Umm no sweaty Huey Long was the greatest socialist leader of all time

The Memefish

This but unironically.

I used to be in a kind of trip-hop band called The Jews of History once

Socialism was nowhere near the jaws of victory

going on chapo brap house

I surely hope you don't do this.

moderator of EnoughCommieSpam

she isn't based and redpilled enough to go on ECS smh my head tbHONK






pure ideology

muh imperialism

muh Rosa

muh liberals



Did I miss any of their inside memes?

That fucking internet one. Umm, extreme online or something?

Very Online

Yeah, that stupid shit.

Muh jacobins

I sub there for the laffs and drama.

look good on you for being so forward about your kinks but don't most paypigs go on like, wallstreetbets or something

What’s a paypig? Someone with a job?

he doesn't know

posts in CTH and circlebroke2 unironically

Oh boy there’s a lot to unpack here

I'm one out of two. Will you unpack me, War bby?

Yikes, sweaty.

This is a gross post

fuck me

thanks for your service

Omg so fucking baste! Surely we will achieve communism by electing female democrats with slightly darker skin tones.

Rosa deserved it.

And imagine actually wanting to achieve communism.

“Nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” is actually a viable, sustainable economic model, and IDGAF if I’m quoting Mussolini here.

it went so great every other time let's do it again!!

inb4 le not real communism

Again: tankies should just admit that they share their economic model with fascism, and that this economic model has its advantages.

They might actually be able to recruit the working class with that kind of rhetoric 🤔

I've said this many times. The average working-class American is passively fascist in many ways. I don't think fascism is good, but then I don't think the average working-class American is good either. They need to be ruled over, but the ruling class can't rule effectively unless they understand and occasionally exploit the unwashed masses' prejudices and fears.

inb4 le not real communism

No one believes that. r/communism had a thread celebrating stalin and the USSR dedication to the cause

Different audiences. The chapocels and latestagecapitalism are berniebro socialists (whether they admit it or not) while communism and fullcommunism are unapologetic tankies.

Post hog ergo Procter hog

Its Schrodinger's Communism.

Every nominally socialist or communist state exists in a super position of being both Capitalist and Socialist.

When you test for a "good" thing the state was Socialist.
When you test for a "bad" thing the state was Capitalist.

inverse this for the medias reporting on vuvazueala and china

Edit: To be clearer, objectification of women is gross, and I wish I'd stop doing it, but I feel like I've been cultured in a way that makes it difficult, and I haven't personally figured it how not constantly judge the sexual characteristics of every woman I meet, maybe not giving it voice would help, but it's hard not to notice the stark contrast between the women in that picture.

the fucking backtracking for "wow Ocasio-Cortez can get it"

I agree, and that was an over-apology, but we as a culture way overdo objectivification, and I know I personally WAY fucking overdo it. Unfortunately, one of the first places my brain quietly or overtly goes when a hear pretty much anything about a woman is "yeah, but on a scale of 1-10." Often without even seeing her. That's fucked up, hard to keep that on lockdown. But yeah, I just wanted to point out, she's pretty, and I'm pretty surprised by the reaction of Reddit in general whenever I do comment on any woman about her in any way that could be construed as sexual.

who the fuck TYPES THIS MUCH

chapo gets the wall ree

Don’t do that to the tigers

was that a stupidpol reference desu?


look, it's a known flaw that scientists don't know how to condense language. or relate to other people. you know what? you're making it difficult to be autistic here. 😡 you're really just describing the difficulty of being understood when you're trying to actually change people's mind. no one listens, anyone feels justified if they can find a handful of others to back up their story. NO ONE 😪 is gonna listen to that second meme it's just an attention grab with nothing to say. a phat hurrah. well, well done I guess. you dismantled the economy and sowed widespread panic with blind rage and camaraderie. you really have something to be proud of huh.

look, it's a known flaw that scientists don't know how to condense language.

Social "scientists" maybe.


Lack of poetry in their lives.

Someone needs a map of meaning

Verily, their souls lack more than honey.

Unfortunately, one of the first places my brain quietly or overtly goes when a hear pretty much anything about a woman is "yeah, but on a scale of 1-10." Often without even seeing her.

Further proof that men who say women are treated like shit are actually projecting

This is sooo gross. male sexuality needs to be stamped out.

males sexuality need to be stamped out.

This. So much this!

replace 'male sexuality' with white people please honey thanks xxx

I would hatefuck her into an ancap tbh

You aren’t fooling anyone, babyfucker.

I bought those kids far and square!

It's literally over for chapocels.

cancel chapocels finally

Imagine apologizing that much for finding a woman attractive.

