JK Rowling confirms what we all thought, every wizard and witch used to piss and shit their pants.

1  2019-01-05 by TheColdTurtle


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this is what au~turs~ call world building, pay attention writelets.

It never even began for authorcels.

Seriously, I ain't wrote shit.

Don't quote me boy because I ain't saying shit.

There’s not a more loathsome creature than the “writer” who neither writes nor reads.

Hey now, I read plenty. I also would never self-identify as a writer because I'm not that much of a fuckstick.

Reading anything good rn (aside from my comment)?

Neverwhere. Just picked it up, I'm only 20 pages in. I hear it's amazing, but I've never been disappointed in Neil Gaiman in the past.


Nueromancer and The Power Broker, both really cool.

I’ve only read American Gods and that one about the jungle book but in a graveyard. It seems like his comic books might be better.

I want to read Sandman. I've heard the graphic novels he does are solid

Try Lost Gods. It's like the author dropped the guy from AG right into multicultural Hades.

Would I like it if I hated American Gods? The premise was neat but Neil Gayman is just a bad writer for me. That bit in the middle where a teen girl goes on a three-page rant about the conflicts and beauty of millennials made me almost stop.

A solid maybe? The gods are all of the traditional sort and our politics is completely gone from their world. So inherently less shenanigans like that. It kinda starts out like a Stephen King, the Hades stuff blindsided me.

All right ill check it out, but if I hate it I will harass you.

pls yes

So you're saying instead of being able to eliminate all of their waste instantly and literally magically, they instead willingly chose to depend on antiquated non-magical sanitation technology, costing billions of dollars to install and maintain in all the homes and facilities in their world, because...reasons?

Is there any other fictional universe where the severely autistic author adds on retarded bullshit that was never originally in the store, but pretending it was anytime they want attention? Reason #104,421,1241 why autistic people should be liquidated.

This but unironically

Is there any other fictional universe where the severely autistic author adds on retarded bullshit that was never originally in the store, but pretending it was anytime they want attention?

Does Star Wars count?

I couldn't comment on star wars, I realize it has over 9000 books but it's not just one guy writing all of those either like for this. I'm talking about like how JK Spergling tried to pretend she purposely and secretly make Dumbledore gay, 2 years after the book came out. She got to profit off of avoiding the controversy of making a character gay at the time, while simultaneously retroactively claiming woke points and pretending he was gay in the first place, all for attention. I'm going to take a page out of the Mel Gibson playbook and hope she gets raped by a group of gentlemen.

It's no where near as egregious as what J.K. Rowling is doing, but George Lucas made several retroactive changes to the original Star Wars and claimed that they reflected his "original, unchanging vision" despite the fact that he later reversed some of them.

Nice. Hopefully he ends up dangling from a rope in his mansion one day.

imagine caring this much about wizard stories for children

Never forget the CGI rock

Lol wtf is that

I remember when I was ten and thought this looked so good.

honestly a good movie too

implying star wars has an "author" and not a Disney design committee

He meant pre-disney star wars. Lucas absolutley massacred his own creation with the prequels and the pre-originals expanded universe he authorized. It was a completley jumbled mess for a decade and a half.

The kingdom hearts universe has to be the gayest and most autistic possible universe though.

That came kinda out of nowhere i felt but i absolutley will not argue with you on that one.

Its all the worst parts of anime and disney combined.

it doesn't make any fucking sense

I played part of the first game, thought it was ok as a game but found the settings the weirdest combination of emo (seriously "heartless"?) and overly cheery disney.

How are people excited for kingdom hearts 3? How do they at all know what is happening across all of the weird ports and remasters adding more layers of retardation to the already poorly thought out story?

I'm guessing stuff is just going to be ignored or nodded to. Anything directly brought up will be explained.

I don’t think JK Rowling is autistic. She just doesn’t understand worldbuilding beyond creating a general “feel” which makes the Wizarding World recognizable.

Newt Scamander is definitely autistic, though. (Socially awkward, collects and categorizes things, obsessed with niche topics). They can’t really say it in-universe because people didn’t understand autism at the time his films are set.

They drop all sorts of hints about Newt without saying it outright. In the last movie his brother even had a line about him not making eye contact and being a weirdo. Newt for sure has a touch of the 'tism.

He's also an obvious puff but nobody seems to be mentioning that?

A Hufflepuff.

They can’t say it outright in the film because people didn’t know about autism in the 1920s.

She just doesn’t understand worldbuilding beyond creating a general “feel” which makes the Wizarding World recognizable.

Literally just British private schools but with magic. It's not new or original, just that most of the world isn't terribly familiar with it.

You mean public schools.

Dune, depending on your thoughts on Chapterhouse.

Also Dune, depending on if you think his son's retarded additions are canon

That small of the back trick is a real winner though.

