Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest fires that, with proper Forrest Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!

1  2019-01-09 by SignalEvent


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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It's over for Golden-State-cels

Suck a dick Curry

I wish Ayesha sucked my dick 😢

Fuck KD

Life-fuel for Westbrook-cels


yes, give me more

Just when you think it’s not possible for him to get any dumber…

Nah, he's actually right about this one.

Yeah that does sound reasonable, it's just the way he fucking expresses himself, and I had to Google "expresses".

But this is brilliant. No republican will ever win California, so what's their incentive not to let it burn?

fuck this is actually woke af

Where will the southern states get their gibs from

New York probably. Plus they'll just move the film industry to Austin or Atlanta.

Then those states the cities are located in would become the next california 😍

At which point, it'll be allowed to burn and the glorious cycle will continue until America becomes a nation of good family people who only read the bible for infotainment.

King James 1611 or what.

Is ESV the one to read now

Protestants took us down this road. Catholicism is the one true faith.

Big yikes.

Lutheran Protestantism or death

Go nail your comment to a door somewhere else

Who are we gassing first, the jews or the prods?

Definitely prods, Jersey Jews with obnoxious accents are pure waifu material.

I'm okay with letting the hymies live but only if we remove their vocal cords

Papists rise up

Future of film is in China anyways

I saw that piece of shit with Matt Damon. I disagree.

No republican will ever win California

Reagan and Nixon made their bones in Cali.

The past is a different country. Nixon's tree hugging ass wouldn't even be a Republican by modern standards and Reagan's gun politics would make him unelectable.

Reagan would have to change like 2 policies, he's still the patron saint of the GOP.

Two policies? Not even close! And the two you're dismissively thinking of would both be enough to completely torpedo him since they're among the most important issues to the modern GOP.

Daddy buckled on guns and rightoids still adore him.

He tweeted some nonsense. He has no stance, that's why the rightoids adore him.

While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.

It’s not about policies, you mong. It’s about triggering libs.

I bet I could find a tweet where trump says something similar about assault weapons, but no one cares lol

> thinks the tards on t_d are in any way like the GOP in the real world

everyones online now, even his core demo, the boomer is constantly online

Still 2+ years in they love him.

That's the thing about one way streets...


Millennials like you actually make boomers look okay.

> i unironically think not only is trump just like me, but the gop leadership identifies with /pol and all the other basement retards

pol shit is wildly popular. Look at all those people in the white house taking pics with the ok sign or retweeting pepes lol.

Now I know boomers aren't actually going to 4chan but they are in the facebook groups, they retweet the memes and they all listen to the same content creators.

I'm sorry if these facts upset you but its the way that things are.

pol shit is wildly popular. Look at all those people in the white house taking pics with the ok sign or retweeting pepes lol.

Snappy pls

I would be honored, but I doubt it will make the cut.

Reagans gun politics only had to do with fear of black people having access to guns. It would still hold for the GOP base.

Nixon literally created the Southern strategy lmao

I agree with Raygun tho

Orange County was the Republican stronghold in Cali and it went completely blue in the midterms. It's over for reagancels.

And then Reagan's 1986 amnesty ensured that California would be forever blue. California has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1988.

This. Reagan thought third-world rejects would pendulum-vote like Americans instead of just pulling the lever for more welfare every single time. idiot.

White folk are just plain naive when it comes to this issue. Jeb personifies this type of politician.

That's why we're using the fire to clear up his mistake. Once Los Angelos and San Francisco burn to the ground, we can rebuild them as cities that aren't fucking awful

The fact the recent forest fires, the ones that destroyed the town of Paradise, happened in the one part of the state that still elects GOP congressman?

Oh i forgot presdient is all that matters oops

, so what's their incentive not to let it burn?

GOP strongholds like Orange County give his part fuck tons of money.

Someone said they flipped blue finally. Besides, the loss of that money would be way more than balanced by the loss of democratic donations coming out of California. Not that it matters, if we were literally talking "California is gone" none of that money would matter because the GOP wouldn't lose another election until the dems had done some radical restructuring.

In conclusion, Republicans should rile up North Korea enough to nuke Cali. It's a win-win situation.

Someone said they flipped blue finally.

They went blue in 2018 for the first time in something silly like 60 years. Considering who was running in 2018 Id hardly consider that a permanent flip, not yet at least.

Besides, the loss of that money would be way more than balanced by the loss of democratic donations coming out of California.

What? Why would the Democrats stop getting donations because of this? If anything its just going to lead to more donations.

In conclusion, Republicans should rile up North Korea enough to nuke Cali. It's a win-win situation.

That would just lead to more refuges from that shit state moving to Texas, which in turn would lead to more Texans moving to Colorado.

Our current policy of containing Californians in California may not be perfect but I think its our best option based on the current technology available to us. Once we have perfected implantable RFID technology that can issue an electric shock to any Californian attempted to flee the state is the time to implement a final solution to the Californian question.

