A very serious discussion on /r/television about a very serious topic. Or: I remember when it was deemed pretentious to call cape-shit "graphic novels".

1  2019-01-11 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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plebbitors jerking themselves raw over capeshit politics

fuck this gay website tbh


Glad that Disney cucked Netflix by canceling all their capeshit. Like the bazillion midtier movies weren't enough, now we gotta have poorly funded tv shows with multiple episodes and seasons.

And, as a comic fan, I think right now we need more Steve Rogers and much, much less Frank Castle. We need that symbol of honor and integrity and goodness.

how do these people go about their lives?!

Do these people even read the comics?

Honestly I fucking hope not, maybe they just like the edgy logo

That seriously may be the most faggot-infested thread I've ever seen. I don't even know where to begin in talking about it

How about the fact that actual capeshit is being used for political discussions on a mainstream sub on one of the largest websites in the world. I might end it all tonight

Like most subs on reddit, although sub is ostensibly about one subject (television, in this case), it's really just about wanking off to woke feminist bullshit.

Imagine creating a psychotic military vigilante who murders people for crimes so minor even Charles Bronson would suggest anger management courses, and then being shocked when asshole cops adopted his symbol for themselves.

Someone ironically said “personal responsibility is a dog whistle” in that thread