Update on the ๐Ÿผ racoon drama. Apparently OP shot the vermin like a true red blooded 'murican

1  2019-01-30 by sevp


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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If its any consolation, they are very probably always miserable

Nope ๐Ÿ˜Š

Virgin rodent lover vs Chad raccoon slayer


This, but with no irony whatsoever

Everyone in here is vermin and /r/drama is our dumpster. Chad Raccoon slayer would genocide us all if he were a mod.

Inshallah ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Raccoons aren't rodents ๐Ÿ˜ก

I have no sympathy for vermin-sympathizers

Get off my board before Iโ€™m forced to exterminate you


I just checked and looks like it froze to death in there ๐Ÿ˜”

The shooting occurred after he got the corpse out.


holy fuck this guy is my hero ed

I just checked and looks like it froze to death in there ๐Ÿ˜”

Meth + Fent will give you supreme BASED levels.

Or just shooting a dumpster bandit might, as well.

Lol these people acting concerned about a fucking dumpster racoon's wellbeing in cold environment

Caring about the subject of the subreddit

Forming a community around something as retarded as your love for raccoons doesn't make your love for raccoons any less retarded.

Anybody who loves raccoons has never dealt with an infestation of them. You literally have to to war with them. Only thing I hate more than a raccoon is a skunk, skunks ruin everything

I am currently fighting a skunk. It is massive. As big as a medium sized dog. It steals the food scraps I leave for the squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks. I know it has killed chickens. Last year one of the chipmunks was caught in netting. In the process of freeing the chipmunk I was bitten. I probably would have gone to the hospital if it broke skin. I can deal with chipmunk bites but being bitten or sprayed by a skunk is a bridge to far.

you could always buy a cheap .22 LR and shoot that bastard

That will 100% cause the skunk to spray. The same muscles relaxation that cause dead animals to poop will relax the musk gland.

I know that the stench lingers quite a bit if you get it on you.

What happens when it sprays a garden or something, a place left to the elements?

Im pretty sure its oil based so without a detergent it fucking lingers IME. But they arent as prone to spraying as people think, its a super last resort. Ive trapped them before, nerve wrackingly carried the trap to the middle of a pasture and then shot them more than once. The trap then stinks for like a week.

That's why you buy a gun, retard. You're not walking up to it and shoving the bullet down its throat.

Only thing I hate more than a raccoon is a skunk, skunks ruin everything

A coworkers friend of mine got sprayed by a skunk because the dumbass apparently threw a rock at it and it chased him back to the car then sprayed him. The dude literally had to walk 10 miles home because my co-worker refused to let the dude into the car for obvious reasons.

long story short never throw a rock at a skunk because those mothefuckers are not afraid of you

People can like what they like, man, jesus christ. What about it upsets you so greatly lmfao

What makes you think I'm upset? Jesus Christ.

So I guess instead of proper thought or reasoning, you instead fill in those blanks with the word "retarded"?

Pretty much, yes.

That's retarded.

Not as retarded as liking raccoons.

And they might find Smite and Global Offensive retarded, however I'd imagine they have more descriptive words and actual points to make at their disposal - if they were to even judge what you find brings you enjoyment in whatever way, as you did to them, to begin with.

People can find enjoyment with whatever the fuck they want to, and if that's raccoons then more power to them.

And they might find Smite and Global Offensive retarded

Sure. But who cares what they think? They're retarded enough to like raccoons.

Do you even know what sub you're on?

Yeah, so shouldnโ€™t you be pleased?

Nah, honestly just thought you might have wandered in here and started voicing your innocent opinion without knowledge of how this place works. This sub has a weird in-joke culture where everything is laughed and damn-near nothing is taking seriously unless the event is an affront to nature. If you voice a serious opinion just expect to get laughed at. Honestly I love this sub though

I had no idea of that hahaha, thank you!