They would stop getting donations because of the Californians dying in the fires, nuclear or otherwise. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to live in Duck Dynasty America myself and as a state with lots of Catholics I'm a big California fan, but Republican Americans would live better lives by their standards if the whole state and its population was wiped out in holy fire.

And California actually makes the US money and Trump can't be in control or have anything that actually pulls in a profit. It goes against his legacy.

At this point, I support dividing up California into 3 more states so that region can gain 6 more democrat senators.

Proper management of the country?

When i first heard him say that, i thought he couldnt be dumber but there are experts who kinda agree with him in that they arent managing the forests which is why there are so many bad fires. As much as i hate Trump and everything he stands for, he may have a point

At first I thought daddy was retarded because he obviously is, but after a little bit of brainwashing I realized daddy is actually genius and misunderstood because he plays 6D backgammon. Now I trust daddy really.

Youre a fucking moron. Learn to think for yourself instead of everything you see on the news. There are experts saying that a huge issue in california forests is the fact that the dead trees and leaves and trash arent being cleaned up which is fuel for fire and a huge reason why these fires grow so large. Theres also experts who talk about how fire is a naturally occuring aspect of forests in california and that controlled fires is actually part of forest management. But it doesnt matter what i say cuz youre obviously a moron who finds it easier to just go with what he reads in reddit or other blogs instead of doing your own research and coming to a reasonable conclusion


😴 💤

Good job with the dyor on the plethora of trees in socal!

Youre a fucking moron. Learn to think for yourself instead of everything you see on the news.

  1. yawn.. serious post
  2. don't assume you're not on reddit anymore. We just accept were morons.

Its partly that they don't manage forests properly but also its because there is a fire season out here just like there's a hurricane season in Florida. Recently they've been doing large scale pre burns which will most likely help but what will really help is if we get out of this perpetual drought. We need like 10 years of good rain/snow fall during the winter. As far as the Camp Fire that just happened, that was pg&e's fault and after a couple years in court they'll pay out but I think it's kind of fucked up that he's going to withhold relief from a whole town's worth of people. There are still a ton of people here living in tents because they lost everything and won't be able to move on with their lives until they get their settlement from pg&e.

I totally agree. Im not saying that his decision to take funding away is correct. If anything that will only make things worse. Im just saying that he may have a point about forest missmanagement despite what people on reddit think

My b, I just chose your comment to put my 2 cents under, I didn't mean to insinuate you thought one way or the other.

The federal forests are just as poorly managed as the state forests and the state is paying for the private firefighters to be out there doing the controlled burnings. There is so much remote forest land out here that it's going to be extremely expensive to do controlled burns everywhere. It's kind of ironic that The town Parsdise that totally burned in The Camp Fires was in one of the more conservative counties in Ca.

the forests are federally managed

By "they" you mean the national forest service, not California, right?

I dont know. I assummed that would fall under state responsibilities but im not very knowledgeable on the topic

Nope, the national forests fall under the national forest service which ultimately rolls up under *checks notes Donald Trump.

Yup youre right. From what i gathered, the state actually owns very little of those forests and the majority of them are on private or federal land, making it very hard for the state to implement any plan to actually clean it up

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Forest Fires Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Woods Like Nigga Turn Your Lighter Off Haha

Just rake the leaves for free nigga HAHAHAHAHAHA...

Use your state funds on Federal property hHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Tyler's greatest work

I really liked wolf tho

Really liked Scum Fuck Flower Boy too

Run, Forrest, run!

🎶 All the Dems, with their clenched up fists, better run, better run, Out-run my gut* 🎶


He deleted it and reposted with proper spelling LMAO.

Better than leaving it up and having everyone scream "orange man made typo and didn't correct it xd".


Basic literacy is an unreasonable expectation for a modern-day POTUS.

If you're as much of a Twatter addict as Trump, you're bound to make typos or mistakes at some point.

Some one had to tell him though, an actual person had to correct his spelling.

He made it worse for himself deleting it.

Doomed by low expectations.

orange fan mad

cry harder, lmao

I loved reading the one guys comments! He was breaking it down for my dumb ass and then twitter asked me to sign up

So much for DDF saying it was an intentional Easter egg.

oh you know they are. it's obviously a secret code dude

Fuck we need a new extinction


Misspelling it and then taking it down triggers the libs even more!

with proper spelling

Trump fires?

But still with random capitalisation because fuck it.

That must been some kind weird Q posting!

heh, you think trump would make a spelling mistake? foolish.

Qanon is helping him write his tweets.

> Thinks proper Forrest Management is raking leafs

> Day of the rake when?

All studies show that forest mismanagement is the cause for the fires. You have to rake up all the dead brush on the ground. That's what fuels the fires. I was in RMNP and they had huge piles of dead brush and logs in a tepee formation and then do controlled burns.

Cali doesnt want to rake anything because it might destroy the environment. In the end, the fires totally destroy the environment there.

