Yeeesss! QWUEEN!! Block that sidewalk 💅🏼👏🏻

1  2019-01-12 by HardIsLife


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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At this point, my philosophy is that if Connor wants to feel the full brunt of all 200+ pounds of me because he won’t stay on the correct side of the sidewalk, so be it

BBW sitting is an unexplored mayocide method.


Did they even have to say they were obese? Doesn't it go with the territory?

Talking about 200+ pounds as if it was remarkable. Low-effort obesity.

don't shame her for being big and beautiful

Blocks the sidewalk just being on it

That's why I carry a poke flute.

I feel personally attacked

What if both people stepped aside for one another?

And take a large womans chance to show a man his place? Stop being reasonable and understand the needs of those women

In that case true equality will have been achieved

How you gonna step to the other side when she's as wide as the sidewalk?

Fuck you radical.

Imagine not barrelling full-chested into men on the sidewalk because you think they're walking oppressively

fat """""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""

Is this the most worn out joke in history?

These people sound like treats.

God 😂 I say Rebecca and John. My mom doesnt appreciate me yelling “MOVE REBECCA” when a slow white lady is crossing the street

Feel bad for her mom. Where are you going in such a hurry that waiting for an old lady to finish crossing is some kind of terrible burden?

Most of this shit is straight LARP though. Lots of it coming from lying in bed awake thinking about some brief moment of rudeness experienced during the day and imagining what they totally should have done.

Then you have great productive citizens like this one.

Literally. I had warned that wench once. Was. Not. Bout. To. Do. It. A. Second. Time.

I plucked her upside her head. She got in my face and I slapped her past and future.

This reads like if you asked a klansman to write an offensive portrayal of a black woman. A woman gets on the train with wet hair, and apparently being touched with wet hair is a justification for violence. Then she'll sit around wondering why the whole "angry black woman" stereotype is so pervasive.

Imagine being such a failed person that you chimp out on some random white lady for existing near you on the train and then brag about being a complete psycho and then whine about not being allowed on the train anymore

Feel bad for her mom. Where are you going in such a hurry that waiting for an old lady to finish crossing is some kind of terrible burden?

Collecting her welfare check I imagine.

Its the first of the month, so cash your checks and come on

There's quite a few of that in the comments. I wonder how they would react to someone using something line "Shaniqua" as a name for every black lady they meet?

I would be far more confused than insulted if someone called me "John" or "Connor." Or "Rebecca."

Imagine if a white person just started shouting Tameka, Ladasha, or Shadynasty at a black person in that manner.

Why do you think white names are simple you think they can say those

Pretty sure black people make up ridiculous names because I they want their own identity, and not being stuck with the original names their slave owners gave them. Which unfortunately they still carry with their surnames. All those Johnson's and Crawford's.

Mayos larping as sassy fat black lady



Race is just a social construct.

Society is a social construct. Gamers need to rise up.

Why are fat women so entitled? They're basically the lowest form of humanity.

their fathers provided them everything. Those empowered nubian queens are actually patriach dependent mayos with 13% south african ancestry


Uh, we're still talking about blacks, right?

wew lad thats one original joke

/r/SeattleWA poster

race jokes make my bum hurt

scans post history for gotchas

thinks he's in any position to mock others


My thickness will get respected

I love this. A motto, a mood, an affirmation

entitlement is why they're fat in the first place. they feel entitled to eat all the food and to everything else as well

Why are fat women loud? I don't know of many skinny women that scream as their basic mode of speech. The fat lady in our office can be heard laughing obnoxiously from the other side of the building.

Lack of self awareness.

They're like black people. They both inhibit and lack self awareness simultaneously

it's really bizarre how people act like being rude is some kind of virtue

We gotta tear all the norms down to truly complete the post-maycide cultural revolution.

Socially inept idiots don’t understand that social norms are generally fairly beneficial for both sides.

I have no idea what is going on here. Is this about fatass black girls refusing to even try to make space for the rest of normal humanity?