Lol no prob man I hope you enjoy the drama. there are a lot of in-jokes but you'll figure them out over time. If you legit have questions you can just PM me but low-key the very fact that we're talking about the meta of this sub is practically forbidden and against some super secret honor code ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thanks again haha, I hope you donโ€™t get any trouble for your help๐ŸŒš

YOU TWO ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘‰


NOW ๐Ÿ‘‰โŒš

fair enough you caught me

Welcome to the gulags, gopink



Not as retarded as calling yourself a Gamer in <CURRENT_YEAR>

What can I say, I hate woman and minorities

Me too, as well as mayos. Equal opportunity hater aka RADICAL CENTRIST here.

If you have to say it then odds are that you're just a poser, may scum

Your comment hurt my feelings because it didn't make me feel valued as a person

No Redditor, let alone a dramanaut, is valuable


Defending vermin


I don't even like drama anyways

If only he saw where his bacon comes from...

Why does everyone seem to be in a competition to act the most emotionaly detached?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Emotions Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Go Apathetic Like Nigga Just Don't Care Haha

Just lol at moralfags

seething and obsessed. I wonโ€™t block you though


morals? Morelulz more like


Look at this mirthful child, so naive in his innocence, still feeling joy like an inferior meat-sack.

Caring about anything is gay.

Yeah school sucks. We just wanna skate teacher, why you gotta keep takin our boards?

because i'm dead inside

Match your inside with your outside.

The store like all civilized meats

not my boutique farm to table bacon

Animal rights is about complaining about anything having to do with any animal, ever, posted on the internet in picture, gif, or video form.

Video of a happy large cat in a comfortable environment



Mod him you cowards

Omg i cant believe he fucking shot it. Waste of a bullet and a bloody mess. Next time just hit it in the back of the head with a 2x4 or something.

One time when I was a kid, my dad set up those squirrel cage traps in the fruit trees in the back yard to catch the fruit stealing vermin. When he caught them he'd just pop them with a walter p22 with a suppressor & subsonic ammo, since we lived in the middle of the city, and throw them in the trash.

One day he caught a possum in there, and did the same, but when he went to dump the possum in the garbage, it wasn't dead, and leaped away, scurrying stupidly around the yard with a bullet lodged in it's brain.

My dad, not wanting to sling bullets at a running animal in a neighborhood, grabs this weird 3 foot long metal potato masher looking thing that he uses to push down garbage in the cans and starts chasing the possum around with it, trying to beat it to death.

My dog, a 20lb rat terrier not much bigger than the possum, sees this and decides that my dad has finally snapped and begun beating small animals to death. He bolts under the grill cover and out of sight immediately. Then he emerges, bites my pant leg and starts trying to drag me under the grill cover. He was afraid of my dad for days after that.

Of course he was right to be so, because my dad beat the fuck out of me with that trash masher right after he finished off that possum, which is why I'm half retarded today.


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Don't insult disabled people, bot.

Sounds like you deserved the masher tbh

The coon killer is still on the loose. Can't anybody stop the madman?

confirmed that OP is Ben โ€œ3rd Reich was All Rightโ€ Garrison

yikes lmao not all raccoons are like the ones y'all have to unpack in Stanford


Raccoon got BTFO by natural selection

Broke: Getting accused of unintentionally killing a raccoon by a bunch of pussies

Woke: Responding by actually killing a raccoon and siccing your dog on it

While people defend you by saying the raccoon could have rabies. The raccoon that op let his dog munch on...

rabies shots are a thing

That's a vaccine. You want the dog to get autism???

Also, it's not 100% effective.

Dog gets rabies? Shoot the dog. It ain't rocket surgery

Shoot the dog.

Whoa, calm down there Daniel Graystone.

yeah but then what will bite the dead dog

If you send me $50 I'll just put the dog in a cold dumpster instead.

Not just a vaccine. You have to give active immunization (vaccine) and passive immunization (premade anti-rabies antibodies) to have a hope of survival. Otherwise rabies is pretty much game over. The virus will crawl through your nerves until it gets to your brain, then you become animalistic, aggressive and extremely afraid of water. Not a fun way to go.

So India is a bigger shithole then I thought

Hard to believe. They have nuclear weapons and rampant bubonic plague.