To get all serious: California suffers from decades of stopping smaller forest fires which would have cleared out that brush, and from not having defensible space / fire safe landscaping around houses and towns. It doesn't help that plenty of people also have wooden shingles.

You wanted the smaller forest fires to continue so those fires clear out brush that shouldve been raked up and then CONTROLLED burned??

You aware how smaller fires turn into huge fires? The dead trees and dead brush on the ground. Its fuel. It needs to be raked so other forest fires can be contained easier.

You fucking missed the point.

You aware how smaller fires turn into huge fires?

Yes, that happens now because nothing has been done for decades. A controlled burns have also gotten out of hand and turned into wildfires. They are a good strategy, but knocking out the small fires for decades has led to this mess.

You want the small forest fires to burn the dead brush on the ground for you instead of raking it up and doing it in a controlled manner??

C'mon now, that is the stupidest shit I've heard.

You want the small forest fires to burn the dead brush on the ground for you instead of raking it up and doing it in a controlled manner??

Where did I say that?

You said cali suffers from decades of stopping smaller forest fires that wouldve cleared the brush.

Is that the same thing as saying that I would prefer small forest fires to controlled burns?

Do you? That's ridiculous if so. Raking and controlled burns are way more effective.

Preferring small forest fires that are uncontrolled and not raked is probably the least effective.

You are really trying hard to straw man me. And no, the least effective is not doing controlled burns and also preventing small forest fires.

this guy is either trolling or never been in wilderness... forests are massive and you can't access alot of it with out a major expedition. Even in minnesota the trails cover a very small percentage of forests. I went to the boundary waters and there is litteral untouched land there.

He's defending Daddy's raking comment.

have you been in a forest? half of minnesota is a forest, how the heck do you rake that?

Minnesota doesnt get many forest fires. You rake up the dead shrubbery on the ground. And not a rake from home depot which you are probably thinking...

minnesota does alot of small burns where we litterally just light a park on fire and let it recover.. Also we don't manage a majority of our national forest. It is so dense you cant walk through it with out major effort. You cannot rake it... you don;t want to either. It decomposes and turns into nutrients.... just please tell me you are joking

I was in rocky mountain national park earlier this year, saw many piles of raked up dead brush. This is what the experts actually do. Believe it or not. Here's a quick link. Also like I said, forest fires arent a problem in Minnesota. What do you think I'm joking about? That people actually rake the forest?

That is a SUPER small area. we are talking MILLIONS of acres. That picture had 7 piles in it which means they did an area 45~ times larger than that with a total of 300 piles. That picture shows a couple hundred square yards... Lets say 10,000 sq yards or about 2 acres in that photo. Which means they burned about 90 - 100 acres worth of brush.... With 6.4 million acres of national forest in california they would need 65,000 controlled burns of that size to cover the entire area.... how is that even a good option.

if each burn takes 2 days and you need a dedicated fire team for each ... thats 356 years of burning brush if you only had 1 fire team. if you had 100 fire team and ranger team thats still going on 4 years of continous burning

Moving the goal posts lol. They dont do this in every single part of the forest. Only a retard like yourself would assume that. Only in certain parts where the chance of a fire starting would be a significantly higher. Like off a roadway for example or near trails.

There was a forest fire under ground by my cabin because of a lightning strike... They can happen anywhere...

Yeah I understand that fire can happen anywhere. Thanks intelligent caveman.

Ok, so we only rake the forest in populous areas, a fire starts a hundred miles away, there is still a fire..

Oh that's right. Well I guess we shouldnt do any preventative measures then because fires can still happen. Didnt think of that

or specifically don't use blanket statement like rake the forest like it will solve everything. Its a complex issue that has no single answer.

Never said it would solve everything. But it's a preventative measure that retards like yourself try and deny even happens because of your blind hatred to drumpf

Minnesota doesnt get many forest fires.

It actually gets tons of them but you never hear about them because no one gives a shit about Minnesota.

You wanted the smaller forest fires to continue so those fires clear out brush that shouldve been raked up and then CONTROLLED burned??

Thats sort of the end game of controlled burns ideally. There are like a thousand of fires in each western state each day , but most don't burn much more than an acre.

The federal government owns over half the acres of forest land.

Specifically, the state of california owns 2%.

Private owners have what's not federally owned.

thanks daddy


Google "forest mismanagement study cali" tons of articles like this one...

you call that a study! you just linked "" lmao

....its the daily cal. Its Berkeleys news, dipshit.

its the dailycaller!

Illiterate Chapo retards like this need to go.

illiterate chapo retards

Redundancies like this need to go.


All studies

You frequent teh_Dolan, let's not pretend you actually believe in evidence-based policymaking. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Didn't you know? Trump supportes are experts in ecology

Looks like Mexico will have to pay for it.

But it makes sense, it's mostly Mexican state, anyways.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a mistake.

Holy fuck, Gump is on fire again!