Muscular, tall men who take up a lot of space should try the same tactic, join fat ladies in this movement because both take up a lot of space.

Yup. You ever bump into someone who wasn't paying attention.

You ever assume that they were plotting to bump into you as an act of overt rudeness and racism?

You ever go out of your way to look for people walking innatentively so you could start a fight?

Yes because racism and supremacy or something. Idk.

This shit is so fake and so gay I sodomized my pet dog after reading it.

Speedrun much?

This is what feminists actually think is empowering smh

You must live a fairly privileged life if this is an issue.

"off the sidewalk" means most likely on the right half of the sidewalk you are supposed to walk but you are so special that you walk on the left half.
Seriously i only see women walking on the wrong half and making faces when you don't make space for them

on the right half of the sidewalk you are supposed to walk but you are so special that you walk on the left half

They're fat enough to fill the sidewalk.

Fat by Weird Al cover this immensely

You fucking shut-ins should probably pay attention to that thread, there's some good tips for making yourself look and feel confident in public.


did you blow out your soy candles from last night yet

My thickness will get respected

I love this. A motto, a mood, an affirmation

why did you make a throwaway shaquisha

Does it look like we’re not paying attention to the thread?

looking and feeling confident

worrying all day about people from other races walking down the sidewalk

Pick one.



Man they really hate the white people

Who doesn't though?


White """people"""

i dont understand

are side walks in america really that small or are black woman just that fat

I'm large cities like NYC this will happen in some areas. Thing is, I have never ever bumped someone on purpose because I'm a normal human being who just moves a but if I'm gonna hit someone, and I find most people are actually polite in this regard to.

I sure as shit hope I never encounter any of the crazies from that sub holy shit. If people are moving, it's because they are polite, not because of some dumbass stand you are trying to make.

100% can guarantee they're just larping. In a given situation they'd shuffle their 300lb frame out of the way



Black people, especially in lower class neighborhoods, have a weird thing with bumping, like its some kind of great offense instead of minor pointlessness error. Its by all means really fucking stupid. Here is a video that explains it better.

This is supposed to be satire, but it is actually very accurate. Although it has to be said that it is also white trash who seem to have some kind of bizarre "accidentally bumping into somebody" complex.

lol banned from there for commenting in another sub

Which verboten sub?

Don't know. Could be many!!

I used to unconsciously move out of the way because I really don’t like being touched but it really is demeaning to have to step into the street or onto grass for people

This happens to literally everyone because city people are assholes and will walk 4 abreast down the sidewalk without a care in the world for anyone else.

all 200+ pounds of me

Absolutely shocked

If anything I am more likely to step aside for a black woman because I know they aren't very good at managing their anger

Are they at war with something?

I’m almost 6 ft tall and I’m not the skinniest.

Big Chungus confirmed.

Damn white people and their shuffles deck using the sidewalk.

this is a bell hooks thing from like the 90s

i can count on reddit to be at the cutting edge of political consciousness

I'm banned from that sub but I've never been there

What the fuck am I reading...?

Most likely white men larping... we all know English is too much for black ladies

and I’m not the skinniest.

This was assumed the second you posted there

God I miss pings

I'm guessing most of the userbase of blackladies is actually chosen people rping as Aunt Jemima

that subreddit is proof that stereotypes are accurate

sheebooons and their issues....

What's with black people and bumping. I slightly bumped into a black lady once and she looked like she was about to punch me. Like relax lady, damn.

If you can't square up don't bump into people h that trans lady should have knocked you out

when parents gave you mayo name

God, why my parents have to name me something so WASPy?!

Throw dem fucking bows at they ass

Give this to me in English.

If every day is such a struggle in a "white space" they literally block random people on the sidewalk you'd think they'd try to move to a black neighborhood or country or something. Then they wouldn't have anything to complain about.

"This is something I’ve been working on too! I tend to look down while walking out of habit because it deters cat calling in my experience but I’ve been trying to break that."

It's just layer upon layer of imaginary persecution with these people, isn't it?