Not really this is what happens when Nuclear Physics shit in the streets

I meant prior to it all. Assumed the guy would have up-to-date shots, but tbd.

can we ping him to thank him for doing a public service?


thank you /u/Tabantha, very cool

Can we ping the sperg lord that freaked out over the racoon to post bussy?

Isn't that poaching


I fucking love you, ok? You're my spirit animal! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ž (don't worry, i won't shoot you ๐Ÿ˜˜)

ni๐Ÿ…ฑ๐Ÿ…ฑa it's a fucking raccoon. If anythin they are overpopulated

Vermin don't have hunting laws associated with them most of the time. There can be laws with capturing and keeping them alive, ie you can't lock one up to raise like a rabbit for meat or fur.

No where in the world are racoon legally protected from killing.

Lmfao what

Fuck raccoons. Chicken killing fucks.

I used to have a Mexican neighbor who would set live traps and when he got a raccoon, heโ€™d take out a pistol and execute it mafia style.

โ€Vaya con dios.โ€

Chicken killing pieces of shit.

ikr? ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ˜ข

he'd take out a pistol and execute it mafia style

Based beaners ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ

He truly was based. Was a handyman, so had all kinds of high end tools I could borrow for DIY repairs. Stereotypical giant family of like 6 kids who were all well behaved and who he used like a lawn crew to keep his property looking spotless.

He moved out and now I have to deal a shitty mayo family. The kids play the clarinet or some shit, and the dad is a 40yo Boomer hanging onto his youth by skateboarding and getting drunk on Lite beers. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

โ€Vaya con dios.โ€

Exceptional King of the Hill reference. Bravo.

Somehow, I feel offended.

Yeah my buddies dad grew up on a farm and they just spear em with a pitchfork.

Racoons are a pain in the ass but when it comes to chicken killing, in my experience nothing is more god damned crafty and elusive than a barred owl. We fought with one for months thinking it was a mink or a coon before we finally caught that bastard. As a Tacocel myself, we sure do go to great lengths to protect our chickens.

Owls and hawks are predators but if you have a covered run it doesnโ€™t matter. Raccoons will reach through chickenwire and choke chickens even when they know they canโ€™t actually get to them.

F ๐Ÿ“

Based and top of the food chain pilled.

Suburban white hippies on suicide watch

I still hope this is a fake troll. Poor animals. I wouldn't wish Americans on a rat.

He is a non-resident Indian. Probably a criminal based on his post history too.(and he does have a weird post history).

Also the raccoon would've had a similar or worse fate outside.

lol, how is my post history weird?

You're Indian, very pro gun but post in r/politics, The_Mueller, Latestagecapitalism.

Most curiously of all you want to change your entire name, you want to change your finger prints as well(you deleted all your comments from r/India asking for skin grafts after I made my comment I see) and you also mentioned being involved in something illegal as the reason for all this. You also wondered if the Indian government shares information with foreign countries when it comes to Aadhar.

I would say that's interesting.

though the last 3 isn't that weird for Indian Democrats who are the cringiest next to mayo Democrats

First of all, I'm not a Democrat. On a side note what's a mayo Democrat?

you deleted all your comments from r/India

Alright, you got me there.

You also wondered if the Indian government shares information with foreign countries when it comes to Aadhar.

That's a perfectly legitimate question that anyone with an aadhaar card has a right to inquire about, don't you agree?

First of all, I'm not a Democrat. On a side note what's a mayo Democrat?

Well r/politics and r/The_mueller made me assume but I guess Latestagecapitalism does indicate you might not like them too.

Mayo democrats just means white democrats. Not saying all of them are annoying but the ones in reddit are exceedingly annoying.

Alright, you got me there.

Use some alt accounts for questions like that.

That's a perfectly legitimate question that anyone with an aadhaar card has a right to inquire about, don't you agree?

It is but given the broader context that you want to seemingly change or at least obscure your identity it does kind of make it weird.

Iโ€™m betting you killed a prebubescent girl to get out of an arranged marriage and fled to the US.

/u/Tabantha needs to be modded immediately

Holy shit was this the same guy who posted about the finger print thing in r/India? Lmao

Yep. He deleted all the comments though. He doesn't want to be caught I guess.