This, but unironically.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. this post was made - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  3. "This isn’t a socialist caucus, and... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  4. Is it okay to want to fuck Ocasio-C... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  5. "Queue “true marxists” pointing out... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  6. "Socialism is when it’s one DSA mem... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  7. "Your "Vanity Fair socialists" ever... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  8. <strong>A very long seriousposting campaign over whether it's reasonable to rely on electoralism</strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  9. "You cant convince me that there is... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  10. "Pushing left doesn't work dingbat" - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  11. <strong>"Yeah man this is why people call us brocialists"</strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  12. <strong>"This is kind of a gross post"</strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is*

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Another great thread title: "How to make sure the working class will never vote for you."

When these types refer to "working class" it's not blue collar types but the underemployed baristas and such working dead-end retail gigs. Who absolutely vote for them.

Chapos think that because you work 20 hours a week during the summer for party money while your parents pay all your expenses make you working class for life.

That is still work

But its not "Oh god do I take my kid to the hospital or try to explain to the landlord that I won't have all the rent" working class.

It's also not "I have a full-time job because I have to pay bills in order to not be homeless" a.k.a. working class.

Yep yep yep

Except if landlord refers to parents and rent refers to allowance.

Sorry kid, part-time funemployed isn't working class

It's only work if you've never actually worked before

Hot take, the underemployed aren't working class. It's right there in the name

Speak truth to power the lazy.

That's what I've never understood. The people on there and LSC aren't laid off coal miners, they're part time baristas who are upset making coffee won't pay for a nice apartment in San Francisco or NYC, while complaining they're expected to smile and talk to customers (aka emotional labor)

Same as it ever was, prior to WWI, Marx was the middle class chapocels of Paris to discuss over coffee.

But Marxist movements of the day worked for the Interests of underprivileged classes. Now it's like a bunch of upper middle class kids bitching about how hard they have had.

Marx himself was infiltrating and subverting labor unions to turn them away from the interests of workers and toward his own.

Wut. Tell me more about this buddy.

Edit: To be clearer, objectification of women is gross, and I wish I'd stop doing it, but I feel like I've been cultured in a way that makes it difficult, and I haven't personally figured it how not constantly judge the sexual characteristics of every woman I meet, maybe not giving it voice would help, but it's hard not to notice the stark contrast between the women in that picture.

This is sooo gross. male sexuality needs to be stamped out.

Self-claimed socialists who praise people like latino horse mommy are literally the same shit as self-claimed alt-right tards who praise israel.

Honestly, socialist/communist retards who shit on AOC and alt-right autists who want to nuke Israel are miles ahead of these half-assed retards.

Thank you for introducing me to the phrase latino horse mommy.

What if you support Israel but do not self identify as alt right?

i don't know, what if you like horse mommy and aren't a communist?

You find horses attractive?

As an Hispanic, I can't get over how these people actively support a system that has proven to be nothing more than a craddle of corruption and failure in Latin America.

Failure and Spaniards are like Commies and purging themselves, inseparable.

As some of you may know and some of you may not, ChapoTrapHouse doesn't really have a single ideological tilt to it. Much of it is succdems but there are tankies as well, and they clash sometimes.

Retarded is a ideological tilt thay encompasses all these lefties.

they clash sometimes

So Chapotraphouse is in fact a group of retarded special ed lolcows fight with one another at recess.

Just as I imagined them

Of course tankies and social democrats are gonna fight lol. They’re the only people on the left who have actual goals for society and historical accomplishments to boast of.

Hiw embarrassing for the non-radical-centrists.

Do you mean radical non-centrists?

Ahhh. Classic political suicide.

Reminder that the DSA is a clique for 'woke' rich white kids and tranny's that have 0 interest in actually winning or getting anything accomplished, they just want to sit around in their cool kid club and talk about how smart they are for reading marx and shit

Communism was the chuds we cancelled along the way.

Lotta Brooklyn Jews, too.

I'll give the DSA of my area some credit. They actually came out this last election, played nice with the liberals and neoliberals, and knocked on doors and shit. You know, real fucking praxis.

I have no idea if DSA anywhere else is worth a damn, though.

Great effort post, I hope this stays stickied for a while before lawlz comes in and puts up more garbage

Let me tell you this-- MasterLawlz is one of the most retarded, autistic, unfunny moderators you'll ever meet, and even as an opponent of eugenics it appalls me that God would allow such a vile, festering "man" to exist.

Snappy Quote pls.

Social democracy continues being the left wing of fascism

At least finally admitting the left is facist. Baby steps

Meh chapocels don't have necessary sanity left to support a decent political movement. A combination of gender dysphoria and harmones is probably driving them nuts.

No transwomen? Yikes, a bit cis-heteronormative dontcha think?