Conservacels, does he have a point. Asking for centrism

letting a state burn down will undeniably cause lots of drama

And dramacoin will rise again

Not a cuckservative but California burning to the ground harms no one that matters.

This but unironically. Bcd

I don't care if he's retarded so long as California burns tbh

letting your richest state burn to own the libtards

Jokes on you I don't live in Burgerstan so this is all entertainment

Anything is better than being a canuck

How is he going to pay for a wall when the majority of the countries GDP burns to the ground?

It always cracks me up when people ignore the fact that California is a huge portion of our GDP.

The taxes they pay prop up a half a dozen shit-hole red states.

People who live in shithole states don’t hCe enough brain cells to understand math tbh

California should just stop paying federal taxes and watch the red states chimp out when their gibsmedats for fent don't show up.

We wuz plantation owners and shit


Red states will retaliate by not sending water in. Then everybody loses.

Californians burn alive

Fentanyl-Americans starve to death

I fail to see the downside here.

Cali bans a fuck load of forestry stuff (controlled burns, clearing deadfall, etc) in the name of environmentalism. Let it burn to own the libs, famalam.

All of this year's devastating fires occured federal land

Killing your own base to own the libs.

BASED Daddy 😍😍😍

Thank you for not making an autistic reply that didn't answer my question



Imagine thinking controlled burns are banned in California.

By conseravcel, do you mean someone who is a MAGAcel or someone who is a recyclecel?

Burning down California is good praxis. Justifications are irrelevant. You don't have to be a conservative to see this, just ascend to the third center.

Ecology major here.

He's retarded, but does have valid criticism on how California manages it's forest, it probably could have prevented a few fires through controlled burns. Climate change is also a problem (obviously)

TL;DR Everyone is fucking dumb

Ecology major that doesn't understand what federal land means.

I'd be surprised, but then again you're an ecology major.

As a geoscientist whos had to interact with forestry people, that's pretty much it. Yeah the forests were not managed well, property rights and preserving aesthetics were put above proper management, but the state has also had a bad, extended run of droughts and record high temperatures during fire season (probably made worse by climate change).

Plenty of states have fucked up and mismanaged plenty of shit, but the only reason this has become a federal funding issue now is purely political theater. How about how much FEMA funding goes to idiots in southern coastal states whose houses get destroyed every year or two by hurricanes, built in flood zones, and simply rebuilt just the way they were because that's femas mandate? Houses literally built in flood zones so dangerous you can't even get flood insurance except through the government.

Half the forest in California is owned by the federal government.

Yes, and that's why it's especially retarded. I've had to many times deal with federal agencies to get access to land there

the state has also had a bad, extended run of droughts and record high temperatures during fire season (probably made worse by climate change).

Also the drought finally ended with some record-level rainfall, so that post-fire luscious soil was able to grow more vegetation which became even more tinder for this fire season.

I'm skeptical the drought really is over. I think it's a longer-term trend/system. But, that's hard to say, because there's evidence that suggests multi-decadal droughts are normal for the west; it's hard to know if those same patterns will manifest themselves given climate change.

On a macro level, for sure. By over, I mean there's not passive-aggressive notes on faucets & toilets everywhere anymore.

Those should be everywhere all the time in that state anyway.

Plus I bet it really annoys the goys

Yeah, I forget that all the non-natives weren't taught "If it's yellow than it's mellow, if it's brown flush it down." in elementary school

So FEMA is retarded and should be shut down?

Doesn't the federal government own and manage a few of the areas where fires started last year? Or am I just misremembering.

Doesn't the federal government own and manage a few of the areas where fires started last year?


Climate change is also a problem (obviously)

Not obvious to Trump 😂 😂 😂 😂

What would've prevented forest fires is having the state take over Pacific Gas and Electric as they've been cited multiple times for not updating their infrastructure and cutting costs.

It was their shit that caused the forest fire.

So here's a question: Does Trump think that when he says "I have ordered X" on Twitter, that counts as a presidential order? Like, does he assume that the director of FEMA is furiously refreshing his twitter feed waiting for new orders? Or does he know he's just talking shite?

He's talking out his ass, same thing he's been doing for the last 70 years.

Yes, obviously, but does he know that?

On some level, yes. He probably just thinks that he'll do it one way or another after mentioning it, but eventually gets distracted by something else before he can take action (or attempt to).

I can't read that article because I'm not a barexamcel.

i want to get off mr. bones' wild ride.

Nawh I refuse to believe you for my own sanity.

It's real

Daddy never disappoints to feed us drama.

FEMA should do that concentration camp thing again to pay for the billions they send to the state.

Yes he has a point. I mean imagine being so retarded you grandstand for dead trees.


daily leftist r/drama hugbox thread

Daddy is actually retarded tho 🤔

>this much COPE for Daddy not knowing common child-level spelling >not knowing how to escape the quote function and do a meme-arrow on Reddit

Haha, yeah, you’d be pretty stupid to not know that.





