OP links to reports of criticism for 'romanticizing' Ted Bundy in new movie. Comments mock the knee jerk reaction. OP argues with every single one of them because first impressions from a trailer matter!

1  2019-01-30 by SandorClegane_AMA


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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25 down voted responses in 1 hour.

Asks people how old they are.

Calls everyone shills.

Think we found the next Ted Bundy.

But nowhere near as charming

you will reverse that after he will succesfully propose a gussy on his own murder trial lol

Asks people how old they are.

It's reddit. It's hard not to notice that everyone here is like 22. It's stuffed to the gills with that 'I don't really know anything, but I'm certain about everything!' energy you rarely find past the early 20s.

I don't see anything wrong with this

lol they celebrate him as a thot-slayer but at the same time hate him for his good looks

peek /r/braincels

An idiot on reddit can't see anything beyond complete black or complete right? Color me surprised. I'd take bets on whether or not he was a /r/politics or a t_d poster, but his complaints about Netflix giving a platform to someone he doesn't like tips the hand.

And yet my boy Dahmer doesn't get any love.

a true bussy boi through and through

Dahmer gets too much love, just like bundy or the zodiac. They’re shitty serials, plenty more interesting ones out there but burgers are stuck on a few.

Does anyone know if the movie includes the part where in prison Bundy started working with an evangelical Christian organisation to claim porn caused him to be a serial killer?

The weirdest thing about this Netflix doc are all the people that had never heard of Ted Bundy

He died like 30 years ago this is not fresh shit

unironically I wanna see Zac Efron as a crazed murderer, that sounds like fun viewing

Ted Bundy is innocent

Undercover Sonichu?


i mean the first trial that he got him a death penalty was solely built on really shaky bite-mark evidence, which is now considered a junk-science, he was even offered a life sentence plea, if he wasn't such a drama-seeking-queen and didn't represent himself he could probably be alive today, if not out of prison

if he wasn't such a drama-seeking-queen and didn't represent himself he could probably be alive today, if not out of prison

(((lawyers))) are a scam

i still think that out all the shit Bundy did, the worst of all by far was being a member of the Republican party

Hell the reason why everyone was shocked that Ted was a serial killer was because he was such a handsome and charming guy. Everyone typically thought serial killers look like your average incel

Haven't there been enough Ted Bundy movies?

Guy was a freak. Handsome and charming enough to pick up almost any chick he wanted...and what he wanted was to kill them and fuck their maggot-ridden bodies.

There is no lesson to be learned here. There is no fascinating subject. Just a weirdo who liked to murder and rape a lot.

A certain percentage of foids find that incredibly hot for some retarded reason and Hollywood knows it, hence the endless documentaries about him.

If the film doesn't mention Bundychu protecting CWCville, it's not accurate.