Jew gets kicked off a plane for musty bussy

1  2019-01-26 by BenaGD


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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"You stink."

"Excuse me? I don't smell it."


Did they have something on them that said they were Jewish? Did they make it known they were Jewish before being kicked off? Like, so many questions.

Stars of David sewn to their clothing.

Numerical code tattooed to forearm.


Watch the vid, the dude was wearing a kippah and the wife was covering her hair which is normal for orthodox jews

Got it. I only read the article but I’ll check out the video. Thanks!

That bitches hair looks greasy as fuck and unwashed

Water is costly m8

Oy vey it's anuddah show-ah

The dude had a kippah balanced precariously on the top of bald head.

Didn’t watch the video. Only read the article. Other ppl already told me to view the video. Thanks though. :)

Did you know over 7 million jews have been kicked off planes? 😡😯😠

Only interested to learn more if it was mid-flight.


so its obvious


Did they have something on them that said they were Jewish?

The smell of sulfur.

I laughed so hard. Hahahahaha shit dude lol

had a bit of chewed up foreskin on his shirt

Smelled like unkosher pickle


People from India use lots of spices and people from other Southeast Asian countries use lot of garlic which has lots of health benefits," according to a message. "However, there is one problem. The body odor due to consumption of these foods becomes strong.

TIL why white people don't season their food

white people smell like sour milk

For real? Are you sure you don't mean just fat white people? I've dated a few black girls and they say if our hair is long and wet we smell like a wet dog

Black people all smell like dirty cocoa butter

in general niiggers to tend to be more repulsive than average

Wow Covington Catholoc student in the wild

Nah dude dressing up in blackface and painting long white lips on yourself isn't racist. It's just school spirit

dressing up

TIL wearing a single colour all over your body is the same thing as only colouring your face

How the fuck does that make it better?

It's a blackout lol do you watch sports hell do you have a life?

You don't draw white lips on your face for blackout dude. I don't care if they didn't intend it to be racist, that's just a cringey fucking thing to do.

That's odd I'll give you that.

Apparently it was meant to represent Venom, and comparing that look to Venom, it seems to check out with the way it points upwards at each end for the mouth and eyesd

I'd actually buy that. Hadn't looked at it that way. Honestly I'm acting overdramatic, I don't really care a lick about these kids and im tired of hot takes in the news.

Thanks man.

I'm acting overdramatic

You're not supposed to admit it, fuckface 😡😡😡

It’s called a blackout party and if you weren’t such a shut in dork you might’ve been invited to one

Tell me, how often you painted long white vaudeville style lips on your face when you did blackouts?

I don’t know to me it looks more like venom with the tails on the eyes. If anything it proves one kid may be racist? The rest of the ones painted were just all black so I don’t see how this proves the school is racist or promotes racism

Yeah someone pointed out the venom connection earlier, and I can definitely see that now.

Your Dad throws a lot of Blackout parties for your Mom

Is this Xbox live

this but unironically

Imagine still believing in this shit.

Nah that was the black Israel’s who said that

Kia is 3 blocks down

Says the neckbeard weeb. Go take a shower

Don't you have a March for Life rally to attend?

This is what happens when r/drama is mentioned outside of Reddit. People subscribe and contributed shit jokes to the conversation.

Who's bitch is this?

Yours now. Pfft, that's what you get.

Ni🅱🅱a Starship is a regular user here.

Leave him alone he is a fine dramatard

Looks like daddy lost one of his 'special' ones. Follow this link and you'll find your way back to where you belong.

Yes, fuck niiggers, especially niigers for niigeria and niiger!i

Feeepo ?

This is your average r/thedonald poster

Seems a tad racist tbqh, fam

Amen brother

Vanilla extract, Mayo's smell like salami or other cured meats.

This thread deserves some kind of award

blacks smell like rancid shit, tbh

Old asian people all smell like a combination of napthalene and rice crackers.

So, I’m old 😔

The Chinese working class smell of clothes that have never been washed. I cannot think why...

It's usually the sun, we chinese people smell like burnt rice if left out in the sun too long.

Now, imagine soaking up pollutants from the air while that happens.

It's how people who eat milk and milk products smell to people who don't consume dairy at all after infancy, like many East Asians.

If you didn't use milk for a year and lived away from it you might have the same experience.

I cant drink milk, I'm extremely lactose intolerant. I use almond milk on coffee(which is not good) and sometimes eat cheese

Oh ok. Well what I related was what the Chinese grad student I met through my university's friends with internationals said.

Chinese people believe that ducks can't fly. They say all sorts of shit.

No doubt. Traditional or folk concepts are wacky the whole world over. I relate to them as I do poetry; there is a grasping after something, more or less real, more or less good, usually less than true in terms of exactly reproducible fact and expressing predictive power.

Are you sure you don't mean just fat white people?

Ameriburger don't know of any other kind.

Ameriburgers is kind of redundant isn't it?

Have to differentiate them from the Amerihues.

I've never heard that before, what are hues?

I want to say Hue Jackson but I have football on the brain lately.

Ah, spend a lot of time in Rhode Island?