Trump tweets retarded stuff about depriving a state of disaster relief funds

Are you triggered liberals?????

is this seething?

>Daddy is good for Dramacoin

>Wtf why are there so many posts against Daddy? 😭

It never began for MAGAcels.

Go back to your "chapo said something retarded" hugboxes, goblin.

please ignore the retarded thing daddy said ps ur a leftist checkm8


Cool, but when are you getting that new trailer?

Daily corporal-Hicks whiny crypost comment


That's /u/headasplodes territory tbh 😂


Lurk more

Why do democrats get so hung up on abortions? Even the most conservative people i know consider abortion a serious issue, but they dont make their entire political ideology about abortions.



“a disgraceful situation in lives and money”?

is Daddy a robot?

an NPC to be accurate.

Worse; he's autistic.

isn’t that what Mr. Robot’s about

/u/JumbledFun would respond but his meth lab caught on fire.

Aww it's cute you're thinking of me while you're dick is in your sister

you're dick is in your sister

How inbred and methed out do you have to be to fuck up the word "your," then use it correctly all within the same sentence?

Lay off the pipe, whitey 😂

Because I hardly care enough to look for any auto correct errors while shitting out drama posts on my phone? You really got me gud

You also spelled "good" wrong, you said gud, its "good"

Gud is a technical term. As in 'git gud'.

Wow, he actually deleted it? I can't remember the last time Daddy deleted a Twitter spergout.

He reposted it after fixing his spelling errors


Except for Donald Jr

Last time was when he misspelled "boarder".

Isn't it illegal for him to delete tweets? Like destruction of public record or something like that.

Some retarded judge probably ruled it to be so, and then got smacked down by the supreme court. Trump's greatest asset is his enemies, who make him seem like a Rhode's scholar. From Hillary "What difference does it make dollar bill in a trailer park close the coal mines" Clinton to David "the" Hogg or even the woman's march leadership who turned out to secretly be plotting to gas the jews, his enemies have successfully made the bloated gasbad with bad hair seem both charming and erudite in comparison.

letting your citizens burn to own the libs

californians aren't american

californians aren't american people

Am California, can confirm. We're all unbearably smug, the nation would be better off if North Korea got its act together and actually fired those missiles.

We’d be smug over a toxic wasteland. We’re already smug about the Bay Area and LA.


they just fund america out of the goodness of their hearts 🤗

Ah yes I forgot about the naturally occurring high number of bits in Californian soil that is required for tech giants to be there. Surely that couldn't be replicated in any other state.

imagine having to cope with the fact that libtards pay for ur shit 😂

> implying libtards are the ones paying taxes in California

o i am laffin. at best some of us are "orange man so rude and uncouth please get my smelling salts" liberals not any kind of principled ones, and among the net positive taxpayers the liberal/conservative split is a lot closer if not outright reversed.*


*Source: I work at a large, wealthy tech company you probably use all the time. Most of us act like radical centrists, it's just a small percent of social warriors that make us seem unbearable because nobody will stand up to them and risk their job and gets James Demore'd

Way to put effort into your post bucko 👌

Thanks fren. If nobody’s willing to nuke us I’ll accept downdoots instead.


Yes. Fuck this whole shithole state. Most poverty in the nation and we keep digging. We’d rather own the cons than have a functioning two party govt. there wasn’t even a Republican in the ballot for Senate lmao.

When stacked up against world economies, y'all are #6.

Poverty is high because homes cost a lot, not because wages are low. And homes cost a lot because people want to live there.

Take a look at the average household income by state. Notice any trends?

Homes cost a lot because of development restrictions. If I want to add a room to rent in my house in San Francisco we need to do an environmental study and hold a city council meeting.

Homes cost a lot because people will pay that amount. That's how capitalism works sweety!

Yes and when you restrict supply on a good with high demand the price goes up. Econ 101

with high demand

But I thought California was a shit-hole? Why would living there be in high demand?

Also, people can move.

Hundreds of billions of dollars flowing into the area from tech companies, and we all want a house, and moving isn’t an option. The other jobs , like baristas, only pay well compared to the Midwest because of the baristas need somewhere to live too.

You should work for a right wing tech company like gab! All the brightest minds in software lean right

t. Thinks most software devs lean left

We’re autists, mostly libertarian retards. The lefties in tech are in HR/marketing. Fuck working for gab I’m in this for the big money to retire at 40.

Just saying for all the freeze peach hand-wringing about evil leftist tech companies... You would think a red state would start producing some serious tech giants

Silicon Valley can't be replicated, even New York couldn't do it, and all LA has is Snapchat. It's a cycle of initial VC Money => attracts talent => successful company makes more VCs => more VC money => attracts more talent. There's nothing special about the soil here or our politics, it's just a place that has too much talent concentration to move anywhere else. The successful tech giants in the midwest just get bought and moved over here. Even the tech companies based elsewhere have huge satellite offices here for access to the talent.

