Mayos don’t want you to know this one weird fact: Coal miners breathed in toxic dust just to mock the darkies

1  2019-01-30 by flotus_scrotus


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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Whoa hold up, Snappy's not on the approved poster list?

This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Black fragility intensifies

No blacks were contacted in the making of this article

However, Black was contracted in the making of the picture

the author is negro tho

I asked a Latinx and white woman for their opinion. They said it looked like coal miners at a pub after work. Then they stepped back, frowned and said it’s men in blackface.

When they realized that wasn't the answer that I wanted, they changed theirs in the hope that I would just shut up about it and let them drink.

Why latinx and white woman, not latinx and whitx

Why not Latinx and disgusting mayo?

Fine, but disgusting mayx

Because white isnt an inherently gendered word like latino and latina.

I'm pretty sure they're trying to kill the spanish language

Latinx makes no fucking sense because you either pronounce it Latina or Latino. It's not "genderless", it's just "pick-the-gender".

What if it's neither "a" or "o", but somewhere in the spectrum between?


We call that Latinautism.


It’s literally still Latino.

Latin@ at least makes sense

Yes because we need Spanish to look like a fucking tech startup going public.

And the suffix "o" or "os" is used as gender neutral anyway

Mfw it's the only real example of cultural erasure.

But isn't that cultural imperialism or some other dumb shit?

Intersectionalism is weird, man

It’s on the spectrum alright

Like we all.

But think of the genderless attention seekers? Those spics haven't rectified the problem on their own, so we will do it for them. Recreational offense taking squad ACTIVATE!!!!

latinx sounds like an industrial mariachi band


I would 100% buy an album of Mariachi NIN covers



He didn't look at the hands lmao

Not just black face but black hands!?! Disgusting 🤮

Black is beautiful 👳🏿‍♂️

Outright black handed bigotry.

I quite frankly can't tell if this is satire or not.

Why would the local newspaper in Phoenix Arizona suddenly post a “satire” article in its Opinion Section in the middle of January?

Why would they post this autistic shit. No one knows.

Parody is literally becoming reality these days.

Look up the author's twitter and it'll answer your question.

Thats it. I’m voting Republican.

So long as they leave the masc gays alone I welcome the Trump death squads.

I don't think you need an entire death squads to kill Trump. A couple of men are enough.

Just keep feeding him cheeseburgers and he will do it himself

Huh, only yesterday I was bored enough to follow an MSN link to an oof-yikes-lot-to-unpack-here diatribe about Mary Poppins, which also reeeeed about "blackface". In this case they had issues with Bert and the chimney sweeps having soot on them (which the children and Mary herself also get at some point, so we had a shot of Julie Andrews with a light tasteful dusting of soot) because, as here, the thinking is "blackening on face" --> "blackface" --> "racism".

The writer then went dumpster-diving all through the Mary Poppins books to see what else he could whine about, and linked it to the new film with the lamplighters and children being dragged into singing and dancing along with the men in this hideously dangerous trade, just like n-words being made to dance for the entertainment of the slave-owning classes. I'd link if I could manage to care enough at this time in the morning.

I'd link if I could manage to care enough at this time in the morning.

have you started to care 6h later because that sounds tremendous

that was better than I could've dreamed of

Thank you. Don't forget to tip your waiter!

This is why amerimutts get the nuke then the gas then the nuke again

Americans are harder to kill than roaches. The average American wears enough calories to survive thirteen years without food. A post-apocalyptic world is no match for someone who is even mildly "thicc" by Amerilard standards.

Oh god I looked this guy up, he's a black soy grin poet who is off the fucking deep end:

When I reference in my poetry that Black folks rise up against injustices they experience, people suggest that it “advocates looting, rioting, violence, and it’s un-American.”

When I reference in my poetry that Black folks rise up against injustices they experience, people suggest that it “advocates looting, rioting, violence, and it’s un-American.”

My art breeds thought-provoking work that challenges white supremacy, fighting for freedom. My body of Black literary work is not always welcome. It is strategically policed by white supremacy.

Recently, my work was policed and I was un-invited to read it at a white institution’s event. The event aimed to bring awareness to its audience about the different types of oppression marginalized communities experience in America. I was told it was not oppressive enough, but yet good enough and would be a fit for a “Welcome Black to School Poetry Celebration.”

Also a Malcolm x truther. Yeah though I know how one let's their race take over their life like this.

That's a full monty of crazy, nice.

Yeah though I don't know how one let's their race take over their life like this

have you met mayos

He sounfs like a great contender for joining the black Israelites

Each assumption is based on a stereotype. Blackface caricatures stereotypes of black people.

Black people having black skin color is a harmful stereotype that marginalises transblack folx like Shawn King and Rachel Dolezal.

Makes me feel unwelcome

If there’s one thing worse than entitled yelp reviewers its opinion piece blogge... I mean totally legit journalists.

The worst part is that they also appropriated black lungs as well. Those privileged coal miners are always doing shit like this.

They even went all out and blackened their clothing with coal dust just to be extra racist.

This guy walks around looking for shit to be upset about

Coal mining is just an elaborate cover for blackface.

Who determines what's offensive?

Apparently, only the author

I asked a Latinx and white woman

The most suprising thing about the article is that it's a blackx man saying latinx

Dooming yourself to an early and painful death to own the darkies 🧠🧠🧠

He actually acknowledges that it's coal miners, not blackface, but thinks it should be taken down because everyone interprets art differently, and he interprets this photo to mean whites not welcome.

I mean, you can interpret something however you want, but you can be wrong. In this case, you're wrong, and maybe insane


It’s all so tiresome.

I had to work full time for a year before college. I shot high pressure water into heat exchangers in oil refineries to clear out accumulated solids. As a result, I was usually coated head to toe in crude oil.

TIL that was racist of me and I owe everyone an apology.

reading this made me shiggy diggy for the first time in over 6 years

Anthracosis is white privilege.

I asked the waitress to speak with a manager. Instead, I spoke with a white restaurant owner. I explained to him why the photograph was offensive. Evidently, someone else had made a similar comment about the photograph before.

Yet, the photograph remained on the wall. He said he would talk to the other owners and get back to me. While leaving, I asked him had he spoke with the other owners. He had not spoken with them, but mentioned Google said it's coal miners after work.

Almost like the author was being told to fuck off for being a mouthbreathing woketard