Only the first book is canon. I will use atomics without a single afterthought on any enemy who says otherwise.

Incorrect, God Emperor of Dune was the greatest Dune book ever, actually.


What a beautiful mushroom cloud. It shall serve as an incense most beautiful to the Muad'Dib.

You're still wrong. The first book had some nice worldbuilding and some Young Adult Fiction tropes, that's all.

Look, if you think that this is what's important, I can curse you with a suggestion of "Malazan Book of the Fallen": it has like ten times of that stuff, and better stuff, the worldbuilding it has in such spades you devour the first couple of books to the detriment of sleep and food. But it doesn't have a fourth book like Dune that makes it all worth it actually, it has nine more books that you have to read because the first one was so awesome and they are all entirely pointless because it turns out that edgy wordbuilding doesn't automatically give you a point.

Malazan is so hard to read though. I always end up tapering off at the first battlefield scene.

What was that on the wind? The whispering of a dead man? No, merely sand shifting on the...Dune.

roll credits

It's not the worldbuilding that made Dune good. It was the narrative, muh themes, and characters, as with any other book. I don't see what I did to deserve being recommended Malazan. Not even atomics are that bad.

But the first several books of Malazan had all that in spades!

Lorn drew a shaky breath. A flaw,' she said, pausing to clear her throat before continuing, 'which I admit to, Tool. Thank you for alerting me to my growing complacency.' She sat up. 'Tell me, doesn't it strike you as odd that this supposedly empty Rhivi Plain should display so much activity?'

'Convergence,' Tool said. 'Power ever draws other power. It is not a complicated thought, yet it escaped us, the Imass.' The ancient warrior swung his head to the Adjunct. 'As it escapes their children. The Jaghut well understood the danger. Thus they avoided one another, abandoned each other to solitude, and left a civilization to crumble into dust. The Forkrul Assail understood as well, though they chose another path. What is odd, Adjunct, is that of these three founding peoples, it is the Imass whose legacy of ignorance survived the ages.'

Lorn stared at Tool. 'Was that an attempt at humour?' she asked.

The T'lan Imass adjusted his helmet. 'That depends on your mood, Adjunct.'

She climbed to her feet and strode to check her horses. 'You're getting stranger every day, Tool,' she said quietly, more to herself than to the Imass. Into her mind returned the first thing she had seen when she'd opened her eyes – that damned creature and his sword. How long had he stood like that? All night?

The Adjunct paused to test her shoulder tentatively. It was healing quickly. Perhaps the injury had not been as severe as she'd first thought.

As she saddled her horse she chanced to glance at Tool. The warrior stood staring at her. What kind of thoughts would occupy someone who'd lived through three hundred thousand years? Or did the Imass live? Before meeting Tool she had generally thought of them as undead, hence without a soul, the flesh alone animated by some external force. But now she wasn't so sure.

'Tell me, Tool, what dominates your thoughts?'

The Imass shrugged before replying. 'I think of futility, Adjunct.'

'Do all Imass think about futility?'

'No. Few think at all.'

'Why is that?'

The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her. 'Because, Adjunct, it is futile.'

never make me read that again

‘If those squalid apes are following you, let them ‘ware my wrath,’ Iskaral hissed. ‘No matter which chamber I choose, they insist on using it as repository for their foul leavings. I have lost patience! They mock a High Priest of Shadow at their peril!’

‘We have found the gate,’ Mappo said.

Iskaral did not pause in his cleaning. ‘Oh, you have, have you? Fools! Nothing is as it seems. A life given for a life taken. You have explored every corner, every cranny, have you? Idiots! Such overconfident bluster is the banner of ignorance. Wave it about and expect me to cower? Hah. I have my secrets, my plans, my schemes. Iskaral Pust’s maze of genius cannot be plumbed by the likes of you. Look at you two. Both ancient wanderers of this mortal earth. Why have you not ascended like the rest of them? I’ll tell you. Longevity does not automatically bestow wisdom. Oh no, not at all. I trust you are killing every spider you spy. You had better be, for it is the path to wisdom. Oh yes indeed, the path!

‘Bhok’arala have small brains. Tiny brains inside their tiny round skulls. Cunning as rats, with eyes like glittering black stones. Four hours, once, I stared into one’s eyes, he into mine. Never once pulling gaze away, oh no, this was a contest and one I would not lose. Four hours, face to face, so close I could smell his foul breath and he mine. Who would win? It was in the lap of the gods.’

Mappo glanced at Icarium, then cleared his throat. ‘And who, Iskaral Pust, won this . . . this battle of wits?’

Iskaral Pust fixed a pointed stare on Mappo. ‘Look upon him who does not waver from his cause, no matter how insipid and ultimately irrelevant, and you shall find in him the meaning of dull-witted. The bhok’aral could have stared into my eyes for ever, for there was no intelligence behind them. Behind his eyes, I mean. It was proof of my superiority that I found distraction elsewhere.’

