It’s 2AM. You get this. What do?

1  2019-01-11 by flotus_scrotus


user reports:
1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence



Those supple, tender knees are harassing... my heart


His body says yes but his eyes say "the last three Russian women to say no are under the concrete foundations of a failed Atlantic City casino".

It's over for kneelets.

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I do some... presidential harassment. 😏😉

Call my mom to ask if she's okay and find out what's going on

You're mom is about to be a millionaire.

I did then I went over. All she kept saying was "oh god, oh god, oh god!" and then fell asleep with a smile on her face. I hope she's okay too

TIL my mom is a 9 year old?

No daddy mm please no not again hweeee 😖😩

How can you be so fucking rich all your life and still look like shit most of the time. Like you have money to dress well, get good hair cuts, pay people to decide those things for you if you suck at it, like god damn.

Imagine getting a giant ass Miami Vice cellphone in 1989, but it’s surgically attached to your head. So thirty years later you have to be like “No I just still think these are dope” when people laugh at you.

That’s Donald Trump’s hair. He is still wearing 1980’s transplant technology, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

But it's not just the hair. Like I'm a haircel and embraced that shit, but one particular man I have a huge amount of respect for is rocking an indefensible comb over but you know fuck it he's intellignet and accomplished and carries it off aswell as you possibly can. But the rest of daddies image choices like god damn.

Yeah he’s had 1970’s rich guy taste for 40 years.

It’s hilarious. Fucking guy has gold-plated appliances in his New York apartment like some Middle-Eastern despot.

I stayed at his golf resort in Miami one time, and the guest rooms are tricked out Saddam Hussein style, too. The headboard on the bed was white padded with gold painted wood in 2018.

That's some A1 space pimpin' shit.

Boomers gonna boomer. My dad’s style peaked about the same time, and by god if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I was rocking the original NES when it dropped, so I ain’t mad.


Make like jam.

He's like Mark Davis (owner of the Oakland Raiders), who travels 400 miles to get this fucking abomination.

Holy fucking shit.

Holy shit I am dying. A committee of Downies that really believe in themselves couldn't come up with something goofier.

Imagine getting a giant ass Miami Vice cellphone in 1989, but it’s surgically attached to your head

added to my list of soundcloud rapper flex ideas

Hes a fucking slob, but he was friends with a few tabloid moguls who tried to promote him as a sex symbol in a similar way to what was done with Kissinger. Even back then though it was always a tacky fucking joke.

Hes not the savvy kind of rich, hes the blundering idiot kind of rich that tantrums when not surrounded by yes-men. No ethical stylist or designer would be able to get near him

This is about ethics in cosmotology

I'd happily be ❤️️Daddy's❤️️ little slat 😏

Only if you're daughter's tagging along.

Should have just cross posted this exact post from t_d. Smdh at the alt right/Russian bots over running this place.

I just noticed you shop at the same place as ed, I like the cut of your jib.

thanks for clicking link Americanski

we have all your information now

"Oh fuck, how I get into America? I should stop drinking on empty stomach. I need to buy a gun."

He looks like Lord Farquaad.


So did he dye his hair, or is this some lightening thing that happens to hair as some people age?

Kill myself.

He's not being honest w his recent pics :(

I finally finish

Good afternoon how are you doing today what are you doing this weekend my phone number is +16316440234 please you like text me yes or no I don’t have girlfriend long time I don’t have sex long time my address is 9625 Main Bayview Rd, Southold NEW YORK 11971 apt 1 my birthday is November 27 1984 I am 34 old male I am single please you write me back soon or please you like text me yes or no

Proof you can be both President AND a Loser.