Imagine effortposting on drama 😂

I'm a pathetic retard, I know. I'll probably delete my post out of shame later today.

As long as you know 🤗

Stupid welfare people and their voting rights! Stop being poor i say!!!

Lol you're thinking about it wayyyy too much. Red states are full of dumb people(the actual welfare leeches) that are wanting coal and manufacturing jobs back. Stupid people caught in the past.

> Confirmed for not living in San Francisco

These """People""" would literally rather vote for poop and needles on the sidewalk as long as their govt checks clear than pull the lever for a hard-nosed republican who might clean it up. Besides I didn't say welfare people shouldn't be allowed to vote, I just explained why California was blue, l2read. I'm not praising retards in Red States either, they're full of their own brand of retardation.

Red states are full of dumb people(the actual welfare leeches)

Umm they're called african americans sweetie

We’re autists, mostly libertarian retards.

No that's just you m8

t. male feminist

I know there’s s few of you in the ranks because you want to rape women but I’m speaking generally.

people who make fun of me are male feminists

such a cringey reply

> going through a person's profile to downvote and reply to every single comment

is this how your fat stinky ass C 👁P E S?

going through a person's profile

You mean through your sperg comments in this thread? Lol.


takes random pic from google search

this is you






Who? Lmao

libertarian retards

You mean pedo retards?

Yes that's what I said.

James Demore

A guy who was literally so autistic that he felt the need to spam his coworkers with a manifesto about how girl cooties keep girls from doing well in tech. His firing set off so much autistic screeching.

You didn't even read his manifesto, did you? He was a diversity cuck like everyone else, except he made realistic suggestions that might help actually increase diversity. He didn't say girls had cooties or couldn't program or anything like that.

Oh, I read it, all right. Let me summarize it:


This is accurate for both the manifesto and the people who got offended by the manifesto. Dude was just an autist who didn’t realize he was in a hugbox and seriousposted instead.

I'm sure you have a lot more to say about why Google has trouble hiring diverse candidates than James Damore, looking forward to your Medium blog on it.

If I ever happen to genuinely care about a topic like that, remind me to shoot myself.

Do it preemptively it’s the only way to be sure

Most of us act like radical centrists,

Autists. Most of you behave like autists. James Damore died for this.

Implying there’s a difference.

Yes, there is, you autist.

Lmao, calm down, man. I assure you, nobody cares. We’re just here to shitpost, and you’re over here being serious n shit

Without seriousposts, there is no drama. Doing my part as a lolcow please appreciate that fact.

You know what? You’re right. Thank you for your service.

Frankly it was a mistake to take away the hardcore gay porn from the sidebar. It tended to keep the MDEtards out.

doing my part

merely pretending to be retarded


Get a life Ed.

unironically spergs in drama

get a life


Haha the closeted conservatives at tech companies are the saddest lot.

It’s the price of a diverse workplace with anonymous complaint hotlines.

Nice sperg, retard

Productive? Idk if getting taxed for everything including breathing is considered productive but ok.

California makes up 12% of the US GDP. If they kicked California out of the US to own the libs, it'd be the 6th largest economy in the world. Other than cost of living, one of the huge complaints about California is that there are too many people there. Hm, I wonder why they're not flocking to Missouri?

I mean hell, I live in the ass end of a high-tax state, and my overall cost of living is dead-on average for the US.

I'd like to see how they fair without the US help. Would be interesting for sure. It would be lots imports for food and even higher taxes.

Well... Californians already pay for that imported food you dumbass. And export plenty of it too.

Taxes would be higher, but without Federal taxes, overall tax burden would go down.

California grows more food than any other state.....

I'm in a state where we use 75% of the land for agriculture. We still import food from California.

Why do conservacucks think that it is difficult to import food?

Because the only thing they have is “who do you think grows your food?”

Dust Bowl II when?

I dunno man it says it’s retrieving server data for me

Lol the only think they can grow is corn and soy.

All states would be worse without federal help. The difference is that while California would be inconvenienced, Flyoveria would become a third-world country.

Implying that it's already not a third world country


I’m sure we’d FARE alright. There’s no indication that taxes would rise and California is the largest food producer in the country. If anything, we wouldn’t have to pay money to bail out shitty states like yours. Guess that’s just the way of life for living in the GOLDEN STATE.

I'd like to see how they fair without the US help

They be snatched up almost instantly by anyone of a dozen different powers because they are a massive asset

Maybe they can defend themselves with their 10 round magazines lol

You should realize a few things

  • "lol" isn't punctuation.
  • Military equipment isn't subject to state law.
  • A fair bit of the MIC happens in California.

You're right. What kept every country out of the US for the last 100 years were the hicks with their guns, not the trillions invested in their military.

You know you're fucking retarded, and probably like 13, right?

Oh damn. Then what does that make you?

Rational? And capable of buying booze?

Lay off the liquor, degenerate.