I hear of a Hugh Jackman.

I want to know what's an Ackman and how huge is it?

Hue Jackson is much funnier than Hugh Jackman.

Hugh Jackman definitely more likeable tho. Unless your name is Cox.

No, it has nothing to do with weight. Some fit mayos just came out from hitting the gym? Also smell like spoiled milk to me.

It is almost entirely to do with physical health, not your skin colour (white means jackshit).

we smell like a wet dog

black women's sense of smell is greatly influenced by their upper lip

It's annoying how you smell one Zhid, and suddenly think that is how all White people smell


fuck off antisemite

what is a zhid?

it's like nigger but for jews


I love learning new slurs

yeah I'm just stumbling upon this, pretty hype rn, can't wait to tell the guys at my local hardware store.

Nope, it's just Jew in Polish: Żyd

when your language is so retarded even links give up

I know Americans can't deal with so many letters in an alphabet so we tried our best to make it comfortable for you. Sorry, it seems we failed, even if our intention were pure.

Look I Parkinson'sd an existing Latin character! Aren't I unique?

It's interesting how it becomes a slur in other languages. Just like polack is the normal word for poles in russian yet it's offensive in the west apparently

Polak also means Pole in Polish

Oh right, that makes sense

Definitely use it as much as you can when you visit.

Similarly Baluchis come from Baluchistan, Afghanis come from Afghanistan, Turkmenis come from Turkmenistan, Kazaks come from Kazakstan, but you follow this logic through with people from Pakistan and everyone loses their shit.

it's not a slur, that's just literally just our word for jew

t. slav

Depends on which flavour of slav

t. slav

Thanks, gonna use that from now on.

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whats the problem with being antisemitic?

are you going to change your second sentence every two seconds lmao


are you a kike

are you jidf

x gon give it to ya

what's next, goyim


my grand-grandpapa was jewish

That's not how Jewness gets transmitted, goy


Craziest post ive ever seen on reddit, bravo

Nah it’s wet dog


You belong in a museum

I was waiting for the screamer to pop from her face

Who's that?

Thanks you

That and spoiler cheese. Whitoids love fucking cheese.

when did Spanish/Italians/Greeks/etc. stop using garlic?

Since when are they considered to be white?

That's nonsense, I eat tons of spice and have no body odor lol

The guy who literally got kicked off a plane because he was so stanky also insisted he had no body odour

Does the guy in the article really seem like someone who is self aware?

Eat bland food to dunk on pajeets! Hell yeah!

Actually, this is kinda fun. Many on board apparently complained of the smell and when trying to sort their claims with his

"Now you told me for religious reasons you don't shower, is that what you said?"

"No I didn't! I shower every day. I said you kicked me off because of religious reasons."

From an internet article away, I can't tell who was right. Coulda been an airplane full of bullies.

Meanwhile, the University of Houston on Thursday defended an engineering professor who urged students — especially those from India and southeast Asia — to be aware of body odor issues.

Indian people do have a fragrance to them. I work with a lot of them and you can tell the difference between those on visit and those homebased here.

From an internet article away, I can't tell who was right.

One look at the picture of the couple and their dental hygiene will quickly change your mind

None of them seem obese so I just dunno

Idk the woman looks like the delusional “my natural body is beautiful I won’t let society force me to conform” type

They shower daily tho

And yet they're still alive...

Really makes you think.

How they stepped into a planeful of bigots really stretches the imagination

yet here we are

And yet they're still alive...

still alive...? Something is making me think.

But do they bath the baby too?

How fat are you? I he dude is obviously obese.

How fat are you? I he dude is obviously obese.

I'll forgive your typos if you forgive my fat.

In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritu Sanctu te absolvo.

Now that we've sorted that out, I think most diets as such are based in self hatred and envy. Neither I nor any of your friends want that for you. That said, your lower back, your knees, the arches of your feet, your pancreas, and everyone who sees your body each day would like you to consider during a time of reflection laying off the Twinkies and drink only green tea and water for a decade or so. Maybe you could integrate some walking into your week. 150 minutes of exertion a week is supposed to be the minmax for longevity and lifelong vigor if you're looking to just barely get by.

Sincerely, Etc., etc.


They both seem pretty fat to me. Possibly obese. It doesn't take much to crack the BMI=30 barrier.

You stink too twigboi

Gotta scrub those skin-on-skinjoints

It doesn't take much to crack the BMI=30 barrier.



Stop stuffing your face, Mr American.

Lol the guy is defiantly obese, not morbidly but he looks like a fat guy with Down syndrome.


Oh, you think he should be apologetic about it?

Mobile user, deal with it

A bad workman always blames his tools.

I say that about my dick and sex.

I can get this for the woman, but the guy's teeth look fine.

Woman just looks like she has an overbite. But I guess not smiling with teeth is an indication of bad teeth¿

Either way, they seemed to smell fine through the picture.

Yeah, nothing really stands out apart from that overbite.

Dad's good friend had some indian neighbors below him who cooked with curry a fuck ton. They stunk up the entire building during some holiday where they were cooking everything with it non stop.