Wondered if Indian government shares info with foreign countries

Currcels getting btfo'd by Interpol sounds like a fun read. Off to Google I go

I'd also feel bad for an animal that froze to death outside. It's a rough way to go. Imagine just suffering shivering and getting weaker and weaker until you die.

Well that's how 99% animals not named homo sapiens live and die.

Nature is cruel. Doesn't mean people also need to be cruel.

Anyway, no more sadposting for me.

Well that's wasn't exactly what I was getting at. You don't need to feel too bad because it would've probably had a worse fate Anyway.

For some reason I identify with the guy who lives in the house.

this sub is so edgy that saying "I feel bad for things which die of coldยฃ gets downvoted lmao

Gun totting redneck indian and I thought I have seen everything

A while ago I posted drama where two black people were calling each other subhuman niggers and each of them were accusing the other of having the ugliest/stereotyped black features.

Yup. Its funny how white people dont realize that not only can black folk pronounce er, we occasionally use it like whites do white trash and redneck.

I don't feel bad for the animal too much because like you said it would have probably died a far worse death. I also don't think it's bad that the OP shot the animal. However, his behavior towards the situation is really weird and in my opinion lacks empathy.

I don't think it's him killing the the animal that has so many upset, but really how he has gone about the whole situation from letting his dog bite the animal, to lying online, then to bragging about it after etc.

Agree that dude is definitely not normal. Read my other comments in this thread.

I wouldn't wish Americans on a rat.

this, as bad as raccoons are, a raccoon life is more valuable than an American life

Raccoons are vicious mother fuckers and despite how cute they are they're actually a pest that pose a threat to small animals like pets, chickens etc.

We live in the suburbs and one kept sneaking into our neighbors yard at night to steal the catfood they have for their outdoor cat more than once it tried to attack the cat just because it was there.

Their dog finally caught the fucker one night and I wake up to the most godawful howling growling hissing noises I'd ever heard.

I look out the window and in my sleep addled mind I see someone 'beating' the dog with a rake. I rush down there thinking it's some asshole tormenting the dog and when I get to the fence I see that it's my neighbor in her nightgown and then I look at the dog and there's a raccoon just attached to his face and he's got it's throat in its mouth trying to tear it out and what I saw was her trying to knock it off with a broom.

They lasted like that for an hour and any attempt at getting the raccoon off of him just made the situation worse. It would keep pretending to be dead and then whenever the dog let up and start to let go it'd attack the dog again and it'd all start up all over again.

Damn thing finally died and the dog thankfully was more or less okay with a bit of a fucked up face that healed quickly.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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What a waste of a bullet. Just pelt it with rocks like a normal person.

you'd be surprised how hard that is to do

Probably as hard as rape.

I only hope someday this happens to you.

You and I both my friend.

Hey, you're that Nancy from r/squaredcircle. Do I have a new stalker?

Match made in heaven tbh

Wuld raping it do death count as ethical killing?

I'll go ahead and out myself as a moron but there's no way that was the same raccoon. I'm not even sure if that second pic is a raccoon.

Growing up in an area with lots of raccoons... theyโ€™re vermin and Iโ€™ll never understand why reddit loves them so much. They are large aggressive rats that carry disease and will attack/kill your pets.

As someone who lives somewhere civilised (i.e. we do not have raccoons) they're cute and seem like smart little shits. They're like foxes. I'm sure they're huge pains to actually have, but obviously I don't experience any of that so I don't care.

There are racoons in major cities. They definitely live in chicago.

People dont realize how not cute they are until you are greated on your porch by 50lb rat with human hands and ROUS teeth hiss-growling at you while it strews garbage all over the place.

50lb rat with human hands and ROUS teeth hiss-growling at you while it strews garbage all over the place.

Truly they are the chads of the animal kingdom

And never assume I am American again, or I will come for your buttocks.

Where doesnt have racoons? Are you non-burger?

As I said, I am from somewhere civilised.

yet you havent discovered the letter 'z'

You're sure making me discover them.



Based pajeet shoots a rodent while mayo hippies whine about it, make him a mod

Rocky racoon owned, EPIC STYLE.