Your father takes it in the ass, and your mother knows, and stays cus she'd either be homeless or living with family, and your extended family doesnt want you living with them.

t. newfag

He literally said 'I know that u are but what am I?' 😂😂😂

It's the newfag/refugee menace of MAGAcels raping and pillaging r/drama. Of course he's gonna be buttmad about California being better than inbred flyover shitholes.


Oh look, yet another goblino posting on r/T_D proudly defending 56% of his heritage lmao

"How they fair"

Didn't expect anything else from a redneck

Implying that if the California seceded from the US that all the companies and businesses wouldn't jump ship and turn the state into a wasteland. California's economy doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's a commerce hub and port of entry for the entire US not for itself only that's why its GDP is so high. Remove California from the US and it would collapse in a matter of months.

I also love how people jump to the defense of California and how "wealthy" and prosperous it is when that is only the case thanks to Silicon Valley, Hollywood and other central hubs for business. The average person in California has ridiculously high cost of living and high taxes. I mean who wouldn't want to live in designated shithole cities like San Francisco or overcrowded cities like LA when they could move to a flyover state and have much cheaper cost of life, lower taxes and better scenery.

I have a hard time believing that. Why would they jump ship? Companies set up HQ buildings in shitholes like Dubai and Saudi Arabia because there's money there. You think California is full solely because there are jobs there?

As I said before, California doesn't exist in a vacuum. If California were to secede it wouldn't be a simple walk away and move along situation. There'd be harsh ramifications to the entire state. From mass immigration of the lower/middle classes towards flyover states, business uncertainty and fears would most likely drive hundreds of companies and businesses out of the state in the first weeks alone. California would also cease to be a port of entry/exit of goods for/from the US, considering it would no longer be part of the Union, this alone would be reason enough for most companies to jump ship and leave the state all together moving their headquarters back into the Union. California is a rich state mostly due to Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the rich upper class it's not really thanks to the low/middle classes.

You think California is full solely because there are jobs there?

Yes, at least for low/middle classes it is.

This whole situation would be akin to Brexit but like 1000x worse. It would give birth to a ridiculous amount of protests, riots, crime and a quite certain crash on the global economy.

But enough with seriousposting. I might be wrong, I might be right but anyway I'd love to see the smug liberal Californian's get shafted if their state were to secede. Their certainty that they wouldn't be the first to suffer the consequences of it is humorous.

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I'll stop seriousposting after this one. I personally don't see the "get California out of the US" so much from liberals, mostly from "get rid of California who needs them!" retards who think that broke-ass fuckwits in Mississippi are subsidizing illegal aliens in California.

You wouldn't be wrong either. It's a shitshow from every direction. That's why being in the center is so much more fun.

Oh, I know. I live in the ass-end of Illinois. What happens here is imho a microcosm of the rest of the country. I understand being frustrated that Chicago runs everything. On the other hand, I know that the Chicago metro region represents 70% of Illinois residents and 75% of the tax base. There'd be a revolution if our lawmakers didn't represent the majority of Illinoisans. But down at the other end of the state the economy is more like Mississippi. It doesn't stop low-earning morons from thinking that they're subsidizing Lafawndah's Cadillac.

Idk if getting taxed for everything including breathing is considered productive but ok.

lol the reason they're taxed so high is because they have tons of money because they're so productive you copetard


You actually can't, partly because California has reached a critical mass in talent so that tech giants can get employees, and partly because the business culture in most of the country is absolute shit. Try doing software in the midwest or south, and you'll quickly find that all of the employees are flakes and thieves, and all of the employers consistently treat their employees like the garbage they are.

This is changing as it gets so prohibitively expensive to live and work in Silicon Valley, companies are moving to cities like Austin where starting a business is cheap and land is cheaper.

Texas keeps saying that, and more and more ridiculous billion-dollar startups keep coming from the Bay Area.

Also: Austin is the San Francisco of Texas.

They're not stopping being in Cali but the idea that they're only there is outdated.

and all of the employers consistently treat their employees like the garbage they are

implying Silicon Valley doesn't

Totally, I remember one time sitting on the robotic bidet toilets at google having my shit pressure washed out of my anus reading through the day’s menu of free food and noticed that only like 70% of the menu was gluten free. What do they think we are? Cattle?

So anyway I was so pissed I just got on one of the early busses and went home to my furnished apartment that the company pays for. I was new at the time so obviously I didn’t have time to find and pay for my own apartment. Well, to make matters worse the Mexicans that clean my place where there, so I had to deal with that. Ugh

Someone should do something about the way these companies treat us. I didn’t spend six years studying gender dynamics and almost 3 months studying programming to have to deal with this bullshit.

Nothing can make up for being forced to live in the bay area.

The people here deserve each other

It's not Cowfuck, Kentucky, but it's pretty okay.