I have such a love-hate relationship with that series. Because it had one of the best settings hands down, funny as hell sometimes, and edgy as fuck too, in a good sense (the book that opened with a hundred page long account of that half-giant's rape journey for the most prominent example). And then it gradually turned to absolute shit and fizzled with a fart.




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Elaborate? What does dune have to do with chapos?

Also Dune, depending on if you think his son's retarded additions are canon

What do you means, you don't like the idea of the worm emperor ?

it’s so they wouldn’t be shitting their pants all day



Have you read the Twitter Post? They cleaned up their feces afterwards.

It showed better manners than before.

cultural change within the magic society

maybe just a clever marketer of muggel plumbing systems.

maybe it also had to do with a higher proportion of Muggel born.

I find such small always nice. They don't always have to be especially if they come as described by you grades then when such a topic is just hot. See your example of Dumbledore's homosexuality.


If this is the case why did they even need plumbing?

Ikr just make designated shitting rooms and be done with it

That's what we do, in a sense 🤯

Well banishing spells are like fifth year spells , so not able tale care of your own waste for five years would be a problem

Just hold it


JK Rowling literally shitposting

No, I think she is just trying to make Indians feel better about shitting in the street.

Actually Harry Potter was Palestinian

Allaha Kebabra!

They really figured shit out.

Whatever is left of the "Wizarding World" has been destroyed with all of the daily bothersomes that have followed us into the fantasy, whether it be street-shitting citizens, transgender antifa wizards or whatever else JK (fittingly named) decides to come forth with to retcon her legacy as an author.

transgender antifa wizards

Why did none of them intervene during or before World War 2?

Cause nazi wizards protecting axis high command

this is probably the obvious in-universe explanation

these people have had like 3 of their own hitlers. Wizards are morons

For such a small segment of the European population, wizards seem to have a bizarrely high proportion of insane, mass-murdering madmen.

it's kind of like the real life british elite, but with pedophiles

with more

they have access to more mind-altering substances

And a lot more power. The average retard could do a lot more damage if they had the ability to do magic shit.

i was gonna say that, but even Brit muggies can get guns if they’re patient enough. and Brits are very patient by nature

I think it's because they uncritically give unlimited power to literally every weirdo kid with severe mental problems.

I think that's just JK rowling's inherent psychosis and cluster b personality disorders coming out in the writing. Also why the fuck is the wizarding world still on the gold standard?

The new movies say wizard Hitler did everything to stop literal Hitler

Its sad because Dumbledore being gay was a cool thing that made sense and could be used to piss of mayos but then she revealed he wasnt really gay she was just being retarded and making everything "woke" through retconning ala black hermoine.

She didn't retcon Hermione being black, she said that ye whatever, she could be, why not.

The Harry Potter universe isn't one I want to live in. There would be no point in being a diaperhon then :(

Remember that there are people who base their worldview and relate everything to the piece of literature being discussed here.


I would mock them but my moral compass is based on Go Dog Go and al-Quran so who am I to throw stones?

You owe me this posts' karma. I will accept payment in tendies. Failure to transfer karma within 24 hours and I'll be consulting my lawyer.


Fool I didnt even notice your post! You get nothing.

Ok then see you in court. Expect to hear from my lawyer /u/Ed_ButteredToast.

What the, he is unbanned?

So where does the poop go when the magic shit makes it disappear.


A very gross answer from the book, vanish objects go unto non-being, which is to say, *into everything&

the real poo was inside you all along

thanks for that

Shitting yourself at Harry Potter World is now cosplay.

Not mine.

owning the magicels with made up facts and without logic.

Too bad JK Rowling didn't vanish the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Have you vanished the libs yet?

Is this a pasta I haven't seen before or your original autistic ramblings? Either way I'm stealing this

Review of hp by Harold bloom

harold bloom is a cuck hack, and 100% correct about harry potter

Horrible segue 3/10

Chart is non existent 0/10.


Jk is finally catering my scat fetish 💩

what the fuck

Avatar the Last Airbender: Bend bodily fluids out of bodies (to kill if u want)

Harry Pooter: Just shit yourself

Wizard Jack's off on floor. Lazily forgets to vanish it. 🧙‍♂️🍆💦

So wizards that can take shape of animals are adopting more of furry habits by pissing and shitting where are they stood

TFW Ron will never take a gingerly dump on your chest because it will just magically disappear...

What’s the point of fucking living


i'm sick of all this shit, joanne!!



yo what the FUCK rowling is wyling out

Harry Potter is trash and written for children. The characters are bland and super easy. Oh they're either PURELY GOOD or ONLY EVIL and have ZERO LAYERS TO THEM. And the author is confirmed autistically retarded