A lot of landlords won't rent to east Indians for that reason. The cleanup job to remove the curry scent from the walls is as expensive as cleaning after a meth lab.

The cleanup job to remove the curry scent from the walls is as expensive as cleaning after a meth lab cookout.

Maybe if you're a retard. The reason the smell sticks is because of oil and spices, just install some ventilation and everythings fine

Curry smells delicious as fuck, you whitoid.

Yo series post time.

Never say someone smells if its a distinct racial smell.

Its okay to joke with people you know but this shit is retarded, fuck that professor.

Counterposting demands I tell you that professors need to crowd control. If someone smells funny, young people are gonna find it reason enough to be distracted from the lecture.

Serious post in r/drama?

Can we lock this place down again so this faggot can leave

It's better to tell someone they smell like curry and it's off putting than to just let them go around smelling curry and putting every one off.

If you smell like curry, go fuck yourself and shower.

Indians aren't born smelling like naan and chicken tikka masala. Odour occurs due to diet and poor personal hygiene; if you smell like the food you eat, go take a daily shower and gargle mouthwash like the rest of us

If you smell, you smell. Stop smelling, smelly.

Have you ever been in an engineering department? The off the boat Indians straight up refuse to wear deodorant, and it makes you gag

It's true, because all the off the boat indians are south indians who keep making this sewer water called "Sambar", it looks, smells and probably tastes like the comode water, after you remove all the turds from it

stinky people need to be shamed

white people smell fucking awful. like rotten milk all the time.

Body odor is nothing compared to the god awful halitosis. brush your goddamn teeth

it's over for smellcels

why didn't the pussy ass reporter tell us how bad the kikes actually smelled?

In the first video the airline employee makes a face when the guy says "We do not have odor" that clearly shows the couple smelled like parsley, sage, rosemary and shit.

"Now to be fair, guys, you do fuckin stink. I don't think there was a religious reason for this expulsion."

Do you guys believe the jew? Or the Arab

Nasty people.

He was probably a gamer with the body odor

Imagine the smell

Oy vey, the goyim nose!

muslims and niiggers from detroit kicked the smelly kike out of the plane


no hes redpilled about the jews so he stays

Back to /r/KiA, m*yoid.

The irony of Ali G aka Barron Cohen's "Is this case I is Jew" comes full circle...

Understandable that he would be afraid of showers.

Oy vey

How would anyone have known they were Jewish before trying to kick them off, he looks like any typical wimpy white guy to me, but there's no obvious sign pointing out he's Jewish. Why do they always go for this whenever they get in an argument? It's not about identity, it's because you fuckin stink probably, lmfao

They're just like weebs and smell the same

Nan des ka

I used to live near a suburb that had the black coats and big furry hats, what type are they?

Some flavor of Hasidim. There are a number of sects with varying practices, but big furry hats mean Hasidic.


Felt bad for them in the Australian summers.

Why do you think there's so few down here?

That and the fact that everyone votes so there's no way for them to achieve extra representation in democracies.

I lived with an Orthodox Jew once, and he only bathed in some random waterfall every morning at 4am. I'm dead serious... he'd drive out of the city an hour to go and bathe in some secret waterfall, apparently for religious reasons...

Maybe their bathing was ...insufficient... for some reason like this.

Are you sure your roommate wasn't a leprechaun?

What the hell is that? They both have the same style, and that style looks like a rural comic book shop's patron's take on jewish garb.

I'd just assume they were downsie robbers and the guy forgot the ski mask but remembered to bring his discount toupee.

As a beautiful aryan white guy with a chin and a normal sized nose, you have offended me deeply.

I blame game of thrones for this. if they just kept it white, why would people complain? fuck this, im joining afrika. fuck lions.

When the fuck did they start doing this? After all the slobby, stinky fucks I've sat next to on flights NOW is when they start kicking people off?

Seriously. Some Indian grandpa removed his shoes next to me on a flight and I couldn't eat any meals . Worst flight ever.

"And they still haven't said which one of us they said had body odor. Was it me, my wife, my baby?" he said.

Should they have sniffed them one by one???

I bet the baby had a nicely packed and well-aged poop latka in his diaper.

Why do Jews always go into victim mode and act anything done to them is because they are Jewish, its fucking disgusting.

What a post you have in r/upo

Idk what that is

Unpopular opinion

Yea, nothing I said was a lie. If anyone deserves a day it's Malcolm X.


Be gone Jew

No u

same reason women, queers, blacks, illegals,... do it:

because we let them

Ehh black people and illegals definitely get a worse deal, wahmen and the possums only if they are poor, the upper middle class ones have nothing to complain about tho

It really doesn't matter what race or religion they're from. They're from Southfield and that's all you need to know. Of all the armpits of Detroit, Southfield is the armpitiest.

I got a couple of showers in my bunker for these jews.

(((Bitch))) you stink

I need to get religion. Then I can use that as an excuse to smell like I shit my pants.

Time for them to take a shower.

That picture of them is kind of adorable.

I refuse to accept that practising Jews could have B.O. Have you any idea how many OCDs the average Jewish person has?