Why are they all there, then? If these high-taxes and regulations really kill business, how come California is far and away the most productive state?

imagine serious-posting this hard. L M A O

ok fair play. Honestly, CA is an ongoing ecological disaster and the sooner an earthquake takes the whole thing out, the better. There shouldn't be that many soyboys living in a desert. It's unsustainable.

You must live in somewhere ecologically ethnically and rascal scooter woke like Mississippi

implying that living in Texas is sustainable

imagine S E E T H I N G this hard at California


But they are there, you fucking hillbilly. That's the part that counts.

Any post that starts with "Ah yes" is 99% certain to be a pedantic yet incorrect shitpost.

pedantic yet incorrect shitpost

Did your addled boomer brain forget what sub this is?

Your agendaposting fent ass clearly did.

the naturally occurring high number of bits in Californian soil

It's not bits in the soil, it's lack of inbred genes in the brain LMAO

I was trying to figure it out, it's lunch time in cali right now. This explains the influx of retardation LMAO.

*california. Only retards call it cali.

Ah yes I forgot about the naturally occurring high number of bits in Californian soil that is required for tech giants to be there. Surely that couldn't be replicated in any other state.

How about majority of the cash crops produced in the states, hillbilly?

The state’s agricultural sales first exceeded $30 billion in 2004,[31] making it more than twice the size of any other state's agriculture industry.

Thats a fair cop, though twice as much as much as any other state doesn't really mean "the majority" in the US. However....

Compared to other states, California has a large agriculture industry (including fruit, vegetables, dairy, and wine production),[31] but at less than 2% of the GDP, it makes a relatively minor contribution to the state's overall economy.[32]

Which was my point. I can't believe I had to link wikipedia in a drama-post. Big OOF for me tbh.

Learn to read. It produces the most agriculturally and even that is minor to the rest of the income the state generates. Six largest economy in the world, fentanyl country needs to shut the fuck up and keep on mooching

>Californians >people

They’re more people than southerners or midwesterners lol


Hick detected


Shut the fuck up coastal city elite


turns on rush limbaugh

Who lives...


I didn't know you could drink fentanyl.

Burn Commiefornia along with Hollywood to the ground tbh

This, but ironically.

Isn't the USA supposed to be have some sort of constitutional amendment to prevent incompetent tyrants from burning the country down?

I'm pretty sure I heard something about that once.

Ask General Sherman about that.

Implying traitors deserve rights

Dixoids deserved it, do it again Sherman

Doesn't California contribute by far the most tax revenue to the Feds?

Yeah but Daddy doesn't care, and it's not like people can stop paying their income tax.

They can if they die in a (((forest fire)))

Won't stop the company from making money and thus paying taxes.

I always knew forrest fires were globalist.

As an Alabamian (check post history) Trump REALLY needs to shut the fuck up. We have some nice cities but the rural areas really need help and federal funding. State taxes alone won't be enough to bring the rural areas into the 1st world and we need California's help. If Trump keeps saying retarded shit Californians are going to be more likely to be (justifiably) petty once Dems regain control and not want to help us. Sigh.

If they cut welfare to the country the Republicans will retaliate by cutting welfare to the inner cities, and suddenly the major cities are on fucking fire as the hood rats riot, burn and pillage. Every major city will turn into Detroit.


Also the recent fires all started in federally managed forest which he cut the budget for...

Burning down your country to own the libs

Does anyone really know who is in charge of appointing the Secretary of Agriculture who oversees the USDA and by extension the Forestry Service? Like who is the dumbass responsible for this? Daddy should really tell that guy whats what!

CA might be a financial "donor state", but they more than well make it up in other categories to be an overall detriment.

Avocado toast, mostly

We import hurt feefees? Or are you literally shaking rn about Nancy Pelosi?

Aren’t there a shitload of federally owned forests in California?

Yes. He is criticizing himself. Are you surprised?

Yes and the carr and camp fires started in them.

Its weird... Almost reads like hes cheering for the fires against the big meanies of California...

ITT: FiremanagementCels

His mental degeneration is incomprehensible.

Did daddy delete the tweet? It's coming as not found?

Reposted because of spelling errors



Hippies that won’t let brush and old growth “habitat” get cleared out got BTFO’d.

Forrest fire prone areas don’t care about your feelings essentially.

I hate California too, but they’re like, the only thing keeping half the country from being near 3rd world shitholes. You think Alabama and Mississippi are contributing anything useful to the national GDP? No, Cali helps keep them afloat, and they’re still god-awful.

Regardless, I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

magafags are unironically spelling forest as Forrest now lmao

Lib Status: Owned.

Butchering the english language to own the libs

Why is it gone???

To be fair Trump does know about deaths from fires. The building he slapped his name on is a fire ridden death trap that doesn't have any sprinklers in it because he didn't like how they looked.

Commiefornians burn to death, hicks starve because the commies were paying their welfare. I don't see the issue.

He's right, but the way he makes his point is retarded as hell.

Except the fires started on federally managed forest...

Guess who is in charge of the federal government and appointing its leaders?