
3  2019-01-29 by Momruepari


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Now unban pizzashill.

PS is on a self-imposed sabbatical

I know why he's in exile but dammit, it's time to bring him home.

Someone needs to make an edit of the poster for The Martian with Pizza instead of Matt Damon.

It's so fucking weird when I see him seriousposting around reddit and not in here.

He's always had a way home. He's just too prideful to take it.


PS is a known liar

The fuck is /u/normie_girl doing in the dredges of CA

Are we allowed to ping now?? wassup

we've always been allowed to wallow in our own degeneracy.

oh well i had thought differently.

maybe it's just that no one has pinged me in months

You can always come home, dear.

Do i know you

I'd hope not. We still need regulars, tho.

Maybe can i get paid?

fuck no it's /r/drama lmao


I can barely afford the cocaine up-charge moving form SF to NYC. No way I'm supporting internet janitor unionization.

I understood virtually none of that. Please give me money now

unban pizzashill and he'll give you everything you've desired, ever.

I'm not a mod here, I'm pro un-banning.

PS is on a self-imposed sabbatical

Didn't circe ban him tho ? Or at least it was that way when I still was on the discords.

The Ancient scripture tells of a coming time when the almighty one will return to the faithful


but what kind of -pilled is this?



Take your pick.




Welcome back Momruepari







I don't know or care, either, but it's obviously some dumbfuck who's one of those types that thinks a "meme" is a picture with words on it.


Goatse master meme. We're taking it back!

I hate people like that


People like you on /r/Korea and like that guy love to blow stuff out of proportions and lie about me, I am left leaning and even social democrats get called socialists and communists in the USA and would not be surprising if thats same for South Korea that is/was under heavy American influence.

I stated several times I have preferences for underdog countries, Vietnam, Taiwan, Iran and even Pakistan.

I know at least some Korean words, Oppa, Ajushi, Hwasong, Kwangmyongsong, Pukguksong, Chollima, Rodong, Minjok/Minjog, Inmin, Manhwa, Kumsong, Pongae, Paektu/Baekdu, Choson, Bugsan, etc...

Oh sure, Mojave... Like there arent many South Korean tourists, oh wait.

I have obsession with Japan too involving video games, manga, anime and of course hentai. Only thing I am obsessed with South Korea is manhwa and fuck. First fucking Hive ends and now Noblesse which ending is underwhelming to say the least.

Watch: he'll respond to this comment with a long, convoluted rant about how I am wrong and he is right.

So I should stay silent to "prove you wrong" while you shit talk behind my back? Coward.

No matter how much you write, words are not going to bring daddy pizzashill back.


Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on reddit.com was that funny!

It was my privilege.

Good tbh

Is this some sort of pasta?

First time used as pasta afaik, comes from a commie poster/NK shill on r/militarygfys

Time to shut it down again.

He is risen!

I forgot you were banned

Nice πŸ‘πŸ»


I owe it to you πŸ˜™

Lawlz-level self-gratification here.

I am infinitely more justified in inulging in it than Lawlz

One Momruepari is worth infinite Lawlz because /u/MasterLawlz is worth nothing

infinity times zero is still zero

checkm8 athiests

my favorite me-me maker


You're the most precious thing, this dark, dark world, ever produced. Momruepari, never leave us again, please.

keep the faith, brother

Inshallah, brother.

Welcome home 😘


Welcome back!



At least it’s better than Lawlz


I honestly thought this post was from /r/okaybuddyretard. Who the fuck cares this guy was unbanned, this is the first I've heard of him and the last I want to.

same tbh


No one cared when I was unbanned on my main. Smh my head

Fuck go back