When you allow blatant transphobia, homophobia, gamers, misogyny, racism, incels and all other kinds of garbage to flourish under your watch on r/Drama ----- Yeah. Very accurate.
I dunno, they're putting more effort into it than I ever did. But I'm lazy and get bored easily so my threshold for what constitutes effort is probably lower than yours.
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
1 somewhatsacred 2019-01-06
unironically true.
1 i_am_dratamard2 2019-01-06
When you allow blatant transphobia, homophobia, gamers, misogyny, racism, incels and all other kinds of garbage to flourish under your watch on r/Drama ----- Yeah. Very accurate.
1 Kiru-Kokujin27 2019-01-06
whats with all the low effort left wing trolls recently
1 Quietus42 2019-01-06
I dunno, they're putting more effort into it than I ever did. But I'm lazy and get bored easily so my threshold for what constitutes effort is probably lower than yours.
1 Kiru-Kokujin27 2019-01-06
low effort to me just means obvious
1 Quietus42 2019-01-06
Oic. That makes more sense.
1 ticktockwarrior 2019-01-06
They're filling in the gigantic void pizzashill left
1 sadderreborn 2019-01-06
Cth going private
1 SnapshillBot 2019-01-06
I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LSU_Coonass 2019-01-06
> reddit mods are the lowest forms of human life
absolutely true, unironically worse than blue checkmarks
1 SchrodingerIsAlive 2019-01-06
Nothing can beat the toxic cesspool that is twitter.
With whatever remaining "non-bot" accounts they have.
1 SGautam64 2019-01-06
They do it for free.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2019-01-06
This but unironically
1 mukumukum24 2019-01-06
A sewer rat is more human than a default sub mod.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-01-06
Mods killed my parents
1 SchrodingerIsAlive 2019-01-06
Thought it was pasta at first. Might as well be now.
1 eyespong 2019-01-06
Doesn't more then 10 upvotes make it not an unpopular opinion?
1 Ghirarims_Nose 2019-01-06
it has been well established that that subreddit contains anything but unpopular opinions
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2019-01-06
Wow he called us human 😍
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2019-01-06
Goddamn shape shifters!! 😡
1 TheBrapthorn 2019-01-06
Guess who can't help but join in
1 Awayfone 2019-01-06
He reallly has no room to call people out on their obsession
1 cheers_grills 2019-01-06
I'm suprised he is still alive, I was sure he would off himself by now.
1 OreoRaguSmoothie 2019-01-06
What happened to that stupid ass admin proposal to let users take over subreddits when they got mad.
It would have been good for dramacoin if it had passed.
1 stupidpol 2019-01-06
god, subreddit mutinies would be fucking amazing
1 tHeSiD 2019-01-06
I want every sub to be a cth takeover
1 ethicsssss 2019-01-06
Seize the means of moderation.
1 somewhatsacred 2019-01-06
Inb4 /r/drama mods are replaced with the only lower form of life, MDEfugees
1 HardIsLife 2019-01-06
They ain’t wrong. Even at the lowest point of my life where I was jobless and was free 24/7, I was never a mod.
1 MasterLawlz 2019-01-06
they're not wrong
1 DinoHL 2019-01-06
1 modsarefags225690 2019-01-06
Mods are fags
1 MikeStoklasaAlcohol 2019-01-06
MasterLawlz resigned 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1 32624647 2019-01-06
1 TheHeroReditDeserves 2019-01-06
It never even fucking started for modcells
1 sadderreborn 2019-01-06
I like how theres some posts in there humblebragging aboit updoots and how they got removed
Losers lol